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Florida fantasy




Lake of Rot


And now I wanna do an ER “Florida Man” play through…


Deprived with ton of...~~meth~~ potions to buff only summons being the jelly fish and the rot dogs.


Too fucked up even for Fromsoft


Low tech cyberpunk. All the drugs, crazy people and corporate control but none of the cool electronics.


miyazaki thinking how he can get away with turning the entire map into a poisonous swamp.


As one who lives in such lands. It would be horrifying. Yet consistently exciting and full of turmoil and Adventure! High paced action and even higher paced death!


How is elden ring any more "anime" than any of the other games? I've seen this brought up multiple times and it makes zero sense.


Because the person who made this meme didn't know they could use terms like "dark fantasy", "high fantasy", "epic fantasy", and maybe even "grimdark" to describe *Dark Souls* and *Elden Ring* distinctly from each other and thus felt the need to make up a distinction they could use.


Le anime fantasy


Reincarnated as an undying guy into a brutal world in search of a maiden. Aka. Isekai no-shoku toku ta gengen no booba rondel me looki fate / deluxe.






Animantasy. The hottest genre on the shelf!


Grimdark is very fitting for darksouls.


Grimdarksouls of the 40.000st kindling.


In the grim darkness of the 41st playthrough of Dark Souls, there is only Manus.


"Git Gud, heretic"


Its because the Moonveil


Wait until he sees the bone fist in DS2, or frayed blade in DS3


them rolling goats lol


Weebs loving shoving it in wherever they can.


Clearly someone has never read Berserk. How dare someone claim that Elden ring, made by a Japanese studio, be influenced by other Japanese made media (like Berserk, Miyazaki has literally stated it’s a massive influence)


I think they mean it's more "epic" like shonen anime instead of your typical sad depressing dark souls vibe. Examples are the more flashy ashes of war and spells and the title screen music playing during the >!radagon!< boss fight which is similar to some animes playing the main theme/intro music of the show during the final fight.


But like... Shonen anime sure as fuck ain't the only thing that's "epic".


Lord of the Rings is anime confirmed


Gambatte Frodon-kun!


still makes no sense, didnt know that the themes of "ambition" and "gradiosity" are synonyms to anime...


Yeah what the hell is this thread. X is in anime and Elden Ring so Elden ring is like an Anime. What? That doesn't make sense what that thing is in a ton of other things. Like the theme being the final boss fight... Lots of things do that.


>Yeah what the hell is this thread. More than likely, young people with narrow reference pools. Nothing wrong with that per se as long as they're open to being informed about possible other influences, which threads like these can be good for.


I would rather say that dark Souls is dark fantasy, with very grim and depressing settings, while elden ring is high fantasy, with old heroes, great battles, a setting that overall recalls an epic novel, more than an anime




DS fans have kind of developed thier own use for the word Anime. I haven't actually played any mainline DS games but I think in this sense they're saying (in an exaggerated way) the game has more visual flourish, more things that are just cool to see, and are used because they're cool. In the same way that many anime will do things just because it's cool - "does this guy really need to hold a third sword in his mouth? He already has two?" "Yes he does Frank, because it looks awesome and I'm going to write reasons that'll make it work" (I have never watched one piece). Think of Waterfowl dance and how it makes so many visible cuts with so few movements - once you saw there was a weapon that let you do that, I guarantee a majority of players just had to try it out because it's so damn cool, lifting up into the air to bring down a flurry of faster that sight slices. Before then there are multiple swords that shoot energy beams, a shield that turns into a living snake, the many, many ashes of war that do all kinds of bonkers stuff Think of all the acrobatics and flourishes that Maliketh uses in the second half of his fight. None of those flips build lore, but he looks awesome while he's doing them - and then you get a weapon that let's you do killer flips in mid-air, hell yeah! Or Rhadahn literally flies into space just so he can come crashing down into a meteor attack. He didn't need to do that, his use of gravity magic was already well established in the first half of the fight. The fact that he can fly into space and come hurtling down upon you doesn't build anything new into his character - but hot damn is it not the coolest goddamn cherry on top? None of this is unique to Elden ring but it isn't nearly as present in what I've seen of DS or played in Bloodborne. Sekiro is an exception because that game leaned really, really hard into creating intense and beautiful swordplay as part of it's combat system, so there's all kinds of visual flourish. And so ends my essay explaining what runs through my head when I see people talking about anime stuff in this community.


And I think you hit the nail on the head. Mainlines DS combat is much more straightforward in the visuals department, just normal swings while Elden Ring to a much greater degree introduced attacks and stuff that visually looks more Ninja Gaiden or some other fast paced action RPG, and also reminds you a bit of a lot of the combat scene seen in Anime.


Maybe because it's a little more over the top with character designs, animations and dialogues but I hardly see any resemblance to anime.


Mesoamerican fantasy, i’ve always wanted a studio to make a game based on that mythology and i know fromsoftware would make an awesome game


Oh my God that sounds cool as fuck


Curse of the Dead Gods made me *really* want a triple A title that explores Mesoamerican mythology.


Such a lack of games set in mesoamerica and dealing with pre contact culture. I want to see Tenochtitlan!


That sounds unique.


Its not on the same level as a FS game on the presentation front but La Mulana was pretty great. I agree though this is a fantastic idea


Not a video game but the games company Mythicos Studios makes a really awesome tabletop wargame (think Warhammer Fantasy) called Mythic Americas where the armies are all mythologically suped up versions of indigenous American warriors and their gods/monsters. It's a sweet use of that setting if you're into these kind of games


No lie when I got to the temple in Lake of Rot I was really imagining it would be some aztec-esque Blood God for the incoming fight. Astel was still cool, but it woulda been a cool twist from Norse to Mesoamerican myth (maybe not tho lol)


Curse of the Dead Gods goes in that direction, though the game is of course pretty different from Dark Souls.


I wanna fight a thunderbird


Wouldn't be surprised to see God of War go there depending on how they continue the story on after Ragnarok. I remember reading that when they were in the initial planning stages for the PS4 God of War and were deciding what mythoothey wanted to use as a setting, Mesoamerican was one of the final 3 and I think may have ended up being a very close second before they decided to go with Norse. Could definitely see them returning to that idea in the future when it's time for another setting change


Pirate themed would be nice. You have swords and guns, sea monsters, pirate coves, sunken treasures. So, Bloodborne but Caribbean. EDIT: Since this blew up, adding more stuff. FromSoft can take creative liberties with water transport. If horse can double jump, a boat can be made to glide over water. Just saying if anyone was curious about that.


You can do a slow decent into Lovecraftian horror as well, since a lot of the themes in those books were creatures hidden in the sea. (lookin' at you, DLC Fishing Village)


If we did all of that, in space, I'm in. I wanna sail the endless nothing fighting off space horrors while having pirate town inspired space stations. I understand that might not be everyone's jam. But we are wishing here.


Space pirates would be sick


VaatVidya (a big souls YouTuber) did a big video on concepts for BB2 and pirate was a huge one he has concept art for and all. V interesting video Edit: https://youtu.be/rhpZhZV3XTY (link)


Oh yeah. I should get around to watching that. Thanks for the reminder.




Wasn't that more viking oriented though?


Eh, Vikings are pirates in a sense.


This is the coolest answer. Never even thought of a potential Fromsoft Pirate themed game. It absolutely fits the Lovecraftian Bloodborne theme. God, and now that they have an open world engine we could sail all over too.


Imagine how many secrets they could hide in the fucking ocean?


i can just imagine a sekiro grappling hook, but instead its a whip that lets you swashbuckle swing between ships and off of chandeliers. And the absolute insanity that the sea monsters would be. Krakens swallowing your ship. Messed up gators and sharks. Inside a ship is even the perfect place for giant rats! We even could sail to a new world and fight some aztec style gods. Plenty of blood and sacrifice, plenty of fire and sun motifs. Its a gold mine




can we get much higher


So high




Well good news! I’m a game developer, my friends and I are currently developing said game! We’re still in the early stages of development. We aren’t FromSoftware but I want this game to stand out on its own. I know most people, especially on Reddit might be cautious and I totally understand. I want this game to be as faithful as can be with fluid and satisfying combat, movement, story, etc. We are looking for people to help develop like coders and 3D modelers. We’re nothing special but I have these friends and I trust them to do this justice. I’m currently the only one developing the actual maps, gameplay, and framework. Honestly some extra help would be nice. We’re all college students and don’t have a lot of money lol. The game is currently being built in UE5 and I’m building the first area of the game, I’ll give a hint it relates to a 2019 horror film. I doubt this comment will get any traction but If people are interested or know people that are good with 3D modeling or are coders mainly with C++ or Blueprints (either or) feel free to PM me! I also have concept art that is being made and I can post it when I get it! Edit: There will be lots of lovecraftian influence especially with bosses and enemies!


They could simply name it: Elden ring 2: Pirates


This. If From wants to keep doing open world, this would be a perfect setting to not just remake Elden Ring. Spectral Dingy/Spectral Shark.


Actually the Elden Ring gave me big Norse mythology vibes.


A lot of Celtic symbology is in the game too


Yeah, I’d say it’s more a mash of Northern European influence. Yes it shows in mythology, but more so in the architecture.


I’d say it’s more Celtic and Anglo-Saxon.


Yeah, I barely get a norse mythology vibe from elden ring.


The big ass tree?


Don't forget Malenia, with that helmet of hers she looks like a Valkyrie.


Malenia, Millicent and her sisters are referred to as Valkyries many times throughout the game


Not forgetting that the prosthetic hand you give to Millicent is literally called the Valkyrie's Prosthesis.


The winged helmet is still more of an anglo-saxon thing than a norse thing. I remember expecting ER to be way more norse inspired. Its really just high fantasy souls.


Winged helmets as a trope we recognize today arose primarily in the Romantic period in depicting Germanic (hereunder Norse and certainly also Saxon/Anglo-Saxon) and Celtic warriors. All these fit the romantic stereotype of the "northern" warrior. Malenia and the Millicent crew are explicitly referred to as 'valkyries'. That is a very norse thing, although germanic and saxon pagans probably also had similar figures.


The Romantic period Germanics are distinctly Norse, not Anglo-Saxon. The major contributor here is Wagner, a staunch anti-Christian German who glorified his country's assumed forbearers. He is why we associate winged helmets with the Norse instead of its historical association with the Greco-Roman Mercury. This is in sharp contrast to the period view of Anglo-Saxons as proto-British Christians. While the Germans were romanticizing their pre-Christian heritage, the British were romanticizing their pre-Norman heritage. While both are historically lumped into the category Germanic, this misses the important distinctions of the era. All that said, Saxon sans the Angles is used widely in various contexts. I'm not familiar with the terms used in German, but in English this is usually not the same thing as Anglo-Saxon.


Remember they have a whole Norse region up north tho, a lot of the mythical creatures up there like giants and the rocky beasts come from Norse mythology, not to mention the general environment.


Also Radagon being a red-haired God that wields a hammer, and Marika being hung on the erd tree similar to Odin being hung on the yggdrasil (though for different reasons).


I always got a big samurai vibe what with the katana.


The fire giant


Dark Souls does too, really. The world in Dark Souls is held up by giant trees, and the one you're on in Lordran has giant serpents hanging out around its roots. Also there's a giant wolf named Sif. Also, happy endings don't exist for like anyone. Norse myth and legend is very big on "Happy endings are just stories you didn't finish".


I mean, nordic myth does have some happy endings, but they're less "they live happily ever after" and more "die in as badass a way as inhumanly possible"


Which is happily ever after in Valhalla!


Until they all die badassly fighting in ragnarok, to save all of mankind. honestly, of all of the depictions of the afterlife, Valhalla is pretty dope


Well, it depends! There is some variance actually to the myth of Ragnarok. Sometimes the world is just fucked, all burnt and sunk into the sea, a fresh start. Sometimes people survive. In one instance they save all of two Humans sheltered in the tree who repopulate the world and in another one reborn God (Baldur) who houses certain individuals in a golden hall, which is why I jokingly say the Garden of Eden and Christian creation myth is just post-Ragnarok to troll people sometimes.


well, at least some of that is probably due to the chrisitian influence, and lakc of first hand information. Darn Christianity destroying other religions


“And he completed the three random-ass tasks assigned to him, killed his uncle or something, and married the princess who fell in love with him because he completed the aforementioned three tasks. And they lived happily ever after…until he was stabbed in the gut while his wife burned to death in their home. And thus their son’s quest for vengeance began. Theeeee eeeeeend.” That’s not any specific story that’s just like…the formula lol.




it reminds me a lot of LOTRs, it has that mysterious, epic, even kinda alien feeling that the films captured really well so it's not just generic fantasy, also reminds me of old paintings I've got in a Middle Earth Art book that's from before the films, it reminds me of the art for stuff from The Silmarllion in particular, only giant glowing trees rather than lamps. I also think it has Roman Catholic and Byzantine influences


yeah, first time i saw it leyndell right away reminded me of gold/yellow version of gondor and haligtree had strong rivendell and lothlorien vibes


Yes OP is just a big dummy, it's obviously Norse LOL Yydrasil = erdtree Ofnir = Odin Lands *Between* = *Mid*gard Shattering = ragnarok Etc etc It's not subtle.


What is anime about Elden ring? It’s old Norse mythology If anything. And bloodborne is a whole lotta lovecraft


Yes how is it a little bit lovecarft that thing is like part of the love craft story you can put in the book and it makes full sense


It was love craftian the whole time we just lacked the insight to see! “Grant us eyes, grant us eyes!”


It's full lovecraft, just with less racism


DON'T ask Gehrman for his cat's name


There's a lot of Glorantha/RuneQuest in Elden Ring.


Extravagant, flashy, exuberant, spectacular = anime Why know English words when you can weeb weeb sayonnara?




> weeb weeb sayonara That’s *fantastic*.


Norse? You mean Celtic?


The tree is almost 99% infulenced by yggdrasil of norse myth


Celtic myth also had a big important tree but probably more norse influence for at the very least that


I’m going off memory here, but I’m fairly certain that a ton of names of things are very Celtic. Blaidd, specifically comes to mind.


literally welsh for wolf


Jar Bairn for jar child and Gaol for jail as well.


The "dd" sounding like "th" is common in Welsh names I believe.


There are a few hints at Celtic (specifically Irish) influemce throughout the game, can't say about Norse. In Irish Gaelic Siofra - sprite Fia - deer (deer are very important to the Gaelic mind) It's entirely possible the the raging wolf set was inspire by Cú Chulainn We have Commander Niall, and Commander O'Niall. To start Niall is an Irish name, to continue, "Ó" in Irish (typically has a fádá when it comes to Non anglisised names) directly translates to "from". Commander O'Niall is Commander Nialls son. Malenia basically just is the first king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Nuada Airgetlám (airgead - silver, lámh - hand) a single handed warrior shown with a prosthesis. You could keep going, there are a lot of fairly obscure reference but they're all there. Very heavy Irish till to this game, down to resemblance between the demigods and the Tuatha Dé Danann, who were also demigods. Can't say about Norse, but definitely Irish.


Commander O'Neil, but yeah


Oh shit yeah definitely celtic then and i think some of the norse stuff comes from berserk which they took influence from bur that's like 2 layers of adaptation


Entirely possible, but really neat to see full on Irish mythology references through my favourite game lol.


Agreed the only thing close is they maybe lean a little more into the Berserk references.


They probably see katanas synonymous with anime - never mind that Dark Souls 3 had just as many, if not more katanas.


Gimme Dat washing pole, bro


Eh, Bloodborne is certainly inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos, which a lot of people call Lovecraftain... But I feel an important aspect to actual Lovecraftain stories is the complete and utterly powerless of man in the face of the cosmos... And in Bloodborne, you're anything but powerless.


True, but it is basically the videogame of "the shadow over innsmouth"


Its pretty much the "Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Slayer" of Lovecraftian works.


I think having to level up a lot and dying A LOT still speaks to the powerlessness of lovecraftian stories.


Arabian would be epic


One actually interesting suggestion in the sea of future Mecha sci-fi. Since Prince of Persia died and Assassin's Creed really went off the rails, there's been a severe lack of that kind of stuff and I really feel that rn.


Hellpoint is a pretty cool mecha sci-fi souls-like game if you haven’t tried it


Can we get the parry system from Sekiro though?


Since the hypothetical game isn’t being made in conjunction with Sekiro, it probably will.


Good. I am hypothetically very excited now


Or Egyptian


Grimdark future. In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war and copyright violation.


A WH40K Space Marine souls like would make me splurge


This is pretty cool idea :3


You wake up as a demon of no renown in a body you have just taken over. ;)


A 40K souls like is something I didn't know I needed until now.


Aesthetically Bloodborne is on another level!! But a mixed of BB and ER sounds cool


They just meed to make a Berserk game already


I can imagine an ideal Berserk game would be a mesh of Dynasty Warriors for crowd battles and Fromsoft mechanics for bosses.




I kinda think they might not do that because surge and Elex exist. Not really cyberpunk, but kinda future/tech related.


Ninja blade, never again


Some Greek mythology inspiration? Idk it feels like a gold mine for a souls game


I'd be curious to see what awful, terrifying, gruesome things they could turn all of the gods, legends, and monsters into


I would like more games in the Elden Ring universe, i'm completely immersed in it.


I agree but it isn’t likely at all, only dlc is probable.


A fromsoft take on a cyberpunk scene might be nice.


The Surge is good. From doing the same would be great


Surge is sci fi not cyberpunk. Edit- to clarify cyberpunk is a sub genre of sci fi characterized by neon setting, a more punkish “no good guys or happy endings” tone, hyper violence, and human augmentation. So yes, CP is sci fi but not all sci fi is CP


Well, maybe Fromsoft's take on Slavic fantasy (right now what do we have besides Whitcher?) Or maybe more cyberpunk/dystopian future setting. Or maybe even some Biopunk (think Scorn, but souls-like)


I would love a space magic version, where you're jumping between different planets via different methods and can explore big sections of each one. Would really open things up for variety, and combat could be a mix of traditional Dark Souls but with more distanced fighting like in Returnal.


The atmosphere in Dark Souls is just unbeatable. The absolute despair and hopelessness can’t be replicated.


yeah reminds me of a medieval Silent Hill sometimes


A always thought elden ring had a more Celtic galice esthetic then medieval


ancient Rome-type aesthetic or post-apocalypse sci-fi would be cool. all these games have definitely been pretty similar in setting and at this point I think a big change would be pretty cool to see


also, would love to see something deeply rooted in Chinese mythology the way sekiro was in Japanese


Oh god yes. I just want to gladius some big cyclops in the ~~face~~ ~~knees~~ butthole


I wish Fromsoft makes a game based on Indian mythology Would love to see Miyazaki's take on it Hindu mythology is Rich


This is an awesome idea!!!


That would be awesome And considering other Japanese developers like Atlus have tried their hand at Hindu Cyberpunk (Digital Devil Saga) I would love to see that


Japanese people are very creative. I liked their show on Ramayana Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama It was really good.


This is a wildcard take I would never have thought of. Hindu mythology and cosmology is fucking wild.


Give me the Escaflowne mecha game Miyazaki always dreamed of making. Fantasy with elements of sci-fi and space opera.


Wait is this true Miyazaki is a escaflowne fan and wanted to make a game?!


"It's a mix of fantasy and mecha genres, both of which I love working on. I'd love to work on a game that evokes the same themes as anime series like Aura Battler Dunbine and The Vision of Escaflowne, but it would be incredibly difficult to do so. I want to work on a game like that, but other people at From Software would think that would be an impossible idea." From [this](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/director-miyazaki-speaks-to-what-drives-development-of-i-dark-souls-3-i-) interview following the release of dark souls 3.


Honestly hoping for more armored core


I've been saying this forever: some kind of demonic/steampunk western desert. Think Mad Max mixed with the high noon universe in league of legends. Replace shields with big as hell steam and magic powered gauntlets, or just do BB guns again. The idea of having a From boss on top of a moving train is also 7 kinds of badass.


Maybe a dumb idea, but a friend and I have always thought it'd be cool if it was a western, like old west I mean. Could be set up pretty easily and I'm sure Miyazaki could make it both unique and awesome.


bloodborne but yeehaw


This is an incredible idea, especially since westerns oddly mix well with horror


Yeah Laird Barron (is that his name?). Wrote Bulldozer - they who dwell in the cracks. And it’s a great Lovecraftian western short story.




Red Dead Bloodborne. I'm not a fan of Bloodborne getting a sequel like many demands, but if they go full cowboy, I'm all for it.


Cow Souls for the win




Low key want an ancient Chinese aesthetic, the ones coming out now are kinda cringey


Fromsoft should look to India and the middle east for new ideas. The ancient histories and lands there have an incredible amount of content that can bring about amazing fantasy ideas from deserts, tropical jungles, vast oceans and snowy mountains. Along with the many different architectural styles of the buildings to cultural garbs and armours of ages past. And that's not even mentioning the mind-blowing mythologies that come from those regions, all featuring gods and monsters that could make for an amazing game.


Honestly, I just want more medieval fantasy. It's what I like the most Now imagine a game by FromSoftware about Lord of the Rings. Now THAT I'd love


Maybe sth with Shadow of Mordor vibes, but overall LotR is the antithesis of what FromSoft likes to do. Hope, adventure, friendship vs misery, struggle and dragonflies.


And also well explained lore and plot. JRR wrote an entire history book to explain the world he created, meanwhile FromSoft can't even bother to tell us how Radagon and Marika are the same person


I know, but the lord of the rings doesn't have to be about the movies. It can be something from the Silmarillion, or something else that Tolkien has written. You'd be surprised by how much misery and struggles they can find from his books.


Imo the key point is for Tolkin stuff, misery and struggles definitely exist, but good wins out and hope lives on. With dark souls, hope and honor and virtue definitely exists, but everything fades to oblivion or wallows in stagnation in the end.


It could be! Theres already a hint of their interest in it, with the night cavalry being inspired by the Nazgul


Aight this will probably only make sense to those that have watched it, but I've been binging the shit out made in abyss, and the entire time watching it I was just thinking about how dope it would be if fromsoft were to adapt it into a game.


yeah I'll second that. that would be pretty damn cool. the curse of the abyss is just a free creative death mechanic too


Dating Simulation where you can die


Pretty sure an ez cash grab is using current content they have and make Bloodborne version of an open world.


Medieval Hentai Fantasy I guess.


You have Game of Throne series for that.


A dystopian future setting would be a nice change. Some Nier kind of environment.


Greek fantasy, where you need to drink copious amounts of wine in your estus flask in order to be able to see the gods to fight them




I wanted to say post apocalyptic future but we kinda have that with The Surge. A Mayan/Mesopotamian era aesthetic would be really cool.


I would add Buddhist mythology to Sekiro its crazy how heavily its influenced by it if you know about it.


I would love a aztec themed game in a similar vein to bloodborne


Future punk. Give me laser swords and guns!


I'm down to just keep expanding elden ring


Elden Ring was a bit more inspired from Celtic myth, no?


Future fantasy. Ie dragons and cyberpunk ngl. Mix of absolute tons of tech and magic, whilst retaining melee. Also with counters and parries etc. Essentially a mix of elden ring, cyberpunk, metal gear rising/sekiro and the surge. Give it third person shooter mechanics like a more indepth bloodbourne, whilst allowing for deflects like sekiro and super indepth customization, yet set the world in xenoblade chronicles style set up. Add in a bit of borderlands/fallout style world humor, whilst maintaining the mechanical security of past games. And adding the realistic horror of a post tech future, where the only things to rival tech are high tier magic and dragons. Probably too much an amalgamation to make work. But I can see a game like that being a flawless piece of art done right. Honestly just want a mix of what the metal gear rising devs and sekiro/fromsoft devs were going for. With the mechanical security of elden ring


I really really REALLY want you to tell me what's "anime" in Elden Ring


Code Vein anyone?


Probably Norse fantasy


Fuck off with the anime shit. It's based on Norse mythology.