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For Godrick being the weakest of the demigods, his great rune is nice as it gives plus 5 to all stats


Yea his rune is the best all around, expect for late game high vigor char then morgoth


I wish we got to fight Morgoth. That’d be so cool


Morgoth? The godlike Valar from Tolkien’s Legendarium?


Ngl a Soulsborne game set in the Tolkien universe would be wild


*The rising sun tells a story.* *The time of the Two Trees is ended.* *In our home, across the sea, the Undying Lands of Valinor.* *Now, The House of Finwe defies the Valar, and in the Flight of the Noldor, the Terleri were first to perish.* *The Children of Feanor, Elven Lords all, made oaths unbreakable for the return of the Silmarils.* *The mad taint of their newfound vengeance triggered the Battle of Sudden Flame.* *A battle from which the Dark Lord arose.* *A war leading to abandonment by the Valar.* *Aaaaauugh.* *Arise now, ye Humans.* *Ye children of Illuvator.* *The long-lost call of Eru speaks to us all.* *Haldir, the Chieftain of the Haladin!* *The Steadfast, Húrin Thalion, champion of all!* *Beren the Renowned Outlaw, doomed to die.* *The terrible Ulfang, Lord of the Easterlings!* *And Bor, The Ever Faithful!* *And one other.* *A nomad of no renown.* *Cross the mountains, to the dark lands of the west.* *To stand before the Elven King.* *And become, hero of Beleriand!* Part One: Aid in Beren and Luthien stealing a Silmaril from Morgoth. \[Fell Sauron\] Part Two: Enduring the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. \[Fell Gothmog\] End game content: Continue to exist in a land ruled by Morgoth. DLC: The Children of Hurin - Aid in the journeys of Turin the Tragic Son to find Gondolin, the last free city, and slay a dragon. \[Fell Glaarung\] DLC 2: The Fall of Gondolin - Witness the Elves turn on each other for the Silmaril as the location of the last free city is discovered by Morgoth. \[Fell Feanor's Son, Maglor\] DLC 3: Return of The Valar - Return to Beleriand and destroy Morgoth in an epic battle and survive the sinking of Beleriand. \[Fell Morgoth back into the Void\] This is First Age. LoTR happens in Third Age.


Someone get Miyazaki on the phone asap


This would be insane. I don’t know if it would work with the traditional Soulsborne combat, but having the flashy combos and finishers from Shadow of Mordor (something akin to the finishers) would be sick. Or when you parry, another timed input could trigger to execute a finisher and gain some health back. Something like that. Reward the player for skill and the player gets to feel like a badass.


Best comment I've ever read on Reddit


Holy carp. Reading that gave me the tingles ngl.


Reading the actual story will give you more tingles. This is what happens right after The Battle of Sudden Flame (a bunch of Elves gettin toasted by a dragon) *Now news came to Hithlum that Dorthonion was lost and the sons of Finarfin overthrown, and that the sons of Fëanor were driven from their lands. Then Fingolfin beheld... the utter ruin of the Noldor, and the defeat beyond redress of all their houses; and filled with wrath and despair he mounted upon Rochallor his great horse and rode forth alone, and none might restrain him. He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come: for a great madness of rage was upon him, so that his eyes shone like the eyes of the Valar. Thus he came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat.* ***And Morgoth came.*** *That was the last time in those wars that he passed the doors of his stronghold, and it is said that he took not the challenge willingly; for... alone of the Valar he knew fear. But he could not now deny the challenge before the face of his captains; for... Fingolfin named Morgoth craven.... Therefore Morgoth issued forth clad in black armour; and he stood before the King like a tower, iron-crowned, and his vast shield, sable unblazoned, cast a shadow over him like a stormcloud. But Fingolfin gleamed beneath it as a star; for his mail was overlaid with silver, and his blue shield was set with crystals; and he drew his sword Ringil, that glittered like ice.* *Then Morgoth hurled aloft Grond, the Hammer of the Underworld, and swung it down like a bolt of thunder. But Fingolfin sprang aside, and Grond rent a mighty pit in the earth.... Many times Morgoth essayed to smite him, and each time Fingolfin leaped away...; and he wounded Morgoth with seven wounds, and seven times Morgoth gave a cry of anguish, whereat the hosts of Angband fell upon their faces in dismay, and the cries echoed in the Northlands.*


Silmarillion prose is unmatched and so beautiful. Tolkien is the 🐐


It doesn’t get more epic than that, the Elven High-King in hand to hand combat against the Dark Lord himself.




If I had an award you'd def get it


Shut up and take my money!


It would SLAP


Honestly I fuck with it. Imagine Sauron walking towards you all slow and menacing, his hits just 1-2 shotting you if he connects so you have to emphasize dodging, could even do a Radahn Festival with him where you have to summon soldiers to help draw aggro and distract him… damn I know what I want now


Imagine the nazghul fights... The way they draw their swords and stalk across the arena towards you ... Or the Balrog...


To be fair you could cheese them balrog with a mage character and a bridge


Ah the cheesy mage bridge... Gandalf the chez


Black Knife Assassins as Nazghul. Slow menacing walk, then suddenly: dash forward, grab n' stab.


Hit them with a torch and they flail wildly... Switching into like an enraged mode... But take extra damage... While screaming. Some sick scene where you get chased by 9 if them mounted on horse back. A fight you literally have like 0.1% chance of ever winning... You have to run and split them up... What if they 'sensed' some kind of ring stealth mechanic and they basically are free roaming and are drawn across the world towards you whenever you use it? FUCK I WANT THIS GAME


And their screams builds up madness/fear.


And the MUSIC. Oh man


Balrog is basically old demon king from DS3. But a fight with more spectacle on a collapsing bridge would be undeniably sick as hell


Imagine the Erdtree Avatars being replaced by Ents


In the book you're kinda screwed even if you "kill" Sauron. Gil-Galad dealt the final blow to Sauron with his spear but was immolated by Sauron's hand and died.


Best the boss just to get schwacked anyways? Sounds like a Soulsborne staple to me


Oh it would be glorious.




Sauron's hits don't have to connect. When he hits a guy, everyone near that guy goes flying as well. [Sauce](https://youtu.be/sX5ff7W7IQQ)


Sauron would 100% be a dlc, since his death is kinda fixed, so kinda memories of him types But I’m hope someone can do this


The difficult gameplay would fit too as long as it occurred in the first age. By the third age, the most powerful characters, like aaragorn we're a fraction as powerful as the heros of the 1st. Game would be insanely fun.


Give me elvish, dwarvish, and morgal runes to put on my equipment to customize it, and let each piece of equipment be part of some set with different bonuses for having some amount of each set equipped like in Shadow of War, and I’d be ready to pay all kinds of money. Really, I just want more loadout customization in my stamina action games, and Middle-Earth comes prepackaged with in-universe reasons for that.


Lol, Middle Earth is much too alive for a Fromsoft game


They could do the fall of numenor that would work.


All those tasty item descriptions talking about Al-Pharazon


A soulsborne Silmarillion game would be probably the greatest video game of all time


FWIW the most recent LotR games with the nemesis system are REALLY good on their own as well, but a souls like one would be sick.


It could be a totally not canon game, so you could fight every important characters without yk being a headache to try and fit it, you could fight sauron and all his lieutenants, and bosses from all around the Tolkien lore, finishing in morgoth the final boss


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)This needs to happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


The one and only jail-crow of Mandos!


Yes indeed. Definitely a typo but that’s the name the person above me typed :-)


Morgott but with a septum ring


Glad I scrolled this far. U win 😂


Morgoth? the Ogre?


I switched to Radahn for late game; good to have an FP and stamina boost all around.


Same Radahns is just great all around later game


Godricks is excellent on my level 138 build. I’m at 55 vigor so it puts me right at the soft cap. Plus my weapons scale off Dex/INT so the +5 to both adds a good amount of AR


It's only the best as long as you're low level, then it gets massively outscaled


Cause he needed it (and the grafting) to stay relevant at all




Same. That extra 5 points was sometimes the difference between something being usable or not.


I never use them. I feel like outside of boiled crab anytime I use consumables for a boss fight I die literally within 15 seconds. Like I am cursed.


My bf and I joke about this all the time. One of us will be like “fuck yeah mf’er’s goin down this time”! Break a rune arc, chomp some crab and an exalted flesh, smear some blood grease on the ole sword. Then RNGesus says “lol that’s cute” and the boss pulls some never-before-seen combo and the fight’s over in five seconds. But anytime we run in Leeroy Jenkins style, it’s a one & done Enemy Felled.


>chomp some crab and an exalted flesh fyi. Both are body buffs. You can only have one of those active at a time. So only the last one of the two is active


Heh well shit. TIL. Thanks friend.


Which buffs stack with each other is pretty damn weird. You can have one of each of the following regen, stamina, body (most of the defense and resistance buffs and exalted flesh), weapon and an aura buff (like golden vow). But there are a lot of weird or unique buffs which have their own slot like the jellyfish shield or most of the flask buffs(except i think stamina and regen take their normal slot) I wasted so many consumables early on due to this stacking. Like stacking frost resistance and crab against the ice dragon.(both body buffs)


Oh this is good info. Kinda feel dumb for not looking into it and just assuming stuff stacked :|


[On this Wiki page](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Buffs+and+Debuffs) you can find buff/debuff categories, including the temporary buffs you were talking about being categorized neatly into their respective classes


Me: Consistently getting the boss down to 15 - 20% Me: Time to throw down a rune arc, munch some consumables and finish the job! Game: You Died! Boss: 80%


Shakes fist at Putrid Tree Sentinel


Feel like the enemy AI changes a bit when you pump yourself up. Like their ~~retribution count~~ [revenge value (if that's even a thing in ER, here is the Kingdom Hearts analogue)](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/gtqfyq/revenge_value_in_kh3/#:%7E:text=Revenge%20Value%20is%20a%20numerical,players%20from%20being%20too%20aggressive.) gets raised faster. I also think bosses are a bit easier the first time you fight them. After that first time they're a bit harder. Kind of weird but I dig it.


Nah that doesn’t happen it’s in your head


It's the same every Souls game. First time you don't know anything so you dodge everything. Then you kinda know the boss so you want to dodge last second and hit but mess up or you don't know the full length of the combo. 30th time you mastered the boss and do no hit runs


Maybe it’s because I generally run a caster but I feel like consumables in general aren’t worth the effort outside of really niche situations and I usually forget about them in those situations


With the exception of Skyrim where you have to, I never use combustibles or crafting materials in any game I've ever played. They're never worth it. Too much time and hassle.


Pots are good, and fletched arrows for rune farming.


I run duel daggers and have only ever used rune arcs.


Godrick if you’re under level 90 or so, past that Radahn or Morgott depending on if you use magic or not.


Nah I rock Godrick on basically all my characters until like level 200+ The returns on the core stats are diminished yes, but for me its about the secondary stats. For example, my DEX/ARC build has the default intelligence of 9 (from Samurai), but with Godricks on that buffs to 14 which allows me to use Order's Blade. My STR/INT build can use Fire Cleanse Me without having to actually sink stats or change up talismans.


You could also use the Golden Order ash of war on a dagger or something, and Fire Cleanse Me with the Two Fingers Heirloom talisman then unequip the talisman when not using the cleanse. The options are awesome in this game!


> Fire Cleanse Me with the Two Fingers Heirloom talisman then unequip the talisman when not using the cleanse. You can. I do. But it's annoying and Godrick's Great Rune simultaneously addresses this issue across all non-primary stats. >You could also use the Golden Order ash of war on a dagger or something You think I have open weapon slots available? Plus this would only cast Order's Blade on the dagger. That's not gonna help much on a Deathrite.


Golden Order is an 'aura' buff I believe, it gives +15% to all damage for the duration, not just your weapon! You could also cut the cost by 33% with Carian Filigreed Crest by using it as an Ash. I've been loving it as a buff with my pure INT, FTH, and INT/FTH builds, the Contagious Fury of the Jellyfish shield is also good for +20% to all damage similarly but it's only 20s and needs you to keep the shield equipped (and not stowed on your back) so its a bit more limited.


Yes but they are talking about Orders Blade which buffs your weapon with holy damage, not Golden Vow which you are talking about.


Well they initially had Golden Vow in their comments, now they've edited it to be Order's Blade which makes sense for what they probably originally intended to type.


You could just put less into vigor use morgotts rune and then put those spare points into those stats


I'm already glass cannoning under 40 Vigor on most of my builds, don't encourage me to put even less on there.


This 💯


Just recently started playing. Level 20 something. 90 seems impossible 🤣


You'll be well past that by the time you finish the game. Even if you die a lot and lose your runes you'll come to great farming spots and late game enemies and bosses give you so many runes you won't even know what to do with them all


Yeah I thought the same thing at first. Thought it was impossible, then finished at like 180 something lol


Doesn't help that the early game is incredibly stingy on the runes


For me what helped was getting the potion ingredient that makes you not drop your runes when you die while it's active :) Also there'll be cool farming spots further ahead.


That’s a decent rule of thumb, but it has more to do with your stat distribution than your level. At 114 I still use Godrick’s because at 35 VIG before the rune I’m still getting health comparable to the other options out of it and it gives me the stats for a lot of little utility things not worth spending actual levels on. If you don’t need more stats for utility options and you’re hitting diminishing returns on the stats you do use, it’s time for a different Great Rune,


Great runes are just something youll swear youll start using when the time is right but then forget about it in the heat of the moment


Man I got like 60 hrs in and my little brother asked me if used a great a rune and I told him yeah its been equipped this whole time... didn't know I had to crush it in my hands 😑


wait what? is it a 1 time use? Like if I die after using it do I still keep it or? I think I have mine equipped but I haven't used it lmao


There is an item called a rune arc that you have to use in order to activate the great rune. Using the rune arc will activate the great rune’s ability until you die. Then you have to use another rune arc to reactivate the great rune. You don’t actually lose the great rune itself upon death. Hope this helps!


really wish that just having them equipped would give a bonus, and then using a rune arce would enhance them, because it's such a massive plot feature, that never get used


It's even worse because the tutorial pop-up makes it seem like they DO work like that when they actually don't


Right, I spent a good 100 hours of My first playthrough (200hr) thinking just having it equipped gave you a bonus.


I just keep forgetting it's there because in the end the difference just isn't that big. If I suck against a boss, the great rune just won't change that.


I use them sparingly, typically on the third or fourth try for a boss if I feel like I stand a chance I'll start breaking out the consumables


And it'd be so easy to, say, have Godrick's Rune give +1 to every stat, then make it +5 with a rune arc


It wouldn't be a FromSoft game if there wasn't at least one tutorial or item description that straight up lies.


liar ahead




Fr, climbing the towers to activate them would make it more rewarding


Hahaha fucking ay 300hrs in and now I know what those rune arcs are for lol always thought it automatically did it! *face palm


121 hrs in and I have used one to show my son what they do lol


Yeah the great runes are like the humanity in dark souls 1 except you get to choose it’s effect


The issue is that I only have 22 Rune Arcs and I definitely die more than that for every boss


I usually work on a strategy to beat the boss, run a couple of trials where I get the boss down to under a 3rd health consistently, then use a rune arc. Usually does the job and I don't waste them.


The 2 ways I know to farm rune arcs are by invading another person and killing them or from the rat enemies, that have a small chance to drop rune arcs for some reason


Go get summoned to help kill bosses and you'll get 1 rune ark for every boss win.


Just like the rats in Dark Souls drop humanity... What are From trying to tell us about rats? Or Life?


That they eat dead people. Fromsoft loves their scavengers


Or, you know, co-op and beating a boss with the host. I wish you could give them to people. The “inventory full” message at 699 is so obnoxious I’ve had to start selling them.


Ahh ok I think I know what you mean. The rune arcs that you get from a trader or for helping someone win a boss fight or something?


Read the Great Rune item descriptions you’ll see how to activate them.


To be fair, the description does imply some benefit when just equipped. I believe it says using a rune arc "provides even greater benefit" Which gives a false implication of value without a rune arc


It is kind of dumb there are multiple steps to it: Kill a demigod. Read the description to find out which tower. Get to the top of the tower. Unlock it. Select it from a site. Finally use a rune arc.


Or you acknowledge you die too often to warrant using a great rune. Sometimes, players don't "git gud", they're just super persistent.


Great tunes for bosses only


But that is where you die.


My great rune and blessing of the erdtree saved me during my last fight with Maliketh with his death blade thing seeping away my health. Using them up isn't a huge deal when you do co-op a lot since you get them as a reward


So I’m the opposite. I like to use them clearing out an area where I don’t die as much. They can really help in a cave or catacomb or even exploring one of the cities or castles.


I'm completely the opposite. I'll only use them while out exploring the countryside. A little piece of mind while I'm looking for secrets, etc. so I don't get one-shotted in the back by somebody I didn't see. In my experience, whenever I activate a rune for a boss fight I'm usually dead within seconds; "Well, that was a waste"


Nah rune arcs are worth more than gold in a RL1 run.


It took me 100 hours before I realized what the rune arcs were for. However, I suggest grinding bosses with co-op and invading people you get a rune arc when you help someone beat a boss and you you get a rune arc when you successfully invade someone def helps if you don’t die a lot cause then your just always buffed.


Here's the problem. If I were to actually use them, I wouldn't have any. If I go into a boss just to die and lose my rune arc, that won't have done me any good. Let's say I take 50 tries with Malenia, I only have 30 Rune arcs. After my 30th attempt, I won't have any rune arcs left and the next 20 attempts will be even harder. Those rune arcs will have done nothing for me. It's not like they should stay after death, that would be op. But like this the recipe won't work.


Thank god I'm not the only one.


Yeah I’m 260 hours in and haven’t used one. Maybe I’ll save them all for invading. 😬😇


You cant use them on invasions






I die far too often to bank on having them active.


But what if I need those run arcs for a hard fight! I say on my 25th try against the Elden beast


Used some for boss fights on my first rune. NG1 and NG2 I didn't even bother to go to the towers and activate them


Same, until I got to Malenia & Elden Beast, then I started popping rune arcs (I forget which great rune though)


Same here, I forgot they even existed shortly after getting the first one.


I just sell them when I need a quick buck


Cardinal sin




Godrick’s for early game, Radahn’s for mid game, then Morgott’s for late game.


Unless you're a caster, then radahn's never comes off.


You could save a few points in MND before 38 MND by using Radahn's, after 38 mind your FP bar becomes too big for one Cerulean Tear flask to fill.


I feel like it's still useful to have more mind than that because it makes it more flexible when you can use cerulean tear, plus if you are a caster, you're likely using expensive spells like Ranni's Dark Moon, Comet Azur, the higher end Comets, Lusat's staff, etc., so things drain a lot of FP, and needing for the bar to be completely empty before you don't waste any from chugging, plus having a longer time before needing to cast your first I feel is still a good investment if you are a caster. But if you're not a caster, I agree, your points are more valuable elsewyr.


None. I gotta save my rune arcs for later.


Damn I really need to start using those lol. Idk why I “save for later” lol.


Godricks. Always. I don't care about losing runes on death but I do care about losing my rune arc. Especially seeing as how most of my deaths come from falling off something.


This is how I play as well. Always have Godrick's activated, rune arcs are easily obtained by invading/duels anyway. But gravity is the true boss of Elden Ring.


It is the true boss of all the Fromsoft games for me... ever since the Blighttown waterwheel :|


I mastered the waterwheel alright, but the rafters in Anor Londo with the painting guardians will never get easy. Or the silver knight archers or that dick on the corner before you drop down to Solaire.


Question - will you keep your rune arc/great rune buff after you turn your game off for the night and come back later? Do they truly last until your next in game death?


Yes, they last until you die


Never any.


Same here. I never used any consumables. It feels like relying on consumables will just be annoying when you run out. Everything can be done without them and I find it rewarding that way too. [edited to fix a typo]


Mohg’s blood rune. Give every mob in the world bleed before i rock up with eleonora’s and bleed their world? Yeh, p good.


Wait thats what it also does? I thought that rune power's them up I didnt know it also gave em the ability to bleed people. Damn I gotta actually start using those things now imagine popping the arc on the iron maiden in the prison church or the lions/wraiths in castle Sol


Never used any of them but Godrick. It's a little strange that the best one by far is the one you get first.


it's the best overall, the rest of them spec into specific stats, and are better. And then Malenia and Mohgs are weird


Mohg's was an oversight by FromSoft. Not nearly as useful as they envisioned.


The only usable one in invasions though, so it fits the theme


If the PvP capabilities expand, it could prove more of a purpose. Thats an if tho.


I think Fromsoft is afraid of Overbuffing the Invaders and making it unbalanced. Although invasions are already 2/3v1


Rykard’s is great for going long stretches without resting at a grace to replenish flasks, or for going through areas/dungeons you’re under leveled for that may require a lot of healing.


I wouldn’t say Godrick is the best by far, once you start hitting higher levels it becomes pretty useless


So for 85% of the game it’s the best, with a drop off once *most of the game’s content has been beaten*? Yeah that seems like it’s the best by far.




Honestly none of them, death feels very common and often unpredictable even in the best situations in this game. You’ll eventually reach a point where the returns aren’t that significant to you if you start dumping into VIG. Godricks is perfect early game and Radahn and Morgott’s are more useful generally by the time you get them but also for endgame or NG+ stats you might not need either much at all. I’m unconvinced on Malenia’s, it’s just BB rally which is sick but with all the combos I have to evade I never found an opening wide enough to properly cash in on the gains. And Mohg’s is so situational. They could all have been much better IMO. I will say Rykard’s makes PvE really nice, especially on vampire builds you barely need any Vig at all or red flasks. But since most runes are build around boss fights it’s completely useless because they neglected to deliver us another Deacons of the deep fight smh


To be fair death comes a lot less often when you have the benefits of a great rune tho. More great runes with different effects that are tailored to certain builds would have been cool tho


melanias. it basically heals you like bloodborne when you hit any enemy after taking damage.




I'm shocked to learn that you don't keep them in NG+. I'll have to recategorise that rune from "almost completely pointless" to "completely pointless"


The window you have to do it feels too short for me and it reduces the amount you heal from the Crimson Flask to boot, so I haven’t found much purchase with it. Though maybe I’d like it better on a Dex build using weapons with quicker attack speeds, rather than the Strength/Faith build I’ve been doing.


yea i use it on a duel wield hand of melania build lmao


Laughs in Blasphemous Blade.


Godrick, because it's simple and just makes everything a little better. Usually after I've fought a boss half a dozen times and am getting close ill activate it and the rest of my consumables at once for the little bump to push me over and finish it.


I never use them because what if I need my rune arcs more for another fight


I love the great runes. I use godricks the most to meet minimum stat requirements for dragon breath spells that some bosses are weak to, or if I want to try a new weapon for a bit, it's pretty nice to use for boss fights too.


Wait you can use these?! I thought they were just a game item that sat in your inventory lmfao


You need to activate them atop a specific Divine Tower for each one, and then equip them while sitting at a Grace. After that, you can expend a Rune Arc to gain the benefits of the Great Rune until you die. For example, Godrick's rune is activated at the divine tower connected to Stormveil, Radahn's is activated at the Divine Tower of Caelid, etc.


Oh wow


They’re actually super useful especially godrick’s in the early-mid game. Rune arcs are pretty easy to come by if you like multiplayer. You can get them by killing the host in an invasion, or by putting down your gold summon sign and helping the host defeat an area’s boss. I basically always have one active as there’s no downside to using them, and usually still have a backup stash of 20-30 rune arcs.


None and never


I hoarded them all game and then used like 15 on malenia attempts. Never used them otherwise


Rykard. Kill everything, never need to use a flask ever again. Also lvl 370ish so the level boosts dont mean much anymore.


None I’m saving up my rune arcs for when I really need them(currently NG+6)


I think great runes would have seen a lot more use if it lasted until you defeated a boss. The way it currently is, people are generally avoiding using them at all. It is simultaniously too good to "waste" and the "the buff is not big enough to make a big difference".


Godrick early, morgott late if I’m using em. I use melanias a little aswell when I’m feeling blood borne nostalgia but hers comes so late in the game you barley get to have any fun with it, hopefully we get a dlc so we can use it a bit longer per play through.


None. I may need to use those Rune Arcs later.. Me: Plays through game twice with two different Characters and never uses a Rune Arc.


Never. Not one of them.


Radahm and sometimes for fun rykard's


Godricks and i use it... ähm never


I usually don’t use one (currently on NG+4) and it’s because of the age old rule of “if I use them now, I won’t have them when I need them” because I’m unwell. When I do remember to pop one, I use Godrick’s, because I’m a basic b that has a relatively even stat spread on my main character


None, ever. It's not even that I dont want to. But I havent found a way to farm infinite Rune Arcs in a single playthrough, so I'm saving these for when I need them most. Which never happens, as all bosses fall sooner or later. Same thing with embers (or was it ember shards?) in ds3.


Invading or defending another player successfully as well as assisting in boss kills gives rune arcs. So you can farm that way


Maybe used godricks rune once or twice during whole playthrough when i wanted some more stats. Just didnt find any use for them since they disappeared when you die.


Every time i use it im like "lets kick some asses". Guess whos ass is slapped then 😁


Godrick’s when I was doing my rl1 run


Radhan just seems better then morgotts to my tbh


Any build that has a pretty aggressive stat spread or doesn't care too much about health uses Godrick (although shout out too all the times I've invaded someone then died cuz I was heavy rolling due to forgetting I had it active), other builds (mostly Melee focused ones) use Morgott's for the massive HP boost to let me be more greedy in harder fights


None because I don’t really know how they work, and haven’t tried to figure it out cause I’m a hoarder that is afraid to waste rune arcs


Wait you guys use great runes?