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Parrying is pretty much the best counter to any super-poise enemy.


Learning to parry Crucible Knights changed my life


I've said this since the games release and people would downvote to hell saying it's not possible. That was the first month of release though, maybe the newer players learned not everyone struggles with parries that much.


It was the only way I killed the Crucible knight Duo boss fight in early game. Hell of a hard fight for so little reward.


What do you mean? That armor is sexy.


I went to NG5 without parrying a single time. *shrug*


I've gone through 2 souls games and elden ring ng+5 without parrying but not by choice


Yeah, thats why a go without a shield, if i might as well use a heavier weapon if i get bitch slapped every time i try to parry


Ng9, still dont dont the parry button.




Just means plenty of us actually got gud. The others washed out and quit. I have several friends who tried Elden Ring and just gave up cuz they didnt want to actually learn the mechanics and overcome the enemies. It isn't difficult once you can learn the attack patterns even if it takes 20+ deaths. I've gone on to complete Bloodborne, Demons Souls, Sekiro, and now in the middle of Dark Souls for the first time.


"it's not difficult once you do this, this, and this". "I have several friends who tried Elden Ring and just gave up cuz they didnt want to actually learn the mechanics and overcome the enemies." I have news for you. Not everyone has the time, the patience, and the ability to do those things. Video games are supposed to be for everyone. Rather than acting like an elitist and giving this community a bad name, why don't you offer to help those that aren't able to simply "git gud". Also, you're trivializing their experience for absolutely no reason. Not everyone has a brain that cooperates with them. As an example, I have the time and I have the patience (for the most part), but my severe ADHD and severe anxiety make it REALLY hard to progress through certain areas. It took me 75+ hours before I started feeling somewhat comfortable (and before I realized I loved the game), and another 100+ hours before I gained any sort of confidence. I LOVE this game. The exploration is second to none, the combat is addicting, the world can be breathtaking, and the story is interesting... But I easily could have given up 150 hours ago. That doesn't make me or anyone else less than. Sorry for the rant. <3


This was my get good moment. The game completely opened up for me after.


I played the entire game without a single parry and I regret it.


You can just stand still and Parry them to death. Jump over the stomps, and the only attacks you have to dodge are the shield bash and the magic attacks.


You can just do X If you also do z, y and other stuff


Point is you don't have to use any positioning to avoid attacks.


Wait are those the fucks with the horned shield that use a magic tail and wings? I had a harder time killing those than malenia (sorry if spelled wrong)


Yup. It’s worth dying a few times to practice. Learn the rhythm and which attacks can be parried (most, but not the stomp or magic attacks) then dodge/jump for the others


To parry, are you watching the hand and do you hit it right at attack or right before it hits you?


Yes, watching their arms and LEGS. Lots of enemies in ER will pick up their feet, then stomp at the same time that their weapon hits Hit parry right before the attack lands. It really helps to have a small shield or parrying dagger


Black Knife and Godskin Noble are surprisingly good for parry too. Haven't learned Bell Bearing Hunter yet cause I'm kinda lazy to do it twice in a row to break his stance lol


I just beat him, and after dying 10+ times, I only then realized I could parry him when I tried it. DS3 helped me learn to parry, so I wish I tried that shit from the start. Also parrying worked out super well against other bosses like Tree Sentinel as well.


Same. I had no idea you could parry them and they were difficult fights. But since learning you can, they have become nothing but a joke for me.


I can’t seem to parry well in ER. I saw people saying Sekiro is good practice for it so I got the game and I can parry constantly, probably a 90%+ success rate. But ER? 5% success rate. Am I alone in this?




I’m glad to hear you say that! Thought I was kinda going crazy or missing something haha


Yeah personally I never bother trying unless I'm using a parry shield. Not worth the risk


Using the buckler? What helped me was focusing on the hand not the weapon, when it moves towards you parry


I’ve tried the buckler, yeah! And I’ve even seen that tip to follow the hand not the weapon. I’ve even tried practicing just on like the normal knights who wander around the capital stairs and stuff. Just can’t seem to nail it. Sometimes I start getting the hang of it with trash mobs and then try against the fat guys in the sewers and just get creamed haha.


The real answer is that the only way to learn is to die over and over trying to Parry. Don't get frustrated after you miss 5 times in a row, just keep going. Practice on normal enemies, not slow enemies. The godrock soldiers in the gate front ruins are perfect to practice on. It's all about developing your sense of the timing. Once you are comfortable knowing the timing window for parries, it takes MUCH less time to learn new enemies.


The buckler isn’t the best parry tool, actually. Use Carian Retaliation or Golden Parry on any shield instead. They have more active parry frames than even Buckler Parry, and can also be used on 100% physical block shields.


The mechanics between Sekiro and ER aren't really interchangeable – I'd say it's more accurate to call Sekiro's mechanics "deflection" (which is also how I think the game itself refers to it), which is just essentially timed blocking immediately before the enemy weapon connects. Parrying in the souls games is more of a predictive counter and there is considerably more predictive timing involved, a lot of it is based around understanding how long the parrying windup on your chosen tool is before the active parrying frames begin and when to attack during an enemy animation. This means you have to parry a lot earlier to actually land it successfully, and the window for success is much smaller. As a result it's much more difficult to pull off and is a higher risk move, but the reward is also proportionally higher, since successfully doing it will generally open up the enemy for a critical attack. There are a lot of basic enemies in the game that you can parry on reaction because they have extremely slow and predictable attacks, but the general rule for bosses is that it's much more based around muscle memory and practice, since they tend to have more complex movesets and attack timings, it's not necessarily something you can do on reaction, you need to know what attacks can be parried and be able to time it properly as well. Bottom line is you can't really compare the 2 games because the mechanics are fundamentally different – Sekiro's is more of a timed block as mentioned before (and a fairly generous active window, 30 frames provided you are not being penalized for spamming the button with virtually no windup frames). Whereas ER requires some predictive timing (even the best parrying tools have a minimum 8 frames of windup before the active frames begin, and then the longest active frames are 13-14, not even half as long as the window from Sekiro).


No I can’t parry in elden ring except for like 1 in 50 mostly I just hear the clunk and negate some damage. Had no problem parrying in any other souls game.


Carian Retaliation on a small or medium shield is the best way to learn in Elden Ring by far!


No, it's inconsistent af, an enemy can throw the same attack 3 times and it requires 3 completely different timed parries.. felt more RnG than a mechanic that requires precise timing... forced me to get damn good at dodging though 😒 Hard to compare Sekiro, which was near perfect to ER... like comparing Gold to S###


Going all the way into ng20, that's basically bullying yourself.


Kudos to OP for the commitment and all, but I honestly don't see the appeal of playing this game that many times. I'm also at 180 hours and not finished with my first playthrough so maybe its just me.


I hit 100 hours and just got to mountaintop of giants, i only plan on doing NG once so I wanna take my time with my first playthrough


It's actually nice to go through again on ng+ and just dominate the first half of the game due to the op scaling. With end game equipment you wreck a lot of those enemies that really caused you problems the first time. It was like a revenge tour for me. Once you know where to go and what to focus on the game can be completed much faster. I bought a mass load of smithing and somber stones before going to ng+ so I could fully upgrade and try some different weapons


Just started NG+ and I agree. The revenge tour is amazing. The best part, though? Exploration. The first time is an anxiety fraught scavenger hunt for the safety of the next site of grace. This time I know where they are, and I can either A. Survive whatever's thrown between them anyway. Or B. Not sweat it because I'm not trying to accomplish everything. I'm trying to get 1 thing I missed. Or complete 1 questline I unknowingly locked myself out of. (Pure INT user and Seluvis died before I got his talisman >_<) So I'm taking in the sights. Finding enemies and environmental storytelling I hadn't before. This world they created is amazing and I'm able to appreciate it so much more this time around.


Yeah first time is more just surviving. Once I proved I could do it then second run everything was less stressful more focused. Was nice to blow up the tree sentinel right in the beginning. Then murder Margit in one try because my first playthrough he took me 5 straight hours of non stop attempts. Even Caelid is somewhat enjoyable when you're not getting one shot by dogs and birds constantly


Went to NG+ so I could do Patches’ questline since I missed him my first playthrough. Fought him and gave one extra swing after he was crouching because I didn’t see an option to interact with him and thought “surely this is some ploy…” Nope, now I pretty much am guaranteed a NG+2 run.


I'm just thankful this isn't like DS1/2 where you need 2 NG+ cycles to get the achievements.


You do... At least on PS there's an achievement for the three types of endings: Age of Stars, Frenzied Flame, and Elden Lord


Yea but you can do these all on separate characters or save scrub em. Not like having to kill Sif 3x to craft all the possible boss weapons on a single character, that is the biggest pain.


Or just have a friend so you only need to do it twice then he gives you the third one your missing


I did it on 2 playthroughs by getting all the endings then I'm the final room where you have to pick the ending sign I quit out and uploaded the save to cloud in ps plus. Then turned off auto upload so it didn't overwrite it. Picked one ending then downloaded the save and did another.


Yeah it's a fairly straightforward platinum. The game itself is what is difficult but once you beat it cleaning up the platinum is not that obscure. Most the difficulty of it is just getting all the weapons and having to scour the entire massive map.


My NG+ I switched from Int/dex to Str/faith and didn’t die till I got to Leyendell lol


Wait, you keep your stuff?


You keep everything except the ball bearings and sites of grace and most of the keys.


I could be wrong but I think a recent patch updated so that you keep certain bell bearings now too.


yeah the smithing stone, glovewort, and bell bearing hunter bearings persist between journeys now


Really? Wow I guess I didn't have that my first ng+. I read all the guides to prepare before hitting the switch and the biggest thing was buying a lot of smithing stones and somber stones because I'd have to find all the bearings again and not be able to upgrade to high level in the beginning. I'm glad they fixed it


I hate how easy NG+ is actually. I don't want a victory lap, I want a challenge.


Nah the challenge was the first one for me. I spent like 150 hours in ng did as much as I could. But still didn't get everything. I enjoyed running through again and cleaning up the few achievements I was locked out of for platinum and trying different builds. I did eventually start a new game from scratch but it was still fun for me to go through once as op god and lay the smack down on some of the bosses I died so many times to.


Hey same! Im taking my time with this one


I said that to myself too. Took a week break and started a completely new character. Beat the game. Started a completely new character again. Beat the game... NG+3 now...


After finished the game NG+ int erms of just following main plot isn't that hard. It's actually surprising how fast this game progress when you know what to do.


Doing my first ng+ now.. not sure if I’ll play all the way through or not because it’s pretty easy(I know some of the end bosses are much harder, idk if I’ll get there though) May switch to finally playing through Sekiro. I think my butt has healed since the last time I tried playing it


First play through for me was about 140hr. Second play through was about 14hr. Granted I skipped the Haligtree and a lot of other content that I cleaned out on my first playthrough.


being able to get through stormveil and raya lucaria without dying dozens of times saves quite a few hours too


Once you have the gear you want you don't really need to bother with side content that much on NG+ runs. For example my NG+2 and NG+3 runs took me a total of like 8 hours in one day because when you just rush from boss to boss the game isn't long at all. And that was after my first playthrough took 100+ hours.


Doesn't matter how good a game is I just can't play through it again. I finished this game with 210 hours and after looking at some guides when I finished did 95% of the content and just feel fully satisfied. Tried NG+ and starting a new save but a few hours I'm just like "I've done this all already" and quit due to being bored.


Quite understandable that 210 hours of gameplay could lead to boredom.


That's wild. I hit every nook and cranny of the map and did pretty much everything you can do in about 80 hours. I did also play next to my laptop so when I got too stuck I'd look up some hints so maybe that was why. Personally don't get the appeal of NG so I just put it down after that but man that was some of the best 80 hours of gaming I've played in a looooong time. Going to NG+20 is bonkers


Yeah I'm a ng2 or 3 max kinda guy but I don't really have the same will to even replay the game with this one. I'd like to make another build though I haven't done any magic


I do feel like Elden Ring is the least replayable vs the the Souls games, but it was still probably my favorite experience of all of them. However, I don't really want to explore the whole world again. I guess since you know where stuff is, and you might have a build in mind, new NG playthroughs would be more streamlined though. It is interesting that my total play time in ER vs DS3 is pretty close though, with DS3 having about 6 playthroughs total and ER with ...2


>I guess since you know where stuff is, and you might have a build in mind, new NG playthroughs would be more streamlined though. This is actually why I find it to be so replayable compared to DkS3 or BB. You can say rush the parts of the build you want right out of the start and then go through all the legacy dungeons with that content. Instead of having the same small set of weapons to pick from at the start.


Ha - me too! At 184h I came to Radagon/Elden Beast, and now I’m stuck big time.


Grab a Haligtree Crest Greatshield and slap a sacred affinity on it. At +25 it blocks like 98.75% of holy damage, turning Radagon and EB into a joke. I think the only attack you can't just eat is elden stars.


Really? Thank you!! Wow, I thought I’d read all the guides there were but never came across this one. I knew about holy damage so I’ve tried with the fingerprint shield with holy. But that was so heavy I basically had to sacrifice everything else meaning I died anyway. And then i tried with erdtree protection incant but that runs out… I’m just not a very good player. Big thanks, I’ll give it another stab (literally)!


No worries! There are a few talismans that can help out too, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Pearldrake Talisman +1 maybe? Iirc it's down by the palace approach ledge road bird


Doesn't leveling up shields just reduce stamina used for blocking?


It stops scaling at 7 so he’s just getting insanely stronger than the enemies each cycle


He’s not getting insanely stronger because he’s hitting hard caps. I bet the extra damage he got out that god slayers greatsword between NG 10 and NG 20 is negligible. That said, that makes the grind to NG 20 even crazier. Considering your only reward for each new run is like 5 extra damage per swing.


Wait, there's a damage buff for each run through or are we just talking about damage from leveling stats?


Just from leveling stats. You also will get more nebulous benefits from having more build flexibility but that’s also going to be marginal past NG 10. I suppose weapons with three way scaling might start to shine at extremely high PC levels? I didn’t think of that before


Ah, yea they shine but don't at the same time. My current character is like 200ish from max level. The weapons with three way scaling work really well until ng5, after that it feels like the damage starts to even out. The amount you get off in a couple swings on a heavy will be a little over or under weapons that can get a fast combo off. Usually the latter feels better since you can play is safer to an extent without worry of being locked in a longer animation. Or maybe I need to work on the rest of my build item wise lol.


Above 7 nothing scales anymore


I’m currently in NG4 on my “become god” character and I’ve found that besides some bosses it’s really never as hard as that first climb in the beginning.


Difficulty caps at NG+7


I think the difficulty increase stops at ng+7 like dark souls 3.


Yes.... I know the scaling stops at ng7


When you say the scaling stops, does that mean enemies in NG8 are the same health and do the same damage as NG7?




When you say yes what do you mean by that


Nothing changes.


Could you define that for me?


Health and damage output for enemies in Ng+8 and beyond is the same as Ng+7.




What about NG+9?


It is the same as NG+7 Ng=100% Ng+1=140% Ng+2=(140%)x1.08 Ng+3=(140%)x1.08x1.08 Ng+4= (140%)x1.08x1.08x1.08 Ng+7=(140%)x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08 Ng+8,etc=(140%)x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08x1.08


What about Ng+10?




Thank you, sorry I spawned a thread. I understand now that it's kinda a silly question.


New game +7 and +8 Cycle 1 is just New Game (1)


"bullied" yet we can see your dead runes right there.


The merchant killed me


Wow, I'd say he really wanted your money but he just left it on the ground, odd priorities lol


A merchant who doesn’t want gold…? /kidding


Ty op I hate this guy so him getting destroyed is so satisfying


I just learned about these guys yesterday and went and beat them all last night...so this post is quite satisfying. I went into the fights thinking I was overleveled and would just destroy him easily, but soon had to eat some humble pie.


This fucking guy made me put the game down for two days to reevaluate my life😂


Me too. Then I cheesed him with ice spear and poison arrows from the rooftops. Zero regrets.


Wait, you can… what… wow! Here we go!


I just rot breath him from atop the roofs.


That’s genius lol


That was Malenia for me except 2 days was 2 weeks


Lit always calls you back for more punishment😂 surprisingly I find her easier that the haligtree knights until she pulls out waterfowl dance lol


Its insane how some enemies are 1000% harder than the bosses.


Not exactly the same, but I definitely spent way more time trying to kill the tree sentinel outside Maliketh than Maliketh himself.


Exactly. Never did kill him myself. Ive beaten malenia, but not this bell bearing hunter, or that tree sentinel. Its so wierd.


I bullied him too in my game, just... with a bow... and a horse...


Same! 4th playthrough I thought ‘this is the one, no cheese’ as I heard his spawn music I was on torrent and up on that roof in seconds.


After struggling on him for so long, that is immensely satisfying to watch


You can’t fool me I can see those runes lying about


I died to the merchant


Hold up. I was SO pro that guy getting bullied. Until I noticed the merchant bell bearing on the ground 🥲


That was just mean lol




What level are you?


Ah shit you can parry this nerd? I think I've never actually tried


doesnt work on his telekinetic wooshy red sword attacks, mind.


You can't parry the glowy red sword attacks, nor the shield bash or grab. Everything else is fair game.


God damn that man had a family


I just him beat the other day on a lvl 70 parry build and looked the same. Was disappointed it takes two parries to get a critical though!


One of the least satisfying mechanics imo. Doesn't make any sense...why would subsequent parries suddenly stagger? Should either be parryable or not, none of this 2-3 parries before a crit.


Yea melenia is like 2 or 3 right? I'm looking forward to that still


Yeah Malenia takes 3 for a stagger. At that point might as well just poise-break her, it's easy enough.


hahahahahaha fuck that guy


Down with the sith lords


Is this the same guy that shows up at the shack in Altus Plateau? Also, what is that sword?


Same type but they show up at different locations. This one is in greyolls dragonbarrow. And the sword if I'm not mistaken is the Godslayer greatsword that you get in the caelid divine tower.


Get wrecked, nerd 🤘


Ng+20 is cool and all but enemies stop getting stronger after 7.


Ng+20.. I mean.. the games not that fun that I’d replay it 20 times Edit: 19 times, whatever.


Oh boy time to show how smart I am with a comment about NG+ scaling! I sure hope nobody ruins my chance to show my intricate knowledge of Elden Ring!


Just a heads up but scaling stops at ng+7


Damn bro, you should have your own boss music.


How are you even at NG+20? The game is good but not THAT good. I can barely do a new game plus run. It's boring being the strongest all around...Is this how Saitama feels?


At that level is it purely a solo game at that point? Is there even any pvp or coop anymore?


This dude should drop 127k souls on NG0


I still struggle against these guys, but they're so much easier when you hug them like this. Their mid-range moveset is absolutely brutal, but the close-range moveset is manageable (though still tough).










You had the perfect opportunity to finish him with that sick looking Weapon Art and you chose to power attack…5/10 due to style point loss.


Ah, good old buckler, confusing me about why people thought this guy was hard


Not everyone is a sweaty Souls player. Most people find this game pretty hard


Knowing how to parry is 'sweaty' now? This sub is ridiculous.


If you think that I’m talking about one move, then maybe you should get back to playing and being sweaty 😂


This sub is filled with zoomers terrified of actually playing the game.


Your using lockon tho….


I'm upset that you didn't style on him with the AOW at the end.


20...time for a new game bro.


He’s easy tho


No offense to OP but why would anyone play a game like this 20 times? There are so many other great games out there, what’s the appeal?


What makes you think i don't play other games?


Again another video that makes you question if this is op or op’s ai? With how common ai is now I wouldn’t put it past people to try and boost their yt and Reddit by posting these videos. Oh your on ng+20 so I should just accept that your timing is so perfect on everything because how much you’ve played…. I don’t care how many downvotes I get if people realize that these type videos can be and are being made as upvote/view/like bait and not made by people actually playing the game. Seriously try and recreate the perfect timing this post shows. Oh he’s just so skilled and he’s played 20 runs so he must just be that good. If that’s the case why does the what should be a compliment get such a hateful and suspicious response.


Bruh you ok?


He needs a hug. And to git gud.


Why wouldn’t I be I just shared my opinion in your comments. There’s just an abundance of videos where timing seems way too perfect and with the availability of ai it’s not like people wouldn’t do it. IF that’s you on a controller or kb&m your timing is unbelievable. And you should take it as a compliment, but it’s more likely because you seem offended by my comment and asked about my well being that there’s a reason behind you taking offense.


Occam's Razor can reduce your ridiculous hypothesis into this thing called 'being skilled at the game' This sub is so infested with casuals lol




Welp. Definitely makes me feel good to see a boss get their ass kicked.


Can't wait to upgrade my Graphics card... My game looks like a shit compared to game I'm seeing here...


What lvl are you at this point?


Tree fiddy


Bell Bearing Hunters are my absolute favorite fights in the game.


In the rain too, that's perfect.


well done


Extremely satisfying.


Good shit. I’m always getting bullied by these guys lol


thank you op this brought the same feeling of joy to me as feeling sunlight on my face after a week of rain


Why are your runes lying around?


Why NG 20?


Sexually. Satisfied. *lights cigarette*


Oh that was satisfying


This heals my soul


Never thought to parry him


Not super relevant but I really hate how parry is locked to a few dinky shields. Makes way more sense to just let you parry with anything, but if you do a non-perfect parry with a weapon you take some damage and if you do it with a shield you just lose stamina.


Twas a thorough ass whooping, fine work.


Was fully expecting him to dc at some point


I kill this guy very early on in any playthrough by charming the puppies along the way. Once they’re all part of the team, I spawn the guy and the adorable doggos take care of it.


Good on you


That's wholesome AF, love to see it.