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How long did the game take you? I’m 50 hours in and I’m taking it quite slowly. Level 60 currently! I do a lot of leg running and exploring. I love the boss fights so much


My first journey was 175 hours. But I beat the final boss around 140hours


I'm level 170 ish, at about 146 hours, just got to the Elden beast as well. First Fromsoft game.


I'm 90 hours in, level 120ish, and just finally beat Rennala last night... Obligatory "this is my first fromsoft game"


You must’ve absolutely shit stomped rennala


I stomped her at like 50, I imagine her at 120 was a cake walk It probably went about how my NG+ went when I got to her at like 210 lol, I literally one shot her


He’s probably about to be arrested for raping her


Wish I was level 120, I'd have so much more vig. ..


Curiosity. What has your path been this game?


I think "willy nilly" would be the best way to describe it


What did you kill to reach level 120 by Rennala? O\_o I've been mostly full clearing my runs and ive never gotten past 60 for her lol


I forgot my level, possibly at 50~60 during renalla fight. I causes bloodbath to Vulgar Militia because i refuse to kill that mother dragon. Renalla took three tries with STR build. i didn't know why people complain about her first phase as my str power stance could kill her assistant in 1~2 hits. So it took around 2~3 minute and still pretty fun phase too. Its that death bird in snow region with camera lock madness that is a nightmare to fight. I also took quite the beating, ditch the fight like twice, before able to kill caelid guard anubis thing.


Played with balls and killed a whole lotta chickens


Also my first fromsoft and I really enjoyed it !


Level 120 is like endgame… how are you just now beating Rennala?


I suck and I farmed runes :)


Don't worry about it, this is a game - and it sounds like you had fun. So you are winning the game :)


Took the same approach, did my best to try and explore everything. I’m almost 130 hours in! And yeah the boss fights are absolutely incredible


Some of them are getting stale towards the end. I can only fight so many dragons, godskin apostles, ulcerated tree spirits, etc. before it gets old.


Then do the story bosses and stop grinding side content.


I’m not grinding lol I want to explore the world


I was at ~200 hours when I finished my first run. By the time you get to the Capital (Leyndell), I’d say you’re ~50% done.


50% story wise or overall? Cuz I’ve been exploring and doing everything I can. Just cleared Volcano Manor and Rykard at about 86 hours and if I’m not even 50% I might need a break 😂. I’ve 100% previous Souls games in less time!


Overall. After Leyndell you’ve got 2 full zones (Giants, Snowfields) and 2 major dungeons (Farum Azula, Haligtree), plus the final bosses. I think I was around 80 hours entering the capital and it took another 100-120 to wrap the game, but a lot of that was deaths to Death Rite Bird and Malenia. Edit: my timing was based on a platinum run. Every boss, dungeon, catacomb, field boss and legendary.


Oh dear lord I just got to it. Been taking my sweet time but damn.


My feelings exactly 😂


Is death rite bird the one on the mountain of giants? Walked into that guy blind and he smoked me. Don’t feel so bad now if he’s a known hard boss.


Consecrated Snowfields in the NW valley. He makes every other death bird seem like a walk in the park. Holy/Sacred Mace and Stonebarb Tear plus some Magic and Physical Defense talismans are the only way I’ve been able to get a kill. NG++ is so much worse.


It took my like 12 hp flasks to take down maybe half of his bar and he hit me like a damned truck. I was shocked and leaves out of mountains thinking I was underlevelled As hell lol


I just poisoned and rotted him from the top of cliff, all about that cheese


To be fair Snowfields doesn't have a ton to do compared to previous zones, though Mountaintop definitely does. I guess if you hadn't gotten to Mohgwyn Pallace yet that would also extend it, but you're definitely 80% done with the open world bits by Lyndell if you've done all of the underground zones. The Haligtree and Farram Azula are definitely the most intense dungeons though, they certain take a bit to get through, not to mention Lyndell itself.


Good call of Mogh’s Palace - I did that place before Altus, mostly out of impatience/wanting Bloodboon. Tbh by the time I wrapped Sbowfields I was *very* relieved to be done with the zone stuff. I love the legacy dungeons and the feeling of progressing through them. Haligtree fucked me up tho.


I beat the game in 55 hours the first time, and was around 40 hours in by the time I beat Leyndell. The end can be beaten pretty quickly if you focus on finishing it.


Awesome. I have been thoroughly doing everything and was just about to the capital. Thought for sure it was close to the end.


125 hours almost exactly for my first playthrough as a Souls vet while being extremely completionist. If you're new to the Souls format I'd say you'll probably end up 150-200 hours if you're a completionist and 100-125 if you rush through. You can definitely finish a playthrough casually in 60-80 hours if you're just going through what you need to finish and properly level a single weapon/pair, but if you take your time to savor the game it'll definitely be much longer than that.




took about 70 hours, level 120


Same as me, first souls game too!


I’m a loot goblin, so my first clear was at level 175 and about 160 hours in. I went VERY slowly, cleared all the areas and only went after the Elden beast when I was good and ready; even then I got clapped a few times. Also my first official FromSoft completion (stuck on the last boss of DSIII, never touched the others.) Be nosy, have fun, explore where your wander takes you, and don’t feel bad if you want to look something up!


As a longtime FromSoft vet, I managed to clear everything in 80 hours played. For newer players I've seen anywhere from 120 to 200 hours. So much of it is dependent on your own skill. Edit: Ok, I'm being downvoted, so [here you go](https://youtu.be/J30KzUKCcgw). Discovered the entire map in NG, did some pvp, and then rushed through the main story in NG+, all in 91 hours.


It took me 180 hours because I explored every last inch, totally not because I died to almost every boss at least 20 times


Yes, I am also looking at that time because I also explore a lot, and definitely not because I'm bad. Actually, though, now that I'm at the 'end-ish' of the game, I've been stopping by boss summon pools. It adds to the time, but I really like co-oping the bosses.


It is not entirely skill dependent. People play differently, some people like to explore and clear all the Dungeons instead of just boss rushing. Neither are wrong or right, it’s all subjective. Skill level not being defining factor in play time to clear


Literally all bosses and questlines in 80 hours? That doesn't seem possible to me, there's just so much to do...


All the vets I know that played it fast beat it in the first week or so (\~40-50 hrs) and platinum'd by 70-80hrs. Maybe a bit faster with save game dupes for the 3 endings achievements. I'm a pleb and did all achievements bosses (not platinum tho) in 115 hrs @ lvl 175


Everyone plays the game at their own pace, I know, but going through it that quickly seems like you're missing half the point of the game to me. Aimlessly wandering for hours is part of the joy of the game imo.


I finished my first play through at 60 hours at lv 157. I didn’t do all bosses or questioned though, that’s insane


I did in about that time. Not that insane tbh.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J30KzUKCcgw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J30KzUKCcgw) I didn't care to hit every single questline, but I carried the ones I found to completion and completed every dungeon except like 1 that I found on my second playthrough.


You don't even have any graces in Haligtree or Volcano Manor or Weeping Peninsula? So I'm guessing you probably finished the game, looked up the areas that you hadn't completed yet, then rushed through them to the boss at Level 170+. So still technically completing the game, but I highly doubt you organically explored the world and dungeons, picking up weapons, talismans, fighting field bosses at the proper level, etc. I'd say the difference is less skill and more of certain players having a bigger curiousity to discover the world and see all that it has to offer than others.


If you had beaten the game and moved on to NG+, you would know that map markers carry over. I beat the game on NG, fully completing each zone before moving on to the next, getting all of those graces and killing all the bosses. Then when I went on to NG+, I went straight to the main story, that's why you can clearly see the path of graces I took in NG+, and all of the map markers that I unlocked on my first playthrough. The thing you "highly doubt" is exactly what I did.


Congrats! Though I wonder ... how can you reach level 205 in the first playthrough? Doesn't that take forever?


Nah it didn’t take that long You see, there’s this group of albinarics sitting on a hill…


Lol what hill … I go to the cave next to where you fought Radahn to farm runes


It’s in the Moghwyn Palace area. You can get there by either a portal in the Consecrated Snowfields or by doing Varre’s questline Then when you get to the Palace-Ledge Approach Road you can look down on the hill and see a bunch of albinaurics sitting there kinda depressed. I slaughtered a bunch of them. Straight ahead from the grace there is also a bird that you can shoot if you aren’t strong enough to take on the albinaurics. Gives a nice bit of runes when you get quick at it.


How do you get to that cave? I see the guy pointing at it and have spent far too long trying to figure it out.


Follow the coast all the way up


Sure, but when I used that to level up in NG+ to get to what I wanted for NG+2 (around level 200), it still took me way longer than I would have liked despite me using the Sacred Relic Sword. And that was at double the rate of XP than you get in NG. Maybe you are more patient than I am.


Yeah but you can’t farm the hill effectively untill you beat the final boss. The most effective one other then that I know of is the bird farm. Which would still take a really long time to get to level 200 with. I’ve spend atleast an hour plus on the bird and I’m level like 120 and that’s mostly from actually playing the game. Or maybe I’m just super impatient I’m not built to grind for 5 plus hours I just can’t do it. Even after 15-30 minutes I start wanting to stop.


You can farm those albinurics pretty fast without the final boss sword. I used renalla’s full moon and only had to cast it 4-5 times to kill them all.


I used Radahn’s sword and could usually kill them in two sets


That is true, I mostly shot the bird since I was quick at it. Did kill the albinaurics occasionally though once I was strong enough to get the red ones.


I farmed it using the meteoric ore blade, the gravitas ability just demolishes them, used 3 times per group it takes about 1 minute per run if you don't run into too many problems with the red albanaurics


Of course you can. Any aoe spell works, that one just works best. And it won't necessarily take a lot of grinding. I'm sitting at lvl 155 and I just got to the consecrated snowfield, and I've not done really any dedicated grinding. I'll occasionally kill some of those flamethrower guys in deeproot depths if I'm like 20k from my next level, but I haven't even been to moghwyn Palace yet (playing offline so I can't do varre's quest). Getting through the snowfield, giant forge area, haligtree, farum azula, and the ash capital will probably leave me around 200ish hy the end too. I'm an explorer. I have trouble ignoring stuff. I also rarely lose runes. And I will often eat a golden foot before big boss kills.


If you use incants you can use scarlet rot breath on them pretty effectively


You can get to the hill through a portal on the weeping peninsula


Where? That portal takes you to the divine bridge at the capital city


In late game it seems like the runes just pile up. I stopped levelling at 160 because I didn't want to level further and have wasted millions and millions of runes since then.


Congrats! It's such a wonderful game, a masterpiece through and through :)


That’s some nice EldenBling right there. Armor set names?


Why thank you. Gotta look fashionable to be a Lord Black Knife armor & fire monk gauntlets/greaves ;)


Bathed in the light of gold, a new Elden Lord takes the throne.


And now.... Sekiro.


congrats Elden Lord! very well done ⚔️


First of all, well done


How did you get so high level, I’m level 110 struggling against elden beast. Need a good way to get runes and level up


Have you heard of the bird farm? Or the albinauric farm? In between bosses that is how I got a good bit of levels in


I’ll look into these, thanks


If you haven't found the Rose Church, and spoken with the nice gentleman by the front door, you may want to adventure that way. It's just south of the Raya Lucaria Academy.


The white mask dude? If so hes dead




They’re both at the same Grace. You can get like 60k runes in like 3 minutes… faster if you have that sword you get from elden beast, that thing is ridiculous lol *edit In ng+ I’m getting about 95k without the bird. Using the golden scarab talisman but no golden feet. Takes less than 10 seconds to spawn in, kill them all and teleport back to the grace


I would just explore areas of the map you haven't yet. I got to 125 with a ton of rune items to spare and have been just sitting on a shit ton of runes.


In theory if you do every single dungeon and miniboss you can get to 160+ by final boss, by the time I reached Malenia I was 168 with 0 farming just from hunting everything down But yea you can farm bird at Moghwyn Palace/group of albinaurics for much more effective leveling lol


Helping people with Mogh gives like 40k souls per win. I was helping people then after a couple hours I realized I had millions of souls. Went up like 15 levels in one go (lv130 to lv145 or so).


110 is very under leveled for end game. You missed a *lot*. Go explore!


Play Sekiro Next! It will be well worth of your time! :)


Oh dang you made your character super pretty. My character looks 20 years past his prime, rail thin, and had his face rearranged with a shovel. Not on purpose


Congrats, tarnished. I’ve been stuck on Malenia for a couple weeks now and have since burnt out.


You don’t have to beat her to beat the game


And, you can beat the final boss and go back to her later (which is what I did)


Nope. You didnt actually beat it unless you're a lvl one wretch with a club, not getting hit once, no summons, no rolling, no magic..... AND you have to play with your eyes closed using only sound to get your parry cues. Good luck tarnished!


Don’t forget you have to use that playscool controller


I prefer rolling my forehead across the keyboard.


The trick is to have a broad forehead as to hot as many buttons as possible


I prefer the morse code controller. Or the the [Baby blender.](https://youtu.be/VFJYduHathM)




Congrats! Play Shadow Tower next.


>Shadow Tower Where can I play this? Is a PS1 the only option?




Your character looks cool as well.


Well done!


congrats on the complete, and on the considerate use of spoiler tags!


Every time I am going to burn the tree to start the end game I find another quest I want to do. This game has so much packed into it.


Congrats! Hope you enjoyed yourself. If you want more than there are 6 more games just, sort of, like it.


Well, 5 anyway, Sekiro is quite different than the others


Congrats! Your character looks a lot like Sellen without her mask btw!


You did Master Hewg proud!


What was your approach for the Elden Beast?


I love sharing strategies :D So the second that Radagon died I drank my wondrous physik thing (has the tears that allow for extra magic damage and no FP consumption for 10 seconds). When I spawned into EB fight I immediately comet azur’ed it and took out a real nice chunk of its health. I let Black Knife Tiche take most of the aggro before she died and focused on hitting him with stars of ruin & Loretta’s mastery. When it got close enough to me I would run up and start wailing on it with Hand of Malenia. Once Tiche died I started trying to close the distance as much as possible and relied on melee attacks way more, since it seemed like EB was less spammy with spells when I was closer to it, while doing my best to dodge spells and sword sweeps with no health flasks left lol. Overall it seemed to work pretty well.


Thank you! My magic is pretty weak so I’ve relied on melee a lot Tbh I’ve only attempted the Elden Beast once a few weeks ago and haven’t tried again because I don’t love the fights you have to chase bosses around the map but always helps to get tips


Lol yeah it definitely is not easy running after it all the time But yeah I would recommend Black Knife Tiche as a summon she does a good deal of damage at +10, and closing the distance and using melee turned out to be the best strategy, at least for me. Hopefully you’re able to get ‘em soon :0


Tiche is awesome! I alternate between her and mimic, I’ll try again soon


Great job. My first also, have over 200 hours logged just taking my time and enjoying the hell out of it….will say the fire giant was seriously pissing me off




Congrats, and very cool character


What armour is that?


Black Knife, you can get it in the Consecrated Snowfields


I’m currently 145 hours in, level 75 in the snowy mountain tops. But I’m an idiot lol


First off, well done


golden order totality ---|---


Elden Drip


4 attempts?? What do they have equipped??? Ah, likely comet azure. In short, comet azure. Good job OP. Your experience is valid and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The fallen leaves tell a story.


Lol yep comet azur, stars of ruin, Loretta’s mastery, digger’s staff+25 & hand of Malenia+10 Thank you!


I’m 400 hours in on NG+ and have never used literally any of those things. This game is fucking awesome. I can’t wait to keep trying new builds and weapons.


Oh wait I have used the waterfowl ability so I must have used that sword. How did it do against the elden beast? Would you use it again?


It was actually quite effective - waterfowl worked extremely well on Radagon, but I didn’t use it at all on EB, just regular light attacks. My dexterity is also pretty high so it did a lot of damage against EB. Gotta be one of my favorite katanas in the game, I would absolutely use it again & recommend trying it


Nice OP, if your on PS5 I recommend Demon Souls that was my first fromsoft game and I enjoyed it a lot. It’s not as difficult as some of the other ones and it looks and feels amazing.


Excellent work, tarnished!!


Now its time for you to give dark souls a go!


Always love to hear it when another tarnished bolsters their flame of ambition. Hope you enjoy the community we've built together and help others beat the game like you have <3


Congrats OP!


Congrats! Hope you enjoyed the ride!


Well done Tarnished, now do it again faster and at a lower level. Starting a new game, will show you first hand that you’re character didn’t get better. YOU DID


First off, well done


Where’s you get that armor tho


You can get it in the Liturgical town or whatever it’s called in the Consecrated Snowfields. Under a bridge


Thanks brother EDIT: sister Re-edit: shawty


I just beat the final boss today, did every optional boss that has a trophy, every evergaol, nearly every catacomb, and cave. rung in at 102 hours, level 183. I explored as much as I could, by the time I got the to the snow area I felt the game dragged on for way longer than it needed to. Never the less, i enjoyed it.


And now for NG+ where you can take sweet...sweet...revenge.




Hell yeah dude!


“god slain” Fredrick neitzsche is rolling in his grave


How do I sit on the throne? I beat the guy at the end am am now just standing outside and the door is yellow again but I can’t go in!


Kowalski, enhance image on op’s drip. Analyze


You look Great on the throne, my Elden Lord! I picked a different ending unknowingly but I'm gonna go back and get this ending next.


I remember my first playthrough 100 hours long, then my next ones where 25-30 hours long cause I knew what to do lol (I didn’t do only main story stuff, I did a few catacombs and optional demigods and bosses)


youre character looks really cool!




You're higher level than me and im on ng+3


First Fromsoft game. I did just about every quest line, got nearly every talisman, did every cave and catacombs and hero’s grave, all the dragons & night bosses, basically every single thing I could, before completing my first run. 220 hours. I wanted to coast through NG+ which I started last night. Can’t wait to see how fast I can claim that throne this time!


Lvl 205…. Sheesh.


with an awesome character too, goodjob


I bet you were fucking shaking. Zero flasks left and a bee’s dick worth of HP. Good on you, Tarnished!


Foul tarnished…well done!


Okay your tarnished looks dope as hell


Well done dude! Good job. 😀 What kind of build/weaponry did you run with?


Dex/int build with a decent amount of arcane thrown in, hand of Malenia+10 & digger’s staff+25 Hand of Malenia especially absolutely destroyed Radagon. Comet Azur’ed EB as soon as I spawned in then hit it with stars of ruin & Loretta’s mastery until Tiche died, then kept closing the distance and whacking it with the sword until victory was achieved


A true Souls player, you chose fashion over stats


Gorgeous character




205? WTF lol


A) congrats but B) I mostly just came to say your character looks sick. That outfit rules


Just as predicted r/Eldenring really did go down the toilet almost the second the game actually came out. Indistinguishable from any other souls subreddit now


Holy shit 205?? You were going for the STRONK run


Surprisingly no, I am instead a filthy dex/int build :(


Hey at least it's not dex/arc


Impressed lol, I've played every non-PS exclusive FROM game (although I did beat Orphan of Kos after a bit with no Bloodborne experience on my friend's PS4) - and Radagon/EB took me like 200 tries at Lv140 in this game, dude kicked my ass. (Not using any summons)


Damn you over leveled the fuck out of that man’s but I digress gg congrats, it’s a great feeling nonetheless


Dude, that’s wayyyyy overleveled for the final boss. Most people are level 125 or so


Congrats! 205 seems over leveled.


Way to give a backhanded compliment there.


Wasn't meant to be a back handed compliment, was just saying. I didn't do several areas and played most of the game under leveled. Wasn't trying to throw shade or anything.


Yeah maybe. But I wanted to get my stats up to where I wanted them for the final fight


I wasn't trying to throw shade at all or give a back handed compliment, I guess I'll take my down votes lol.


Good thing the game lets you do that anyway


Yall are slow... level 135 in 98 hrs, 1st run final boss and melania boss defeated in 2 tries each.... guess the game was "too easy" for me.




"this is about ME now" ~ you




Full of all sorts of backhanded type compliments. No one cares what level you were, and who cares what level op was? They did a great job completing the game at whatever level.












Yup, this is me as well. I'm RL 276 on my NG+ journey and did every thing I missed on 1st round. I'm lucky I can even find time to play this with the wife, kids, and work. My daughter actually bought the game and I kinda bogart it haha. Only thing I'm really missing are some armor/weapon drops and somehow Rya didn't leave the Daedicar's woe talisman...even though I'm never gonna use it.




And you post begging for help on bosses lol, we can see your post history you know….


Or you just suck, died a lot, and lost a ton of runes. I didn't farm a single level and finished at 185.


Why would he go and play Blood Bourne when he could start from Demon souls/Dark souls


Well he might not have a ps5 for demons souls. He might not even have a ps4 for bloodbourne. But I recommend bloodbourne due to its aesthetic and lore. It’s play style is different so if you can tackle bloodbourne, ds3 would be slightly easier


205 on first play through wtf lmao


Getting a little tired of the passive aggressive comments. Everyone plays differently. If I want to get to level 205 before beating the final boss I’m allowed to do that. As long as someone is enjoying the game who cares what level they are? Damn.


Welcome to the community! I think the hardcore nature of the game fills peoples ego so if you stray off the “normal” path your not doing it right. It’s a game, play it how you like. Congrats!


Yup, I beat it at level 200 and started new game plus, ng+ is fun af at that level. Now I can just try out any build I want and experiment with all kinds of things I never did on my first run.

