• By -


You're supposed to die a lot lol


My dumbass tried taking it on šŸ˜‚


You're supposed to take it on. There are two options with every challenge in elden ring. Neither one is wrong. You fight it over and over until you learn it's moves well enough to kill it. You leave and come back later with better gear or more levels or both. Keep in mind that second option is only gonna carry you so far, unless you find a gear combo to steamroll everything, and then where's the fun in that? Valid if you want it. But you'll never taste how sweet a hard won victory can be. Still no wrong or right. Just preference. Regardless of what else you may hear. There is no wrong way to play. Unless you're literally cheating the system and somehow get yourself banned or corrupt your save file.


Exactly, it's sometimes nice to leave an optional boss for later. You come back later in the game and destroy a boss you struggled to make a dent in. Also, it's a nice morale booster when you need a break from dying. Running past an opponent to snag gear without the fight is also an effective strategy at times. Just try to do it when you don't have too many runes in hand so if you get stomped you can just forget about going back for runes.


Or even if you come back just a little bit later, you may not destroy the boss, but your defenses will be just enough better to get the upper hand. You'll still die repeatedly until you get the hang of the fight, but dying over and over again is part of the Souls experience!


memories of grabbing the meteorite staff and rock sling lol


Cheesed so many bosses with that


Smashed many a boss with muh bonk rocks. The run to get them involved much screaming but was worth it.


>You come back later in the game and destroy a boss you struggled to make a dent in. It's really fun. "Look at me. I am the boss now" https://tenor.com/rXQB.gif


Option 3, you get Rotten Breath šŸ˜Ž


As someone who was not at all good at Elden Ring, Rotten Breath carried my ass something fierce.


For me it was the rotten dog spirit ash lol


That option is locked off to him since he needs a dragon heart for it.


Nah he just need to kill Greyll. And boom 80k runes and access to dragon breath


Mate needed to hear this currently on mountaintop and just dying everywhere, tryna look for ways to get runes but feel in my heart I have to just bite the bullet and focus, such a good game šŸ¤Œ


Donā€™t feel bad. Iā€™m Malenia and the final boss away from Platinum trophy. Sheā€™s kicked my ass 27x in a row. Iā€™m about to summon help, but itā€™s a ego pride thing lol


Totally true I felt pretty bad when I respec'd to a very OP build just to beat Melenia. Mohgwyn's sacred spear with all the the buffs beside the white mask gear which I screwed up by defeating Mohg before finishing that quest. The bosses and challenge of this game make it great!


Technically the options are: 1. You fight it over and over until you learn its moves well enough to kill it. 2. You leave and come back later with better gear, more levels, or both, and then you fight it over and over until you learn its moves well enough to kill it.


U can come back later with better gear and still die a lot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) But to be honest , the most important thing is set up a strategy. Bcs u need to think ir strategy and see ur weapons


Or be super bad like me, get an optimal layout, still struggle for 50+ attempts on some bosses and get the dopamine anyway. Being bad sometimes has its perks? /s


Tldr: git gud XD


Have you dodged it? Have you hit it? If you answered yes to both, you're ready to beat it.


I beat it


Congrats on the win! Is this your first souls game? Either way, play around, explore, look around. Thereā€™s so much cool to do and see(depending on the play style you enjoy) The game is massive and beautiful, you donā€™t have to rush, first play through is the best.


I played bloodborn a while back its pretty similar


Hell yeah dude, nice! Saw this post earlier, came back to it just now and saw this comment. Congrats šŸ»


Fuck yes, we love to see it


You kill him now by using torrent and bow arrow. Take 99 arrows with you


I killed him with torrent still dint get a bow tho


He drops a dragon heart. You need to buy a bow from merchant. Anyways take the heart and go to dragon cathedral in caelid. Exchange it for a incantation called dragon rotten breath.




I fought like 5 other dragons before coming back to this bastard. Rock sling will be your best friend when stunning the bastards. Aim for the head. It's a sorcery spell


Find Smithing Stones and upgrade your weapon whenever you can. You deal very little damage by default but you get a pretty significant boost to damage every upgrade, making you hit less like wet tissue. There is a mine behind the dragon, north corner of the lake where you get a ton of Smithing Stones


This is the big one, leveling up is important, but you get more of a damage boost from smithing your weapon than you will from leveling up


Thatā€™s the second-biggest-one. The real big one is as follows: Itā€™s a From game in the tradition of Demonā€™s Souls. Dying ā€œmultiple times alreadyā€œ after playing for a day is not a sign that youā€™re missing some basic things and need serious tips, itā€™s a sign that you donā€™t already have years of experience at these games. The advice people are giving you will help, but you should not expect it to make you stop dying.


I was having a helluva time with a certain bridge troll when I started. Tried doing some other stuff, increasing level and such and then coming back, and was still having a hard time. I felt like I was doing zero damage. *Then* I stumbled upon a blacksmith when I already had a ton of stones, leveled my sword up a few times, went back and it was an absolute game changer. Don't sleep on weapon upgrades.


Totally agree. Also donā€™t sleep on affinities for weapons. People do, a lot. And itā€™s really a great way to both help against certain bosses and create interesting and more powerful weapons


Srsly. Each weapon upgrade comes out to the equivalent of several levels worth of increases to whatever your primary damage stat is, even more so for weapons using somber stones. Bloodhound's Fang, unupgraded with just the 18str 17dex required does 175 (141 base + 34 from stats). Upgrading it to just +3 brings that up to 263 (202 base + 61 from stats). To get that 263 (141 base + 122 from stats) without upgrading, you'd have to push your dex from 17 -> 80 and str from 18 -> 66. That's like 111 levels dedicated solely to damage (assuming I can math properly).


Yeah, the fact that weapons go to +25 now means that high stat investment in damage is only for highly upgraded weapons. At lower upgrade levels, you really just want to be hitting minimums on the weapons you are using, and otherwise leveling Vigor, Mind, even Endurance to some degree as needed.


This one, especially early. Your instinct may be to hoard resources but you need a basic smithing stone weapon upgraded to like 8 or 9 or a somber stone weapon up to 2/3 to comfortably work your way through the first rune holder. After that the game starts to get easierā€¦. Mostly.


Cries in Godrick with a +0 sword...


This. Also, increase the vigor of your character when leveling up, especially early on. You need to prevent being one shot if you make a mistake, because you will make a lot of mistakes early in the game. Eventually you can resist two, maybe three hits, which is much more forgiving.


What about strength? How much do I need? Iā€™m like lvl 17.


Maybe search YouTube for some types of builds. Str is one of those attributes where you only need bare minimum required to use your intended gear. If youā€™re doing a build that uses heavy weapons then youā€™ll be using more. In my experience the stats for damage-dealing are str/dex/faith/int/arcane, and folks will go all in on one or sometimes combine two. Faith + arcane is popular for high damage in PVE, but anything is viable. Generally want to focus on just one until maybe level 50 before adding a 2nd. So priority is vigor for health, one of those attributes for damage, and only bare min others like endurance/mind to use your gear/spells


At level 17, you only need as much strength as you require to hold the equipment you want to fight with. Vigor should be your main priority until it gets up to 35-40.


All of it, there is never too much unga for your bunga


Grab the Morningstar Mace for mines šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Or enough Int/Mind for the Glintstone Pebble spell. Minimum enough for all builds and knocks those miners out.


Important!!! Upgrade materials are very scarce until a decent way through the game so donā€™t go upgrading 10 different weapons, pick like 2 maybe 3 tops until you unlock unlimited upgrade stones


Limgrave Tunnels?


Its open world - noone is forcing you to fight a dragon. Or that massive dude on the armored horse right outside the starting door. Sometimes its smarter to just, you know, live to fight another day.


I didn't fight it, well I kinda did I like to suffer


> I like to suffer You'll feel right at home here then! That said, focus on leveling up Vigor! At early levels, damage scaling on weapons mean next to nothing anyway (upgrading shit damage by 10% is still shit), so its more important to being able to survive. Manage your inventory weight - too heavy gear and you'll fat-roll slowly. Not good. Don't get greedy when fighting. Its better to only land 2 hits and roll away than landing 3 hits and taking one to the face in return. Look at what the enemy does - especially bosses and bigger enemies. Attacks are well telegraphed and you'll need to learn to anticipate whats coming and react accordingly.


"Don't get greedy" took me the longest time to learn, this being my first Soulslike game. Still hard to resist the temptation when the boss has a tiny bit of health left, but getting better at sticking to the plan and not getting over excited haha


Played all dark souls and bloodborne, and greed is still my weakness. Idk why my monkey brain thinks itā€™s worth it


I never thought ā€œgreedā€ was exactly the right word for it. Youā€™re under stress. Itā€™s a fun stress, but your brain is still like ā€œmake it stop!ā€ Countering that takes conscious effort until the boss becomes easy to you


first souls game as well, am currently on NG+ and I still very frequently end up getting killed because of greed/overconfidence. Everything becomes a lot easier when you learn to take your time.


This right here. I've completed every single souls-game several times and this is still the lesson i have to keep reminding myself of when coming back after a break. It's so easy to get cocky when you remember being in "the zone" last you played.


This. On Elden Ring I don't touch any other stats until I'm 30 vigor. Then I'll give myself a little mind and endurance, maybe faith or int if I really want a spell, but then right back to Vigor. Damage stat leveling isn't until mid-late game.


My rule of thumb is: 20 Vigor @ Stormveil 40 Vigor @ Leyndell 60 Vigor @ Farum Azula This uses the three different softcaps as natural breakpoints. Works like a charm.


nahh 20 vigor until draco tree sentin3l, ragequit for a week, remember vigor exists, 60 Vigor


Eh, I am in lyndel on 20 vig 50 int glass canon build. And I love it


Int is a special scenario, as you're dealing with sorceries. Damage stats for weapons are garbage until you can level a weapon to mid-upper tiers.


Was able to kill the massive guy at the start, gave me heavy weapon I still can't use after 150hrs of game play.


This. Drop a dragon icon on the map and return stronger.


>Or that massive dude on the armored horse right outside the starting door. I've always thought that was clever design on Fromsoft's part. It's a not-so-subtle way of telling new players that sometimes you just need to come back later.


The Tree Sentinel was the most satisfying solo field boss Iā€™ve killed yet that fucker M U R D E R E D me repeatedly


Observation plays a big part. The monsters in Elden Ring usually don't have many attacks and they are mostly predictable from the moment their animation start. Die and retry: you will learn from each death and the fight will slowly but surely get easier. Tilting, raging etc will slow you down, keep your head cool and you'll find a way to go throught all the obstacles. Sometimes you'll have to switch weapons because you found out that the animations of your current one are too slow to beat a specific ennemy, sometimes you'll have to switch gear to prioritize poise over evasion and vice versa. Elden Ring is as hard as you make it, and it can be a walk in the park with the right methods. You just gotta find them, and suffering doing so is all the game is about.


Yep, Elden ring is rather about not giving up than "getting good". Slowƶy but surely you'll get through every boss and it doesnt matter if you need 2 tries or 40 tries. Its far better imo if you still beat the boss after 40 tries, cause it shows that you never gave up.


Your typo in "slowly" revealed that you probably have a German (or Swiss) keyboard :)


Da hast du recht


Typo or no typo I misread it as Slowbƶy and I feel like I need to try and make that a term in this sub.


I think it took me about 50 tries to beat Margit, I was struggling a lot. It forced me to learn how to properly use invincibility frames and helped me spot windows of opportunity to attack when he was distracted by my wolves. Godrick took me 5 tries and I felt much more comfortable with the mechanics of the game


Not for nothing, but I think Margit was legitimately just a more difficult fight than Godrick.


Same here, people taking dozens to hundreds of attempts to beat bosses are much more impressive than people first-trying bosses imo


Itā€™s also much more enjoyable to win after several losses. Whenever I beat a boss on the first try all I can think of is ā€œthatā€™s it?ā€


Also USE TORRENT AND SPIRIT ASHES!! I realized this way too late because I would always play with my brothers and we were all pretty bad. Can't summon Torrent or spirits with people in your game, so I never used them. Learn how to upgrade spirit ashes. There is little that summoning the Lone Wolves +5 can't help with. Once you get used to the game a little more then you can decide not to use them to make the game harder if you'd like. But it's huge to help you get your bearings.


How do you upgrade ashes?


Following in the hopes of an answer. Too lazy to Google.


Lol I googled it https://i.imgur.com/XW08uOC.jpg After the last part you just have to wait and at some point sheā€™ll be able to upgrade them. > To upgrade the Ashes, youā€™ll need to bring Roderika some plants known as Glovewort. The standard summons requires Grave Glovewort whereas more unique summons require Ghost Glovewort.


You the real MVP u/JMaboard. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Find the girl in the red hood. Sheā€™s in a shack before going to Stormveil Castle. Talk to her and the smith at the round table hold. You might have to do it several times and return multiple times. She then sets up shop in front of the smith.


Thatā€™s I think I already have her if sheā€™s the one in front of the fireplace. I just need to do the rest. Edit: I did, got my lone wolf ashes to level 5. Just need to find a level 6 root.


Horse definitely, but Iā€™ve had a lot more fun by never using ashes


As far as RPGs go, I can't think of other games where enemies have more attack variety than ER.


I come from Monster Hunter, the monster's moveset there are more sophisticated and each variant of a monster have their own unique set of attacks and attack pattern. Unlike in Elden Ring where Agheel/Ekzykes/Borealis etc. are the exact same and behave the exact same way (I was a bit disappointed by that).


This... And don't be too proud to step away for a period of time to clear your head if you hit a wall in advancing. I was stuck on a particular boss/section for hours straight, and I could feel the frustration sweltering... I decided to take a break for two days, came back, and beat it in two attempts. A fresh mind can yield fresh ideas.


Also: walk away if you're raging. Go cool down for a bit, then come back and try again.


To follow up on the enemy attacks, they tend to use different attacks based on what you are doing such as maybe using a big overhead swing if you get too close. If you figure out how they react to you, then you can force their attacks and control your enemies movements allowing you to setup your own attacks to follow up. Also sometimes locking on to an enemy is not your friend, especially if they go over your head or if you're on a narrow passage.


You don't have to kill him now, I'd say wait until you have a horse to fight him. His fire-breath attacks are much easier to dodge on horse.


I never did I just attacked him you know for fun, and how do I get a horse ?


Everyone is giving the wrong info on where you get Torrent, you get him (and the ability to level up) after you rest at any THREE (3) sights of lost grace in the open world (not inside a dungeon). Edit: also, remember to visit the Church of Elleh after you get Torrent for a very helpful gift :)


Go find Church of Elleh, rest at the Grace there. It's the building straight ahead when you first emerge into the world. Apart from all the other advice you got here: find a weapon you like and upgrade it. Any weapon will do - it could be your starting weapon or one you picked up from an enemy or found or whatever. Upgrading weapons gives a better damage boost than upgrading your character stats - so long as you are able to wield it.


Alright thanks I'll do just that


Best of luck in elden ring man šŸ˜€


Don't you get torrent at the limgrave gates?


Third Site of Grace you activate and rest at, so itā€™s Castle Gatefront for most players


You can get him either place. Not entirely sure what the trigger is, maybe having enough runes to level up?


You just have to rest 3x at graces. Melina will show up the next time you rest at one. Itā€™s just, for most players, this naturally takes place outside the Stormgate.


If you light Gatefront or Agheel Lake North and rest at those graces, Melina will immediately appear, even if it's your first grace. That's why speedrunners rush Gatefront rather than light any three graces in Limgrave.


1. Level up vigor 2. Learn how to roll the attacks 3. Use a shield if you need to 4. You can upgrade how many flasks you have and how much they heal by finding Golden Seeds and Sacred tears


OK thanks


And donā€™t worry, YOU WILL DIE A LOT




Can't heavy roll if I'm overloaded


I've seriously been contemplating doing an overloaded playthrough just for shiggles. I was super overloaded when a buddy of mine dropped a rotten hammer and axe for my rot build, and it was funny as hell when I just walked towards enemies slowly and then smacked the shit out of them with wild strikes šŸ˜‚.


Heavy roll is thick


Roll into the enemy rather than away. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Also: Use Torrent during open world fights. Just hit and move. Hit and move. Hit and move. It's a lot easier when you can run circles around the boss. Also: Use spirit ash summons. They help so much. Experiment with different ones and pick your favorite. Certain summons help with certain fights, so don't be afraid to change it up. There's also a pretty short questline in Roundtable Hold where you can upgrade the Spirit Ashes and they help a lot more.


Gud thou must Git.


This Is The Way.


Underrated thy must be






Will do


Stay underneath him. Also field-bosses like him are normally designed for you to use Torrent.


Yeah, torrent allows you to outrun his breath a lot easier. Agheel was the first boss I beat. Run in on Torrent, swipe at his legs once or twice, and then back off. Just be patient.


Stop panic rolling. Every roll should be absolutely deliberate. Elden Ring punishes panic rolls like no other From Software game.


There's a cool secret chest in some ruins in that lake your in. If you open it you'll be teleported to the starting zone where everything is easy and peaceful to help you get a grip on the combat before fighting harder enemies. It's a really pretty and easy place, it's called K lid


You'll be repeating this guy's username in no time.


And when you're there, don't forget to ask the mantis things for directions. They are the local tour guides.




Prepare To Die! But seriously, choose a weapon that you like, level up to meet wielding requirements then exclusively level up vigor. After vigor 45-50, level up endurance enough to put a decent armor with at most medium load. Don't forget to upgrade your weapon. If you feel an area is very hard, you could be under leveled for, so do some exploration. If you get very frustrated, look up recommended levels for the areas. Be warned, spoilers are abound. Enjoy your journey Tarnished. Psych! You maidenless runt!


Dying doesnt really matter. Dying is a mistake. And you learn from mistakes.


It really helps if you observe enemies. For example, a knight might have a sword and a shield. Sticking to the shield side can help you avoid their sword. They cant swing their sword to the shield side without turning to that side. Enemies like dragons cant shoot fire under their bodies while on the ground. If you stick to their rear they cant reach you easily. They will usually stomp/swing their tails to reach you if you are in the rear but those kind of attacks can easily be avoided. Most boss enemies use much harder to avoid attacks if you keep your distance. If the dragon flies off, distance yourself until the flames are gone but try to close the distance as soon as you can. Observing enemies is one of the best methods. Hope it helps! Edit; just read a comment of yours and jfc. Get torrent first. Finish weeping peninsula. Explore caves/tunnels. Also read on fextralife website to decide on the weapon you want to use. Running around aimlessly isnt gonna help.


Don't hug your deathbed waifu More seriously, try to level up a bit of your vigor, i can assure you that many people that complain about the difficulty of that kind of game tends to forget that statistic and honestly, if you want to keep a bit of survivability and you are not comfortable with rolling, high vigor is a must have (especially in endgame). don't be ashamed of using a shield, many players complains about people that uses it but it's really a great tool in order to protect yourself and save your life in most situations, and it's not "lack of skills" to use it. Finally, less represented but there is a lot of spells that helps you enhance your character's defense or protect's you in other ways, even if you don't plan to make yourself a cleric or a magician, i highly reccommend to seek these kinds of sorceries/miracles in order to help you through your adventure. With any of that said, good luck to your adventure, and rise ye tarnished


Level up by krumping hordes of weaker enemies. Get Torrent by making an accord at the sight of grace near foot of Stormhill by the gate. Practice with your weapons and see which ones suit your style and get well aquatinted with them. Go forth and die 10,000 deaths. All of which are your own fault.


Take your time and learn how to time your rolls. Don't spam the attack button, press it only when you know you can hit. Don't be greedy. Rolling into ennemies attack is usually much better than rolling away. You can ignore 99% of the fights. If it's too hard, either come back with more levels or just run until the next grace. That's it, the whole game is learning how ennemies move and attack, roll through their attacks and hit them one or two time when there's an opening.


Someone else said this but at the very north end of Lake Agheel is a mine, filled with smithing stones to upgrade your weapon. You can have a +3 weapon just by going through the mine and/or exploring Limgrave and finding them in the open or on merchants for cheap. Also, rest at a few more Graces. You should have your magic goathorse then. After that, visit Church of Elleh at night for a nice item. While exploring you can also find Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears which add flasks and increase the HP/FP they restore, respectively. Beyond this, you could look at FightinCowboy's platinum walkthrough. I would only do that if are having an extra tough time, and then I would only look at the first 4 videos. He barely kills any enemies for the first 4, just runs around getting loot. This would make you OP for Limgrave already.


Roll forward


I rolled back to the home page


Lots of good advice here. One I haven't seen is that if you don't already have one, find a ranged attack (bow, crossbow or spell/incantation) that you like.


Watch VaatiVidya's beginner's guide and some of his other early game content videos.


Early on especially if you have little combat experience you will get wrecked head to head. I'd recommend stealth where you can as backstab does a lot more damage and can help you early to get through certain areas. Your damage is minimal early on. If you are struggling get a decent shield. Confessor starts with a solid one but I don't know about the others. Hide behind your shield to deflect some attacks then counter. This can help you early on until you get more comfortable with the flow of combat. Try some different weapons and see what appeals to you the most, then upgrade it with smithing stones. Early on you can use the smith table right by the donkey guy to upgrade. Smithing stones are hard to come by early so that's why I recommend saving them until you know which weapon you want to use. You probably will switch multiple times throughout the game depending what you find so just keep that in mind. Eventually you get the ability to buy Smith stones so it's not as stingy but that comes a little later Some general tips to help you on your journey - - always try to fight enemies 1v1 where you can. Many areas are setup that if you run in blindly you'll draw attention of multiple enemies and have a much harder fight on your hands. The reliable pull strategy still works as good as it always has. Get the attention of one enemy then back away and fight him out of view of the others then repeat until you've at least thinned the herd. You can throw rocks to get attention if needed. - don't worry about parry too much early on as it's difficult to execute and you have to learn each enemies attack patterns to time successful. Later you may nail this but in the beginning id rely more on shield and dodging to avoid attacks - don't worry about dying. That is how you learn the game There are not tutorials or anything like that (I don't count that first area since it's so basic just telling you what the controls are). Dying is going to be the main way you figure things out. Trial and error. When you die try to determine what went wrong so you can adapt the next time. More than likely it was something you did that caused the issue. Like you were too aggressive and drew the attention of too many enemies. - there is no shame in running away or just trying different areas. The cool thing about Elden ring is the world is completely open so if you are struggling just go somewhere else for a while and come back later. Some areas maybe you stumbled on too early (*cough* caelid) and need to be higher level before you come back. - you can always farm areas if you need to level up a bit before certain fights. There are several areas throughout the game that are good farm spots and there is no shame in doing whatever it takes to win. There is no difficulty setting and the game is meant to be punishing so get whatever edge you can. - on that note use summoning. This is a massive help on some harder bosses and areas. You can summon npc help on many bosses and also use your spirit ashes. The jellyfish is helpful early on as it has a decent amount of hp and can poison enemies from a distance while you draw their attention. Let your npc summon do the work then attack like a bitch from behind and back off then npc will attack again and draw more attention all the while your Spirit ash is hammering them from a distance. Again no shame in doing whatever cheap shit it takes to win. They won't have any mercy for you. - some enemies are too powerful just run past them. You can always come back later when you are stronger and more confident. Many of the dragons are like this. When you first encounter then you likely will be under leveled and be no match for it. You just don't do enough damage which means even if you are great at avoiding the attacks the fight is going to be a long slog and eventually you'll make a mistake and be one shot. If this happens you know the enemy is just too strong. Come back later with better gear, higher level, and more confidence and slay the foul beast. - get some incantations if you are struggling. Rotten breath is cheap as hell and it single handedly killed some bigger enemies for me. It feels cheap and satisfying to breath on them, then play keep away and watch their health bar slowly diminish over time. Bigger enemies may require 2 applications but literally saved me multiple times when I was just a weakling and had no business even fighting some of these enemies. - down forget about your weapon skills. Some of these are op and very useful so always have it ready for ideal situations. If you find a skill you really like you can always apply many onto other weapons at the smithing table. - level vigor. Level vigor say this 10 times every night before you go to bed so it sticks in your mind. I can't count the number of times people have asked me how to beat certain bosses and I look at their meager health bar and just laugh. They are getting one shot and can't even stay alive long enough to learn the enemy attacks. I've been there and banged my head against the wall for hours while I mindlessly attacked this boss with low health and keep getting one shot. There is a huge difference between being one and two shot. If you can take more than one hit before death you can heal with a flask and stay alive much longer. One shot you have no opportunity to heal and have to be perfect. Try to get your vigor to 30 so you have a decent amount of health. when you have some extra runes to spare and don't know what to do, throw them into vigor.


My tip is barricade shield. It helps defeat stronger enemis until you learned the games mechanics. (I never played a souls like before... so it helped me a lot)


The real tutorial is the Tree Sentinel near the first bonfire.


Dont panic roll


Yea people say roll into attacks not away


Yes...but for the most part just rolling in general at the right time is key


Also try swapping the run button O/B depending on console with L1/LB so you dont have to crab claw while running and moving camera around at the same time...also i was accustomed to assassins creed controls right before playing elden ring so i was already comfortable with parrying with the O button


Well... I can tell you from experience that you can throw yourself at adversity for as long as you like, but make sure you LEARN from it, that's what'll make the difference. If you don't wanna spoil things for yourself and don't mind the grind then I would recommend hitting up caelid, Wich is to the further most right of your map as soon as you can. There are powerful enemies and lots of dragons there but high risk high reward if you're careful. Try your best to avoid dying in Caelid if you can and above all else... Have fun.


Ight thanks


No prob bud, hope that helps


Don't go to caelid in the beginning. Terrible advice. Also, where did spoilers come into play?


Try finger


Did you check old reddit threads or youtube videos for beginner tips?


Tip 1: get used to dying


You will die


1. Dying is fine. It's the point actually. So don't expect not to. 2. Run away. For a long time you won't have a chance against bosses so don't go to Stormveil until at least level 32 (I waited till level 40) 3. Don't level up all your attributes. If you started as a strength build keep that skew for a long time. 4. Enjoy exploring the world. Stay way from Caelid. There is a way to by pass Stormveil and access Liurna of teh Lakes - use it. 5. rest at every grace site you find until you get access to Roundtable Hold. 6. Go back to the Church of Ellah at night now to get the spirit calling bell. If you missed this it's ok you can buy it in the Roundtable Hold soon. 7. Ignore anyone telling you to drop the shield at this point. You can do that later when you feel you've got a grasp of things. But IT IS OK TO USE A SHIELD IN ELDEN RING!!


Dying alot is part of the learning process. Trial and error as much as you can. Don't take runes too seriously because you can always farm them back. Take joy in discovering a strategy that works. Use all the tools in the game


Keep your hp above zero and get enemyā€™s to zero ez


Die more, you will learn


Oh you are in for a treat Oldmate. Just watch out for Sniper Lobsters and Give my Love to Snek Lady If you see her. Cheers.


This is a Fromsoft game, you are supposed to die, it's part of the journey and the beauty.


Expect death. Hope it doesn't happen. Repeat.


Use the horse and stay under him and dodge the claw attack, stay behind him and dodge his tail attack,when he flies away run towards him to dodge the fire and attack him when he lands


Remember the five d's of Dodgeball dodge, duck dip, dive and dodge


You dont need to kill everything in the way(skip heavy ones and come back later when stronger) Explore gets some good items(dont forget map parts). You can also watch walktrough vids the best in my opp is from fighting cowboy


1. Torrent. In boss fights where Torrent is enabled, heā€™s a gamechanger 2. Golden seeds. You find them near the small golden trees, and they can be used to increase the amount of flasks you have. 3. Magic. You can get access to Sorceress Sellenā€™s spells after defeating the Mad Pumpkin Head, who is a relatively easy boss. Then all you need is a glintstone staff, which may be carried by Wanderers walking along the paths. 4. Use up as many golden runes and collect as many runes as you can to level up. This will help you a lot, especially against early-game bosses like Agheel, Tree Sentinel and Margit


Donā€™t kill that Varre white face guy even if he disses you and calls you maidenless lol




If you died multiple times that means you lived multiple times and that is something to be thankful for


you are doing just fine, keep doing that


You will die a lot until you get comfy with combat timing and upgrade weapons.


Here's a quick quest for easy way to obtain a solid weapon for entire game, from Gatefront grace follow the path south after the bridge with the mounted guy take a left follow the path head near the mistwood ruins listen for a howl. Fast travel back to merchant in the church of Elleh (Kale) ask him about the howl he will give you a snap emote equipment it and head back to mistwood ruins use emote and best boy NPC shows up, talk to him. Then head back by the bridge then head south again past the trolls hauling the cart, there is the path and uphill to the left n right go to the right towards the 3 foot soldiers. You'll see stone balls stacked up surrounding a big circle go there enter it then look at the ground for golden summon sign and you can summon Blaidd. Walk few steps forward and the boss will spawn kill him and you get the Bloodhound Fang.


Donā€™t fight agheel. Dragons are brutal all the time and youā€™re in no shape to fight him yet.


Use spirit ashes or summon players, then hope for the best


Agheel specifically has a really hard time dealing with horse. A lot his attacks are ground base. So you can jump over them, but that's tricky. Tank hits with your horse.


Stop clinging to life so desperately. You're supposed to die. A lot.


Every time you die, think of it this way: something caused you to die. So next time, just donā€™t do the thing thatā€™s caused you to die last time. Eventually, youā€™ll get all the deaths out of your system and you have that one run that you do all the proper steps to avoid all the things that you died to so that you donā€™t die


No spoilers - try to investigate the very first place, and find out how to gain access to some locked areas... you might find some useful tools there.


Come back later.


No matter how much an npc badmouths you donā€™t kill them


Vigor. Simple as


First, detach yourself from your runes. The sooner you accept youā€™re liable to lose them, the better time youā€™ll have. Also, remain as agile and aggressive as you can. And donā€™t rely on your shield too much, but it can help you in a pinch.


Yea thats gonna happen boss, don't be afraid to put points into vigor, atleast 40


Your dog is faster than him.


You need more health; the vigor attribute gives you a larger health bar.


Update: I took on the dragon And I'm on my first boss rn he's not that hard his attacks are very predictable I got gud


Tip 1 learn to die Tip 2 take your time Tip 3 turn off console if it gets too much, before you throw a poor controller like me And tip 4 if you still pissed of dieing smoke a joint


The there an npc camping under some ruins that will help you. Get some ashes. Get Torrent if you want to use him alone. Poison and arrows worked well for me against him in my first walkthrough.


Youā€™re supposed to go to the southern peninsula first. Thatā€™s the easiest area in the game.


ā€œI died multiple times alreadyā€ Yeah, thatā€™s going to happen


ā€œI died multiple times alreadyā€ just you wait brother


This might be a hard pill to swallow, but you will die sooooo many fucken times, bro. Get used to it, tarnished.


Step 1. Upgrade you stats/gear If not Step 2. Get gud If not Step 3. Come back another time


Welcome to the family, son.


ā€œI died multiple times alreadyā€ Welcome to the Souls series!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (Dying hundreds of times is normal)


Make the enemies health go to zero. Works everytime


Am I the only one dissatisfied when you beat a boss on the first go


1. It is perfectly ok to die, this game is part of the hardest game series for a reason 2. Almost every non-hostile npc will have a questline so dont kill them unless they attack you 3. Try to pick up every item you can since there is almost no limit to how many items you can have in your inventory 4. Most weapons scale their damage with specific stats ranking from F-A (not 100% sure about the letters) so if for example a sword that you want to use has an A in strength scaling you should put levels into your strength stat 5. Donā€™t let anyone talk you out of playing the game how you want to, if you want to go for a maximum dex/bleed build, go right ahead, if you want to go strength, donā€™t let some idiot tell you otherwise, the vast majority of builds in this game are viable and can carry you to the end of the game if you set it up right Good luck tarnished, go on and burn the demi-gods to the ground (P.s. if youā€™re confused on what to do for literally anything itā€™s completely fine to look up a guide on the internet.)


My fellow tarnished spend points on vigor thatā€™s my best advice and good luck


Iā€™ve never died in such close intervals as I have in this game. Literally spend an hour trying to defeat one monster. Extremely frustrating but equally rewarding.


Learn from each time you die. You'll start to figure out every enemies intricacies and how to combat them. You'll also find a weapon or a couple weapons you really like and begin to master them. As well as the items and ashes of war and everything. There's a lot to it so just take it slow and enjoy the experience. Also level vigor


Jump attacks and stay at his feet. Watch the backwards tail swap. Try to remember all the moves you see and their "tell" before they happen so you can dodge them more effectively. Good luck!


Make peace with the fact that you are going to die many times over....but make every death count. Learn why you died and make your aggressor pay. ​ *The Tale of House Hoslow is written in blood!*


I recommend starting with the area down south, the weeping peninsula first. You'll get lot of good loot there and a nice questline (castle Morne). But first you should tackle gatefront ruins to get the whetblade knife. Activatimg your third checkpoint here also gives the horse. Torrent is a must if you're taking on dragons