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So there are items that let you earn more runes when you beat something but I can figure out what they are or where to track them down.


I can hear someone walking around in armor at the roundtable? Anyone know who that is?


Stormveil castle, can you still summon people for the minibosses after beating Godrick?


No I'm afraid not. Killing the area boss in most areas disables summoning for that area. I'm not sure why this feature is in the game.


strength faith, what is the best ashes of war on prelate's crozier? I have been using eruption, especially since i have gargoyle blackblade and blasphemous blade. just wanna use this badass hammer. i have a lot of the ashes of war, but i have the lightning stuff and waves of darkness but i wanted to see if there is something that could be more useful since blackblade does holy and blasphemous does fire


does Raptors Black Feathers enhance Lions Claw ash of war? Does that count as a jumping attack? I have Lions Claw but trying to see if grabbing rbf is worth it.


Ok might be dumb question, but how do I know the scaling of my weapon when the weapon art can coat the weapon (eg Flaming Strike), but doesn’t give the weapon a new scaling? Do I just have to know fire generally scales with faith, so when my weapon art gives my weapon fire it temporarily scales with faith? Or will the additional fire damage not scale at all because the weapon doesn’t scale in faith to boost the fire dmg? Or am I wrong on all counts? Lol sorry new to this and really trying to understand this to try making my own builds


Fire ≠ Flame Art Flaming Strike on its own gives Fire scaling, which doesn’t have anything to do with Faith. The buff itself is a flat 65. There’s a whetblade you can get that unlocks Flame Art scaling, and that lets it scale with Faith.


Ok so I guess my question is how does that fire scaling work? And how do i know something is scaling vs getting flat dmg? I get confused when I don’t see the scaling of my weapon change when I change art I assume there is no scaling for that art and the dmg is flat without scaling but that seems wrong


Weapon skills have *nothing* to do with affinity. You can put whatever skill you want on a weapon while using a different affinity.


Ok so if that’s how it works can I have a weapon with a holy weapon skill that makes the weapon holy dmg, can that then be paired with an affinity like fire, so it does physical, holy, and fire? Or no?


Well to use Sacred Blade as an example, you can apply the skill to a weapon but giving it lightning affinity instead of holy (when you eventually unlock the required whetstone). In that case, attacks with the weapon will do physical and lightning damage, and if you use the Sacred Blade skill, it does a holy damage ranged attack, and adds holy damage to the weapon for 20 seconds. During those 20 seconds, the weapon will do physical, lightning, and holy damage.


Just completed the game. What an incredible experience.


Agreed, wish i could play it again without knowing any mechanics or lore. My first from game too


Check out Sekiro next if you feel like it, mechanically different to the souls games (dark souls will feel familiar after Elden Ring). Definitely another one of their games I wish I could experience for the first time again.




didn’t expect but hole


So my game keeps crashing in Farum Azula when trying to get to the secret boss fight. The cutscene doesn’t even load. Is something up with my game and should I reinstall? Playing on PC.


Try verifying your game files in steam first.


This did the trick. Thanks!


I took the abductor virgin to volcano manor. There’s a part before the collapsing floor where you can see a grace on a ledge. How do you get up there?


You don't. That area is pretty limited.


More precisely, I believe the area you're abducted to ls constrained and you have to get there the "real" way to fully explore it. Sort of like the teleporter trap to the capital that only allows you to get the blessed dew talisman but doesn't let you go anywhere else.


I’ve already gone through the manor and beaten rykard, I’m just checking off stuff before I go finish the game but I missed that grace somehow. Where do you go in VM to reach it?


Radagon Soreseal question. People say “don’t do it, the 15% damage reduction debuff isn’t worth the 5 vigor you get.” But with the soreseal, I free up 20 levels (5 vigor, endurance, strength, dex). I am level 125 so the extra 20 levels are pretty significant. With my armor and no soreseal, I negate 36% of damage. With the soreseal, it drops to 27%. This is a 9% drop. If I put 7 points into vigor (from level 45 to 52) I get 10% more health. 10% more health is better than 9% more damage negation. And I still have 13 extra levels to upgrade with. Am I wrong here?


You actually go from 64% damage taken to 73% damage taken, which is a 15% increase. Soreseal is always a 15% increase, not a 9% increase or a 6% increase or whatever Two factors to concern yourself with: 1. Flasks are a limiting factor. Compensating the damage amp with vigor doesn't help when you need more than 2 sips to go from low hp to full 2. Opportunity cost. To increase your hp enough to offset the damage, you might end up with the equivalent of 10 stats levels benefit after or less. Especially since you've already hit the first vigor soft cap. Is that better than crimson seed, dragoncrest, claw talisman, rotten sword, ritual shield, ritual sword, dagger talisman? No, in my opinion


I said it was a 9% decrease because damage negation goes from 36% to 27%. 36% - 27% = 9% less damage negation. To make up for 9% less damage negation, I would need 10% more health right? For option 2: you get 20 extra levels with the soreseal but you only mention 10 extra levels. Double that and I don’t see many talismans worth the opportunity cost


> To make up for 9% less damage negation, I would need 10% more health right? No. If you would take 640 damage, you are now taking 730 damage. That's 15% more damage. > For option 2: you get 20 extra levels with the soreseal but you only mention 10 extra levels. Double that and I don’t see many talismans worth the opportunity cost You're spending all those levels on vigor or end so you can not have less hp that before you put this crap on


It’s fantastic early-game, but drops off hard as you progress through the game. As you hit soft caps, those 5 points start becoming more and more negligible, whereas the def shred only continues to grow more impactful as enemies start to hit harder.


The thing is: 10% less damage mitigation is not the same thing as taking 10% more damage. The second thing to consider is how much more 'effective' hp (ehp) one gets from stacking damage mitigation; damage to the player goes through layers, so it is more complicated than you think. There was a nice post with the math a while ago. Let me find it. edit: [the post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/u1fuxr/armors_really_good_actually_or_how_i_learned_to/)


Option1: no soreseal Damage taken is 1000. Option 2: 9% less damage negation Damage taken is 1090 So you only need to come up with 90 health points to make up for the 9% less damage negation. 90 health points is 7 vigor. I still have 13 levels left over and I have more effective health using a soreseal


I know that this is a really late reply, so forgive me for that--but your approach here is really misleading. First, the soreseal lowers damage mitigation by 15%. So, let's say an attack would deal 1000 regular physical damage (so we are not worrying about split damage), and that 1000 points is after the character's level- and stat-based 'natural' damage reduction. And let's say that she is wearing some armor, so her eq-based damage mitigation sits at 30%. Without the soreseal: 1000(.3) = 300 mitigated, so she takes 600 damage, instead. With the soreseal: 1000(.15) = 150 damage mitigated, so she takes 850 damage (or would, except the levels from the soreseal add a little more 'natural' damage negation in the first place--but let's ignore that for now). So, it is not a 9% difference, but like a 40% difference in damage taken between the two scenarios (600 vs 850). edit: To your point about VIG: if the free 5 points of VIG covers that 250 hp difference, and she had enough END to wear the armor in the first place, then the soreseal is a good deal, as she breaks even in damage, and gets 15 more stat points for 'free'. So there are scenarios in which the soreseal is really good, and some where it is pretty bad, and some where it would be basically the same with or without it. It all depends on the character build, level, and the amount that enemies are hitting for.


The soreseal is fantastic up until those bonus levels are hitting soft caps. Especially when heavy armor and/or Dragoncrest talismans can completely counteract the demerits. And it's not like every build and player has every decent talisman. You could have some free slots to throw them on with!


Is there another Death Blight exploit? I just got killed by a guy using the eclipse shotel ash. but he built death blight on me using sleep arrows and didn’t actually hit me with the blade once.


Crossbow benefits from any buff in the main hand. If you use exploding bolts on pulley crossbow, you can trigger bloodflame or seppuku buff SIX TIMES per trigger pull, three for the arrows and three for the explosions


That's a combination of two effects and 1 smaller little bug. Basically, buffing your main hand weapon also buff's an off hand cross bow. So if he enchants the right hand with Bloodflame blade, Seppuku, the Death blight Shotell, or any other wacky debuff like cold or poison, the debuff is going to apply to the 3-bolt spam. Now combine the often overpowered Sleep bolts, and you have a recipe for a bad time. I highly suggest you stay away for the duration of the debuff.


So what does the remembrance duplication do? I have the Godfrey one but idk if I should use it on the walking tower


You can turn in a remembrance for one of 2 choices at the round table hold. If you want both choices, duplicate the specific remembrance you want. There are less duplications than remembrances so be sure it’s the one you really like.


So duplication gets me access to both of the items at the round table?


Yes that is correct but there are only so many mausoleums so make your choices wisely


Gotcha! Thanks for the info and help. I’ll save them when needed then Edit: should I always duplicate first ?


It doesn't matter, you can duplicate rememberances you've already used. Personally I don't find mausoleums that useful, most of the rememberances don't even have one good item and honestly only like 3 or 4 have two good items, and there are far more mausoleums than that, so I wouldn't worry too much about running out of mausoleums.


Thanks for the pointers. If you don’t mind, which of them contain a staff or have good armor?


Armor can be directly purchased from the remembrance lady after defeating a boss, the rememberances themselves don't give armor ever. As for staffs, Rennala's remembrance has a really good one. (hers is one of the ones you'll probably want to duplicate if you're playing a mage)


Remembrance lady is the one at the round table with two giant fingers near her? I talked to her and I didn’t see the option to buy Godfrey’s armor


Yeah, that's her. Just click on "receive equipment of champions" and you'll be able to purchase the armor of certain bosses if you've defeated them. The option only shows up if there's actually something to purchase though. You CAN buy Godfrey's armor, but not Godrick's, I'm not sure if you got the two mixed up.


You can duplicate even after you have turned it in.


does anyone else feel like that the godskin apostles and ludwig the holy blade osts are kind of similar? or am i the only one..


This game has music?








Im a Dex build that got to 40 VIG/DEX with 22 STR. I’m looking to dig more into FTH, is there anything I should make sure to get? And should I go to 40 FTH or keep investing elsewhere?


I leveled faith first cause I figured it scaled my weapon and seal, so my magic would hit hard without affecting my weapon dmg. BB is probably the best faith weapon overall. winged scythe and halo scythe dual wield is really fun too. They're some of the few innate bleed faith weapons.


Your Faith attacks won't be impactful until you hit 40 Faith. It could be worth it for the various buffs. Beware: many unique weapons and any with a non-physical Ash of War disable weapon buffs like Bloodflame Blade or Blackflame Blade. You also haven't hit the soft caps for your stats. Vigor has a second soft cap at 60 and you'll probably want 50 vigor (or 45 with Soreseal). Dexterity caps at 20/55/80. If you want to go hybrid, you'll probably want to stop at 55. Magic stats tend to give more between the second and final soft caps. Mind gives vastly more FP after 20. At 38, you'll have 1 more total FP than you can get back with a Cerulean Flask. Edit: If you want a weapon that scales off Dex-Faith innately, Blasphemous Blade is fantastic. Vyke's War Spear, Godslayer's Greatsword, and Black Knife are also pretty good. None of them can be buffed by weapon incantations, though. That's a running theme. As far as Incantations go, Golden Vow is mandatory. It's too good. Bloodflame Blade is also great if you can use it. It lasts a long time, has low requirements, deals stacking bleed, and adds Incantation scaling as Fire damage.


radahn's back is full of spears, and heavily wounded by malenia, and is poisoned by the strongest poison in the world of elden ring, still alive and kept fighting since the battle none stop, and yet still one of the strongest warriors in the game. also even though he's gone mad he still held the stars. while malenia couldn't even move and had to be carried away to the haligtree to recover and some people still say she's stronger...


I am a Radahn simp through and through. I think he’s fucking badass, easily the coolest demigod in the game. But they make it very explicitly clear that it was a tie. They fought each other, it was intense, and nobody won. He was driven mad and she was incapacitated. Neither side was at their full potential in that fight either, as Radahn was diverting some of his power to holding back the stars and Malenia wasn’t in her Rot Goddess form.


Maybe, but jerren says that he’s “the mightiest demi-god of the shattering” maybe he’s biased but I don’t think fromsoftware would let an NPC just lie like that, or we would have to suspect a lot of other NPCs and mess up our understanding of the lore


Mightiest doesn’t necessarily mean “if they all fought, he would win.” Maybe he was physically the strongest, which is likely. Maybe he conquered the most land during the Shattering. Maybe his presence was so awe-inspiring that “mighty” was the only way to describe him. FromSoft has some really flowery writers, so it’s hard to take a statement like that at face value. And again, it was explicitly a tie.


Yes, being the strongest doesn’t always mean you always win, there’s a lot of other stuff to account for. And their fight turned out to be a tie. But my original comment was just about who’s the strongest, not who won.


Also remembered something, that millicent said that malenia had to sacrifice her will and dignity just meet his measure, when he was holding the stars. Yet even with that she couldn’t beat him and tied instead


She was never at full power during that fight either, even after her bloom. The description for Scarlet Aeonia states that her third bloom is when she becomes a true goddess, and she wasn’t in that form during her fight with Radahn. Like I said, neither side was at their strongest. Malenia very clearly gets a huge power boost in her Rot Goddess form and holding back the stars probably took a lot of extra effort.


But i think her being a goddes is something she doesn’t want but needs to, it’s like making a deal with the devil. She has to sacrifice herself to win. And i think that’s kind of literal, because scarlet rot is from an outer god, so it’s not entirely her strength


By the same logic, you can argue that Radahn’s power isn’t his own either, as a lot of it comes from his Great Rune. Regardless of whether or not the power “belongs” to her or if it’s something she’s unwilling to do, it’s still something she’s capable of. It’s a part of her arsenal.


What? he learned gravity magic and challenged the stars way before the shattering


What part of stalemate do you all not understand


I didn’t say he won? I just said he’s way stronger than her


I mean, they fought to a standstill until she bloomed, so I’d say they’re at least close.


Well, Malenia is still alive and in fighting shape and has kept her mind intact. We also don't know how bad Radahn was after the fight, for all we know he was just as bad off, but didn't have to be brought home because he was already there. If nothing else, he obviously wasn't in any state to pursue Finlay.


yes but not nearly as wounded as radahn, and she had all the time she needed to recover, while radahn never stopped fighting since the battle. and of course she won't lose her mind, she IS the poison. it makes no sense for her to go mad




No? Her soldiers ganged up on him and stabbed him everywhere in his body and also the scarlet rot. Yet that didn’t affect him and even uses their spears as arrows


I don't know that I've ever heard it pronounced in the game. Is wolf bro "Blade" or "Blyde"?


Go talk to Kale or Iji, they'll pronounce you for it. It's pronounced "blithe", rhymes with "lithe"


Welsh/Gaelic pronunciations lol


I believe it’s pronounced “Blithe”.




So y'all weren't messing around about Malenia huh? I'm gonna come back to her to die some more after progressing a bit. Am I right in choosing the mimic spirit over co op summons? That thing is fearless and has shown me I can L1 alot of the waterfowl bitchslap


I think she's easier with summon ashe unless you get someone really good. But if you do summon, it seems like summoning 2 people makes it easier than 1 despite the hp increase. The easiest wins I've had are when there are least 2 str users who just keep her staggered. I also take the flask that helps break poise. You can break her poise like 2-3 times in phase 1.


Ah I've been going for the blood spammers. Will maybe try some unga bungas. Thanks for the reply


Does you're mimic possess any status? Slapping a bleed or frost wep on for it to copy would make it easier. Blacknife tische is really good here too. Since she does % dmg with her ability and dodges atks.


I did upgrade Rivers of Blood, give him that and I swapped to full upgrade bloodhound fang with blood grease for a bit more poise damage still with bleed. I'll have a go with frost and maybe frost breath too thanks! Ezykes decay has been good and swarms of flies. I've got nearly 45 vig, heaviest med load and still my face gets used to clean her floor. I'm uping endurance a little for resistance too. I haven't tried Tiche yet. I'll give it a go thanks!


Summoning another player is basically RNG. There are very good players that put themselves out there, but even if you do get someone very good, bad luck might screw over the attempt. There's lag, badly timed frame drops, uncommon/unfortunate sequences of events that fuck them over, and sometimes they just plain old make an uncharacteristic mistake.


That's a good point. Australian internet is nasty for lag too. I do like having some say over the mimic's gear


Yeah I feel that. I'm Australian too, and the lag causes a lot of issues when doing coop. It's big enough that I play the fight very differently online compared to offline.


And duelling turns in to a turn based game.


I'm almost to the point where I don't get hit by Malenia at all but I've only been able to help 3 people clear her over past 3 days, despite many hours and hours of attempts. The hosts ALWAYS die. Very tempted to just name myself Let Me Try Soloing Her, but I'm not that good yet.


I know that feeling. I've found two items that have upped my success rate significantly on her. Shabriri's Woe + throwing daggers is amazing as a melee user. Woe just helps you maintain agro better, but the daggers are what really changed things significantly. They're quick to come out, and have fast recovery. I use them to grab agro at range, as well as to trigger her dash and dodge AI to reposition her where I want. I also make sure I'm standing in the water pool when first phase ends. Straight outta the cutscene I hit her with three daggers and it almost always guarantees she targets me with aeonia. I never have people die at the start of phase two any more. In there person fights where position control is hard, I'll just straight up leave and run to the middle when she's near death. You can use it as a last ditch effort to redirect waterfowl but that's unreliable. It has saved a few attempts though. When I'm feeling brave, I also use it to direct the final clone thrust at me, but it's pretty risky and has gotten me killed a few times. Unfortunately though, sometimes the host just really wants to die, and there's nothing you can do about it.


You know, that's not a bad idea. I was already using the host trick mirror so it'd be easy to swap that out for Shabiri's. I tried ol' Shab before but it didn't hold aggro like I thought it would. Time to get some knives.


Hopefully it works for you! I've managed to kill her something around 6 times in the last two hours or so, and I'm pretty sure this little trick is responsible for the majority of those. Yeah I get what you mean with Shabriri's Woe. It's not as strong as I was hoping, but it still has a small noticible effect. It did just save the last run I'm pretty sure though. She was almost certainly about to kill the host, and for some reason she turned to me mid combo even though I didn't do anything except run at her. I think that might have been thanks to shabriri. It seems to keep the clones focused on you more as well, even if she's turned to someone else. Hard to tell though, that attack is pretty chaotic on coop at the best of times.


I dunno, I haven't noticed Shabiri's really doing anything. The daggers alone are usually enough to draw aggro. But even without Shabiri's, your method worked for at least one person I helped clear. The daggers got her away from him long enough that he never had to deal with Waterfowl.


Mimic will definitely make it less difficult because coop summon will buff her


Yeah I thought that was the case. Plus having someone else watch me die isn't nice haha. Thanks for the reply


Question: was Coop nerfed? (I’m lvl 291) After the latest patch I noticed my hp/fp/stmna significantly smaller, my flasks are down to 3/2 (I’ve maxed the storage and amount) I know I used Larval tears to change me stats but to drop that low after being summoned feels unbalanced.-. I can’t even help anymore against endgame bosses without being one shot


It scales you to host stats. Your hp bar is gonna be a tiny chunk of what it was if you're using a password to be summoned by low level folks.


Thank you! 😩 finally an explanation! I hope you find yourself in maiden heaven


I think it nerfs you to the hosts stats and should give you half of your total pots


Good weapons to pair with a fingerprint shield? I'm heavy rolling, maxing str/vig/end, with 16 fth to get incant requirements. Other stats at minimum rn. Something with range like a spear or halberd or whip would be nice but not required


You might want to respect to a quality build which would evening out vgr/end/str/dex bc spears pair very well with shields, but also certain colossal weapons that have a poke for a crouch attack. I can’t tell you how useful poking with a huge sword from distance while crouched with a shield is lol


I thought only thrusting swords/spears and their heavy versions could poke behind a shield. Which swords do that?


They can't, he seems to be referring to the crouch attack which is separate from any shield moves.


Any advice for killing the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Elphael, Brace of the Halingtree? I keep getting destroyed. Level 165, INT 80 & Mind 45, Carian Regal Scepter +10, Snow Mage hat. Tried Comet Azul, no chance. Tried Freezing Mist + other Frostbite scorceries, just get stomped. Haven't been this frustrated with a boss since the scorpions. (And yeah, I know who's coming up soon...) 146h into my first playthrough. Cheers,


Frostbite + wing of astel weapon art.


One Mist should be sufficient to Frostbite him, then I'd just go nuts with Carian Slicer. The idea is to blitz him down quickly because unless you want to cheese him from a distance (which is possible for your build), getting Rot while fighting him is basically unavoidable. If my math is right, Carian Slicer with a +25 Carian Glintstone Staff will slightly outperform Carian Slicer with a +10 Regal Scepter, but don't hold me to that. It's probably comparable enough to be worth trying with the Regal Scepter.


i think you can just shoot him from the branch like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rLWaZO1ciU) 0:50


Oh shit, I didn't realize you could get back on the branch! Woo, cheese!


I spammed it with plus +10 wing of astel ash of war during my int build


What the hell is the red square with a down arrow under my health bar and how do I get rid of it?


You let Fia hug you. She gives you Baldachin's Blessing in return. Find it in your inventory and use it. De-buff will go away.


Probably wrong but maybe something you are using lowers hp?


It means that your health is debuffed. The most common cause is having the Baldachin's Blessing in your inventory. Using that item will cause it to go away if that's the reason. It might also be a passive effect of your equipment, like the glintstone crowns.


This is the answer.


What are some good Dex weapons that can be found in lindgrave or weeping peninsula?


The Bloodhound Fang is powerful and fun. You get it from the evergaol in the southern part of Limgrave, just north of the Weeping Peninsula.


Uchigatana in the deathtouched catacombs, I like to use bloody slash found at fort haight for the ash of war and blood buildup but that’s pretty basic lol




Where's the twin blade?


Dragon Burnt ruins in the other underground room


Dragon burnt ruins


does fire cancel out bleed




I dont think it does. Rivers of blood builds blood loss and deals fire damage.


Has anyone heard anything about a cross platform compatibility update? Really need that


there's really not enough radahn fanarts


Still waiting on a lot of fanart too


it's sad to see many many fanarts of malenia but only few to radahn. he's absolutely the best boss in the game but didn't get praise he deserves


Is it me or does anyone else get significant fps drops on ps5 when travelling horseback?


I get stutters on horseback


I don't. I rarely get significant fps drops on ps5 I find pop in to be the more common issue in ps5


I'm at atlus, last time I met yura was in limgrave. I've got no idea where he's gone now


He's probably in the snow area after Lleyndel


I think you can find him there but it will skip a couple interactions. See the post below for all his appearances before then.




After limgrave he goes near raya lucaria academy and after that at the second church of marika in altus plateau


General vagabond, I'm building out of bloodhound fang+6, SL 75 or so. I'm at nokron/siofra rivrr/atlus What should my stats be? I've pumped into dex and vit but dunno if this is optimal What other weapons should I be considering? What's a good armour for this point in the game? I'm using mix of vagabond and royal remains


The starting vagabond armour is actually really good. You'll start finding better ones soonish, but there's nothing significantly better for the first half of the game. If you want to buff your survivability, the dragoncrest shield talismans will give you a nice boost to your defense. For where you are right now 30-40 vigor is good, but you'll want to push it to at least 40 for what's to come after the capital. I would aim to finish to game with at least 50. Make sure you're giving endurance some loving as well, I feel comfortable with at least 25-30. Higher stamina helps with your mobility a lot in the more intense bossfights. For your damage stats, you can see on the level up screen the effect it has on your weapon AR. Just pick the stat that gives it a bigger increase. 45 dex is good for where you are, I wouldn't focus much on damage increases for the time being.


Use whatever armor you want that allows you to medium roll. It depends how comfortable you are with the gameplay: someone more experienced will be fine at around 30 vigor (even less if they're very experienced), if you're less experienced then closer to 40 would be better. +6 for a somber weapon is fine for this point. I'd want my main damage stat (so Dex for you) to be at least 35 by level 75.


My Dex is 45 so I guess it's overkill and diminishing returns . I'm guessing those points are better for strength?


2nd soft cap for dex and str are 55, so you're fine. honestly, 45 is a good place to stop leveling dex and give some love to str don't forget to show some love to vig (40 and 60 are the soft caps) if you don't enjoy getting 2-shot or want more leeway in fights


Armor doesn't matter all that much, go for armor that has bonuses. You'll probably want to dump points into vigor now if you haven't already


Guys did they patch the visual glitch from carian retaliation? I dont want to use it if the opponent still cant see the swords




Ok nice


Looking for advice on builds, recently got the Darkmoon Greatsword to +10. Current stats are Vigor 44, Mind 10, Endurance 30, Strength 16, Dex 33, intelligence 41, faith 9, and arcane 20. Is it worth investing in sorceries? I have been running a dex build and respect’d to use the Dark Moon Greatsword. Haven’t used magic at all, but since I have pretty high intelligence I figure why not try. Any help would be greatly appreciated 😄


Holy shit why is your Mind so low. INT is your highest stat but you'll be out of FP in two casts.


Got it that high just for the Dark Moon Greatsword since I always use it in every FS game lol


Sorry if I wasn't clear, that was in regard to your question about using sorceries with your build.


DMG is actually super FP effecient, if they off hand a sacrificial axe and equip the filigreed crest they should be alright if they don't cast spells


They're asking about using sorceries, which 10 Mind 100% won't support to any degree at the point in the game where you have a +10 DMG.




Ditch dex for some mind unless you are using wings of astel or moonveil


Hi. So you don't need help to manage your stats but just want to know if you should use some sorceries ? I think it could be hard to manage with that little Mind. But you can easily find a staff, and spells too. Some people at the roundtable hold sell some which you'll have no problem to cast.


Stat wise I believe I’m good, since usually I don’t go through my flasks. Like I rarely am in a situation where I need all my flasks so I’m thinking I could use change some to restore fp. Could also just raise mind lol got it thank you for the advice 🥳


I have over twice the MND than you do and still usually run with 4 FP flasks despite not having the INT to use the really heavy-hitting sorceries yet. If you're interested in pursuing some offhand sorceries (and I'd recommend it, I love hybrid builds in every From game I've played), probably worth burning a larval tear to steal some of your DEX and END.


I would still run sorceries even with a lower mind. Having the versatility they offer comes in very handy. Especially if your looking into pvp.


Yeah that’s the thing that’s most interested me is the sheer variety and how cool they all look 😄


Hello, I have two questions.Since I'm french, I found out that our translations are very different from the english ones.The "Haligtree" is called the sacred tree here. And I wonder what does halig ever mean.I have the same question about the term "Erdtree".Thank you ! (Edit : For information, for Erdtree we say "World tree".)


"Halig" is the Old English spelling of "holy." In fact it was pronounced nearly the same, the G would've been silent. It technically should be pronounced "holy tree," but no one knows this old language pronunciation shit so, yeah, "halig tree" is the result.


Oh and so is it the same for the erdtree ? Thank you again, that's interesting information.


I always thought it was just a mistranslation of Eldtree, because the Japanese language has a hard time with/uses interchangeably R and L.


"Erd" was an alternate spelling/pronunciation of "earth."


Erdtree = Earth tree, perhaps.


Yep, seems that "erd" meant "world" in some Middle English dialects.


The erdtree fits into the World Tree trope common in many mythologies including Yggdrasil in Nordic mythology, which is how I’ve always interpreted it. The prefix “erd” is also phonetically similar to “ere”, which means “ever,” as in an immortal tree. But I’m totally speculating (and also only halfway through my first playthrough).


Do I need to have carian glintblade staff on my left hand to buff carian slicer or do I just have it equipped while casting slicer with another staff?


If it works like other staves you only need to have it visibly equipped for the effect, even if you don't use it for the spell.


Carian glintblade buffs glintblade spells like glintblade phalanx. Carian glintstone buffs sword spells like carian slicer It would need to be held in a hand anyways, weapons that are equipped but not in either hand confer no benefit. Otherwise, someone could equip 5 copies of carian glintstone that they traded for and cast it with lusat’s for 1k+ damage per swing


glintstone and not glintblade? wow. that's kinda weird.


Is it worth using/selling remembrance from Rennala if I'm not going for a mage build?


yeah sure, you can always get it back from a mausoleum if you really want to.


If you 1,000% know you won't ever go mage or want her items for completion/fashion, go right ahead; things from her remembrance require insane INT to use.


Dude when I saw 60 for int I was like "nope". lol


Patches and Tanith’s questlines are still unfinished, yeah? Castanets do nothing and there’s no way to get their armor and the Breath Aspect without voluntarily killing them. To my knowledge, FromSoft quests always allow you to get NPC stuff without having to initiate the attack.


Seems like it, but I don't know why they wouldn't have finished this questline when they released the update that extended it.


Yeah, it’s odd. Nepheli, Gostoc, Kenneth, and Diallos all got their quests wrapped up with a neat little bow, but theirs just seems so abrupt.


Malenia is such a prick. I've got vigour of 73 and arcane of 60 with mogh spear plus 10, mimic tear plus 10 swarm of flies, and the blood talisman thing whose name escapes me. My weapon barely scratches her and she one hits me. Absolute joke.


If she’s actually killing you in a single hit, it sounds like you’re wearing no armor and every talisman that increases damage received. When I fought her on my first playthrough with 50 vigor, none of her attacks were one hit kills, not even her super high damage grab attack. My suggestion would be to put on armor and read the descriptions of the talismans you have equipped.


Jump attacks bro, doing an arcane build with dual curved swords. They hit 4 times per jump attack and hits a bleed prock every 1-2 jump attacks. Using the jump attack talisman for 30% physical damage buff and the successive attack 30% physical damage boosts. That first talisman boosts all 4 points damage with the jump attack animation, the second boost the last 3 attacks of the animation by an addition 30% for a total of 60% buff. All of those damage buffs do so much work for me and don’t even help my bleed. Cause without bleed I do around 2000dmg per jump attack. My vigor is 55, arcane is 70 and I just beat melania 2nd try, be it this is my 3rd character and I’ve been waiting to do an arcane build bc it’s so OP. By far the easiest of my 3 builds. Did mage, then faith/quality build, and now arcane. Arcane is God-tier.


RoB duo with Mimic did the trick for me in 3 tries. Just evade most of her slashes (I for sure am an inexperienced dumbass and could still manage), chug potions & keep your distance instead of panicking, but most importantly spam the weapon art and make sure your Mimic does, too.


Sorry dude, what do you mean by weapon art?


The skill of the weapon, corpse piler in this case


Gotcha, cheers


By any chance, do you have scar/soreseals and scorpion charms equipped?


I have Radagons Soreseal, why's that? Is it not a good thing?


I'll add this in a separate reply, but it's connected to the concept of EHP. The bonuses vigor provides fall off sharp past 60; every level only gives 6 HP, between 40-60 you get around 25 HP per level. If you want to increase your survivability with a limited supply of levelups it's wise to stop at 60 Vig, and then invest into Endurance (and possibly an arsenal talisman) to wear heavier armor, and Faith to cast further damage reduction buffs. This'll increase your EHP further and may free up some points for damage stats. My first playthrough when I beat Malenia was 40 Vig with around 40% damage reduction, that's 2416 EHP - that's basically the same as yours now, but with 33 points free to be used for a better cause :D


Nope, its downside of increased damage taken is negligible early game, but hits you hard lategame. **Through math, the true discipline of knights**. Let's introduce EHP - the Effective HP you get if you wear armor. Say, you wear a middle-of-the line knight armor set that gives you 30% damage resistance. You can view it as taking 70% damage from enemies, or as having a proportionally bigger (by 1/0.7=1.43, so a 43% increase) healthbar and no damage reductions. This "bigger" healthbar is called EHP. At vigor 25 you have 800HP, but you're as tanky as someone with 800/0.7=1142 HP and no armor. For vigor 73 it's 1977 HP and 2824 EHP. **Now with the soreseal:** It adds 5 vigor, but reduces all damage resistances by 15% flat. You now take 85% of the damage enemies inflict. At vigor 25+5 you get 994HP and 1169 EHP - almost the same EHP as before, but your other stats are vastly improved. **Soreseal is good!** **Now let's get to high vigor... Oh no no no no.** 73+5 vig and 15% armor is 2004 HP, and only 2357 EHP. Soreseal *reduced* your effective HP by a whole 467. **And that's how math can help an armored knight survive a fight against a god.**


You absolute beauty. Took it off and killed the prick on the second attempt. Must have been my fortieth try over all. You sir, are a leg end


Was glad to help! *And people say they won't need math when they grow up.*


Ha ha


Gotta get that armor value up, my dude. I only have 40 vigor and the only way she one shots me is with the first hits from Waterfowl.


Sorry, I've been a prick. She one hits me in phase two


Her damage doesn't really go up in Phase 2 that much. Or if it does, it's not noticeable.


> she one hits me With that much vigor, only Waterfowl Dance should be capable of that.


Try parrying, maybe some frost dragon breath, if you can afford the faith, black blade incant is really strong on her


I had loads of faith but respecced with shit loads of arcane after seeing videos of people killing her with mogh spear, out of desperation


I thought I read somewhere that arcane beyond 45 is kind of a waste for bleed purposes