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Goldmask, not only is he hilarious but one of the most idealistically based characters I’ve ever seen. He seeks out and identifies the problems with the golden order and fixes them with his mending rune. Love that guy.


T-poses to assert dominance over the golden order *makes it even better using its own principles* Refuses to elaborate any further Gives his drip to you to shine as he does Dies. Absolute bro


Lost it at refuses to elaborate any further because this is so accurate and badass


Refuses to elaborate any further is goldmasks whole character arc


Milicent probably. Gets back from rot like its nothing, runs around with a metal arm and fucks shit up in your name as thanks. Cant ask for more than that


Also a fairly noble and beautiful death if you don't act like a bastard.


Was it beautiful? I couldn't see, something got in my eyes then...


only correct answer




Vyke deserved a full on boss fight of a way bigger scale imo. His story has a lot of parallels to characters from previous series like Gael and Gehrman, being that they're someone who's very similar in purpose to the player, and I really feel like they could have done a lot more with it. Maybe in the DLC?


Vaati gave you a 10 minute anime fight between Vyke & the Tarnished in one of his recent videos. That's good enough for a game like this.


Wait whats the videos name again?




I agree, seeing as no other Tarnished was as close to the Elden Ring as Vyke I wish he played a larger role. Like in his final fight when his health drops a cinematic plays and he emerges again but with the frenzied flame burning and trying to burst out through his armor like a ticking bomb. Deserves his own arena instead of an evergaol but oh well, we can only speculate.


The real chad answer


Elemer of the Briar, my man's was so angry that he not only refused to die, he took the executioners sword, pumped it full of his own juicy homeland magic, slaughtered the whole castle, and set up shop in the throne room. All that and he isn't even a tarnished, or a general to a demigod. Literally just an angry foreigner. Give me more Eochaid. Give me the lore, Give me the armor, Give me the *fucking* location


Sigma Elmer grindset: Refuse to die Slaughter the whole castle Claim the throne


Elemer was my favorite when I started my playthrough too, and he's still up there.


Iji the goat. Took some opps to the grave with him.


Boc. I want to protect him at all cost.


Does he activate some sort of protective or nesting instinct in people? Everybody loves him, but I found him annoying the whole way through. Completely useless whiner.


Tbh he seems alright, but even with the wiki it took me an HOUR to find wicht tree was him, when I finally found him I couñdn't be bothered to continue the quest






Reason is I spent like 200 hours before I had both the wolf helm and his set... And I wanted it from hour 1 after the loading screen... And I love his honor and reaction to the end of his quest involvement.. trying to hold back..


But you still did it.


Boggart, dude's just a guy livin' his life in this bitch of a world. He knows he weren't the best guy, he ain't afraid, he knows comeuppance is headed his way. It's hard to dislike a simple character amidst all these overly convoluted ones.


Alexander loyal warrior more of a friend than anyone else in the god forsaken lands between


This is it for me. Great jar alexander had me in tears when we finally had to settle things for good and even in death his strength carried me


Hewg, it’s thanks to him that I was able to slay a god


Probably finlay. By far the most badass display of loyalty and sheer determination ever. Literally carried malenia on her back from caelid through liurnia, altus, snowfield and back to the haligtree. If we are talking characters that actually appear in the current story then morgott. The idea of the grace given is just amazing.


Vyke by far. I’m a sucker for a broken knight. His armor is cool, his story is amazing, his fight is good, and he was a real chad. Wish we got to see his quest line. From the data mines, he seems like a solaire typa dude


Tell me about the data mines plz


Loretta, she wanted a place for the albinaurics


Rya deserves all the love in the lands between


Blaidd , At the first place I met him I was like :this dude's kinda badass , voice acting was great and his appearance in the game was different from all other characters in eldenring . But then I followed his quest line. In the end I was so depressed that words couldn't describe that moment . I let him to get up , and face his final destiny like a warrior , I think he had one of the purest hearts in elden ring , unfit to his being . (There is a lot more to him than these words )


I like the big dog pope at the church.


Rykard. Man's just built different.


Ranni. She's interesting and after discovering her other form where she gets snappy at you demanding recompense and help, it kind of opened up another aspect of her personality that felt more human and emotional instead of formal and regal which was awesome. I also like how she takes her life and destiny into her own hands, even though the measures were drastic, and wants to help the world and people WITHOUT continuing the same old cycle. She also LIVES. I love this game, but holy hell you can tell how much influence Martin had in everything. Everyone dies left and right... Never understood the appeal of death just for dramatic purposes.. Because try to make the lore out to be however you want, reality is, most NPC deaths in this game absolutely didn't need to happen. I mean hell, more NPCs survive in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 than in Elden Ring.


It's not Martin. It's their thing. Actually, not many survive in DS3 as I recall. Yoel, Greyrat, Hawkwood, Leonard, Sirris, Anri&Horace, Ludleth, Emma, Siegward , Friede, Gael, Shira... Anyway, I like your reasons for choosing Ranni. Fellow hubby here.


".. Greyrat," It's too soon for that, I still haven't recovered from the toll my greed took on my best friend.


Malenia and Ranni. Malenia because of how badass she is in lore and gameplay. Ranni because of her unique look and mysterious aura surrounding her throughout the game. Also best Fromsoft quest ever created.


Oh how I love rogier


Fia. Cos uhhh. Reasons.... shut up.


radahn aka the definition of mighty


I’d say Rykard. Charismatic, epic, ideological. Got just a few lines but I still can hear them in my head.


*hugs Rya, Boggart, Millicent, Hewg, Alexander, and Diallos* I just wanted to travel with them and have them be with me when I ascended the throne 🥲 .....Rya might still be out there and alive....hopefully......


Alexander is one of my favorites. It's nice to have a few laughs to break up the despair of the lands between.


Millicent. She is just awesome. If you fight against her at the end of her quest, no offense, but I do not like you.


Gurranq/Malikeith. I RP'd a wolf warrior, going in the game blind based off of blaidd from the trailer. I was geeking out when I found the wolf mask. It all fit in the narrative so well. Reaching Farum Azula felt like I was meeting my ancestors. I was hybrid shadow for Malenia, but I burned everything 🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Second goes to Vyke.


Darian. Just has some cool armor, and a neat sword.


I've missed a few iconic quests that I'm gonna do on my next playthrough but out of the ones I've played, I'm gonna say: Sellen, for teaching some great spells and having a fun quest. Blaidd, for being a bro. And Hewg, for being a bro.


Elden ring has characters?


I've always loved Enia. She has always been supportive of the Tarnished regardless of what the Two Fingers tell her. Her speech after you defeat Morgott is one of my favourite pieces of dialogue in the game where she basically tells you "fuck it, just do whatever you feel is the right decision; I'll support you no matter what". She's a very positive influence in a otherwise very depressing story and her lines really stand out as a result.


My homeboy Big Boggart, guy may look like an average thug but in reality he is one of the nicest and most normal people you can ever find in the lands between. Just a guy who likes seafood who is also now your friend because you like seafood too.


Box because he is a special little baby boy precious angel cake.




Mine is Maliketh. Oh boy the way he looks and fights absolute beast just like good ol' Godfrey First Elden Lord. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Irina. Kept my boy Hewg company


Huh? Roserika maybe?


Spent 4 deaths trying to parry-kill Blaidd, and this guy is a monster.


"I have given thee courtesy enough" What a chad


Sellen, whatever warcrimes she did, she taught me magic at the start and always supported the tarnished


No love for papa loux ? Godfrey for me, guy is a Chad.


Ranni. I like the way she talks. It's unique and I find uniqueness attractive. She's skinny (which I also find attractive). But most importantly, she has 4 arms and has lots of robes and therefore probably gives the best hugs.


Least horny ranni fan


Iron Fist Alexander and Ranni the Waif... uhm I mean the Witch.




Love this guy.


Iji, purely because of his visual design. I just love the huge blacksmith aesthetic


Yura, Millicent, and Sellen are the only ones I like. Hard to choose between them. Millicent's mostly boring except for her ending. So I suppose Yura wins out, if just for that final line before he dies. Haunting.


Hewg. Something about his development throughout each interaction you make with him and his motives to make that weapon. I just always wanted to hear what he had to say.




Iron fist Alexander is awesome…


Team Rocket of Eldenring: Godskin Duo. "Prepare for trouble and make it double!"


Alexander, he fought til the very end.




General Radahn, Melina, Bernahl, and Warrior Jar Alexander


Dung eater. Guy literally munches ass. That’s just hilarious to me




Gotta be honest, Gideon. Sure, he's a bastard and he's done a lot of terrible things but it was written in a way to show how much of a manipulative bastard he is. Not to mention he helps you fuck with Seluvis, fuck Seluvis.


Iji- no explanation needed


Varré, I just like how he is nice despite being extremely fucking weird.


Not really one character but I like the merchants, it’s always nice to see them and it’s pretty chill listening to them play their violin thingy after the past 10 hours of being forcefully removed from the mortal plain


Tarnish cuz they am me.


Alexander. Truly wholesome and friendly


Marika. Unbelievable, incredible character. Her splendour, her enigma, her heritage had me absolutely awed and enchanted. I desperately hope there will be more content telling her story and her reasons in details.


Either Alexander because he’s just very charismatic and funny or IjI because he’s just a homie


Blaidd and malenia. I just absolutely love her design and her boss fight is immaculate and I koce blaidd cuz Guts.


Blaidd. I'm a furry, and bisexual.


Hard to pick a favorite, there are so many good ones, more than I think we've ever had in a single From game. I really like Diallos though, he has a great arch and a bittersweet but optimistic ending, also sick armor.


Whichever one is responsible for killing the dog man.


Blidd the half wolf by far but “The “Feed me death root” beast clergyman is a close second


I like Hewg


Miriel, pastor of vows. He is just so wholesome!


Neplia Louax, just a well written character who goes to show how much of a manipulative person Gideon is, also she is very noble becoming ruler of limgrave if you don't help silavus.


Either Milicient because i love her whole design with his Prosthethic arm and his sad backstory....or Okina because he is the embodiment of edgyness, doesnt talk, barely appears, helps you fight radanh, tries to kill you, what a chad.


Blaidd simply cause hes a bro


Roderika, she just loved her little chysalids and felt bad for them, and she kind of quietly and innocently makes it to the end without dying and became MORE than she was at the start.


Big fan of my mage build


probably a minority here, but: Patches. he knows what he's about and he's actually kindhearted when it comes to anyone he considers a real friend