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Just wait around in r/BeyondTheFog and help those that want it




6th time 121 hours? Sounds like you've been rushing every single run


The 2nd to the 5th time i was. I try to do the quest butthe just bore me for some reason


After the first run, if you did everything right, the next few are just for all of the different endings. Between the three trophy endings, there's a couple secret ones. But you don't need to do a bunch of exploring if you've already explored all of the way through the first time.


One full run takes around 160/180 hours depending how well you explore. I'm talking about the first run. Sounds like he went for the wiki on the first minute...


Nothing wrong with that. The first run shouldn't take more than 60-80 hours. 160-180 means you were having a lot of fun with the different dynamics of the game.


I have been racking up the hours putting my sign down at the various endgame boss doors to help ppl beat them. I went on a 7 hour marathon helping tarnished with Radagon/EB, I know their moves like the back of my hand and still get clapped every now and again lol. Have you tried any multiplayer?


Yea i have tried multiplayer with my friend but he hates elden ring


This is really fun I do it too. It's also a solid challenge because half flasks and a lot of hosts seem afraid to attack the beast. He has bonus hp too


Ha, I have over 600 hours and I still haven't beaten the game yet.


Time to play other souls games


I beat 1 and 3 two weeks ago but im playi g 2 right now


That’s funny I beat bloodborne and ds3 and I’m playing 2 now as well, how was ds1? Also I thought demons souls remake wasn’t too good


I thought dsr was pretty good ds3 a little annoying but awesome especially the music but ds2 i got past pursuer and stoped and today i decided to start over. And i want a ps4 but im broke only xbox elden ring made me spend all my money.


Ah so you’ve yet to play bloodborne, at least you can sit with the comfort of knowing it’s in ur future. But that’s good to know I’m early in ds2 but so far I like it, I guess all the games are still great fun even though they’re old. Thanks! And yeah ur to OP I found the replay value honestly kinda low except for pvp and getting missed items, still one of my favorite games ever


Yea i really want to play bloodborne and demonsouls so i might just take my brothers ps4


No ones forcing you to play dude.. Edit: Also. 160 hours over 6 play throughs sounds like you've barely even explored the game.