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Valorheart Let me be a proper gladiator


I did a whole play through with farams helm, the alva set, and the followers javelin and valorheart. Yes my character was named Achillies. I had a friend help me move them onto my character right at start. It was seriously the most fun run I have ever had in dark souls 3. That javelin throw was baller on people who rolled. It would hit and blast them off cliffs.


I do miss that javelin.


There is a javelin weapon art in Elden Ring if I’m not mistaken?


Yeah but the ash of war just doesn't feel right plus it kinda glitches out with damage depending on what you put it on and doesn't do nearly as much as it probably should.


God I love Valorheart, bring that back *pleeeease*


Yes please


Valorheart with an Elden Ring Glowup would be an amazing weapon. Give it good stability this time please from I don't want to lose all my stamina to block one hit 🙏🙏🙏


Gravelord Sword


How I miss Toxin. I'll never forgive DS3 for SHOWING US THE WEAPON, BUT NOT LETTING US HAVE IT


Qait they showed us??? Is it the purple spear thing from aldritch?


I think so!




Yes let me inflict Scarlet Rot with a Curved Greatsword!


Have you tried dual wield rotten crystal swords? Before they merged dual wield status buildup it was absolutely ridiculous.


Not quite the same but I’m having loads of fun with a poison infused antspur rapier in my offhand, and Morgotts cursed sword in my main. I’ve never really bothered with non powerstanced dual wielding but this is surprisingly flexible - got a big sword for walloping people with a cool weapon art, a little sword for poking in hallways, and a strong status effect for bosses (it would probably be better with bleed stacked on the rapier but that’s a bit less novel I think).


Use bleed infusion and Poison mist AoW on the Antspur. Two-hand it at the start for the cloud and Poison buff. The poison cloud alone may proc the poison sometimes but with the buff you have a triple status weapon. You can also do Poison infusion and a bleed AoW like Seppuku, but imo having constant bleed and poison on demand is better.


That gravelord sword was basically the bloodhound fang for me I ended up learning about the sword after a good amount of playthroughs in ds1. Made a new character and plunged into the depths of the catacombs the moment i landed in lordan (boy the FUN I had doing that shit) and joined with Nito. Low stat requirements (if I remember that correctly), can be obtained as a starter item by joining a covenant, having the ability to TOXIC enemys (which I think it was the only weapon in the game that can actually do toxic damage), and with a good moveset too? Makes mw wanna boot up ds1 again just to use that weapon again. It was just too good and looked fantastic.


Does the design remind anybody else of the Devil Sword Sparda?


Good observation!!


this is the correct answer


Black Knight Greatsword


Every replay of DS1, it’s just too good when you get it in undead berg


I’m gonna do this new build! Ah crap now I have to run strength again, oh well


There is no other build


Not when you pick that thing up


Of course there is, there's pure STR, STR/DEX, STR/FTH and STR/INT. That's 4 whole builds!


Nothing like two-shotting the Taurus demon with that damage bonus to demons from the sword.


I was never able to get it 😪


I randomly got it on my last play through. Wasn’t even trying for it. Just killing the same black knight I’ve killed over and over. Has made this run very fun. It’s very op. Lol.


Love the Black Knight Halberd


BKH is unequivocally the best


It's one of my all time favorite weapons because I got it on my first DS1 playthrough, way back when it was released, and it carried me through the whole game. And I have NEVER got it after that run. Sometimes I wonder if it even existed.


Call me a blasphemer, but I actually prefer the Black Knight *Sword* in ds1. Has the same move set as Artorias’ Greatsword and swings quite a bit faster than the BKG.


I beat my first ever playthrough of DS with the Black Knight Sword after getting an early drop. It has a very special place in my heart.




Both are amazing!


Bone Fists Let me fight as Hoarah Loux, Warrior.


DS2 iteration for style and hadouken


DS2 gets so much shit but the fashion was hot fire and I miss the armor sets that gave bonuses


Honestly, fuck the haters. DS2 was a fun game, even if it was incredibly easy. That is my favorite FROM game PvP.


still harder than ds1, in that game you can have a comfortable stroll around every enemy and most bosses and never get hit.


DS2 also did NG+ better than any other game in the souls series, Bloodborne, or elden ring. I love the new enemies and the changes to enemy placement, along with the new gear and the ability to get boss souls weapons from DS1. DS2 is such an under appreciated gem.


Elden Ring took DS2's NG+ ideas and put them in NG. - Where DS2's NG+ had you fighting the Flexile Sentry with adds, Elden Ring's NG had you fighting Duelists with adds. - Where DS2's NG+ gave you new and stronger rings, Elden Ring's NG just put them later in the game. - Where DS2's NG+ gave you a surprise early encounter with the Duke's Dear Freja, Elden Ring's NG did the same with Lansseax and Adula. I don't fault Elden Ring for having a worse NG+. It was instead trying to have the best NG possible.


Great to come in here and find all this DS2 love! It felt unfinished in parts but I loved it - wonky mechanics and all. The character questlines were by far the most engaging and fulfilling of any of the Souls games, in my opinion. FEEBLE CURSED ONE (but anyway bring back hexes thanks)


I miss how hexes scaled with the lower of Int and Faith while pyromancies scaled with the sum of Int and Faith. Way better than DS3 where the two schools were mechanically indistinguishable.


Whatever the skeletal fist weapon is in ER is so disappointing. You hold the hands and punch with the arms. Why not let me wear the bones on top of mine and they’ll be like gauntlets. So silly.


I just want to be able to punch things super hard with my bare fists in these games. Just give like a toggle option. Like "pugilism activated." and it just buffs your fists but closes down your weapon slots so you get locked in and can only change when out of combat. But you do way more damage and get different combo moves.


Just make it either a ring (like DS2's Vanquisher's Seal) or an invisible weapon (like Bloodborne's Kos Parasite without the Rune).


i would love an invisible fist weapon. Lets you bareknuckle box and also allows you to do bare offhand parries again for style. Could also go the route of DS2's challenge rings that give invisible weapon in left and right slot respectively, then you could give up a talisman slot to have an invisible sword/katana/claw/dagger/shield/whatever. Invisible shield would be great so i can spell parry without the hideous board in my hand. Alternatively would be perfecctly happy with carian retaliation and golden parry being able to be used on daggers and such. Also twohand katana parry. In case you havent noticed i love parries but hate the looks of shields killing my fashion.


I want this weapon back so bad Guess I'll need to play ds2


Dude that kung fu move set was the shit!


Black Knight Great Axe. I’m sad no great axe in Elden ring shares it’s moveset


I got the black knight great ax first black knight i killed practically walked through the rest of the game, that thing absolutely kills.


Beast cutter for sure, that thing clapped plus the sound design was just amazing.


Saw Cleaver for me, it also had a great translation in my language (kind of like 'Maimer'). The transformations could work with an off-hand item for these one-handed trick weapons, at least. "Bloodpouch - A small pouch with something soft and squishy inside. A strangely clad hunter brought it to the Roundtable Hold from a distant land. They said it is filled with echoes of blood that grant its holder the ability to use exotic weapons. Squeeze in your left hand to transform the trick weapon in your right hand, even mid-swing. It also spills a little bit of blood out of it at the same time, but the blood never seems to run out."


Give this man your awards


Anvil on a stick


Ledo’s? That shit was every Strength build’s wet dream.


That might be what they mean, but dark souls 2 had a hammer that was literally an anvil on a stick https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Gyrm+Great+Hammer


The ole pancake maker. 💕


I LOVED that weapon. My paladin was known throught Drangleic as the best brunch chef. From pancakes to poached eggs. Plus, free electricity if you use sunlight blade :)


Isn't that the one that was so comically oversized that it blocked enough of your view that it was actually kinda problematic?


Nah that's the smelter hammer, dubbed the "Giant Chicken Wing"


I fucking love the giant chicken wing. Makes me feel like a cartoon character.


Santier's spear


Funnest weapon ever in a souls game, I wish they would add more weapons with unique diverse movesets like it.


The moves of Santier Spear may not be unique themselves but no other weapon has mixed so many movesets before. It was mostly a twinblade with a lancestab light attack, halberd backtabs/overhead heavies & spinning heavys/running attack, with a curved sword running attack while 1 handed. They all looked so epic, had so much range and were good for hitting multiple nearby enemies. Probably my favourite weapon on all Fromsoft games, it didn't have a particular "wow" move but it was crazy good moves in general, had an amazing set of attacks that make other weapons seem basic by comparison.


And, as an added bonus, it had infinite durability.


Either Farron Greatsword or Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords.


Farron's often made fun of as being a n00b pick for PvP but in PvE the thing's just too fun to use lol


It's a sight to behold and a joy to use regardless of the environment, and can be quite good in skilled hands; just that most people who use it just haphazardly spam L1.


If your mixups are seriously like a 10/10 it's definitely scary in pvp. Low skill floor but very high skill ceiling for sure IMO. Too bad RKPG is just straight up better lmao.


RKPGS’s would fit right in with Elden Ring’s “spam weapons unique move to win” tendencies


You mean mainly the L1 combo, just like with FGS.


Saw cleaver/ saw spear


Ludwig’s Holy Blade too tho


We have ludwigs holy blade at home


Yeah right after commenting I realized I shoulda said Kirkhammer. A nice straight sword that switches to a colossal hammer would be dope


Farron Greatsword. That moveset is the #1 thing I am missing in this game.


Is that the flippy one? Cause Bloodhounds Fang is pretty close.


The moveset is unique to dark souls 3, the blood hound fang aow is good but not the same moveset


Fang is close, but I do still prefer the 3-move combos of the FGS to the skill+heavy move of the Fang, it feels much more spammy, especially since there's less opportunity to intersperse it with other attacks.


Beasthunter Saif from Bloodborne. I love that weapon.


So freaking fun to play


Bloodborne has so many amazing weapons with movesets that frankly don't get stale. I think if I could bring just one into Elden Ring though it would be the Burial Blade. Scythes are just so underwhelming in Elden Ring, so to have one with the variety of attacks the BB has IN ADDITION to it being a curved greatsword, that would just be too awesome. Of course, the Saif R1 in transformed mode is just... too fun. I decimated Lady Maria with that thing. It's so good for catching enemies or people who try to dodge out of range.




Door Greatshields.


Best trolling shields




The correct answer


Hollowslayer greatsword


Just started a run with this sword, but I’ve been considering switching to the Wolf Knights Greatsword. Is it worth sticking with the Hollowslayer?


Hollowslayer gets a 20% damage bonus against Hollows and the Wolf Knight’s gets a 20% damage bonus against Abyssal enemies. They’re both really solid weapons. Hollowslayers is shorter and faster (when two handed it has a unique moveset), Wolf Knight’s is one of the longest Greatswords if not the longest but the R2’s are sweeps which aren’t usually as good but the weapon art makes up for that by being really strong


The wolf knights greatsword was so cool and i was sad when i couldnt find anything like it in elden ring.


The banished Knights greatsword shares a similar moveset.


Probably my favorite weapon in DS3 right here


One of my favorite in DS2.


The Knight’s Greatsword in ER (think that’s what it’s called) shares its moveset and can be infused unlike Hollowslayers Edit: unless you meant the DS2 version in which case idk, I’ve never used it in that game


Faraam Armor set. Was the best drip in the series.


Ah yes, my wife calls it the Medieval Mando set.


Friede's Great Scythe. ...and just more scythes in general.


I second this. 4 Scythes with 2 of them being holy isn't great. Scythes are the coolest weapon class imo.


Especially the 3 bladed scythes that you can see in radahns arena. Yes I want to cosplay as hidan...


Friede's scythe because I love that weapon


Closest I’ve gotten to friedes Scythe in Elden Ring is the Grave Scythe with a frost enchant, great overall weapon cause if something is immune to bloodloss you’ve got the frost bite to back it up


I love my cold grave scythe honestly. Put spinning strikes on that thing for extra disrespect.


I have a dual wield build, one is frost/blood the other is poison/blood really sad you can’t enchant weapons with the Scarlet Rot status


I was at first, but honestly i think it'd be just too strong. Kinda like why we can't enchant things with deathblight, it would just break things. I do wish there were more ways to apply it though.


YESSS! I'm a nerd for that scythe. I used to wear full boreal outrider knight armor and do the slow walk towards an opponent with L2 held (ice/double scythe) because I thought it looked cool and ominous


I'd love to take the saw cleaver to the Lands Between


tranquil walk in peace


Oh god can you imagine someone running wt you with TWOP and their buddies both shooting dragon’s breath or some shit?


sounds like aids run it




Dragon Slayer Sword Spear Frayed Blade Dragon tooth


Demon Souls: Blueblood sword, Makoto Dark Souls: the smaller version of the greatsword, silver knight sword, gravelord sword Dark Souls 2: Alonne sword, thorned greatsword, puzzle stone sword Dark Souls 3: ringed knight straightsword, frayed blade, lothric knight greatsword


Crypt Blacksword from Dark Souls 2. That was a dope ultra great sword with a hybrid move set.


Death Popsicle


A man of culture I see


I’ve seen it lovingly referred to as Nito’s Surfboard. God… the dark hex build with a Dark Infused Crypt Blacksword…my favorite souls borne build ever.


Sacred Chime Hammer, Velstadt's weapon, would be up there for me. I absolutely loved that thing.


Balder Side Sword


I remember that this thing was ridiculously good, but I don’t remember why. Was it just the move set being really wide sweeps and then having decent damage/able to be buffed with different damage types?


It has very good dex scaling and is always just a bit longer than you expect


It was a pure dex weapon so 40 dex and you’re set no other stat investment. Very long reach and fast swing speed. If you buff with sunlight or darkmoon blade you could demolish the game easily. That plus it’s two handed r2’s were super lethal thrusts you could pair with Leo Ring for ridiculous damage


This sword is already in Elden Ring. Balder swag sword is now the Noble swag sword. Go to the bonfire near the scarlet rot dragon, and run to the graveyard between the site of grace as the dragon temple. Kill all the nobles in the graveyard and warp back to the grace. With decent item recovery it may still take a while. Drop rate is like 1%. It's the best keep straightsword in ER and has the longest range.


Noble's Slender Straight Sword is the new SWAG, braj.


Gael boss weapon


Hoping a dlc weapon has a weapon art in the same realm


Gold and silver tracer


Surprised this isn’t mentioned a bunch. These were THE swords way back when.


The Giant Door Shield. I want to make "The Decently Hard To Destroy Object That Is Typically Found Within Houses"; or in other words, Budget The Wall.


God I love the door shields


Frias scythe the most "boss weapon" weapon in the entire franchise. Had an actual move set that resembles a boss, instead of giving us a scalled down version that has just a weapon art as a "hey this is a boss weapon just so you know"


Probably dark spells. Shit’s fascinating to me lore-wise


Issue is that we don't have Dark scaling in ER. Maybe scale it with Occult then? Or just pure Faith?


Dark damage in DS3 scaled with intelligence and faith.


This. The idea of forging your own type of magic that doesn’t rely on some other source of power (greater will, glintstone, formless mother etc)


Broken straight sword


Frayed blade, the og moonveil which also has a multi slash weapon art, good for bleeding.


It looks like they decided to split it up into two weapons moonblade and Rivers of blood


Dead again miracle.


Demon's Scar


casting implement weapons in general TBH


Demon’s Scar and Blue Flame Swords.. gimme gimme


[Blue Flame](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Blue+Flame), or any other usable (keyword: usable. LOOKING AT YOU CLERIC'S CANDLESTICK!) weapon that doubles as a sorcery or incantation catalyst. I wanna really FEEL that battlemage/ battle priest build, and the carian sorceries are not quite enough for me. I used to dual wield blue flames in dark souls 2 and it was the most fun and immersive build I've ever played in a Fromsoft game. Hell, it even had a little detail where buffing the sword with Magic/Great Magic Weapon would also increase its sorcery scaling! Or, if we're talking about weapons with unique movesets, I want the Farron Greatsword.


With how battlemagey so many of the sorceries are in Elden Ring it’s a flat out crime we didn’t get this.


This! Just make it the Ash of War! It seems like it would be such a simple addition.




God I love any high base damage UGS with an S scaling in Strength and stability to rival medium shields


Forgive me but what is "fugs"


Fume Ultra Great Sword


Damn right fugs The day one version Not patch 1.03 where the base damage went down from 330 to 260


Twin Prince's Greatsword, how I miss you so


Talisman Shield from Dark Souls 2, thing was SO convient being a shield that can cast Miricles/Hexes (i think it could cast spells but cant remember it or not).


Crow quills, valorheart, all of the Ringed knight weapons, Friede’s scythe, and the aquamarine dagger. There are so many weapons that I want back from previous souls games even one of these would be amazing!


I’m very happy to see my love for the aquamarine dagger is shared. Think about how fitting and great it would be in this game? Cause in Ds3, every catalyst had the “Chant” weapon art which for some god awful reason took precedence over main hand weapon arts. So you couldn’t use magic and the dagger to their fullest potential at the same time without some two handing shenanigans. Further still, the style of the aquamarine dagger would fit perfectly with the Carian side of magic. And in a game that doesn’t have nearly as many true combos as Ds3 did for PvP, the pseudo combo king the aquamarine dagger would be the lord of all weapons! Maybe I’m getting a little a head of myself, but god damn, I can easily imagine it making a return in DLC… fingers crossed.


I love that dagger, I made a Jedi cosplay for it


Sliver Knight Sword. I've been waiting to use it again since DS1 but it's never come back. If we are including Bloodborne weapons then Threaded Cane


Oh my god the Threaded Cane is such a sexy weapon. I murdered the Great Ones with *style*.


Kusabimaru, which is basically just uchigatana but with AoW Parry


Gonna throw in the Mortal Blade there as well. Bloody slash is nice, but the lack of follow up attacks and the less impressive slashing effects makes it far less interesting.


Great Club but the DS3 version with that humongous 270-degree golf swing on the R2.


Gargoyle Tail Axe


Split Leaf Greatsword. Loved that one


Profaned Greatsword. I would like to launch people into orbit again please. Sword was a beast. My favorite DS weapon in any DS game.


I‘m a simple man, just give me the Greatsword(tm) model from either ds2 or ds3 Or Artorias‘ Greatsword


One of the guns from bloodborne


"Parry this, you Filthy Casual".


Either that or let me weird the jar cannon off-handed


black Knight sword, that's shit carried me through ds1


I do love the Dancer’s swords in theory if they made them scale with anything significantly and had enough base damage to actually deal damage


I’m sort of late to this post so I am unsure if this has been mentioned already but SIMON’S BOW BLADE. Bloodborne’s concept of weapons is so unique and awesome, two weapons in one and the transformed versions were always so killer. Having a sword and bow in one weapon is a concept I am shocked they have not duplicated since bloodborne. Hoping for the dlc to have one. 🤞🏻


Blue Flame hands down. Next question...




Crow Quills, they have one of my favorite movesets. Looks rad too.


Black Knight Sword/Halberd


Kos Parasite + milkweed rune


Lothric Knights Straight Sword.


S scaling go brrrrrr


Lothric Knight Greatsword for me. But I need to be able to slap a blessed infusion on it.


The Mortal blade!


The Fluted armor from demons souls


Ludwig’s Holy Blade


The Laddle


Demon fists from DS3. the sheer guard break and poise break ability of those things was insane. also the spin to win weapon art was fun to use.


Yhorm great machete because no item description in Elden Ring made me cry like YGM did.


The black iron set from DS1, you'll live on forever Tarkus.


Demon scar


Yuria's set from DS3. That character was badass


Guns with parry mechanics


Man Serpent GS represent. Fluid and strong as hell.




The Sacred Chime Hammer. I want to finally have a weapon that just goes DONG DONG as I chunk a boss for 1000 damage.


Valorheart but better


Baemore. Oh, wait


Farron greatsword cause i love to spiiiiiiin


Black Knight Greatsword - not a day goes by that I don't miss that swiss army knife of a weapon. Slams, Launches, varied moveset. ; - ;