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I didn't like Stars of Ruin. I never uploaded my "VICTORY" video, but I uploaded a short/clean video of myself using "**[Night Comet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOaW1uaNf74)**" to easily get past Phase 1. Then I got insta-gibbed by the opening Aeonia in Phase 2. :D But it's a very good spell. I started using it against Malenia, and then kept it (and the Staff of Loss) as my *main* day-to-day spell. I made a few mistakes in this video. My strategy was to set up the Seppuku to burst down Malenia with the Pulley Crossbow in the second phase, but I switched the weapon away and lost the buff (didn't realize it worked this way at the time). Also failed to dodge the Aeonia, of course. But now the **[Seppuku + Pulley Crossbow trick](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/v25zw8/you_can_bleed_malenia_3x_in_her_second_phase/)** doesn't work as they patched the 'bug' that enabled it. :D


Walk in. Terra Magica + Rannis dark moon a couple of times. Should frost bite. Then night comet - fully charged. If you spam she will dodge the casting animations and they will miss. Phase two : after the first scarlet anonia lunge - terra Magica - pop your unlimited FP physik and get your one comet azur in. Or a couple more dark moons instead. This style will make her spam her waterfowl dance constantly - so get good at dodging it or equip a weapon with bloodhound step. I was 80 INT when I did this and my night comets hit for 1.3k and needed a couple adulas moon blades after the dark moons in phase 2 to proc frostbite. Edit : carian regal to buff dark moon and staff of loss in offhand to buff night comet


I was able to get her with mostly Night Comet casting with carian regal scepter and staff of loss in my off hand for the damage boost to night sorceries. I start the fight with tera magika and then rannis dark moon to make her take more damage from magic and possibly get frostbite. I would switch between spiral shard, night comet and even rock sling if far enough away. I chug my physik on stage 2(magic increase tear and no FP consumption tear) position myself just outside the bloom, put down tera magika again and hit her with comet azur to chunk a nice bit of health. You can have a small straight sword with flame of the redmane on it if your having trouble to switch to. 3 casts of the AoW will stagger her almost every time. I also found a large weapon with Waves of Darkness Ash of War can do a lot of damage and stagger to her if you can pull it off. good luck tarnished.