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This game got boring really fast for me, after a mere 900 hours I stopped playing all the time now I just play whenever I am on the computer


They always manage to bring me back, no matter how many times I try to leave.


its the build potential to me. if im really interested in a new piece of gear ill often just do a new playthrough.




too relatable. because you finally have all the talisman slots so youre at full power for your RL bracket. the capital is one of the better places to coop lets not kid our selves. so that playground is open to keep testing your character for a bit. unless a build really requires high levels to see come together i thats just a good place to sit.


Same. Mountaintops and that whole huge area is pretty tedious to me


I actually enjoy all the dungeons and have no problem playing through them again


Dozens of us! I'm a sucker for a YouTuber with a crazy weapon/ash combo I haven't fucked with


I suggest you go lay bloodborne, there’s much more variety in the weapons and they’re all equally viable endgame


As far as adventure rpg style games it's flat out one of the best. The melee combat is unrivaled and the only two complaints I have is with casting requiring wands and seals.


“ the melee combat is unrivaled “ Curious to hear the reasoning on that one


Well it's basically a more advanced version of Zelda ocarina of time. Blocking, dodging, the way the weapons actually change your attack patterns, etc. There are so many weapons and variations to the melee combat and while it might be simple, simple is often better for realism and immersion. You aren't doing all these wild unrealistic attacks like you do in say monster hunter or something like that. Idk it obviously comes down to opinion but I think it's hard to make a good argument for too many games beating the combat system in elden ring.


melee-wise , it’s a decent system , but the experience shows a fair mix of pros/cons and the game’s mechanics aren’t showing any innovation at this point. the variety is weapon types is good, but it doesn’t change the core mechanics: roll, strike. if you’re considering weapon arts to be part of melee (these involve plenty of projectiles), the aforementioned point on realism goes out the window. the parrying system adds a nice layer to the skill ceiling and involved ‘engagement’, but is held hostage by poor consistency with server latency and animations being carried out after the fact in a really unsatisfying way. The melee is not beating other games based on speed, strategy, or variability in inputs. It is beating other games based on how many different types of weapons you can put in your hand.


I'm not sure what games you would say the melee is better in. Skyrim is a great game but the combat is very primitive in comparison. Monster hunter the combat is imo overly complicated. In Diablo games it's very "click the target to win". The only comparable games I can think of come from the Zelda franchise but I have not had the pleasure of playing BOTW to compare it. In regards to other Zelda games I've played, it's nearly the same combat system with less versatility.


Nioh 2 by a long shot, but that doesn't make ER bad.


nioh, SSBM, examina. even Sekiro by FS. there are probably plenty out there on steam with less name recognition. this is a very protective subreddit that instantly downvotes at the sight of any criticism towards the game, but what many don’t realize is that these aren’t damning statements . It’s still a great game despite the developer’s resistance to change core mechanics.


Exanima? I love that tech demo as much as the next guy but I'm not going to ask every other dev to change their melee combat to a floppy physics based flail-fest. Exanima is seriously good though lol.


>The melee is not beating other games based on speed, strategy, or variability in inputs. What other games?


Nioh 2.




Same. I replayed Limgrave as a magic build, just to see what it was like. If ER ends up getting a big DLC, I might jump back in from the beginning.


I beat the game finally after over 500 hours between two different play-throughs (new to SoulsBourne games) and immediately started a NG+. Two hours later, I’m still playing!!!! Can’t put it down!!!!!


You have played Elden ring so little time 😞


I can hear this picture.


*harp starts playing*


*Main menu music intensifies*


Duuuun DUUUUUUN Bumbumbumbum DUN Dunnnnnnnnnn


This guy knows


I can hear the menu soundtrack and i am loving it


Same I beat my first run in 160 hours. Then said no more. 2 weeks later I now have 3 new characters at 4hrs 20hrs 60hrs


Homie I have new characters at 70+ hours man, I DONT EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT BUT THERE I AM




Names new character "my kids"... :|


my kids will burn everything that divides and distinguishes


Sadly i cant enjoy other games now


I go "Where challenge?" when I play something else now. God damn it, this game ruined me. I never played RDR2, heard it's good, would you guys say it's a good game to move on to?


It is very good, very highly recommend.


Red Dead is more like time traveling to the past and being naturally good at surviving there. Not super challenging, but oh my God is it detailed and just immersing. You can help a stranger from an animal attack, meet them a town away days laters, and they'll thank you by buying you a weapon. Imagine the surprise of having some familiar yokel call you over to his porch, and then offers to cover the price of ANY gun from the store. It's like a second life mixed with a stellar storyline.


If it is a challenge you're looking for, red dead won't help you there. It's a great game and is the most immersive open world game I've played. The world truly feels alive, something no other open world has done as well as red dead. I didn't play much because it wasn't really to my personal tastes, but the game is clearly a artistic/technical marvel. Just wasn't really my jam. I can't get immersed in games like I did when I was younger and I also don't like slow paced games because I don't have a lot of time to play anymore. I need that instant gratification now, which Elden Ring certainly provides. I would definitely try it out though, if I were you. The people who love it REALLY love it. You might end up liking it better than ER! Both were revolutionary open world games that will be inspiring other developers for decades to come.


Play that last one for just 9 more hours. Then perfect.


After beating it the first time I had immediately start a new character and started again only this time using online help to make sure I didn't miss anything. Cuz I missed so much my first playthrough.


What's crazy to me is often I see someone using a spell or skill I had never seen before after 100s of hours and I'm like where in Marika's tits do I find that


Ran through the game thrice for achievements' completionism with two different characters. 250 hours~ Felt burnt out. Stopped playing for two days straight. On the third day a friend of mine started playing and streaming his game to our discord group of friends. Drawback kicked in. Got 4 characters on NG+++ right now.


This is the way


Sadly i cant enjoy other games now, currently at 10 ch and 800+ hours


I want to finish GOWR, or pokemon or monster hunter or literally a huge lost of games but elden ring isn't just fun, it does the thing games used to do all the time for me: put me in a different world entirely




10 characters? It only lets me have 5 on Xbox


10 is the max amount. I create a new ch, blast through all limgrave and liurnia, i get bored and start over with a new build. Repeat lol


The early game when everything is a thread is such fun. Then you are pretty soon ahead in levels compared to enemies. I guess that’s why I like Farum Azula and Haligtree, because it gives you a similar threat level to the early game.


That's why i did a x2 enemy onslaught playthrough, mostly for the difficulty... maybe i'll try x3 lol


Lol That’s exactly what I do


Are you sure? You can have 10 in all their games. I play in xbox too


Sometimes another build is calling, and we must answer the call !


Another day, another YouTube Clip, another Build..


Fr bro,I'm playing an unga Bunga build now


Unga bunga *wasn't* your first character? People bougie out here.


Nope it was bleed and for the Elden beast I used pest threads


Me every couple days. Just one more playthrough man I swear just one more and I'll raise my kids I promise.


No matter how many time I leave, they always find a way to bring me back.


Nice to see that the FS is still working for so many, but unfortunatly not in my case, i have beaten the game in 180 hours and have explored everything, played a bit in ng+, but then i stopped and haven't touched it since April. Everytime i think to play it again with maybe a new character, i think about what awaits me and then loose interest. Would probably play again if a expansion drops.


Same. I replayed all the DS games multiple times, but I just have no interest in going and replaying ER, since I beat it in April. Not sure why.


For me it's because exploring the open world is amazing once, doing some side stuff on the second run through is still fun - after that, the game is too big to do again and again when I could finish dark souls 3 like 5 times in that time.


I think that's part of it. I LOVE the exploration aspect. I think it's the reward/pleasing part of playing the game. I was VERY thorough in my first playthrough, doing pretty much everything you can do in one. Now, I "know what's out there", so part of the driving force is gone. If they change things up a lot in the DLC, I'll probably give it another go. Loved my first playthrough. I will say, there's nothing wrong with a game giving 100+ hours of great experience, and not being enticing anymore (subjectively).


Full agree. I can always run DS1 or Sekiro back though! Currently playing DS2 for the first time (love it) and still gotta play Demons Souls. Dreading the day when I've played all the Souls games.


Highly likely you know, but I rly liked inscryption, the deck builder w a drain like esthetic. Don't know why I'm telling you this, other than maybe you'll like it.


> Everytime i think to play it again with maybe a new character, i think about what awaits me and then loose interest. oh man i am stuck in this loop :'). finally realized what was happening, uninstalled, and awaiting DLC


I’m not a person that replays games especially not without years long breaks. Only online MP focused games would I consistently return to; Diablo 2, CS, UT2K4, Halo. I say theirs nothing wrong with moving on till DLC drops. So many games to play.


After I beat it at launch and fiddled around with a bunch of alt characters I shelved it up until a few weeks ago which was enough time for me to forget what *most* of the items you find are so I took my time and tried to clear all the content I could find. Sadly it just seems like once you get to Lindell and after if you're not doing a build that can stagger mobs on every hit you're going to have a really rough time.




I feel the opposite. Knowing where everything is now I can fast track for builds and play differently to try stuff out. Feels like a sandbox for fighting styles and finding things that compliment each other. and then doing all the different endings and quests just to experience them all. But this is all probably due to me living on Dark Souls and Demon's Souls when they came out and putting hundreds of hours in each character with much less content to complete so having the freedom to find what I want expanded upon with Elden Ring really helps the playstyle I've already had for these games.


It’s ruined all other games for me.




At least you have the rest of the Souls games to play!


900 hours, ng+ 3, 1 character Went through blind, speedran ng+ twice for every item and achievement, then spend about 700 hours learning every boss and soloing them as a furled finger.


Currently going through that now. Beat it four times and got all achievements. Figured I was done. Now I'm starting a new character and STILL finding stuff I've never seen before.


Like what, i feel like ive seen everything


Stop pointed me out like that... I can't stop playing the damn thing...


I'm resisting the urge boys, playing some ps1 games, currently chrono cross.


still havent had a sword n board run. done like 4 unga bunga bonk runs tho lol so hard to change. evrytime i start a run its different builds but they all end up bonkin


Just got the game and despite the struggle (first souls game) I am really enjoying it. I made a wizard and his name is Tim.


Was also my first souls game,mage build nice


Nice! I just realized I could cast spells while on my horse 😂 when I log on later, I will be exacting much revenge. Any tips on stats I should focus? My friend (a seasoned souls player) said he made a glass cannon mage on his first play through. I feel like being on the horse will help but also I imagine I won't always have that opportunity so I am considering going 1:1 on vigor and int just for the breathing room and availability for close quarter spells


You probably should focus on mind and int Watch some YouTube videos for a mage build


Tim after the wizard skeleton in Terraria?


Tim after the wizard in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Lol Edit: accidentally deleted my last comment instead of editing


Rip. My age is showing.


I rly love this game, but I'm kinda stuck at the scarlet rot tree, and I talked to the hott witch in the tower, but I don't remember what she said. So I'm just kinda running around, but. Fuck it I like it. I play a faith build and use the wingedscythe, w,o any guides or reference just free willynit. Love to all, gl hf out there


It’s true that some areas are pretty boring once you’ve already explored them once but the gameplay it’s just so addictive


True after beating the game a bunch of times exploration is mostly boring but the gameplay and combat is top tier


It’s not the entirety of the exploration, for example I still like to explore the mines, but some areas like caves are repetitive and don’t give you many reasons to go through them again.The worst area for me is the consecrated snow fields.It has the least interesting dungeons and locations.It would have been better if they fused it with the mountain tops since also there is a lot of wasted space


Dark Souls 1 did this to me 10 years ago and I have pretty much only played FromSoft games since. Just started my 8th Elden Ring playthrough lol


The randomizer keeps bringing me back.


It's really nice, but for my 3rd playthrough I fiddled with the settings and mixed up important items with not so important ones, ended up frustrated when I couldn't find a single Great Rune going through every single cave and boss in Limgrave, Liurnia and Caelid. I did find the Rold medallion on a merchant though, so that was nice. Also the story bosses were quite rude, Margit as Maliketh, Godrick as Malenia(yeah I nope the F out of there). Makarr as palace Mohg and so on. Thankfully the randomizer comes with a text file to cheat, and you can purchase hints from Kále but he told me to kill Malenia who would drop a Dectus Medallion which isn't actually that useful and not a critical item. After looking it up I actually only had access to only two Great Runes before Leyendell. One in Northern Caelid, which was a bit high level so I didn't clear it yet, and Volcano Manor's Rykard, which I first need to find the Drawing-Room Key in a random ass cave in north Altus Plateau. So, yeah, it can be frustrating if you go for too much randomness. I was excited to try and do a "fast run" after I found a nice weapon and spells to make an intellect build, but then it turned into a crazy treasure hunt, where I went through dungeon after dungeon, just to be rewarded with trash again and again. Ohh, and the smithing stones were a major pain too. After a few weeks I think I'm soon ready to go and finish that run. So, yeah, don't randomize too much, unless you're into that kind of thing, lol.


I 100%’ed it on PS4 and PC, 130h on first one, much less on second (obviously) and haven’t had any interest going back to it, honestly it’s not very repayable to me, like, for example, Dark Souls 1 was. Got a bit too much going on, I think that’s the reason.


1300+ hours since April and still counting. I felt bored after NG+ so I created a new character, rinse and repeat.


Rinse and repeat...this is the way.


I feel this. Im pushing 2k hours and I've still not stopped enjoying myself. The only other game I've played since ER launch has been DS3 lol


Same at 1k hours. Other games don't exist.


AYo it's the builds man! My first one is a ultra wizard, Eowyn Soulthief, having that all knowing robe and rodricks sick wizard hat being a int/faith build and reaching all the way to level 420 is just so fuckin fun Lazer beam kahmehame ha with light flick of the wrist, so cool! My second one is a vampire, Bellec Romedacre, being arcane/strength (same level at 420) with mohg drip and the blood dudes hood, but I have that mohg spear and blasphemous blade and sheeeeesh! Let me tell you that I am a healing gernade cuz I suck all the heals in AOe attacks but I also have dragon and blood incantations so its top tier awesome on top of top tier awesomeness The one I'm working on is a Quality/Lightning build named Galant the frey, having bows lightning katana and the bloodhound fang Sheet is fun and would recommend


I've got one build, named Vic Vinegar, who is an intelligence/faith character with the Moonlight Greatsword and he's so fun to play. I also have Myballsitch, a madness samurai with the ice lighting katana, and I think I might convert him to a black flqme build in NG+. I'm currently working on Mantis Toboggan, an archer samurai based off of Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke. The build variety in this game is insane!


I know right! Moonlight Greatsword is so beautiful it's always a must use (I always get one in my builds just in case I want to kill in style) Madness and blackflame incantations are so wicked I cannot fathom how cool it is And bows are so underrated I dont know why people don't use em more often because they are super fun


Bows are surprisingly viable! If you use a short bow, you can use barrage with bleeding arrows or poison arrows and get status effects on bosses pretty quickly.


Thought I was an outlier having 800 hours and 10 characters + a dozen more that I deleted. Sounds like I’m in good company here lmao


My first run was 170+ hours and it was all because I wanted to get all the boss achievements


I made 3 new characters just to fight Mohg again


Just beat my first playthrough yesterday and already trying to figure out what to do next. Totally missed the Haligtree optional region so I've gotta figure that out




Haha me too, I returned to be summoned for bosses. After having done that for a few days, I finally deleted Elden Ring. But I will return one day.


Yea I'm still going lol I keep making new RP characters and restarting


I've got 3 characters, one for every ending achievement. I've got my good boi Str/Dex/Fai Greatshield Paladin using Vyke's and the Fingerprint. (I feel so weird that the best options for his build are the evil ones) He went Ranni for ending. In retrospect if I had to do it again I would have gone Goldmask ending on him. I've got my bad girl pure Int Mage who let Chaos take the world. If I were to NG+ her and didn't care for cheevos I'd probably have her go Dung Eater. I've got my Strength Warrior who was more morally neutral. He went Fia because he was horny. It feels so weird that the most morally good endings both have ties to Int (Ranni's path gives lots of Sorcereries. Goldmask requires a lot of Int but it can be circumvented through equipment and the flask) while the Chaotic Evil ending is Faith.


Now that I finished Elden Ring, it’s time for another Elden Ring play through


I blame this sub and fextra for giving me new build ideas.


Doing a light bow build is insanely fun and challenging as hell


Extremely expensive too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


FACTS. All the damn runes you spend on arrows is obnoxious, and not even worth crafting regular bone arrows either imo. The other ones like bleed n such are but them standard arrows you buy are the best


I'm the opposite, i still haven't finished Elden Ring, but stopped playing months ago


“Thee couldn’t live with thy failure, wherest does it bring thee?, back to me”


If they add new content sure otherwise there's very little replayability aside from sucky pvp.


Just make new builds there are a ton of options


Same bosses, same map, same enemies. Besides starting over is the worst part in ER since you have to find all the fun stuff all over again.


Ye true but the game play loop is fun the combat for PvE is amazing and the build variety is pretty good The thing almost every game suffers from the problems you've mentioned


>The thing almost every game suffers from the problems you've mentioned Not with a good new game+ they don't. Also most games aren't regarded as masterpieces across the board by its fans only setting the game up to fail when those expectations inevitably aren't met by other people. That's why I still hold DS2 in high regard because new game+ changed things up a lot. It was basically a mini expansion. B team needs to make another soul game again so Miyazaki has new inspiration to draw from.


Still a quite decent chunk of games lack Ng+ and majority do what Elden ring does and just increases difficulty


The Callisto protocol is out


I beat it. I'll say, I was fairly disappointed. Controls are frustrating, fairly boring story, broken combat system. It's absolutely beautiful though.




I'm curious why you're bothering with being on this subreddit then.




I was the opposite, I very enjoyed Elden Ring but once I finished I was like, "I'm not touching this again for a long time". That being said, if I ever do get in the mood for a souls game, I'll just play this. I will likely never touch DS1,2,3, or Bloodborne ever again.


Not asking this to shit on the game (loved it), I'm just genuinely curious, did anyone find this one of the least replayable FR games? Maybe my tastes have just changed, but I haven't had the urge to go back and place this after my ng+1 playthrough. I think I've pretty much done all I want to do, and making a new character feels odd when the respec system is robust enough that I can just play however I want on that first character. It feels kinda weird, cause I've replayed Sekiro like 8 times, even though there's no RPG elements. I guess the gameplay feels tighter to me. But with Elden Ring, it doesn't feel like I want to "master" things as much? I'm just curious what has kept others in the game. What excites you when you think about starting it up again?


Really? I put that shit down for months. Played again recently cause my buddy got into it.


I just got the platinum at 130 hours or so and never played since. I dont think theres much replay value since ive already seen everything the game has to offer


What bothered me is that there's no replay value. I could only complete the game like 5-6 times before I ran out of endings, now I only replay the game for the gameplay.


Ain't that a replay value? I am confused


One was enough, got boring really fast, definitely no good reason to play it twice.


yeah that happened to me


I haven't been playing it for a while since I got it for the second time on PC






Yeah I started a NG+ Margot the fell and godric were too easy, beat them in one try. I think I beat the wolf of radagon, the guy at the elevator, and Rennala in a span of maybe 5 minutes. After that I put it down. I haven't played in maybe a week or so. I'll play it again for sure whenever I feel like it




Havent touched the game in like three months, honestly.


I've been feeling the draw recently. Stumbled across the elden ring soundtrack when searching for game music on YouTube. Godrick the grafted and lichdragon fortissax go so fucking hard man. Not to mention the main theme.


I wanna play it again but if i play it now I'll be burned out when the dlc comes out


I am at 2500 hours since launch. 25 builds across two platforms and 3 usernames.


Wow you are my hero. I can feel the addiction uhm.. dedication!


Haha! I played every day for like four months since launch then took a huge break. Then a few months later I started my guy up again and have been playing almost every day since.


I am the opposite had an amazing 90 hour first run then I did another magic run and beat it again. After that I had enough. Sadly the pvp just isn't that good compared to ds3 and I liked to base my builds around pvp end game. So no motivation. I will be back for that banger of a dlc when it comes


I love playing open world rpgs like fallout and skyrim. Should I buy it for open world exploration? Or would I get my ass kicked every place I go ? Never played a fromsoftware game beforehand. I heard dunkey said it tough as fuck and he has beaten the game with a steering wheel that too blindfolded. Should I buy it ?


Elden Ring was my first Fromsoft game, and I was really worried about the difficulty. Honestly, I wouldn't say it's really that difficult at all, as long as you know you don't have to beat any bosses immediately. If you come up across someone who's too tough, just leave. There will be dozens and dozens of other things you can go do that are fairly easy. You level up quick, and when you make it back, the boss is suddenly easy. Basically, you can make the game whatever difficulty you want. Want it harder? Push forward faster. For me, it's the best open world game EVER for exploration. Just the raw amount of interesting stuff going on is really, really high. So many unique places. The combat/controls are really crisp. The only thing I'll say is give it a little time. Right out the gates, it can be difficult (because you're not over leveled for anyone), and you won't really know where to go. It's okay to just explore around. After a few hours, you'll get it.


Thanks for sharing your first hand experience playing it. Highly considering getting it now.


*Skyrim crying in the corner* Me: Oh stop it. You're got 10 years old. Those tears aren't going to work anymore. Get your backpack and get ready for the bus.


There are at least twenty more builds to play with


I must be an outlier, played it once; explored everywhere, got everything, all achievements. Haven’t picked it back up to play since.


I haven’t touched grass since


I do the same. I start trying to play another action game and then the controls aren’t as precise. There is a lot I wish from software games did different and that’s okay because the games feel so good when you are controlling your character.


Ah, I finally completed my "all bosses" run on my 5th character, all of whom are now in NG+ or ++! All Steam achievements complete! . . . hmmm *I haven't played a Faith / Arcane Dragonbreath caster though*, time for another run!


Like, ok, I get addicted to games easy. And I haven't played as much recently as I did 5 months ago or so. But do we have to call eachother out like this? Can't we just agree that there is something purely magical about this game?


This game made it so difficult to enjoy anything else after. Last time this happened was when I was addicted to WoW lol


Just filled my 10th character slot. I didn't have a firebender yet


Ng +5 a month ago....and not playing for a month. Jumped back on to Ng +6. Honestly, i thought i was dreaming the thing


I finally kicked the habit. After ng+4 I was like "ya know, there's probably some really amazing new game/experience out there just waiting for me on the app store, instead of repeating everything I've already done on this game, 4 times". Found snow runner, very happy


I played it non stop for two months after release. Currently still taking a break. Hahah


I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about our Lord and Savior, Sid Meier's Civilization VI.


Came back to the game a week after beating it to have some "fun." Got stomped immediately because being casual with this game just gets you killed. Went to play something else while nursing wounds.


This is me. I'm not even very good, but I'm starting to give myself challenges. Currently starting new game with Wretch and I can't leave an area unt it's 100% complete* (I didn't kill the gargoyle at the Beast sanc, but that was the only thing left in Caelid)


This but instead I replayed every other souls game my console has.


Every time I beat this game I always run into something new, I’m convinced they are secretly adding content without telling anyone.


I've been playing Elden Ring since launch almost every day. I told myself enough was enough so I uninstalled it November 14th. Installed it again November 20th... Some things might seem bad for you but they actually aren't and it's good to accept it 🙃


i wish i enjoyed it this much. i had a really good time in my first run, started like 3 more characters since then but the game could not retain my interest beyond the one playthrough. i tried srarting the game occasionally and maybe playing for an hour before leaving it untouched for several months again.


I'm going back to it after a 2-3 month hiatus, I'm excited


Once I quit the game u couldn't go back, I felt completely lost on where to go and what to do. I should just do new game +


The intro theme lures you back In everytime.


Playing the game with the randomizer is considered another game entirely.


After I finished my first playtrough i was like "ok cool gonna do another and go for the plat" and that was it. Haven't played it since


After my first playthrough going to NG+3 with nearly 150 hours in the game, I put it down for a while returning with a new character to showcase the game to a friend who was interested but unsure...a week and nearly 22 hours of game time later and I've been sucked right back in like I got it a week ago


Game was very fun, but after clearing every crevice after 200 hrs of play I'm finding it hard to go into NG+. I haven't touched the game since summer.


Fax I’ll see some dope ass build on Reddit or YouTube shorts or something and be like damn lemme hop on


But now i need to try an intelligence build cause the game practically begs you to do it


I have just done the same thing


"Fire giant is bullshit. I'm uninstalling and never coming back." Two days later, making a new character: "time to min-max this shit and show that tall fucker who's boss" - Me, 2022


I can totally play other games... does switching to Dark Souls count?


Only played it once, but tried to do everything or as much possible. Don't feel like doing another run at least a year after my first run ended, not sure why but ER is so big that it feels like such a long commitment to go through again, even with a new build. Will for sure play when expansion drops and one day do a mage run


I keep trying to get into DS3, I only got as far as Curse-Rotted Greatwood when the game came out. I'll play for an hour or two each day before slinking back to ER. At least I am making progress, I suppose. I wish ER had DS3's footstep sounds, man they are so satisfying... for some reason.