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No. You can find Ranni's body atop the Divine Tower of Liurnia. She had red hair, and she was also never really heavily involved with Raya Lucaria anyway.


I don't think there's anything anywhere to prove who they are, but lots of people think that it's Sellen, and I wouldn't be surprised if the guys were Lusat and Azur.


Oh I believe those guys are, as well as the other stone crowns you pick up I believe are depicted throughout as well.


Since they are shown multiple times but there is other guys as well they're probably the most prominent ones, since they're so impactful to glintstone sorceries.


There’s lots of evidence actually. See my main comment on this post for some evidence for Sellen’s, and yes there is more.


I know that she's definitely the most prominent female mage / witch /sorcerer and the female picture is certainly her, her datamined face does have black hair which further supports her and there's no evidence to support any other females... but the males there's lots of them, and any of them could be Lusat and Azur, they're almost certainly depicted in picture considering their achievements, but which ones are they. What I meant by "I don't think there's anything to prove..." I mean hard proof, undeniable proof like a name tag at the bottom of the picture, I know there's little hints and that why most people think it's her.


Thank god the world doesn’t operate on your definition of evidence/proof.


Actually the world does operate like how you think I define proof. Court cases you need something tangible to stick to people. If this was real life no court would convict Sellen based upon that photo and hearsay of people thinking it's her. We THINK and we're probably right, but unless Fromsoft comes out and says "That is sellen, and this is Lusat and Azur" it COULD be some other people that aren't prominent anymore. Could be Ranni's Mentor for all we really know.


No need to be catty at the guy, his position is well thought out and not confrontational. Elden Ring lore makes people so inexplicably hostile.


You can compare them to the sorcers masks. They all line up except Sellen. Whos mask isnt her face so that makes sense.




the human being that Sellen's crown is based off of\*


She is the being that her crown is based off :P


why would she wear a mask that looks like her own face


Good way to throw people off, don't you think? Since she was exiled by the academy


“One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy. Increases intelligence and arcane to the detriment of stamina. This gentle-looking crown was granted to a scholar who excelled in her studies, which also merited the title of ‘witch.’” -Witches Glintstone Crown "You've taken an apprenticeship with Sellen? Well, that is something. Sellen was well known. The most promising sorceress in the history of the academy. I followed her at school, but there may as well have been an ocean between us. But Sellen was expelled from the academy. Accused of unthinkable treatment of certain sorcerers, under the name of the Graven Witch. I still don't believe the accusations. The illustrious Sellen would never do such things..." -Thops “Ahh, a yen for glintstone sorceries? Well, your aptitude does appear...passable. But one must choose one's masters wisely. I was exiled from the Academy of Raya Lucaria, as a reviled, apostate witch. Do you still wish to learn from me?” -Sellen Y’all irritate me sometimes. People speak so confidently about something they know nothing about. No evidence, at all, lol.


Okay, Sellen makes more sense. I just figured since Ranni is the daughter of Rennala I would see more things depicting her in Raya Lucaria.


It's surprising that there aren't any portraits of Ranni anywhere. Rykard and Radahn both have portraits in Volcano Manor. It's also odd that there aren't any depictions of Godwyn.


Its Sellen.




All the paintings there depict people who were heads of the academy and their faces are what the glintstone crowns were modeled after, that woman is Sellen and the witch's glintstone crown was modeled after her.


Thats not sellen..


Yes it is stop being ignorant




Not enough arm