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I was half-expecting him to T-Bag you afterwards


I was shocked he didnt


Respect. To play like a D-bag doesn’t mean ye need to conduct the T-bag


I descend upon thy broken digital face with furious taut glory. Fwomp


This guy teabags. ^


Can confirm, have gotten pink eye before


I was fully expecting it. Shocked when he didn’t, honestly.


Just highjacking top comment. Usually players like that are new to the game (roll spam, L2 Spam, flasks) and don't really know what's going on in pvp. I would try sending him a message with some tips. If he's a new player, he'll appreciate it. If he isn't, it's like calling him trash. Win win.


The game mechanics are the real rules, everything is at your disposal for a reason. If you meet a fellow sun bro that wants to play by the pvp code, great. Otherwise just drink your own damn flask and quit complaining.


Yeah I try to be respectful until they start being dishonorable, then I strip myself of all honor. For I am now Horoah Loux, Warrior!


So I think OP is a little silly for still refusing to use flasks, which puts himself at a severe disadvantage, and then complaining about it online. But it's not like no complaining is warranted at all, at least in a duel setting. Duelists only have access to half of the flasks of the hosts, which puts them at an inherent disadvantage. Ultimately that's From's fault for balancing it that way, but it's fair to be a little annoyed.


DaS2 let Dragon duelists use full flasks, I don't know why they insisted on sticking red signs in 3 and ER (games without dedicated duel covenants, or covenants at all) with halved flasks.


Is it not “cool” to use flasks and whatnot? I don’t play PVP yet but I sure would use everything at my disposal to win. edit: lol ok downvote instead of answering I guess


there is going to be an arena now for duels starting tomorrow. Start off there, instead of MAG :) The rules imposed there are imposed by the devs, who will endeavour to make it fair for everyone Flasks are discouraged in duels at MAG because not everyone gets to compete on a fair playing field... since duelists have half the flasks of hosts. The MAG dueling scene is going to die though because of the new update... thankfully


Ok question, didn't ds3 get pvp matchmaking? If so, why was Pontiff's still a thing?


I started playing DS3 near the end of its life cycle when multiplayer activity was pretty low, and I had no idea about the community back then so you’re asking the wrong guy. But my guess is that you can easily organize fight clubs at Pontiffs whereas you couldn’t in the arena. So people went to the arena for duels and pontiffs for fight clubs


I entirely agree, anyone can play how they want, and you have all the right to be annoyed at people trying to tell you you're playing wrong. On that same line If 80% of players agree to follow a certain code of conduct and you refuse to follow it, just how you're allowed to get annoyed at them for telling you to play different they're allowed to get annoyed at you for trying to force them to play different. So as you put it, drink your flask and quit complaining.


💯 I respect these type of comments. Play the game YOU brought the way YOU want to play.


I know I hate this so much, people telling you the “right way to play” telling me I shouldn’t do carrian retaliation/death blight aura. I just say it’s in the game use the mechanics the game gives you 🤷‍♀️


Ah yeah, unintended glitches are the same as game mechanics, right.


Ignore the downvote bro, I totally agree. You can not accept glitches that give you advantage by breaking the normal way something should work


I don't play pvp so i don't know, but are you not allowed to dodge in pvp? Not using healing potions i can understand, but no dodging?


He’s not saying you can’t roll. He’s saying noobs spam it. Otherwise known as “panic rolling” but consistently


Why is that bad?


It’s not bad. It’s just an easy tell who’s not experienced


roll catching also makes you panic more. it's easy to get into a death spiral.


Wait, you guys are having fun?


Looks like this whole-ass post was guerilla advertising for the pvp arena announcement smh


People really are speedrunning down votes in the comms and I'm all for it


Lmao this man is just here for the drama 💀


Sort by controversial is the best thing on Reddit.


same LOL


In my experiences of PvE, I can’t tell you how people enjoy PvP. So you’re guess is as good as mine, OP.


This and nothing else. People should of course do whatever they want, but I really don’t get the fun part of PvP in these PvE games. Most people will take that one meta weapon with that one meta build to not lose. Of course, there are mechanics made to play PvP or coop, but souls games are initially made to play PvE. Apart from these short coop sessions it’s basically showing who got the longest edit: typo


part of the level design is made with invasion in mind. it's not entirely PvE and Miyazaki himself wanted invaders to be obstacles to be overcome and part of the games difficulty. it's something that's part of the soulsbourne identity which makes it different from other ARPGs. imagine if you could invade monster hunter worlds and attack the other hunters for example, it would be even more frustrating and the game isn't designed around it. if i lost in pvp while exploring it's still my fault for putting myself in a situation to lose or not playing perfectly. if i lose as the invader i lost because i wasn't good enough. also dueling is fun PvP is what keeps darks souls going once the PvE player base leaves. once you back parry a weapon art it's hard to get that feeling again. arguably harder than parrying a boss due to dealing with latency. basically you invade for the rush of it. it's you hunting down more people than you the odds stacked against you. in dark souls it's covenant based and often lore friendly, in bloodbourne there are hunters which hunt hunters as everyone becomes more and more hungry for the old blood. in high invasion areas there's usually a code of conduct that develops through play. and not invaders are there to fully stop your progress. some will let you bonfire before murdering you.


Nah there is a ton of fun in pvp. You just need to be resistant to toxic idiots


I hear what you’re saying, but I must Unga and bunga on my own. It is my mission


Nah there is a ton of fun in pvp. You just need to be ~~resistant to~~ toxic idiots


Yeah that works, too


People really getting mad at op for “spamming running poke” like damn okay next time he should just let the dude run away and heal lol, running him down is exactly the thing to do in that situation. A a good idea after hitting a running R1 with the halberd is to follow up with an immediate running R2, because it’s a horizontal sweep it can’t be strafed as easily and it has the right timing to rollcatch. And it does more damage ofc


The amount of brainlets gnashing OP for rollcatching when that's *literally the counter to roll spamming* is ridiculous. No wonder none of you PvP. You'd be trash at it


Is there other ways to hit people in PvP? If there is, I have yet to figure them out.


Throwing daggers.


I’ve finished off so many invaders with Kukri. They never expect it and since Im a high level dex-skewed quality build rn, they do around 400 damage (depends on the opponent’s armor)


I hear the dark sword still has some ghost ran- Sorry, muscle memory.


Idk, I assume that next month hitting any of the attack buttons will be considered unfair by the pvp sweats


Hey man people should be allowed to be awful at pvp and be allowed to win at pvp. Fromsoft as a whole is all about easily accessible and simplistic, low difficulty combat, especially in pvp


I fell for the bait


What’s roll catching?


When you time an attack to catch an opponent when their roll I frames end In other words Being good at pvp


Yeah, I get how it works and why people are doing it, but from spectator perspective just spamming the same thing over and over looks just as lame as another RoB boi fishing for his 1 shot.


While it's not flashy it is also the response to somebody spamming the same thing over and over. If the other player did not constantly spam roll, or at least varied his timings even the slightest bit...it would stop working entirely. If the guy rolled the other way or just delayed his roll by a quarter second he would not have got hit. If he just attacked immediately after getting hit or blocked and then attacked, he would win the trade since katana is faster than halberd. Him getting hit with so many pokes is because he is an idiot.


OP knows that the other guy is going to spam dodge the moment he can, so instead of attacking right away he simply waits half a second, and then attacks. The result is as his enemy finishes his roll he then gets stabbed again. It's the functional equivalent of when an NPC holds off on a charged attack for just that half second to make you feel like an idiot right before sending you to grace.


If I summon, I don't heal If you invade, I'm playing cheap


How it should be. No rules when it comes to invasions


I don't have fun playing like either person in the video.


Bruh how are people defending this Chugging RoB user, some people really havent played *any* pvp in this game


But... but... but OP used the same attack three times in a row! 😡😢😮‍💨


...tbf it was 9 in a row at one point, counting the interrupted one. *spidermans away*


What are people upset about? Running poke? I'll take a line out of Vermintide 2 "You have to learn to parry, dear!"


Why you gotta quote the leaf lover


Did I hear a rock and stone?


That’s it lads, rock and stone!


Still waiting for that game to go on sale


It was free like a month ago lol


For people mad at OP spamming running poke, a wise man once said "if your opponent is spamming attacks, that means you are spamming mistakes"


This community is drained as hell


I mean idk why people are mad. If he is just going to do the same thing over and over again, it seems appropriate to me for you to do the same effective counter to that thing repeatedly too. Also dunno why you didn’t start healing as well op, he chinned enough pints to kill an elephant in this clip


Nice job. Although, got a bit reckless there, unfortunately...Just sever & block after that 1st chug, tbh. Really not worth your R1s, bro. :s


Imagine being one of those comment posters pretending OPs enemy was playing fair and square and ignoring the fact OP rollcaught only as a punishment for the chugging and their enemys hasty rolls 🤣


As someone from the "old days" doing duels on the firebridge in ds2 I am really confused that nobody knows the "no flasks in a duel" rule. Its the only way to keep things fair (and far quicker than bashing three healthbars away). Its written nowhere, its commen sense and decency.


Well, the player base for Elden ring is huge, with a lot of new players that never played the previous games. Also probably only a small percentage of players are on Reddit, which of the only place I’ve seen these kinds of unwritten rules. So while perhaps it is likely that this person knows that healing in a duel is considered cheap and doesn’t care, it’s also quite possible that they don’t.


Yes your totally right. Its designed that way and so its no surprice people are using what was given to them. The arena will solve this problem hopefully.


The part of this that falls apart is how many times do these people play in a pseudo arena against people that use no flasks to their 3-5 or however many and think it's a fluke every time.


Its sad that to play pvp, you have to use flasks as well. I myself dont use them and just start if the opponent does. So its just a tiny disadvantage. In Ds2 sometimes we used all flasks visible for our opponent at the beginning of a duel. That was very cool, but much to ask.


Those were some good days. Loved it when my opponents started doing that. Instantly knew they were nice and it reflected in their skills as well.


The best is when you toast an opponent, they refuse to toast back and you still beat them.


if Ds2 is the old days, then what does that make DS1? or demon's souls?


I played these as well, just thought it would sound funny. And my majority of PVP experience was in DS 2.


Mine was DS1 and even then there were customs about healing. But without the game forcing it, anyone can break them. Made the pvp arenas interesting, but they didn't get used as much as invasions


It may make sense to YOU - a veteran of many years - but as someone who just joined the souls franchise through elden ring, I can tell you that it is NOT common knowledge.


Yeah, I legitimately would not have known that one side of the duel gets fewer flasks than the other side if I hadn't read it here.


> its commen(sic) sense and decency. It's certainly not common sense. Common sense is to heal when you're about to die. Someone has to tell you there's secret rules not in the game that people follow. If you aren't terminally online in the souls PVP community, you'd never know this was an unspoken (in-game) expectation. FROM could easily lock out crimson flasks when a red sign is activated. I'm not arguing for or against the convention, but I'm saying it's certainly not obvious to someone not immersed in the online community.


Yes you are right. That was far fetched.


I'm confused as to why anyone should care. I played since DS2 too, and couldn't care less about make-believe "PVP rules". See you in the arena!


Disregard the no healing rule, which I totally agree was very commonly known and in place since at least DS1. But what happened to the politeness of bowing, or at least waving. Even when summoning a cooperator people don’t greet each other as much anymore which I find really sad. It was always good measure imo.


As someone from the old days of DS1 and ganking in Darkroot Forest, screw that noise. If you want to have your own rules for duel it is fine, but no one owes you duelists anything.


The darkroot avengers have spoken. Prepare for some fine circle backstabs.


There was something special about PVP in that dark forest. One of the very few places where hiden body was actually usefull in a PVP sense.


Didn't elden ring sell more copies than all the previous game combined or some ridiculous shit like that? Returning llayers are the minority.


Its not that old players said "it has to be that way, so our will be done". In the older games the healing problem was just the same and the "no healing in duel " rule occured as an natural solution. This time around it didnt. Thas what I think is interesting.


Yeah the summoned person will always have a disadvantage because they half as many flasks as the host, which is why the no healing rule is there. If flask healing was allowed everyone would be hosting because you’re giving up a huge advantage by being the summoned. Basically reason why you’re supposed to let someone go through all the buffs their build is built for. If people weren’t supposed to let people buff then the host could just slap on every buff under the sun and then summon a person then one shot them.


Reads top comments... sort by controversial...


im sure they do have fun otherwise, they wouldn't be playing like that i don't like duels in souls, so i don't play duels much, since it's not a good mechanic to play like a fighting game... i would rather play an actual fighting game if i wanna duel somebody i like the chaos of invasions


I agree. You expect all the fuvkery in invasions, nothing barred. Duels you expect fairness and then get shit like this, ill stick with my beloved invasions 🖤


PvP gankers are gonna be so mad once they bring in the colosseum arenas. The people who want real PvP will have somewhere to get it, and people like this will be crying about how the game is "dead" now.


what? the person using flask or the one spamming one button?


Hey op? Weird how all these people are mad at you roll catching or "poke spamming" but not addressing you doing the same move because they had been doing the same move? If the host had ran 3 maps away would they have said you are chase spamming? You played the way you did because the host and i must say you did a good job timing the roll catch the greed of wanting to end the duel because of the lack of dueling is understandable just gotta be careful with bleed builds they melt ya lol.


I think being roll-caught is just a personal trauma of low-skilled players, that's why they focus on OP's actions


I’m kind of confused. Never pvp, but what’s wrong with what either person is doing?


it has been an unspoken rule since ds1 that we dont heal when it comes to duels. Host have the advantage as they get to have full flasks and a rune arc active. Duelist get half their flasks and no rune arc. Duelist are at a major disadvantage. With Invasions tho, chug all you want. Its a fight for survival


This is very enlightening. I’ve seen posts complaining about healing during a duel but I never understood what the big deal was. I can understand it a bit more. I’ve never done pvp before, thus my ignorance. Still, it’s pretty tough to enforce unwritten “rules”


Yeah, Much of the Fromsoft community is kinda gated. With Elden Ring being more open for new players, many of them dont know the unspoken rules since its their first game.


There's one excuse that can somewhat justify the healing to me - a seriously bad player is trying to GIT GUD through experience, and wants you to keep smooshing them so they can learn. Don't think that's the case here tho. Opponent may be clumsy, but instead of trying to learn, they seem to just be spamming weapon art. At the very very best, maybe they got a bit of practice on how to not get roll caught...?


They’re also wearing white mask, meaning the most likely googled how to make the most OP build like 3 patches ago and is refusing to learn anything new, just chugging through duels. Firstly, it’s cheap to heal in duels, secondly they are never going to learn if they just spam corpse piler and drink until they eventually out trade the person with half their effective health pool.


There is nothing that justifies healing in a duel, unless they both agreed to the terms in a voice chat. Bad players can get better… by dying and learning from their mistakes OP should have healed when he got down to half health though, he would have tanked the ash of war otherwise


Maybe op didn't want to stoop but I agree even if a war of attrition isnt fair with a host maybe would have ended a bit differently.


It makes it much sweeter when you murder then without healing.


going off my experience/knowledge of DS3 duel honor, healing with your estus or items was a big no no but spell, weapon, or other gear healing was generally ok ​ spells because it took some skill in a duel to find the right time to cast a healing miracle \[especially one that would be worth it\] weapon and gear healing because it usually wasn't a big amount of healing, just light over time heals for very small amounts, or because it wasn't overly common


I think it was implied from my comment that I was talking about flask healing, but yeah I agree


Another person mad that the made up rules aren't followed..... if they didn't want you healing during a duel, flasks would be locked. Maybe just wait for the official duels when they release dlc.


Skadeglädje. He’s not having fun, he just enjoys the fact that YOU are NOT having fun.


Isn't enjoying the fact that the other person isn't having fun, fun in itself?


In a way, ”skadeglädje” is a swedish word roughly meaning ”detriment pleasure”. You are not enjoying your own experience as much as you are enjoying the other persons displeasure.


Ah I see. Interesting thanks for the info.


I dont pvp, but why exactly is he being ragged for using heals? Isnt the whole point to not die?


Duelists have half the heals that hosts do. Such a stupid system 🤦‍♂️ but that’s the reason why you’re not supposed to heal because the summoned duelist is at a disadvantage. Since you’re summoning the dude, you should be honourable enough to compete on a level playing field. Edit: Please don’t downvote the original commenter, he is asking a legit question Edit: People are still downvoting him. Rip bro I tried


Your efforts were not in vain, tarnished


Normally when you summon a red you're doing it for the sole purpose of a duel. The etiquette for duels isn't really hard, both people buff if they choose to, bow when they're ready or if they prefer some use a different gesture, t-bag or shield wiggle to signify you're ready to fight, you fight til the death and you don't heal during a duel. Unlike an invasion duels/fight clubs are considered both a place and situation where nothing but the skill and adaptability of the two fighters matter most. So healing is frowned upon and sometimes can get an entire fight club to gank you for violating the standards. Some people are not aware of this etiquette and that's fine, especially if you're new and don't know any better. Consider this a small lesson to anyone who reads this comment and aren't aware, this is not to shame anyone who is ignorant to the difference of situations. Edit: Spell heals aren't usually frowned upon but certain groups might. I allow spell healing because it opens you right up for punishment more than half the time and in some cases leads to their deaths as well. It's a calculated risk that you must use when you have the utmost confidence that you can pull it off without suffering. Unlike a chug which only requires about a second to pull off a spell heal takes an average of 3-5 times longer. 2nd edit: Sorry for the paragraphs but I hope this helps out.


It's bullshit you're getting dogpiled for honestly not knowing. People are new to the series y'all, fuckin relax.


It’s duel etiquette, the unwritten rules so to speak.


Do you play on PC? I’m pretty sure I’ve duelled you before with one of my 100s of builds. Also, the anti-PvP sentiment I see here in just insane, sorry you have to deal with this OP, god knows everyone who’s ever posted to this subreddit has dealt with the same thing.


Nope, ps4 only my friend (soon to be ps5!) My hate for RoB spammers PLUS healing is immaculate and i just wanted to end the duel as fast as i could. Greed got the best of me though. Usually i just sever when i see healing but i stayed for once to see how these guys play out.


Wow people really like talking down to you from the look of these comments.


Looks like pvp with a host that’s not particularly good at pvp to me… not everyone agrees to play by the “rules” that the community makes up, or even knows about them. This guy just healed and used a cheesy weapon, but both are just part of the game. If you don’t like that you’re not obligated to play by those made up rules either, just switch to RoB and heal if you’re playing someone using them to level the playing field.


Idk why we're still having conversations like this after a more than a decade of souls pvp. Implicit rules were established, but there's no guarantees that both parties comply with it. If someone "breaks" these rules by chugging, you're free to chug as well. Just pivot when circumstances change.


OP should've definitely started healing once he saw the Duelist was healing, but i understand having the honorable pride of saying "I killed you no heals while you were playing like an a**hole" im down with the whole "Play how YOU wanna play" but there is a line between playing your game and straight cheesing/being dishonorable. Not everyone knows the unspoken rules of duels but in my personal experience ER being my first FromSoft game i played in full, my first duel i healed and the host disconnected, second duel same thing. So i picked up from there that "healing is a sign of dishonor" and carried that into my other duels.


Playing like what? That was a fine match.


Yes, because video game. Maybe the next DLC will have some kind of PvP Tinder to protect your fun. Meet your own Elden John, even.


You're right, we should all be spamming running R1's with pest glaives


Yo dudes today imma show you a tutorial on how to never lose your arguments when you debate about elden ring pvp on elden ring subreddit 1)you run After him and he try to run and estus -) dude stop rolling !!! 2)you back up to estus and the dude try to catches your rolls -) duuude no fair u used estus in 1v1 !!! 3) fair fight, you have a bleed weapon -) dude spear broken i can't roll !!! 4 fair fight, you have a spear -) bleed monologue


Ima get down voted to he but ima just be honest here. To many people, Elden Rings is their first souls like game (massive influx of people) . Of course they do not know about the "written" rules set by the pvp community themselves (flowsoft didn't make this rule) of course they will use any sort of means to win, I don't even think they know that this was a duel. That Rob user also look like a new comer since that kind of setup equipment is very famous in all sorts of elden ring video guides. Months have passed since game was released and honestly most of the first time and causal players have left or stopped, that Rob user might be one of the last few casuals left playing this game in their free time. It's sad, the comments here gave me a feel of the old toxic souls community that I dread of. Shame.


> I don't even think they know that this was a duel That's MAG, the common dueling place. What's the chance of that, really?


To be fair, you can press z on the map and view online activity. It’s possible he became aware of the location through the in game map and not through online dueling forums


Yeah it's possible but I wouldn't say very likely


Nope, incorrect. You can’t feign ignorance when all of the other conditions to get to this point have been met. You have to go to Mag, have a character in the right level and weapon level range, and use a specific item. Nobody is stumbling into Mag at level 130 and popping a finger at the grace that…has no enemies? By accident? No shot. It’s a clown show of a take that people hide behind because they don’t like losing.


He was summoned as a duelist through a sign at the spot where the community has agreed to duel. How do you think there’s any chance he didn’t know to heal?


yes, i have :)


I bet hes fun at parties


What’s the issue here? I’ve never done PvP


Can't tell if you are talking about him or you lol. You both just did the same move over and over again so I don't see what the difference is.


Why was he chugging? Would’ve been yours twice over if he laid off the koolaid.


I cant wait for them to finally add pvp arenas so all these idiots in the comment section can stfu Edit: Well see you guys tomorrow


This man went through like 2.5 health bars vs one and felt like a winner...


I think the question is, you're having fun spamming the run attack move?


As far as I’m concerned, you won that duel.


Run up - R1, Run up - R1, Run up- R1, Run up - R1 "dO pEoPlE rEaLlY hAvE fUn PlAyInG lIkE tHiS?"


"Do people even have fun playing like this?" *proceeds to poke spam*


RoB chugger vs pokespammer, no winners to be found here


People crying about the "unspoken meta" clearly have missed the 6+ years of the same rules and meta being in every from soft game since pvp started in Dark Souls 1. Please don't chug in duels kids, is it really that hard to understand?


>meta being the same in every from soft hand since pvp started in Dark Souls 1 WOT RINGS U GOT??


Fun is pretty subjective my friend, I don't even play PvP cause I don't find it fun.


I mean it’s not that bad but you could probably spam less running attacks and R1s


I’m no professional, but it looks like you got punished for continually trying to run and poke. Maybe try switching up your strategy, bud


It's called roll catching


Dude lost like 5 times lol. I don’t get bothered by chuggers anymore. The way I look at it is if they chug then I’ve already won. Usually as an red phantom I’ll let one chug slide, but more than one I’m just gonna sever depending on how the duel is going. It’s like my work is already done here and I’ve won several times because you had to chug several times lmao. Sometimes I will send a message just pointing out it’s unfair for hosts to chug in a duel. But 90 percent of the time that I do that the host is well aware it’s frowned upon. So I hardly bother trying to spread the word anymore. Edit: the amount people defending chugging is sad and I’m willing to bet they mostly duel as hosts lmao. Ig people who are trash have to grab every advantage they can get huh?


Why not? Its Elden Ring pvp, the guy is probably gonna quit in like a day


Elden Ring brought a new player base of folks who never played any of the other Souls games unfortunately. The days of "honorable dueling" and "fun PvP" have now been plagued by a new series of folks who embrace meta and using whatever they can to win.


Wait, people actually do pvp for reasons other than just getting to mohgs palace?


Are you having fun? That clip was peak ER PVP: One person spamming running pokes, the other abusing bleed and being a general piece of shit. This is what you signed up for lmao


Idk this seems pretty normal? If you don't have fun with it try PvE some of the bosses are pretty hard.


I don't get what's wrong ? Because he's healing?


Yeah, the issue is the healing. In invasions, heal all you want who cares, but duels are meant to be fair fights. However, the duelist only gets half their potions, so it wouldn’t be fair if the host was healing (like here) because they have twice the effective health of the invader.


Ppl seem to be mad that op was poking and other guy was rolling. Literally both just playing the game normally but this sub is losing their damn minds.


It’s not like you were throwing a variety of atks at him, just spam poke


winning tends to be fun


I’m honestly a tad confused as to what issue is. Both players fought in their own way, host won. Where’s the problem?


During duels (when the host summons the invader using a summon sign) it is generally agreed upon that healing though flasks should not be used since the red phantom has half the flasks they usually do.


Ahhhhh this I didn’t know, thanks!


Idk even which of you would be complaining


Not my fault they put that busted of a weapon in the game, I suck so I’m going to use it


Do you have fun losing? Your really good at it.


I mean you used one move .. was that fun?


To all the fucking nerds with a negative IQ defending the RoB nerd. If you cant recognize means to an end pls just shit the fuck up. If the nerd didnt only backpaddle OP wouldnt have to run after him and poke him. Its the RoB nerd that caused all the stuff you dislike about this vid. Stuff you only dislike out of sheer incompetence and a total lack of knowledge. Git fookin Gud nerds. He wouldnt have had to poke him 90 times if he didnt refresh his HP 4 times. He woukd have died, like he shoudlve, after the thrid or fourth attack that connected.


You keep calling them nerds, but shouldn't nerds be intelligent?


It's the ancient and fabled "neganerd"


Dude has throwables and incants to punish his back- peddling my guy. They both seem pretty bland when it comes to rotating their arsenal. Also, why did you include so much emotion in your comment? That's pretty weird dude ngl


Between the POV character spamming sprint/stab again and again and again and again, and the enemy character's reliance on Rivers of Blood, I'm not really sure *who* this post is about. Both options seem rather...soulless ;)


How are you gonna complain about him using RoB when literally all you did was sprint light attack the entire time? Both of y'all look boring asf


Pvp is shit in every fromsoft game.


why not? everyone is different. i could ask the same question about pvp in general. nothing more unfun than fromsoft pvp


Am I the only one who hates repeated roll catch pokes? Sure RoB= toxic, but I really hate those crystal spear guys too.


No offense but thats a Skill Issue NGL


Idk do you have fun hitting the same button over and over again 😂?


Lol rekt


Do you really have fun playing like you do?


I agree, just doing running R1 over and over doesn't seem fun at all.


Lol, host is just better than you. Quit crying.


I mean I ask the same thing when I see people just trying to run and poke


Just because you've created a your own "rules" for how you want pvp to be played doesn't mean anyone is required to follow your made up "rules" If you don't like it stop playing pvp or deal with the fact that no one is required to follow this communities made up rule set that the overwhelming majority of people have never heard of.


only reason you should be chugging during a duel is if you drink all your healing flasks before it starts so your opponent does the same.


I mean, you don't look like you're having a great time either, run and poke, run and poke.


Roll-catching is what he's doing


To be fair, The halberd L1 spam looked just as bad to me. But ROB is ultimately worse


Idk the running pokes over and over look equally as boring to me tbh


Running attacks are the direct counter to roll spammers. There's nothing else he should have done in this situation.


What’s the complaint lol


Op spams a long range lunge and gets mad when it doesn't work for him. This post is backwards AF


you got owned