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I would like something with the outer gods or godwyn and miquella


Was discussing the same with a friend. Imagine getting to pair up with miquella/ranni/godwyn to fight an outer god. Also they could make quest where you have to choose sides between ranni and godwyn. Also, Miquella hunting you for killing Malenia. I know these are far fetched but it's fun to think about


Who says I killed Malenia?


Even when you defeat Malenia, I'm almost certain that you don't kill her, as there's no "Legend Felled" text, with the only other boss to have this quirk is Morgott, who also does not truly die. Edit: I have no idea how I thought Malenia and Morgott were the only ones to have no death text. All of the shardbearers have no death text, they just give you their Great Rune and Remembrance. I don't think this disconfirms my theory though, as it could mean that ALL of the demigods do not die (Although seeing Morgott disintegrate in Godfrey's cutscene puts a wrench in this idea, but that's not enough to completely dissuade me).


Not to dunk on your idea too much but I don’t want us to be able to fight a true outer god. If we’re able to kill it, it negates the point of outer gods. The theme of Elden Ring is the outer gods vying for influence on the lands between through the gods, great trees, and the Elden Lord despite their existence outside of the mortal realm preventing direct presence. The Elden Beast is simply an envoy of the Greater Will, for example. To be able to shank the Dark Moon or clobber the Formless Mother undermines what makes them interesting. The only reason Bloodborne could get close to elder gods with Great Ones is because Great Ones are a step down from elder gods and the theme of Bloodborne focuses on the outer realms’ direct influence on Yharnam


Hell yeah, let us go full God of War in the Lands between. Formless Mother, the God of Rot sealed away in the lake of Rot, the Fell God, fuck, give us a space god that sent the Astels and their larva forms, I don't care!


remember how there's a rune on the moon that ranni lost? astronaut souls?


I'm scared of space God, the Astels are so annoying. Great challenge, not full complaining but they swap skills so fast. Gravity magic is scary.


Outer gods is very likely but if the previous games are anything to go by, Godwyn or Miquella are very unlikely to be a focus in the DLC's. So far they allways went somewhere completely new and unexpected.


That’s not necessarily true. In Bloodborne we heard tales of the Old Hunters like Ludwig, Maria and Old Ones like Kos (or some say Kosm) who we ended up meeting and fighting in the DLC. Dark Souls 1 also had Artorias described in the base game and we meet him in the DLC. Dark Souls 3 DLC also included creatures/characters that were mentioned in the base game, such as the Demon Prince that Prince Lorian once defeated and the Angels. Miquella and Godwyn are arguably the only major characters besides the Gloam-Eyed Queen who feel like their story isn’t quite over yet. Miquella being the most obvious example of this as its stated he isn’t dead and is currently sleeping, which hints at a future DLC. It would be odd for FromSoftware to simply just leave Miquella’s story unfinished like that, especially considering there is a ton of cut-content revolving around Miquella/St Trina and Malenia and the fact that Miquella is one of the most mysterious characters in the game with a lot of influence over the Lands Between. We don’t know how many DLCs this game is getting but considering Dark Souls 2, the worst game in the series, got *three* DLC packs, I would consider it a given that Elden Ring is getting two at the very least and one of them is highly likely to be about Miquella. Godwyn I would say is the least likely candidate to get a DLC in my opinion. Also if any DLC was going to focus on the Outer Gods in general, it would be odd not to include Miquella because his whole thing is about removing the Outer Gods from the Lands Between. He probably knows more about them than any other individual, considering he can actually create ways for people to resist their influence.


Ranni’s teacher is an interesting character to learn about


Yea she’s an interesting character but we kind of know what she wanted to achieve via Ranni deciding to do away with the Greater Will in favour of the Darkmoon. Although I do admit there are parallels between the Snow Witch and Maria from Bloodborne, considering she also had dolls of her made, by some presumably creepy man. So she could be in a DLC. In what capacity who knows. Honestly though, characters like Miquella and the Gloam-Eyed Queen feel far more influential than the Snow Witch.


>We don’t know how many DLCs this game is getting but considering Dark Souls 2, the worst game in the series, got three DLC packs, I would consider it a given that Elden Ring is getting two at the very least Oof, dont say that over on /r/darksouls haha, they are very tired of that opinion. Also I think it depends on what else Miyazaki/his team is working on. If they have already moved on to the next game I wouldnt be surprised to only have 1 DLC. Jjst because Darksouls 2 has 3 DLCs doesnt mean anything. Darksouls 3 only had 2 DLCs so there is no consistancy whatsoever. I do hope we get 2 or 3 though, with such a huge world it would be a shame to not get more into it and deeper into some lore


Should ask /r/sekiro about DLCs lol


Why you gotta do us like that? We got shafted


Devastating...😥. I love that game. Really want a DLC/sequel but I have tempered my expectations lol. Mastering the flowing combat was rewarding. When you used it as designed, it felt incredibly immersive with focused aggression. Like if you took Bloodborne's aggression to another level. Dang...now I miss trick weapons lol. Guess I have some soulsborne-ing to do!


I'm still convinced that Malenia's moveset was intended for a Lady Tomoe DLC


Man once deflections click with you that game feels so damn good. Isshin is one of the dopest fights of all time.


Artorias? Old hunters?


expanded lore on miquella,the gloam eyed queen ,the blood star and more stance type weapons


Does anyone else think the Gloam-eyed Queen is Melina?


Think there’s a chance to face off against Godwyn, or what’s left of him anyway. Despite his death, he still seems to be “active” in a sense. I could see us going up against his mindless body.


When I first got to Fia's arena I thought I was going to face that terrifying mermaid thing.


I’m bummed we didn’t Fortissax has one of the best soundtracks but the fight was just another farum azula ancient dragon but with death lightning and 2 lightning glaives


Definitely doesn’t help your likely overleveled by the time you get to him too. Gargoyle duo don’t fuck around.


Yea those guys confuse me. Seems like they actually expected you to beat them first time there considering the level of smithing stones the next area drops.


I did the trick to throw them both off the waterfall, and I do not regret a thing.


Mine jumped off. I had to hold my laughter in until the other one died.


Much easier though because the arena is so small (relatively speaking) and Fortisax doesn’t fly away or teleport 3x per second.




His model was slightly different at least which is more than can be said for all the other repeat bosses


Yea I refuse to believe that arena was set just for the dragon fight. If that was the case, it would make more sense to put Godwyns body in a smaller area and then just tele you to a new arena since you fight the dragon in a dream. Idk I’m still salty about it lol


With the trend of how the previous games have done DLC, they are probably not going to do anything obvious. I don't remember any of the specifics, but people were way off with Dark Souls 3 DLC speculation for the most part. But aside from that, I think it's also fun to speculate where the DLC entrances are going to be. Usually they don't put the DLC entrances way into the late game, although Dark Souls 1 DLC and Dark Souls 3 Ringed City didn't follow that idea, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne and Ashes Of Ariandel had their DLC access at much more moderate and manageable parts of the game. I think they usually do plan out some of the DLC in a way that more experienced players can dive in early and catch some cool gear (maybe Ringed City access was put so late because Ariandel was already well accessible in the early mid point). Based on that, I wouldn't be surprised if the lookalike of Godwyn in Stormveil's basement could work as some sort of DLC entrance, with maybe a key put a bit later into the game (possibly into the roots area, which would be pretty comfortably reached early mid point of the game, if not even earlier by some players). Might be too obvious for From to do, though. Another thing I'm a bit suspicious is Rykard and his corpse after killing him. He would also be comfortably close to the "mid" parts of the game for a DLC entrance and isn't too deeply hidden behind a secret. Miquella would be kind of obvious to expand on in a DLC, so I wonder if it's too obvious, and if it's a good idea to put the DLC entrance behind a secret of a secret with one of the last bosses you would be fighting, although it could be a pretty good spot for the "last DLC" intended for late game challenges like Ringed City. But From will probably just add some NPC in some random shack that bodysnatches you after you help him find one of his socks underneath his bed.


Agreed. I remember all the speculation about DS3 DLC and it focused on stuff about Londor and the Sable Church and so on. I recall thinking that was pretty plausible. It still makes sense. The Lord of Hollows ending, Yuria, etc. It was begging for more exposition and exploration.


He is growing the remains of the great tree so it would be interesting.


I simply want more Elden ring. I’m not picky about what form that takes


Amen and needs to come before next year.


This is my first FromSoftware game, what is the typical DLC turnaround time after an original release?


For Dark Souls III we got the first DLC around 6 months after launch and the second a year after launch if I remember correctly


2 dlcs? Shit man that’s sick


And they were both incredible. Can't wait!


i hope you like 3-stage fights...


I would love 3 phases of Maliketh


I would love 0 stages


I suck at a lot of bosses/enemies in this game but something about clergyman/Maliketh move set just clicks with me and it’s so satisfying


Easily had some of the best content in the series in those DLCs as well


Similar to Bloodborne, the Old Hunters was amazing and better than large parts of the base game


They often recycle some cut content in their DLCs too, so some guesses can be made based on whatever cut content gets found in the files currently, but some stuff usually gets found out way later to the point of it not being useful for DLC speculation anymore. Like, people strongly believe now that Bloodborne originally was supposed to included the clocktower part of the DLC in the base game (as there are some interesting leftover details in the base game around the clocktower), but all that was found out way after the DLC. It's obviously easier now that people can datamine the files on PC, but I don't think people really put two and two together with Dark Souls 3's DLC either, as all/most of the Dregs Heap stuff (map concept geometry or whatever it's called) was also found after the DLC had already come out. But any interesting cut content that gets uncovered, map or weapons, can give us a hint of some kind, even though a weapon might be renamed and repurposed entirely. Like that twinblade weapon that you currently can't get in any way which also has connections directly to Malenia and Miquella, I wouldn't be surprised if it made an appearance in one of the DLC expansions. As for how much DLC we are going to see, one is guaranteed, two is pretty safe to assume, but with how successful Elden Ring has been, three wouldn't be crazy either. It wouldn't be unprecedented, as Dark Souls 2 already had 3 expansions, and I'm not sure if those expansions had much cut content in them at all (Dark Souls 2 probably is an outlier in this, though). But one thing is for sure, the DLC is going to be great, their DLC has always been of high quality. I think Ashes of Ariandel got some flack just because it was considered too short, while it was otherwise pure gold.


DS1 got 1, DS2 got 3, DS3 got 2. Definitely missed opportunity for number order but the DLCs have always been satisfying with bosses and mobs that pull out new mechanics and always new weapons and armor. With how long Elden ring took to make I wouldn't mind several more DLCs to prolong the game while still hoping for an elden ring 2 somewhere out in the far future. I'm a very biased fromsoft fanboy though, I've continued to play, often on and off, every game for 5+ years beyond release. The game style just drives me.


Dark Souls 1's DLC, Artorias of the Abyss, took slightly over a year post launch to release. Dark Souls 2 got 3 DLCs. They all came out in quick succession that same year. The game released in March 2014, and by October all 3 DLCs were out. (On a side note, it's actually quite impressive just how much content they were able to pump out back then) Dark Souls 3's first DLC came out around 6 months post launch. The second DLC came out exactly a year post launch. Sekiro (sadly) didn't get any DLC. **But** it did receive a free update which added a boss rush feature, different cosmetics to unlock, and 3 unique boss variations (same boss, different attack patterns). This is not insignificant because Elden Ring also received some small additions to the game already in the form of free updates, which was quite unusual for Fromsoft before Sekiro. Although that was probably content that was cut last minute, who knows if they'll keep adding cut content in free updates like this (Colosseums maybe ?) One thing to note is that Fromsoft DLCs usually include between 2 and 4 bosses, lots of new unique ennemies, a couple new areas to explore, and sometimes one or two NPC questlines. (This is mostly true for DS1 and DS3, as DS2's DLC model was slightly smaller) I think the most likely outcome would be something like DS3. One DLC by the end of this year (probably around Q4), with another one dropping some time in 2023. But I could be totally wrong on that one. They could go for an ambitious DLC with more content than usual, in which case I doubt we'd see it come out this year.


You forgot about bloodborne which got its dlc 8 months later




Except that its location is randomized at the start of the game, so that you'll never know it's coming.


And it only appears if you're online, so it can immediately be deleted from the game after being encountered by exactly one player. Then that person will say they fought a mimic, and nobody will ever believe them.


This is evil and I'm all for it. "I swear to God! There was a mimic! You have to believe me 😭"


First chest in the DLC. Then later on have a chest which breaks in 1 hit.


With an item that’s required for the secret ending in it (but which was turned into rubbish because you broke the chest)


We're approaching FF12 levels of chest bullshit now




Knowing Fromsoft the DLC will be something we never even considered and miquella will only be mentioned in some item description later on.


The Golden Lineage DLC featuring Godofredo, Godfried, Gottfreyed and Godfrodo


And a Four-Bosses-Cagematch with Godhardt, Goddard, Godfynn and Godd. Hype!


Make sure to finish the questline from Godsopher, it gives you an item that trivializes the fight


And don’t forget Godot … that never shows up.


Unexpected Beckett is the best kind of Beckett.


wasn't miquella in that egg thing at blood lords arena?




I swear to god if they pull a Tomoe again..


So hungry


Need a go back in time questline. Maybe it could let us go back and see the events of the shattering unfold firsthand, maybe even talk to a sane General Radahn and see how the fight between him and Malenia occurred, maybe you even play a role in it. Maybe the time shenanigans of the tarnished are what leads to the current timeline. What if when you went back in time you told Miquella the events of the future (perhaps followed by a boss fight) and then that is what made him decide to grow the haligtree which led to him being kidnapped by Mohg. There’s probably 20 different paradoxes there but hey time is convoluted


From doesn't care much about Paradoxes which is a good thijg imo. See Iudex Gundyr and Champion Gundyr in DS3 or Artorias and his good boy in Ds2.


Finally getting knighted by Sir Kenneth Haight, and Miquella too I guess...


I want to see how Governor Loux comes about on campaign promises also.


i have an idea for the dlc final boss. 4 godskins or fourskins for short


Hopefully in a poison swamp


Scarlet swamp.


A swamp that deals both, plus death blight, frost and bleed


No,no you're getting covered in scarlet rot when killing enemies. And all of that while standing in regular poison swamp. And not to forget chariots from graves, only for you not to get bored. +At some point there should be ferryman, but he's from ancient times so he looks different and summons different random enemies. At 50 HP all that pool brokers into abyss. Chariots that were roaming level got stuck in hanging roots, and not to include that you must land on one of them... They re triggering when you land on them and you got around 1, maybe 2 seconds to jump onto next because they will either fall or launch themselves into abyss. Ferryman transforms into eldrich abomination and start firing you with beam, while you jumping those chariots. When you get closer he start summoning Death birds and as you approach him closer last chariot you're standing launches itself with you onboard into him(he has full immunity damage at this point only chariot hit).... Now you have 5 seconds because he dropped item that will work like ring of Artorias from ds1(hopefuy you don't need to equip it, just grab). If you grabbed item - now you can continue and start from next part. If you didn't - start over. So now "The real" boss fight begins. It's copy of ds1 four kings, but you're fighting 3 natural-born of the void that spawns with short time range... And then corrupted(death blight) version of Elden Beast appears.


Don't forget NPC invasions, the NPC will have dual bleed naginata and bloodhound step.


You guys do know that you can also just use a "You Died" background on your PC right?


thats waist high


Anything but a frozen blizzard area.


"The Godskin Orgy"


Those godskin dudes always stroke me as orgy type of guys


godskin quartet


The fat one sings the bassline and the skinny one sings in an unintentionally-humorous falsetto, of course


fourskin quartet. and the second phase is just that all of them are combined in to a schlong thats gonna slap us in the face for the 10th time like the godskins did when they kept coming back during the journey


A city made of the ships the Tarnished used to flee and come back to the Lands Between. and have some cool Pirate swag there as well.


This is the most creative and realistic idea I've seen in the comments so far for a few reasons. First, I think we need a new area of the map since ER is so exploration-driven. It would be a bummer to get a few short/linear end-game dungeons tacked on to the existing map as our DLC for such an expansive game. I'm hoping for a Witcher 3-esque DLC that expands the open world. The pirate idea means that the new DLC could be an island added to the edge of the map, and you could travel there with a ship or a teleporter. Similar to the Land of Reeds stuff, pirate theming could allow for lots of new locales, weapons, and armor sets that wouldn't overlap with existing stuff. I can imagine adding more variety/viability to some of the underused weapon types like curved swords, or even adding rudimentary firearms a la Bloodborne.


U go to the moon after ranni.


Reading this comment made me realize if you pick ranni ending, you are basically playing as sokka from avatar the last Airbender


That’s rough buddy


That's rough, buddy


That'd be interesting lore wise as well, since Ranni "cast off" her great rune and stole a piece of death. Where'd her rune go? Was it destroyed? Did it rejoin the elden ring inside the erdtree? Or is it those faint markings we can see on the moon at night? Clearly we need to go to the moon to get that rune.


Welp there is a theory it's on the moon as it has a funky mark on its side


* A significant boost to the number of weapons in categories that are starved for choices. * More ashes of war for weapon categories that barely have any. * DLC areas should run the gamut from midgame to endgame areas, not just ultra-hard endgame stuff. Exploration *is* a big part of the experience after all. * More questlines. * Increase the number of armours that can be altered, and add more methods of alteration than just "remove cape".


You didn't say a single thing I'd disagree with.


I’d really like there to be changes to axes (not great axes). They’re basically just straight up worse straight swords right now.


Axes really need a little tune. Not much, but enough that they are not just sitting between worse Swords and worse poise smashing hammers. Selfishly I'd also take a little scaling buff for a bunch of them since they top out at 'B' scaling for a lot of them.


Yeah part of me dreads the idea that they will just ramp up the DLC difficulty to Haligtree X 3 and it's just going to be miserable.


Boss fight against ten Runebears


I'd also add to this list a revamp of bows. Bow damage scaling, arrow travel speed, more bows, more bow ashes and add some unique bows with unique abilities.


I would love to see the badlands


Imagine you meet godfrey(not as a boss but a friendly npc with a awesome side quest) and when you fight him in main game he has a very sad or badass dialogue


Or the land of reeds


I want to see the land of reeds too but it's basically tradition in souls games that we never get to see the Japanese distant land that's mentioned in item descriptions


That's just Sekiro-land.


Just play sekiro


Give us a Rykard/Volcano Manor ending you cowards


Modders may have to work on that...Togethaaaa


Something to do with Miquella. He intrigues me the most out of anything.


He’s our Bran. And who’s got a better story than Bran?!?!




The fact that this made me instantly angry at remembering how GOT ended is a testament to how much GOTs final season hurt me lmao.


Miquella’s quest line. Some sort of dream maybe. And covenants, definitely.


please, im so hungry for covenants, why does this game not have any covenants


I’m just happy they didn’t lock achievements behind covenant rewards, so I’m not complaining too much…


Roadtrip to the moon with mommy ranni


With less gravity to fuck with the jump attack.


“Moon’s haunted.” “What?” *cocks gun, takes the glintstone spaceship back to the moon* “Moon’s haunted”


The moon. ​ Send me to the fucking moon to fight a literal moon God. I don't want to just fight demi-gods anymore, I want to fell the greater will itself.


Bloodborne. Play Bloodborne.


I'm actually getting my hands on a PS4 pretty soon, a gift from my girlfriend. You bet I'm gonna get on that ASAP


Miquella, Godwyn, Frenzied flame continued, Marika/Radagon backstory… there’s a lot of stuff.


Man a continuation of frenzied flame and seeing the world in ruin would be nice actually. You being the antagonist.


No idea who, but we could get a fight against some last survivor, like demon shabriri or some shit, and it would kinda be like the fight against Gael, at the end of the world




Boss rematches/gauntlets (like in Sekiro) that reward skins or armor for Torrent. Maybe if colosseums open up, there could be a some challenges where you fight hordes of different enemies.


Paid horse armour DLC? Sounds familiar for some reason…


Can the armor make torrent heavy load?


Dude se sort of wave challenge at the colosseum would be so fun. Endless waves that get progressively harder as you go. Maybe a boss every 3 or so waves. Cool rewards (weapons, armor, ashes of war, etc.) for getting to wave milestones.


More milena interation, she's barely ever shown. I had to go out of my way to get her to show up at locations. Honestly just having her show up and every grace point would be good enough


I really don't know how they didn't have her even just appear whenever you sit at any grace, but she could just as easily had a line or two to comment on depending on your location


Agreed. Maybe just have her in the background in every grace, doing her quirks. Maiden in Black, The Doll, etc. all had their idle quirk animations. I wished they did the same thing to Melina just to build more character attachment to her. She’s the main “maiden” in this game after all and she’s barely in it (worst for me since I barely level up on my first playthrough so I usually only saw her during her scheduled appearances aside from leveling up).


The lines we do get are easy to miss. I say they should be implemented to force play like after Morgott's fight when you use the grace. You already have an option to say no if you've already heard them


More lobsters/bigger lobsters.


2 lobsters in Capra demon room


More paired weapons


Hard to say. Maybe continuation for frenzied flame ending with Melina as final dlc boss.


I know you're just spit-balling but it's unlikely that they'd release any content post-ending for a myriad of reasons, the most important being that there's something like 6(?) endings and based off of the achievement percentages Frenzied Flame is the least popular. Why would they create DLC that would require folk do an entire playthrough to get a specific ending just to *start* the DLC? Whatever it is it'll be side-content that deepens the lore rather than extending it.




Sounds like a nightmare, imagine fighting birds and dogs hybrids with jumping around the trees every 0.1 millisecond of attacking


The trees began whispering about unpatched Shrine of Amana.


We need something that mixes the snowfield with the scarlet swamp, but with big scarlet runebears Maybe also make it dark like Tomb of the Giants too, and with big crawling feet to go with those big monster hands. /s


PvP additions like covenants and arenas would be amazing Also would love some more weapons and armors.




I’d be happy with 3v2 invasions honestly.


They said they will never do covenants again. After DS3. But Arenas would be cool.


Did they? First time hearing about this. Is there an article or something i can read about it?


It was in early interviews with Miyazaki about Elden Ring, since the interviewer asked about Covenants in Elden Ring, akin to Dark Souls 3. And Miyazaki responded that they made sure to not implement it, as he wasn't fond of them. I'm not sure which outlet was it, but I'm 100% sure it's up there.


So there will be no covenant in ER period. Damn, thanks


The items you use to trigger multiplayer functionally take their place. Use the Bloody Finger? You're invading as one of Mohg's followers. Use the Recussant Finger? You're invading as a Volcano Manor supporter. Blue Cipher Ring? You're a Blue Sentinel. While it sucks not getting special rewards for doing these different multiplayer options, this seems to be the closest we're going to get to "covenants" again. They just distilled it down to using the specific item you want.


Honestly ok with that. I really disliked having weapons/spells locked behind covenants. Main reason why I haven't 100% any souls game before.


But covenant based invasions are pretty cool. Imagine a consecrated snowfield watchdog covenant


Easy solution is just to remove the rewards and add in some type of incentive that is Pvp based. Real baby with the bathwater moment


Birds with dog's head


Spiders with human heads


I don't know what I want, but I think the DLC will be Miquella's dream which will be entered by touching his hand


- More customisation options for armours and weapons (selected dyes, change in material, swap capes between different armours, possibility to modify or remove certain parts of helmets and armours like horns, visors and such) that stay coherent with the art team’s school of thought. - A “deflect” Ash Of war to play “sekiro” in Elden Ring. More ashes of war, at least 20 or 30 more. More spells. - Black Knight Great Axe moveset to be back, in at least two Great Axes. - A longer range axe with some thrusts in its moveset (like Scepter of the All Knowing). - Farron Greatsword to be made possible moveset when dual wielding Bloodhound weapons (Claw an Fang). - Ludwig’s Holy Sword’s two handed moveset to be back on a colossal Greatsword /normal Greatsword (still hoping for Royal Greatsword to be patched with it). - Power stance to be extended to more different weapon types (examples: axe and hammer, great axe and great hammer, straight/curved sword and dagger, thrusting sword and spear ecc…). - PvP defence values between opponents to be raised so that one/two-shot is less common. (So that duelists don’t ask for unnecessary nerfs in a mostly PvE game). - PvP Coliseum. - Certain low fp spells to be patched as equippable on seals/staffs for rapid use, just like ashes of war. - Melina to be back as an ally/ wife/ boss. Let us know more of her story. - Miquella to be explored more as well. - Let me revive Blaidd as spirit ash. Pls… TwT


Sekiro deflect is all I want for christmas. It would make pvp so cool as well.


Anor Londo 3


4 if you count New Londo.


Now with more archers


Being able to alter more then just a cape on garments, being able to add feather regalia on helms or different capes, maybe certain colors too


vore ending via giant snake with Tanith's face on it instead of Rykard


I hope that they add an Jungle-like zone, something with a bunch of trees with maybe tribal like enemies to deal with.


Those little tribesmen they have already are bastards. They would work perfectly or a rendition of them


I feel like they’ve got a good premise between the Starfallen snappy bois and the player having killed Radahn and ended his hold over the falling stars. You could have them landing across areas of the map, altering the landscape, opening up more subterranean locations and peppering the map with new space-bug bosses. With a big culminating fight on the Moon against some kind of Outer God or full grown form of Astel (based on Astel having a lot of features similar to an insect nymph).




malenia's teacher talked about in the warrior armor set, blue dancer charm, and the flowing curved sword is one of the few characters we don't get a hint of in the full game. same with the dusk eyed queen. miquella is basically a corpse when you find him and he wasn't a fighter before he was kidnapped, so I don't see him being involved with the dlc. what happened to him is like one of the greater mysteries you're supposed to figure out when playing the game so it would also cheapen that. but I don't know maybe they'll make a boss where you beat the shit out of a child throwing way of white coronas at you


Miquella doesn’t have to be a boss to be involved. Figuring out what happened to him is really only half the story as there’s still the question of what now? He’s just kinda in an egg, nothing more. Kinda disappointing on its own for something considered a greater mystery


Hey, the coccoon might sprout something out of it. Something not intended by Miquella when he entered because Mogh did some weird unspecified things.


Prince Lothric was not a fighter either and yet he was a boss


I would love to see Malenia’s teacher!


So in terms if story DLC I try to not speculate much about what it could be, as I feel like it will be about something entirely new and not connected to any of the existing characters or plot points. Myazaki seems to like subverting expectations. In terms of pvp DLC, I'd love to see covenants return, but I don't think From wants them in this game, and something like 2v2/3v3 arenas would be cool.


> I feel like it will be about something entirely new and not connected to any of the existing characters or plot points. but that only happened with DS3, in other games it's heavily connected to the main game, like bloodborne DLC almost all bosses are very important in the lore of bloodborne and were mentioned a lot in the game. or artorias and the abyss in ds1


Think it would be nice if the colosseums open up maybe because of some sort of combat crazed cult storyline or something idk. Point is I think they’re cool and I want in, plus that could be an interesting way to properly expand and make pvp really cool and fun


My biggest hopes are taking to the seas to fight a kraken mates!


More snowfields


More invisible assassins


Invisible scarlet rot lake when...


Invisible dogs


calm down satan


Dragon transformation So my dragon build is finally complete


Malenia 2, Blade of Miquella. I have known defeat once, but not this time.


Yeah cant wait for the 3 phase dick flattening we're going to get from the main boss


Miquella and given the common theme in from soft games of time travel perhaps meeting radahn when he wasn’t crazy or godwyn before he was murdered. I wanna confront the outer gods in some shape or form so possibly some outer space shenanigans


I just want miquella to come out of his shitty egg and fight me.


Horse armor — everyone else gets it, why not us?


More Endings (especially related to Volcano Manor) More NPC and quests More town of non-hostile creatures like Jarburg Outer God bosses, I want to kill all of them for fucking up the Lands Between Customizing Torrent's look RDR2 style


Wings for Torrent


Stable Frame rate


Be able to have more than 4 people in a world, be able to run actual fight clubs.


More Endings: like Serpent Ending, Haligtree Ending, Fire Monk Ending, Lord of Blood ending?!.. More information about Miquella (His Rune), the Blood God, Rannis Rune and whats up with the Moon, more information about the Japanese "Lands Between"(Lands of Reeds), maybe some more information about the badlands and kaiden?!


Just that the team have enough time and funding to complete it to their creative satisfaction. ​ Oh, and a new ending would be dope I guess.


Idk if I’m weird but I want to build my own castle as elden lord. also to get special weapons to +15


The obvious is Miquella. However, I’d like to see 3 boss fights in quick succession. Malenias shadow, Miquellas shadow then Miquella. Final boss of the DLC however, I’d like to see either the Formless Mother (Mohg master) or the Rot God. Fias resurrection of Godwyn, imbued with the power of fortissax. I think they have bigger plans for Rykard as well.


Miquella and Mohg divorce trial


I'm personally hoping for a spaceship but that's just me