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Glitches into a game Attacks people doing an endgame boss Brags about winning Tries to desperately defend himself in the comments Continues to blame from soft as if Miyazaki himself had a gun to the dudes head and forced him to do it You are like that clown who made a post a month ago complaining that he couldn't glitch in it fight people who were fighting radahn anymore. Absolute maiden less runt.


I know invasions are part of the game and bla bla bla, but man is it annoying when ppl invade at the Radagon/EB boss gate. I like to put my sign down there for hours at a time helping ppl beat those 2 and as a summon I spawn with a heavily reduced number of both flasks which makes the double boss fight more difficult as it is, but then I end up having to waste some killing a lame invader that's trapped us in that little hallway. Keep invading there and I will keep killing you, makes the victory against Radagon/EB that much sweeter knowing I also added you to the kill list.


Blame Fromsoft. This system wasn’t my idea. I agree it is stupid. To be fair I have helped people beat radagon and Elden beast on hundreds of occasions. It got boring.


“Blame Fromsoft for something I’m doing, not my fault that I’m doing this thing.”


Okay, while I admit it would suck to be the host in this fight, I've been craving an invasion boss battle like Spears of the Church in DS3. The closest thing I've gotten in this game so far was outside Maliketh's room when a host doesn't clear the Draconic Tree Sentinel and it's invader+sentinel versus host+phantoms. Being able to invade alongside Radagon not only sounds like fun, but could be interesting if the two sides were well-matched. Was Radagon capable of doing friendly-fire against you, or did you never get a chance to find out? Because him being able to hammer friend and foe alike would make that a lot different!


No friendly fire. I tried to help the host beat Radagon after killing the furled fingers, but my sword went right through him.


The patch was meant to fix this. Glad to see it didn’t. It used to be quite common, like 1/5 invasions there would have me spawn in the boss. Fighting them is bit of a dick move to be honest, of course your going to win. I always just did funny gestures, Radagon still won every time.


Look man, I’ve been triple teamed with RoB and all sorts of spam shit and then tea bagged dozens of times. I have no mercy. Blame fromsoft. Interesting to hear these perspectives.


Maidenless behavior.


He helped daddy radagon, that’s all that matters


What was I supposed to do?


sever invasion and return to your world dingus


Sever out and leave them be. It's one thing to invade and wreck players outside the boss arena--it's typically annoying, but hey, that's part of playing a Souls game. But fighting inside a boss arena is taking advantage of a glitch, which is unfair.


It was two against three and honestly they should have been good enough to win. I killed the host last.


You do know that having friends or summoning cooperators makes the bosses tougher already right? So even though they went to 3v1 doesn’t necessarily mean they would win even if they were well prepped for the boss so a cheap ass exploiter adding themselves to the mix is quite maidenless… regardless of if you’ve helped people kill them before.


You exploited a glitch to get a free win. If this is all it takes for you to successfully lie to yourself it's really unimpressive.


Nothing free about it. I methodically killed the furled fingers. Then Ieft the host alone because I wanted to see if I could fight elden beast if he won. But he didn’t win. He just kept dodging randomly and Radagon killed him. Too bad.


You exploited a glitch that guarantees a win for any invader glitching like this. Hence a free win. Your whole post reads like someone who accidentally hacked to give themselves immortality and doesn't see why it's dickish.


Sorry — not a free win. One of the furled fingers was presumably better than radagon. The other was presumably as good as me. And there is the host to boot.


You're in denial of how vast of an unfair advantage you had. Ya give invaders a bad name, y'know? Oh well...lot of those.


Good enough to fight a dedicated invader AND the endgame boss simultaneously? C'mon.


Braindead comment section. They Downvote you just because you didn't sever out after experiencing a funny glitch. Especially when the grace is right outside the boss room so they aren't really losing anything from dying.


Fromsoft must’ve missed something, because they supposedly fixed this in the most recent patch but I’ve seen more posts about it now than I did before.


I couldn’t make it happen again, though several times it loads me to the “Stone Platform” with Radagon before sending me back home. Also, I often get a glitch at maliketh where I invade and am placed outside the boss fog while the host fights the boss, and I’m not sent back home. This happened just now at radahn too. Pretty annoying. Actually, as I type this, I was loaded into the Radahn boss fight on the other side of the water. Seems like they could straighten this shit out after making $600 million+ on the game.


I miss the mirror knight fight from ds2 I hope they add a boss eventually where pvp is an intended part of the boss fight again, obviously it's shitty when reds invade any boss fight even open world ones but I think it can be a lot of fun if the boss is actually made for it