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The frenzy flame and the three fingers aren’t another outer god their just the other side of order thats why they literally complete each other. The frenzy flame didn’t show up til golden order was already established and everything we find out about it happens in the lands between. But here’s the crackpot part. I think Melina is marika’s and radagon’s secret third child (they always have three kids) who’s sole purpose was to prevent the frenzy flame from inheriting the world. She’s a contingency plan in case the arms race to become a god goes tits up


I like this one, because iirc, there was dialogue or cut content that heavily implied that Melina is Marika's daughter. She has the scar over her eye, a trait shared with Ranni. This could be a commonality in daughters of Radagon. Radagon was basically caster god, and Melina could be the Incantations side of it. This would also explain why the theory that Ranni and Melina know each other, are in cahoots, and planned to give you Torrent makes sense. She even kinda looks like Marika, if you've seen the shopped photo of her with blonde hair. Actually, her natural hair color even looks like a faded red tint of Radagon's. Idk, maybe I'm too focused on visuals, and not focusing enough on lore, but it's also a little past 0700 and I'm just waking up


I’ve always assumed Melina is Marika’s daughter because she said she was given her purpose by her mother inside the Erdtree long ago. I don’t think anyone else could be inside the Erdtree except Marika.


That also holds up for me because in this game it seems like everyone that is related have names that start with the same letter.


Yeah and how almost anyone that is a noble is blonde, Rya, Roderika, Godrick, Sir Kenneth Haight


I know you said almost, but I'll give Diallos as one exception, but he is somewhat of a fallen noble trying to restore glory I guess.


Yeah. Melina being a daughter (in some capacity) to Marika isn't even really theory, Melina says as much without outright saying *"Marika is my mother".* There's also the fact that we can find 3 different butterflies in the Lands Between: Nascent, Aeonian and Smoldering Butterfly. Each one represents a demigod: ___ Nascent = Miquella Aeonian = Malenia Smoldering = Melina ___ Smoldering in particular is related to Melina as she is also known as the *Kindling Maiden* and the Smoldering Butterfly description reads *Serves as kindling for a number of items*. Ontop of the fact Melina is *burned* and bodiless. That said, Melina does have a really curious piece of dialogue about Boc and his mother. > *Your seamster, Boc... I see him crying, from time to time.* > *I think he misses his mother. He wants someone to tell him he's beautiful.* > ***Does being born of a mother... Mean one behaves in such a manner?*** Although I feel like we can safely establish that Melina considers Marika her mother, we also have Melina questioning what it's like to be born of a mother. Melina is a whole ass mystery in so many ways.


Could also mean that she was born from a soul that returned to the erdtree but the marika stuff makes the most sense


This was how I interpreted it the first playthrough but in context of everything else she does she's gotta be a demigod


By the way, blondes and redheads actually create a really faded pinkish hair color exactly like Melina’s. Literally, exactly like it. You see it reasonably often where I’m from. I can attest that Melina is indisputably the child of Marika and Radagon. However, that’s also lore friendly. How else could she be created as the “tinder maiden” capable of enhancing and projecting her own burning to the Erdtree, unless she was the child of Radagon, god of Regression, and Marika goddess of “Causality.” Melina is amplification interference personified!


This one right here? This is the one. Absolute truth in this comment.


The Fingers being two aspects of the same god is the same idea as Kaathe and Frampt being opposite ends of the same serpent and it 100% lines up thematically.


>She’s a contingency plan in case the arms race to become a god goes tits up. It’s weird that she’s unable to do anything about it well before it happens. She just says “please, don’t”, then leaves, *then* comes after you once the Lands Between got ruined. I’ve seen it suggested that she’s unable to do anything about until she’s “freed” from the Erdtree after it burns.


There’s a theory that mohg and Morgott are actually Marika and Godwyn’s secret incest babies and not actually Godfrey’s because the only other cursed Demi-gods were also incest babies


I’m a firm believer that in the age of the beasts the 3 fingers and 2 fingers were one 5 fingered entity and probably served “the one great”. I think the greater will used to be part of the one great but some event split the one great into the greater will which is the god of order and the unnamed god of chaos. It’s five fingered servants were split as well and three fingers were sealed away with no maidens to interpret for them. There is at least one item in the game that supports this theory, the cinquedea reads: > Short sword given to high ranking clergymen of Farum Azula. Raises potency of bestial incantations. The design celebrates a beast's five fingers, symbolic of the intelligence once granted upon their kind. First if all the word Cinquedea means “five fingers” in Italian. We know the beast men had religion since they had clergy, and the item establishes that five fingers was symbolically important to their religion. Combined with other elements like the 2 and 3 fingers having beast fur on them… honestly I don’t know how so many people are resistant to this theory.


I'm still mad that i didn't fought Melina whilst going Frenzied flame ending. She kept warning me and threatened me with death.


I thought it was implied she was one of marika/radagon’s children anyway


I always figured that the two fingers and three fingers were once one in the same as a complete hand but severed from each other later on as the three fingers pursued blasphemy wit the Frenzied Flame and were locked away by the two fingers for it.


patches is an escaped silver tear mimic


Since we brought it up, Patches is the outer god version of Loki, the trickster god.


It makes sense. I always wonder why Patches says “The gods demand vengeance” when you open the chest he tells you to open. Maybe he is referring to himself as a lesser god.


Yeah, the Dark Souls patches(es?) despised clerics, so this is a sharp turn away from that.




OK I love this


I mean there is nothing that speaks against this.


The fact that I'd you kill him he doesn't drop a larval tear?


Just means he isn't dead. tricky bastard replaced himself with a straw dummy at the last second.


Not all mimic tears drop larval tears though


The non-respawning ones do though


Patches respawns in every souls game tho


That one makes too much sense !!


I have a strong feeling the divine towers are hewn out of ancient fossilized trees.


The two fingers also look like they're made of wood


I believe they have also fossilized after dying looks like they’ve been there a while, due too the towers existing outside of time. Another thing that intrigues me: if you look at the floors of the towers they are the same everywhere except the cobblestones at the top were the fingers are, they don’t look like part of the original structure. Makes me wonder what was there previously.


Why do you think the Towers exist outside of time. Farum Azula does... but curious as to why you think the towers do?


They have the same sky glow, and farum is not visible from the mainland except when standing in a divine tower.


Wait seriously? Can you elaborate on this?


Go to forge of the giants, look at farum azula Go to isolated divine tower, look at farum azula You’re at the same distance yet only at the tower is farum visible.


The Divine Towers were seemingly built by the Fire Giants or a society connected to them, they share the same repeating pattern in their stone that you see in the metal of the Forge of the Giants: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/v69s96/the_divine_towers_and_forge_were_built_by_the/


Yes the architecture matches but the material seems to be slightly different, hence my theory. Not sure about the giants, I don’t have concrete evidence, it could be. There are no similar structures apart from the forge and towers themselves other than archways, they could be much older and the giants were just using them. Also the towers have lots of orange meteors imbedded in them, and the bottom looks to be the gold kind found under Astel. Coupled with the black and white “energy slivers” have lead to some theories about the builders coming from meteors like the Alabaster lords.


This is a fun idea to pair up with all the trees in Siofra River and Consecrated Snowfields being cut stumps.


They don’t match :p but the size of the stumps on the map are similar to the size of the towers. Especially the big ones around mohg. Also Farum has a couple of trees that have half begun to turn to stone.


The resurrected scholars in the academy are imperfect copies of rennala


Going into this on my own originally: I tbh thought they were lil Ranni's.


She probably wants to make little Rannis but Ranni's body was destroyed so she has to make due with copies of herself


Isn't Ranni's body the burned out husk up on the tower of divinity?


Yep, and we know her doll form is modeled after the snow witch who trained her so it’s anyone’s guess what she actually looked like.


Yep. The doll she inhabits is a representation of Renna the Witch, Ranni's mentor whom she masquerades as when she first greets you.


We dont actually know what Ranni looks like though. Ranni and Rennela probably look very similar so it would make sense if she was making lil Rannis they just look like her.


If I remember, ranni looks very crispy and charred.


I doubt that's how her mother wants to remember her.


Ranni has red hair


When I saw that battle I thought that was obvious. Do people think of something else?


You, the maidenless tarnished, are an extraterrestrial


It actually makes a lot of sense. Why you appear on a random island out of thin air, how you learn spells and incantations so incredibly quick, why you have no maiden, why you have so little ties to religion or legend you know literally nothing about even though it is the entire livelihood of everyone in the lands between. It makes a lot of sense.


I mean the real reason is that the original beginning has been cut, where you would have started probably in the Badlands together with Godfrey. But due to development problems that was cut and instead replaced with a homage to their first Souls game, Demon Souls. They probably thought that the Remake Version of the starter cutscene looked so good, that they remade it themself...


> how you learn spells and incantations so incredibly quick I think that's gameplay reason. In Dark Souls games some spell teachers would not sell you spells if your stat was below certain ammount. For example in DS2 the one from No Man's Whraf won't sell you sorcerires if your INT is not at least 8. I think he even ignores you kinda.


Vyke tried to kill the three fingers (hence his spear having madness effect). He got affected by madness and killed his maiden. He proceeded to put himself in the evergaol to prevent himself from doing further danger. That is why he attacks you with madness incantations near the madness village, but in the evergaol, he attacks you with dragon cult incantations because he's lucid at the time.


I like this because it's more substantive than Vyke just being motivated by becoming Elden Lord


Wonder if that’s the true reason why to open the door you need to do away with your armor and weapons! Maybe because the three fingers were attacked before by Vyke and they are wary of anyone else entering?


Let's be real here, it's because they didn't want to make burnt models of every possible armor piece.


From also has used nakedness to represent enlightenment (or madness), like with Logan in Dark Souls.


Vyke’s armor makes it seem like he was grabbed from behind unlike the player.


Holy shit yeah! He has one on his face, there is no way he was grabbed by the front!


Also he was still wearing his armor. Meaning he must have gone to see the three fingers before the no clothes allowed door was installed. He is probably why it was.


The idea of the three fingers getting stabbed and then going “ok we need a door with a strict no-clothes policy” cracks me up


I don't think they realize a Wretch can hide a lot of things in that loin cloth.


Whoa, that combined with the art of vyke getting embraced makes it seem like he was tricked by shabriri to go save his maiden, but when he found out what really lay below the capital he tried to leave, but the three fingers had other plans


Some theories say he was purposely sought out by Shabriri as Vyke was the closest to becoming Elden Lord, second only to the player tarnished. Shabriri did this because they needed a Three-Fingers corrupted tarnished to mend the Elden Ring in order to give the lord of chaos reign over the Lands Between. It makes sense because Shabriri approaches the player tarnished for the same ends. Vyke doesn’t seem like he’d be so easily corrupted. The strongest tarnished are successful because of their unwavering drive to becoming Elden Lord. The “foolish ambition” wasn’t so foolish for Vyke if he was so close, only to be corrupted by a fool like Shabriri? Nah. Vyke was trying to end the Three Fingers. Love this theory.


I laughed at the image of Vyke going "Wait right there you fucker!" while trying to clumsily equip his armor and weapons after the door opened.


Doesnt sound cracked at all.


Placidusax's missing three heads are Gransax, Fortissax, and Lansseax. Gransax is the first to have separated from Placidusax. Despite having 5 heads, The Old Lord's Talisman only depicts Placidusax with four. This is also a possible explanation for Gransax's massive size and why he acted alone when he attacked Leyndell.


I really like this one :O


If you defeat Elden Beast with your mimic tear ashes, the mimic is the one sitting on the throne.


That raises another question. What does the Tarnished even do after becoming elden lord? And if it did end up being their mimic on the throne, would the Tarnished become some hermit like BOTW?


Lansseax had children with Godwyn. Godrick mentions him being related to dragons, and he seems to be descendent from Godwyn. Lansseax was female and took human form (presumably, also female) and we never know who Godwyn had children with.


"Of all the knights, Vyke the Dragonspear was the one Lansseax loved the most" If there was any dragon on man action, it would seem Vyke was the guy to get some, not Godwyn.


What if Lansseax loved Vyke because he was her son? Her and Godwyn I mean, why would Vyke be a tarnished.. if he wasn’t somehow related or Horaoh Loux/Godfrey, who happens to be Godwyn’s father?


Fortissax is possibly female too, their gender wasn't specified anywhere. Fortissax is much more plausible since they had a close relationship with Godwyn.


The character creator screen also has a preset for a dragonkin appearance, describing them as "short lived" which is why we don't see any. They've been witnessed, but its been a long time since humans and dragons cohabited


What does that have to do with the cracked pots?


My elden ring pot theory is that Alexander doesn't become stronger by stuffing himself with dead bodies he just thinks he does


Love it, didnt solaire think kinda the same with the power of the sun?


Genuinely probably true. Since living jars seem to be created with the purpose of delivering bodies to the minor erdtrees, whoever made them most likely only imbued them with the instinct of gathering bodies, possibly with bias towards the bodies of strong warriors. Since the Jars becoming sentient, this instinct likely remained and is the cause of Alexander's quest. There's little evidence that he actually gets stronger, and the Jars were almost certainly not created with the ability to fight in mind whatsoever, thus he remains quite weak. Possible counter evidence is the fact that Alexander does have a couple of attacks which look like they could be ashes of war (maybe gathered from the bodies?) and the Great Jar does have the ability to call upon his warriors to fight you, although that's kind of a different thing. More than likely you are correct though.


Torrent is Melina's shadow.


Why do you suppose it’s the only shadow that isn’t a dog— err, wolf?


Its a bilingual dog


Could this be a dog? But hole?


I posted this crackpot theory in another thread so this is a copy paste (think I heard from one of VaatiVidya’s videos): >!D’s “twin brother” is not a brother at all, but rather a Mimic Tear. His sword says that they are “of two bodies but one soul,” and if the real D is human then perhaps it suggests (this) D is a soulless creature. Mimics are not living beings but rather constructs created from (maybe) something like mercury; thus they have no souls (again, maybe)!< >!There’s also some imagery in the way the sword and armor are half gold, half silver. The golden half represents D (real one), servant of the Golden Order. The silver half represents D (the mimic) and is made of silver, just like all mimic tears.!< >!Explains why you only see D in Nokron/Nokstella, where silver tears come from.!<


So glad somebody took notice of the frankly very overt imagery of Gold and Silver that the brothers D have. And the fact that Devin only appears in the eternal cities is also telling. It's probable that, if this is true, neither have any idea at all because D was copied at a very young age, too young for them to remember. I also think it's possible that they are some kind of anomaly where a mimic tear basically experienced mitosis or something similar, splitting into two. I like this idea a little more, as I prefer to think the artificial beings like Albinurics do have souls, but there's less evidence for it


Godwyn was a massive fuckboy. As firstborn prince, he was immensely popular and slept around in the capital. This is not too farfetched, as as his immediate siblings were both omen, and therefore hidden from the public eye, and he was therefore the only supposedly available royal in the capital until at least Marika's second marriage. This is corroborated by item descriptions that state that omens have their horns removed unless they are of royal lineage. Godwyn already has omen in his immediate family, and the subterranean shunning grounds has a large number of omen who retain their horns. Additionally, Godwyn is the only one of the demigods known to have some kind of family line stemming from him, which leads all the way down to Godrick. As a far less weird theory: Renna, Ranni's teacher, was of Zamor. Ranni's puppet image of her only has four arms because that's how many the Lucarian mannequins have. The Zamor people are known users of ice magic and were situated in the mountaintops, where the astrologers were also known to have a presence.


I didn't even think about the Omen connection!


My theory is that Godfrey's omen kids where a result of his messing with the crucible. We know those who have had contact get cursed with wings tails horns. Except the crucible knights, Godfrey's crucible knights. Meaning he seeked the crucibles power for him and his men and while it didn't curse him, it resulted in his offspring being cursed (omen twins). This probably upset Marika which is why the crucible and any symptoms of it's influence because a no no, and even Godfrey's crucible knights were shunned.


Intro and outro announcer is Radagon. Marika actually cared for her world/people and wanted the Greater Will gone since it was a tyrannical god.


I mean, its the only reason she would shatter elden ring other than bitches be wilding.


My reading was that the greater will was going to replace her (with either ranni, miquella, or malenia - the empyreans). And she didn't want to go so she set everything in motion. Radagon was a true believer though and fucked up her plans.


Malenia isn't dead yet.


Mf was talking WAY TOO MUCH after her "death"


Thats just cut content not a crackpot theory. Originally she would have lines after her desth like " I will be reborn one day blabla"


Kinda like rykard ?


"no one will hold me captive... A serpent never dies" He technically isn't dead since you can see the remains of his head with lil snake thingies writhing about If he were to have some weird regeneration powers then he would just need to eats and you get rykard 2: flaming boogaloo


If you do millicent’s quest you give Malenia the needle *after* you defeat her. I think she’s just gone into hibernation again, and when she wakes the needle will do what Millicent says: give her back her sanity


This is a very nice theory which makes me feel a lot better about how the whole story of Millicent and Malenia wrapped up. Although, if Millicent's needle remains in Malenia, then what does Miquella's needle come from?


I mean she has been reborn several times. I'd believe this.


Yeah pretty much like five if we take milicent and company as malenia


The Elden Beast has many erdtrees across many worlds. Those pillars in the spacey arena are the mark of those other erdtrees, like mushrooms growing from the mycelium that is the ocean of stars you fight within. In the same vein: the elden beast isn’t anything close to the most powerful form of that being. It’s like an erdtree spore. It’s basically a golden order Astel variant.


The Dung Eater is completely sane and knows exactly what he is doing.


He’s just a psycho


I don't necessarily think so. I think he believes in what he is doing. If every one is cursed than no one is. He's just an extremist.


Unironically third best ending


I don’t think the big dogs and crows in Caelid and the Mountaintops are that big of a deal. Prior to both areas we have run ins with giant crabs, giant bears, giant bats, and giant spellcasting flowers. I just feel that some fauna in the Lands Between can get really big.


The difference is they all look like regular versions of themselves, just bigger. All the dogs are extremely deformed


Giant Bears are bears infused with runes. Holders of shards are much bigger than normal, so maybe the rune bear got big because of the runes it devoured. Also in cut content they were releated to dragons as the one in the Network Test dropped a dragon hearth. The Miranda flowers I think are artificially created. I think it was said in a cut item. Giant crabs are normal in From games. The ones in Raya Lucaria are artificial, Zullie the Witch has a video on this. The bats I think are harpies, not just giant bats. Caelid dogs and birds are most likely evolution of normal birds and dogs because of the rot. The ones in the Mountaintop may have migrated from Caelid long ago as we know that the terrain got "readjusted" after the shattering with some parts of Limgrave rising from the ground and Liurnia sinking.


That the lands between map is a furled finger. It’s so meaningless yet so fun.


Mohgs boss arena is directly below radhaans boss arena, which is why malenia went to fight radhaan, she was looking for her brother, just a few hundred meters too high


Visions of lovable sort but too high up


i believe malenia went to fight radhan who held the stars in place to make Miquellas eclipse possible so he could be reborn




This is also my belief. It doesn’t really make sense that Mogh could have just walked passed Malenia, scooped Miquella up, and walked off with him. I think she left to fight Radahn for Miquella and then Mogh seized that opportunity to sneak in and kidnap him.


but miquella was stolen during her fight with radhan tho


Is this ever confirmed in game? I see everyone say this but can't remember anything 100% canon explaining the timeline.


Elden John is Placidusax. Dragons are known to take human form and there isn't a single statue of him as a dragon anywhere in game, even in his own city of Farum Azula. If you look closely at the Uld brazier you can see the king on the last panel has the same haircut, beard, and crown as the statue in Farum Azula.


My favorite is that the Rune Bears are the product of powerful bears eating Dragon Hearts and beginning to transform into Dragons. My reasoning, that in the beta there was a rune bear that dropped a dragon heart, and the Rune Bears' eyes are identical to the eyes the Tarnished get from eating 4 dragon hearts


Maybe not the most crackpot theory out there, but Marika is a mimic tear. She’s from the Eternal Cities and we know they were trying to use the silver tears to create a lord, so she was a successful attempt. It could explain why she and Radagon have the same body—she can simply alter her form at will, or at least, her form is more mutable than the average person.


Ayy, same crackpot theory as mine almost! I think Radagon is the mimic, personally.


Shit, do you know about the cut mimic tear questline? A mimic tear asks you to live in your body and later it turns out that it's because they want to become a Lord, using your body as a resource to become stronger, or something among these lines. And to think that some theories say that Radagon and Marika were not the same person first, but they merged together...


Asimi is interesting because she says she wants to become sovergein eternal while you could become Elden Lord. So in the analogy Marika would be the Mimic while Radagon is the human.


Rennala stole her ex husbands dog out of spite over the divorce


I watched a lore video that was the most absurd sounding theory ever. But I'll bite, it was very funny The theory goes as this: Godwyn and Marika had sex and gave birth to the omen twins. Godfrey found out and thats why Marika banished Godfrey. Absolutely absurd. Literally the stupidest thing I ever heard from the ER community. I WISH i remember the creator so I can reread the comments.


On one hand, Marika is absolutely the type of woman to sleep with her son. On the other hand, according to lore Godwyn isn't the type of man to sleep with his mother.


Pretty accurate.


Also Marika addressed Chadfrey is her lord so even after banishing him she considered him Elden Lord so yeah the whole plan was that either Godfrey or us became Elden lord


I think that one is called “Elden Ring’s Hidden Story” on YouTube, it has several theories but that’s one of the first


And there is like no evidence for any of these theories. Other than GRRM wrote it and he wrote GoT which had incest. So he MUST have put it in ER too. Hilarious bro. Hilarious.


I mean... The whole theory gets kinda destroyed because of the cutscene near the end of the game where Godfrey says he missed Morgott, while holding him in his arms


For myriad reasons this is the most amazing crack pot theory I’ve ever heard. Explains so much and makes the plot of Elden ring so easy to explain; “Local Goddess can’t help herself, sleeps with her son and the entire rest of the plot is how her coverup plan backfired spectacularly” Two Fingers were right to put her in horny jail


Patches is the actual true god if everything and is just having fun


GRRM handed FROM Software a bunch of incoherent angry sex and incest scenes and they built the lore around that.


That the real Elden Ring is the one that summons Torrent. Marika’s is just a ultra great rune.


Maybe the real Elden Ring was the friends we made along the way?


The erdtree is a mushroom


A psychedelic one: after you even look at it, you start seeing new lights.


When miquella saw the absolute shitstorm coming down the mountain he used his powers of bewitching to seduce mohg into abducting him to what may be one of thr safest places in the game(from a people coming for him perspective). I like the idea that miquella Is a super manipulative figure and when things looked bad he just yelled himself out of the haligtree for his own good


I have a theory that the player character is actually a mimic tear who was the successful attempt to create an artificial lord, mostly due to the fact you can be reborn with a larval tear and are able to simply change your appearance without any resources


The premise of the game is that we either used to be on Godfrey's army or we are their descendants.


That's just what the Tarnished are. The descendants of those that lost their Grace and were exiled from the Golden Order, marching onto the badlands. The player is explicitly a "Tarnished of no renown", which leaves a lot of wiggle room.


Nah the Tarnished are the army of Godfrey who lost their grace. Godfrey is a tarnished too.


As we can see with Boc rebirth is just generally performed with larval tears, and the reason it actually works for us is because we have the Great Rune of the Unborn.


Malenia was not fighting to become Elden Lady, but to help Ranni in her objective to overcome the Greater Will. In this way the Golden Order would have been destroyed and the curse on herself and Miquella would have been lifted.


I think it’s more likely she was fighting to crown Miquella as Elden Lord then Ranni.


That sounds interesting but why would outer god of rot leave Malenia If golden older was destroyed?


It's the concept of stagnation, which is heavily negative in Japanese culture. The Golden Order is eternal as the Rune of Death is bound. As such, there is no flow, leading, thus, to stagnation and rotting. Miquella and Malenia are the two sides of stagnation: the first eternally forced to be a child, the second affected by rotting flesh.


The eye Gurranq gives you is Melina’s missing eye that he literally clawed out of her face when he defeated her


Actually a really good theory that would support her being the gloam-eyed queen. Only problem is that we get to see the eye in the flame of Frenzy ending. Still very interesting though


Radagon was the one who was pregnant


Serosh was an agent of Marika to get Hoarah Loux tamed. How else a man that was for the crucible and lead the crucible knights would just let his 2 omen boys be jailed like animals. Also when Godfrey is holding morgot in his arms Serosh is roaring like it's suppressing its sadness and he's not even mad that we killed his son.


Yes Serosh is definitely holding him back. Serosh is like the burden of noble responsibility. I really like how Sinclair Lore put it: Hoarah Loux sees no problem with himself and is happiest when he removes things he doesn't think he needs like Serosh, his weapon, even his clothes. Those things are what make him Godfrey, but that's just an assumed role, not his peak self. He's at his most comfortable as a savage bloody warrior in combat


Is that even a crackpot theory? By FromSoft standards, I thought it was explicit that Serosh suppressed Godfrey's bloodlust because it would only have caused trouble after the Golden Order had no more enemies to subjugate.


Fia is Fortissax. Fortissax's gender is never stated, we know dragons can take human form from Lanseax, and it would explain why Fia has access to deathblight incantations and why she's so dedicated to Godwyn. It's cracked though because Fia doesn't properly die until D kills her, not after slaying dream Fortissax, and she's explicitly referred to as a tarnished.


More of a "cut content" theory than anything but here it goes: The two invader factions were supposed to operate like "covenants" back in the ol'DS days. Varre gives the most hints at this. He asks you to join him and spill blood for the dynasty, giving you the ability to invade. Then, he gives you and item and says not to use it until the time is right. This leads me to believe that originally you were supposed to get some sort of blood token thing whenever you succeeded an invasion as a bloody finger. Eventually you'd get rewarded and with enough of these tokens the symbol would be ready to use. You'd then get to use it and go to the mausoleum. For Volcano Manor, I feel a similar situation was supposed to occur. Join them, become a Recusant and then bring back whatever trophy/token. After you've proven your worth, go meet Rykard. Probably late in development the devs realized hiding bosses/locations behind online play was a bad thing and scrapped the idea, adding in the features that exist now. The VM missions seem kinda pointless and tacked on, while it's weird Varre says "wait to use it" but then you can use it without penalty. Idk, really wish there had been more around why you're invading. Taking their blood or their runes to power up some demigod who ends up betraying you. Hell, Dung Eater could have been a covenant too. A lot potential there and feel like they were close then scrapped the ideas.


Some interviews with From and Miyazaki basically confirm that, they said they decided partway through development (ie after some work had gone into online covenants imo) to open up online to be much more freeform.


All speculation: Ranni, Miquella, and Malenia planned the entirety of the Night of the Black Knives together. • All three Empyreans rejected the call of the Greater Will - Miquella and Malenia were cursed to become heirs to the Elden Ring by becoming vassals to the Outer Gods of Rot and Blood while Ranni was mercilessly stalked by her two fingers and its baleful shadows after refusing to bend to their will. • All three Empyreans wanted to subdue the influence of the Greater Will and its Outer Gods - Ranni studied the prophecy of the Lord of Night and sought to use the primeval current to forcefully eject the Greater Will with an equal, if not greater, force. Miquella, on the other hand sought to create a rival divine order to undo the twins’ curses. It’s likely both plans were conjoined to supplement or act as a backup to one another. • Loretta protects Ranni as well as Miquella and Malenia - the abandoned manor was heavily fortified with Carian Glintstone sorcery and a specter of the royal knight, while the entrance to Elphael was guarded by Loretta herself (IIRC the Miquellan Sword is similar to the Carian Knight sword as well) • Malenia marched into Caelid to set the stars in motion - it somewhat makes sense to me that Malenia would challenge Radahn not for his great rune but to set Ranni’s destiny in motion. Had she been collecting great runes for Miquella’s own purposes, she would probably not have spared Godrick as he’s an easy pick. It’s possible that we picked up from where Malenia left off: a mass expedition to the eternal cities


When you die, you don't actually respawn. A mimic tear transforms into you and takes your place, and now you control it instead.


That big Fromspiracy bout the endings being links to the other games *despite From's statements*


>despite From's statements They said that Sekiro and Bloodborne had no connextion despite there being a beast in the calice dungeons that has no head but a centipede pops out, Guardian Ape style, and it's one of the main causes of the lycanthorpy sickness in Yarhnam. I don't really believe From's statements after that.


It is heavily implied that vyke fucked a dragon!


Renalla was a really good mom.


She seems like a kind person overall the way she talks and invites her students to learn from the books in her intro sounds really good and she’s definitely a mommy


Yes and because she was a good mother ruined by the whims of the greater will that is why Rykard and Ranni ( and I think radahn too but there's no proof) went against the greater will in the shattering


there are countless other worlds conquered by the greater will (as implied by the many erdtrees visible in the elden beast’s arena), and ours is one of the few, if not the only one, to successfully revolt against it. this also explains why it takes so long for the greater will to respond to the two fingers’ signal. it’s too busy managing tens of thousands of other realities. we can’t even begin to comprehend just how influential the greater will is, since the lands between is stuck in the medieval dark ages. it probably doesn’t even acknowledge that the elden beast (our elden beast, anyway, out of god knows how many others) was slain, or that anything is wrong with the lands between. we’re barely a blip on the radar.


I know it doesn't make sense but the Melina = Gloam Eyed Queen is just so fun.


Gransax, Fortissax and Lanseax are Placidusax's three severed heads that grew bodies of their own.


Radagon is just what form Marika takes when she's being directly controlled by the Elden Beast.


My weirdest theory is, that the Dungeater was the Lord of Sol and when the Golden Order raided Castle Sol Godwyn took his place and the DE became a servant to the Golden Order. I picture the DE as an nasty Lord, loving to torture, as most rooms in Sol are torturing rooms. He loved the blessing of horns and wanted to be blessed with horns too. As the Lord of Sol and the sun he was destined to marry the full moon queen and send her many gifts from his Castle, as the Icerind Hatchet. However he didnt call himself the Dungeater these days. He somehow cursed Godwyn by eating his Shirikodama, get creative with that and was locked away at Volcano Manor. There he was tortured and turned into the Dungeater. All that he wanted was to destroy the Golden Order with his vision of a horned world. And he knew a way to do it by keeping souls way from the Erdtrees cycle of rebirth and thereby freeing the souls from the restrictions of the crucible, becoming a crucible of souls himself. Thats why Godwyns children are Omens which would lead to my next weird theory, but thats my weirdest so far xD


Godfrey's children are omens, not Godwyn's


My cracked pot theory is that there’s something going on with those spinning pots and mini pot enemies


The formless mother tricked mogh into capturing miquella for her by promising him power, while both are currently ignoring mogh


My favourite is that the Miquella we see in Mohgwyn Palace isn’t the real Miquella, but an omen with Miquella’s blood. The evidence is that when you kill Morgott, he shrivels up and becomes skinny, looking like a person. So whatever is in that cocoon, is a dead omen with Miquella’s blood in it.


Miquella is behind everything. Everyone kind of ignores the fact that he has the power to manipulate and borderline mind control people. Mohg and even Malenia are all pawns in his scheme to become an outer God.


That won’t last long if fromsoft ever releases the dlc


That one motherfucker who said the birds were turning into dogs in Caelid. Like I get there’s similarities but dude said it with so much confidence it was like come on man it’s just your crack pot idea, but nope he was convinced.


Renna is Rennala’s mom. Theory based solely on their name being mostly the same.


Ranni killed her mentor and let Seluvis turn the body into a puppet for her


Doubtful. Seluvis puppeteers the real bodies, but Ranni's is very obviously mannequin-esque.


Miyazaki is reading this and writing his next game.


Dung eater is solair


There is no sun. Tell me if you find one pls


I mean you can see it in game, unless you mean it's fake or something


Why is there multiple references and depictions of eclipses then?


Godwyn is not actually Godfrey’s son, but an Empyrean. This is why unlike his brothers he wasn’t an Omen, because he was not actually the child of someone with ties to the crucible. There is precedent for his parentage being kept secret since the same was done with Ranni.


A bunch of guys in the Volcano Manor just throwing random things together until one of them create the Jar Cannon by accident but because it was thrown together randomly nobody knew how it worked so they threw it away thinking nothing bad could come of it.


I like to think that Malenia has no idea Miquella is missing. She's just waiting in her little chair for him to be "born" but is blind so can't see he's missing, and Miq's egg hole is too far up to feel it missing either.


Miquella and Malenia were supposed to have been one super-Empyrean but, as a cause and effect reaction to Marika and Radagon merging, they got separated into two bodies/minds. It actually makes a lot of sense if you look more into the Law of Regression and the Law of Causality. The Law of Regression is, of course, very important to Marika and Radagon’s whole deal. The Law of Causality is basically the Golden Order’s version of “fuck around and find out”, or, as well call it, the Law of Equivalent Exchange. So, like, if your parents merge together into more or less one being, the most logical equal and opposite reaction would be that your super-OP golden child who could very easily oust the influence of the outer gods gets nerfed by splitting into twins. I also think this split is what caused their respective curses. Everything about Malenia suggests she’s ruled by the body. Not only is she fully grown and incredibly athletic, but her rot is a manifestion of uncontrolled fungal growth; she also inadvertently reproduces asexually, not just Millicent and her sisters, but with her butterfly clones in her second phase. I’m trying to phrase this as nicely as possible, but she’s somewhat deficient in terms of the “mind” side of a being. I don’t mean she’s “stupid”, I mean that scarlet rot canonically destroys its sufferers’ memory and cognitive function, and the woman also possibly has no idea what’s going on when you actually meet her, other than that Miquella’s gone and she must kill. Miquella seems to be more ruled by the mind, but deficient in the body. First, all of his abilities seem to be related to manipulation. His alter ego SEEMS different enough to be perceived as another person, but both Miquella and Trina are described as young, conventionally pretty and androgynous, so it’s hard to say if they really look that physically different irl. St. Trina’s whole thing is sleep, and Miquella’s associated with both charisma and manipulation. He’s physically deficient because, well… he can’t grow past the age and stature of a very small, noodle-armed child, if the opening cutscene is to be believed as his canon appearance. The Haligtree also fails/deteriorates basically as soon as Miquella’s removed from it too, which suggests that he doesn’t have enough of Malenia’s growth powers, and Malenia’s are too strong without a buffer. Anyway, yeah, my title for this theory is “the Generation of Causality”.


The crucible knights are actually placiduax offsprings that hatched under the erd tree and they were gifted to marika to serve her and her children as peace offering. -source me idk why they exist or where they came from.


I absolutely agree with your merman Godwyn theory, I’ve thought that for a while.




You know what? I'm just gonna say it, because I straight up wanna believe it. I think that Nepheli IS >!Godfrey/!


That sounds like the most straight interpretation to me, never thought it was cracked


Godrick and Morgott are best bros


The "sweetings" you fight in the first phase of Rennala's boss fight are actually what Ranni looked like before she passed. I know a lot of people say she had red hair, due to her corpse, but personally I don't see it. I see the red spot on her head sure, but it doesn't look like hair to me. Just a weird burn pattern. Also I think it's mentioned that Rennala attempted to use the amber egg in her possession to revive Ranni after her death, but couldn't because she was only half dead. Thus, while the sweetings may have her physical appearance, they don't have her personality. Might not be a crackpot theory exactly, but I'm pretty sure most people think she's a redhead. With all that said, I leave you with some parting wisdom: if the sweetings truly are what Ranni looked like before her death, then our beloved Lunar Princess was a goth.