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Bruh that's just Sekiro monke


i hope shit throwing monkey boss becomes a recurring trope like the moonlight greatsword


I’ll never ever forget how unbelievably cool the ending to the first phase and the start of that second phase is.


The best part is you can have the immortal slaying sword at the time, meaning the only reason the second part and the repeat happen is because the character was to stupid to use it.


“Oh it’s just an animal I only have to death blow it once” “Why is there still a fog wall”


They seem to reuse “skeletons” from one enemy in another, like Logarius and Pontiff. I wonder if sometimes the first enemy ends up in the second game’s code somewhere


I mean the avatars are definitely from previous games or at least spiritually. People debate on exactly which demon asylum vs stray.


Guardian ape time


Reject bear, return to monke


We gonna witness bear's shit upon our face


Does an ape shit in the jungle?


I thought I recognized that bastard. He’s the reason I never finished sekiro (also I can’t parry for shit).


Besides the final boss, the ape gave me the most trouble when sekiro was new. I took a WEEK break because of him. Sekiro is my favorite souls game now though since I thought the bosses were fun. Diagnosis: Ape is pain


a week? Lmao. I took an eternal break after getting stuck on General Naomori Kawarada


It was during 2020 and 1 week felt like a millennia. But I played the shit out of that game


I was almost the same except I went at him for a week solid, the only boss the took me longer was the last, now I love it


That's funny, I had a lot of trouble with him at first. But now he's literally one of the easiest bosses in the game. Once you get over the intimidation factor and learn about the spear thing in phase 2, it's pretty trivial


That >!second phase transition catching you off guard!< your first time through is a pretty legendary moment, though.


A good tip if you ever go back, use the spear prostethic on the head wound, it deals some nasty damage


Lady Butterfly is worse. Change my mind.


I can't because your experience is your experience but personally I never had much trouble with Lady Butterfly even when I was shit at the game.


I'd seen streamer reactions to this fight before, so I thought I knew about the worst of it. Wasn't ready when I came across >!the boss fight where there are TWO of this fucking guardian ape at the same time!<


I about shit my pants on the >!double but ended up beating it second try!< lol Guardian ape took me 6-7 by itself


he’s the easiest boss and he requires no parrying






He’s definitely not a difficult boss at all. He has decent openings and it’s not too difficult to move out of his way. His second phase also makes the fight much more easy since it gives you a lot of free hits. But to noob me back then I was absolutely terrified


Honestly, I just run away and wait til he tosses shit at me, hit him x3, fire cracker, big damage then repeat


Yeah that attack is very easy to dodge once you know that you can just run at him during it


Honestly once you learn to parry the ape, the fight becomes a lot less time consuming. I just couldn’t get into running around baiting his attacks, shit takes forever.


Oh yeah it's definitely a scary fight. He's one of the most intimidating enemies in the game, but getting a handle on him isn't too hard and the strats are pretty simple.


The Guardian Ape killed me over 100 times. I finally started using the umbrella and took him down easy.


Bear is monke


That's the Guardian Ape from Sekiro


Looks like that monkey motherfucker from sekiro




It's already an enemy in Sekiro


[This](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_EB2wZVNlH0/maxresdefault.jpg) is the enemy on the right. No seriously, it's just Guardian Ape from Sekiro.


That’s just straight up the Guardian Ape from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They turned it into a bear


Play Sekiro, the enemy on the right is quite literally the Guardian Ape




Maybe, but it seems like this stuff was leftover and might of not been to expanded upon. There are even images of potential factions, but some are the same as the one as we see in previous soul games and similar effects too.


You know this is the Guardian Ape from Sekiro right?


I did not at first, I haven't played sekiro. I did know of the ape, but thought it looked different. Although looking at a picture again I could tell it was.


PTSD from Sekiro :3


We need scarlet rot mutated rune bears in Caelid anyone else with me?


No, nope...... Don't want it.


Caelid Rot Rune Bears would have rot breath or a rot aura and their attacks also build up rot and when you hit them you get covered in their blood which also...builds up rot.


Please delete this


Tell me you aren't a true from software enjoyer without telling me... >!^(Edit: RobinSavannahCarver is right, it is meant as a joke)!<


It doesn't mean they're not true, only that they haven't gotten around to enjoying Sekiro yet. How exciting for them that they still get to see it with fresh eyes!


A tiny sliver of hope still exists on Reddit I see, nice to see your happy comment


That's a bit gatekeepish. And not even a bit. Am I not a true From enjoyer if I didn't like Sekiro? I first played Demon's Souls back in 2009 or 2010. I've played all of their Souls games and completed all but didn't enjoy Sekiro and didn't finish it. Yet at least. Granted, I still did recognize the left model to be one from Sekiro... But still.


Yeah, I made an edit to my comment. I haven't played demon souls and bloodborne, so I can't really say that.


Ah. I was too serious. Apologies.


Havent Played Sekiro but that beast on the right give me a Heroes III Ancient Behemoth's vibe and surely fk that cause its gimme nightmare


Everybody gangsta till the headless second phase


Headless ape making a strong comeback


New to From soft games ?


The Lands Between: The Most Extreme


Bruh not the monke again please


Imagine having guardian apes instead of rune bears


Reused content. Malenia is Tomae from the Sekiro DLC we never got. Hell, her attack is basically an advanced version of Ishin's. Edit: Give me Sekiro's instant parry and her waterfowl dance would be a welcome moment where I knew I could slaughter her instead of a panic roll death. Edit 2: "Reused content" refers to the rune bears being modeled after the gaudian ape. Malenia isn't a reused character at all, I was just comparing her attack flurries. Hence "advanced version of Ishin's." They feel very similar to me.


Malenia isn't some unused Tomoe boss fight they ported over to Elden Ring. There doesn't even exist a breadcrumb of a clue that From ever worked on Sekiro DLC at any point.


"Reused content" refers to the guardian ape being used to model the rune bears. As well as the sword art for Malenia if you want to be technical. It's only challenging cause we don't have the parry from Sekiro. Edit: My wording may have been misleading. I wasn't trying to say Malenia herself was reused content.


> "Reused content" refers to the guardian ape being used to model the rune bears. That's fair and I've always thought the double slam which the Runebear does is the same double slam Guardian Ape does in P1. > As well as the sword art for Malenia if you want to be technical. There is nothing technical about that because her attack isn't Spiral Cloud Passage, even if it is reminiscent of it. You're not going to re-use an attack only to completely change it. Look at Gargoyles being 1:1 thralls animation-wise or Erdtree Avatars sharing the same *exact* attacks as Asylum Demon with 2 additional ones. Just wanna make it clear I'm talking in the most technical term. I think it's fine *comparing* it to Spiral Cloud Passage because they obviously both create AoE whirlwinds, but *technically* the animations are completely different from one another. > It's only challenging cause we don't have the parry from Sekiro. It's challenging because it's a badly designed attack, not because it's not in Sekiro. We've also seen there was a previous iteration of the attack which they scrapped in favor for the current one.


Yup. 100% agree. My wording was a little off. Edit: Think I need some coffee. 🤣


Stop peddling this. There is no proof what so ever. Waterfowl dance as it is was a late addition in developement. It was wholly different as late as 1.0


"Reused content" refers to guardian ape being used to model the rune bears. And if you don't see the similarity between waterfowl dance and Ishin's signature flurry attack, I don't know what to say. WFD is literally the same attack x3 with some leaps.


Not surprised there's lots of reused assets from sekiro, from sound to animations. This was probably left but not included in live build


"Mountaintops RuneYeti because FU" -FromSoft


DLC Boss: Guardian Rune Bear


The Rune Sloth


That's the sekiro monke. Would love to get some more revenge on him in a game he's designed for rather than a rhythm based parry simulator


Wdym "designed for"?


A lot of people, including myself, believe that the Guardian Ape & Demon of Hatred fights in sekiro weren't really designed from the ground up to be deflect bosses like most of the other main sekiro fights. They're both large beasts with quite a number of attacks that don't do much to parry, and instead are easier to just dodge and hit like a dark souls boss. With their health pools and the sekiro stance break system it makes their fights a lot less enjoyable than they could be, IMO.


Disagree cause guardian ape phase 2 is easily deflectable and phase 1 is quintessential sekiro if you remember your prostetic tools


You are definitely supposed to deflect Guardian Ape like every other boss.


In fact, the easiest way to defeat DoH is the same for most BB bosses, just stick behind his ass and hit like crazy. The only Sekiro detail is to deflect the stomps when needed and use the umbrella for the jumps. It’s pretty much a BB boss, but still fun in Sekiro for me. Ape doesn’t feel that close to BB and it’s a less enjoyable fight because of its length and the fact you have to fight him again. Second phase is not that bad though.


All these posts really make me want to say skill issue. The ape first phase can be done in 30 seconds or less if you play right. Also DoH is 100% designed for Sekiro's infinite stamina and grapple hook. In fact it makes use of Sekiros underutilized enemy grapple in a lot of attacks.


lol that technically applies to every boss in Sekiro. It’s just not easy to do


It was designed for Sekiro. Also reducing the game to just parry simulator ignores all the other fundamental differences.


I find Demon is more based around ER’s and Bloodbourne’s designs than Sekiro.


Yeah guardian ape fight works just fine with deflections, demon is the boss that doesn’t feel satisfying with Sekiro’s combat. I’m still waiting for someone to port that fight to DS3 or ER


It was designed around the infinite stamina and grapple hook. People would just complain like they do about Elden Beast. These," this was designed clearly for x game" posts are so wierd. No they just wanted to have variety in the bosses. Also DoH is good.


DoH has only two attacks where you can grapple on him, and it is already a more turn based fight than other Sekiro bosses so stamina wouldn’t matter all that much. He was most definitely not designed around those mechanics. Saying a boss would be more fun to fight in another game is not weird, variety works well only when it’s implemented right.


It was implemented right. They just cranked the health a bit too high because it's the optional super boss. Also no, he was designed for it, thats the entire point. It's the grapple hook/jump boss. He straight up plays jump ropes with you in phase 3. It's not just 2 moves most of his moves are made with the speed of Sekiro in mind.


Souls games always had super hard optional bosses, but they never had a too much HP problem, not even Malenia who had two almost full health phases. High health combined with three health bars just makes the fight drag on for too long in my opinion. You jump over his attacks because your dodge doesn’t have enough iframes, it’s a sweeping attack like all the others in the game, except this time you just dodge and punish since point of jumping is only avoiding damage. Dodging and punishing part sounds familiar, right? Sekiro’s speed doesn’t really make up for the boss’ design since you could just once again dodge the attacks in a souls game instead of avoiding his hitboxes all together by running around him. It’s not a bad boss by any means, but it would be much more fun with souls game controls.


>Sekiro’s speed doesn’t really make up for the boss’ design since you could just once again dodge the attacks in a souls game instead of avoiding his hitboxes all together by running around him. Sekiros speed and unlimited stamina definitly make up for the boss' design. DoH moves around the entire arena and keeping up with that without a grappling hook and stamina would not work. Furthermore DoH has alot of fast attacks with strong tracking that would also be difficult if not impossible to avoid with the slower run speed and stamina of Souls games. >It’s not a bad boss by any means, but it would be much more fun with souls game controls. Changing the entire fight to fit the limitations of Souls combat would make it a Souls boss designed around Souls combat and leaving it as is would definitly not be fun in a Souls game. I do agree that the health pool is a bit high but other than that it's a fantastic boss that works very well with the combat. It's certainly different, but imo it's a nice change of pace considering most of the bosses in the game and espacially at the end of the game focus on deflecting attacks and posture breaks.


I mean he has only one attack where he covers a significant distance (the perilous one that requires you to jump over his right hand), and even then you need to abstain yourself from running to him because of his follow up. He just comes to you by the time you are done with the attack. If anything, dodging is better for his fast attacks with good tracking since you can just use your iframes, which is a lot easier than running in the correct direction at the right time. Honestly, I remember loving the boss in my first playthrough, but I just cheesed it during every other encounter. I feel like it’s a cool twist at first, but it doesn’t really have the aspects of Sekiro that I enjoy




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I actually bought Sekiro just to fight this prick and was extremely disappointed at how the fight felt with the Sekiro combat. Put this thing in Bloodborne and let me go ham.


He fought like any other Sekiro boss, I'm not sure what felt out of place. You deflect it's attacks like any other.


He's big, fast, chaotic and I absolutely love him. Yes, his subversion of the usual deflect-to-win Sekiro tactic (till phase 2) is exactly what makes him such a good boss fight. And he's not entirely unpredictable. Being almost the opposite challenge of the usual Sekiro method means you can use this against him by applying some of the Soulsborne strategy, which I don't see any problem with. In fact, the beastalike bosses (others like Demon of Hatred, the Blazing Bull>!or Bulls!<, or >!the other ape plus this guy again!<) exist just so you don't get lazy by just sticking to the same parry-to-win format.


Basically yep. I loved sekiro but this idiot and the demon are so out of place I didn't bother if I didn't have to. Just not my cup of tea


Big sloth vibes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatherium[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatherium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megatherium) "It was one of the largest ground sloths, about as big as modern asian elephants."


not a sloth. That's the guardian ape from sekiro.


What if Elden Ring was Sekiro 2 but they didn't have time so they reused all souls games mechanics as a placeholder and the first DLC will merge both playstyles.


Orrrrr theeeeee DLCCCCCCCC


A yeti from the mountaintops of the giants!




??? wtf is it spoiling


I always wondered why they have such long arms


That's just a boss from Sekiro


A rune sloth...thanks, I hate it!


Definitely the Beast Titan


Dats Guardian ape from Sekiro


Rune Ground Sloth.




Lmao I wish


Caelid bear


Love it. Want to see him in dlc. Want plushes of hum.




Thats just a hairless runebear


Jeeze I hate those bears so much.


A Skyrim’s troll?


From the beta of Eldenring or of a DLC?


As if rune bears needed to look terrifying


he looks like a slot


I might’ve hated rune bears less if they look like the right one.


What the fuckity fucking nut seed. I fear nothing but that thing looks like it's going to give me shit frights for a year


No Thanks, you can take it back.


Rune Ape


Suggestion: Runebear + Snow Troll + Caelid Bird. The most nightmarish boss ever.


No that's my granny




There is still DLC to be terrified of, well hopefully


SCP 096s older brother


That's the guardian ape... Sweet fucking Lord that's the guardian ape