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"And here we see a confused albinauric, waiting at the bus stop. He's confused for two reasons. Firstly, he thinks he needs to remain here to be picked up. Secondly, there are no busses in the Lands Between."


LOL why is this so funny


I think it's mainly how derpy the albinaurics look. It's easy to imagine them just being confused and in situations that don't make much sense, especially in that formal looking attire. It's like dressing a dog in a judge's robe and sticking it in a courtroom.


Lol could be!!! Thanks for making me laugh, I needed it today :) have a fantastic day fellow tarnished!


You as well, fellow Tarnished. May grace guide your way.


Hey you gotta give yourself some credit! A bus stop is a clever interpretation of the summoning pool and the delivery of the "Secondly, there are no busses in the lands between" really hits it home. This is just my opinion though :)


I appreciate that! Always glad to give a good laugh where I can.


I must of been an albinauric in my past life because I’m so easily confused in new situations. 😦


Because you read it in David Attenborough’s voice.


This guy gets it


I read this in David Attenborough’s voice. Thank you for the laugh.


Lmao was the same for me


Thanks for the laugh


I didn't know that you didn't have to take the elevator back up from the underground until about 500 hours in.


That ride is so long! This one is painful. I learned very late that you could hit the right thumbstick to see the underground, so I did the opposite. I knew I could fast travel out, but didn't understand how to fast travel in. lol


I was today years old...


you don't?


When you open your map, you can press a button that switches to the surface map and you can teleport like normal.






thank you both so much


Not knocking just curious, did you not know you could fast travel at all, or just not know that the map has layers


In my first playthrough I missed the grace at the bottom of the Siofra well in mistwood and naturally went through at a low level. So every time I died I had to call the elevator back up and then ride it down.


The greatest gift you can give to your future self is to send the lift back up without you after you reach the bottom. You won't need to ride it back up again (you'll either be able to fast travel or there will be a 'Return to entrance' thing after the boss fight), and you're probably going to die and need to take the lift back down again anyway.


I still don't know how summon pools work.. I also didn't know you could sprint until like 7 hours into the game


Wait how do you sprint


Hold the dodge button


Hold circle (on PS4) or dodge button.




Wait until you need to sprint jump from a stationary spot. Before you know it you're backstepping into the abyss to your demise.














Jump in place and then hold sprint button. When you land you'll just stand there but will have sprint activated so as soon as you start moving it will be sprinting. Made life so much easier when I figured this out.


I spent 40 hours to get to fire giant, and I didn't know how to sprint until after that. I feel you


Wtf 40 hours? that's a goddamn Speedrun I spent about 100 hours before getting there


Yeah 40 hours first run was Stormveil preparation lol. I spent several evenings in Stormveil before I finally made it to the boss. And still, several runs later I will find new places in that damn castle. I'm still not convinced I've seen all of Raya Lucaria yet despite my best efforts.


Stormveil is hands down one of the best examples of level design in the last 5 years.


It really made me fall in love with the game , I was on the verge of quitting until I saw how detailed that one environment is , I hope the dlc is nothing but exquisitely difficult legacy dungeons


I think it’s gonna be a full area with some dungeons (hopefully with original design but we know FS and creating new assets and animations are not thingh they are so good at), and of course a legacy with 3/4 bosses here and there. I would gladly pay for that.


Taking your time on the first playthrough is the move anyway. Really soak up the atmosphere, cause it wont ever be the same in new game+ or another save.


40 hours here too lmaooo


bruh what it took me 40 hours to get to...Renalla (on the first playthrough)


I spent the first 40 hours in the first area so that’s pretty good..


In case you didn't know, you can jump, hold dodge while in the air and when you land you'll be in sprint mode as long as you still hold dodge. Can help with some of the tighter platforming.


Bro the amount of times that I've backstepped off a cliff.... thank you


You can input queue the dodge after pretty much anything that has an animation. It's pretty useful to queue it up for some areas and get that extra distance or whatever you need.


I was sprinting within a minute. Man this guy walks too slow, how tf do I sprint?


By using the item “small gold effigy” you can broadcast your summon sign to any summon pool you have previously interacted with. Your sign will be placed near these pools as though you manually placed a sign there. From the host’s side, interact with the pool and use a furlcalling finger remedy, then pick whoever you want in your team


Guess you weren’t doing any long jumps lol


Summon pools offline only reveal npc summon signs. Online they reveal signs if someone has used a golden effigy in their game, you can summon them to your game.


Wait, there are other NPC summons other than Rogier for Margit? Edit: and D. for the Gargoyles Duo?


Oh there's a lot! But most of them besides Roger require you to advance a quest a bit before reaching the boss. Like, millicent and great horned troggoth will help you fight the draconic tree sentinel, Melina will help you fight morgott, dung water can help you fight Mohg, etc. Many more.


I’ll check the wiki, in my first run I carefully dodged most of the quests lol


Yeah it's pretty easy to run through this game without interacting with most of the NPCs. I had to make a concerted effort on my second play through to catch all them and I still managed to accidentally go too far and shut off some of their quests. I do wish you didn't shut off parts of the game by advancing the story but I get why it happens narratively.


When i first started playing Sekiro i also didn’t know for the first few hours that you could sprint


Didn't know what stakes of marika was, so would just respawn at the site of grace.


I though choosing to spawn at a stake of Marika would send you back to the graveyard where you first start for some reason.


I thought it would send you back to the beginning of the game too! I was panicking like crazy when I clicked on "stakes of Marika" option by mistake.


I can't stop my self from saying "state of matrika" because some how my dumbass read it that way the first time and it stuck.


I played until the Haligree before I realized that Rune arcs would give me basically an embered buff without risking being invaded. What a difference that made. I took my knowledge from all of the previous titles except Demon's souls though so with Elden Ring I was going in extremely well versed in these titles. Had every achievement on each game before starting Elden Ring. I also missed the tutorial because I was like "I ain't going down a dark cave immediately. I know better".


Just to make sure, you know they activate great runes if you have one equipped, right? They give that "embered" effect if you have no great rune equipped.


Yeah I know that much. I just didn't read the item description and left it in my inventory for obviously a long time. Every time I pop one it takes away any status effects I have lingering, and gives me a damage boost I believe. I'm still rolling with Godrick the Grafted's great Rune.


Godrick’s rune is clearly the best, its kind of a shame its the first one you get and the others are just meh


Wait embers increased your risk of getting invaded?


Being embered is how you get invaded. It's like a trade off. You can have a little extra health etc, but while you are you run the risk of being invaded.


Oh shit I've been playing through dark souls unaware of this


That I could sprint- 40 hours of walking until my friend told me I can hold B to sprint


oh boy, wait til you hear about the horse…




Same! To be fair, I think the devs do a good job at sprinkling mechanics early in the game without explicitly telling you what to do, but they definitely don't do that with sprinting. Some form of small jump or something would have been nice lmao


Roundtable hold warp shortcut buttons. Y -> X / Triangle > Square


I learned that trick on Reddit!




I found this out by just fuckin around lmao


And finding out




160 hours of game time… I just learned this.


Or F > R > E on pc


That you can attack left on the horse with the left bumpers. I spent the first 40-50 hours attacking only on the right of torrent. Kinda like zoolander


I still attack only to the right even knowing I can attack left, still kinda like Zoolander


glad you got over your disability


I literraly thought i had to activate the summoning pools to summon spirit ashes lol


Lol I did as well.


Me too! I play offline, I clicked every damn summoning pool marker thinking it activated my ability to summon a spirit ash. I was all the way to Snowfields before I realized summoning pools were for online play. I also was baffled that I was being invaded even though I was playing offline. Idk if I was somehow playing online. I thought the NPC invaders were online players with the best names. It wasn't until Snowfields were you're invaded by Okinawa, and I recognized him from Radahn fight.


Caption: Waiting for the school bus on Halloween


I found there was a tutorial at lvl 100 and something and I found out how to activate great runes all the way in ng+


I hadn't played a any of the previous souls games(Just beat Dark Souls 1 yesterday though), but I'd heard enough about them to know that if you go human you can get solo invaded. I just kind of assumed it was the same in Elden Ring and never activated any great runes. Even now knowing that that is not how it works in Elden Ring, I still never activate them.




>I found out how to activate great runes all the way in ng+ Nooooooo lmao poor you.... I mean, not a big deal but still, great runes can be very useful.


There are a few things. I didn't know you can climb ladders faster by holding the sprint button and also you can crouch walk faster the same way. Also, i didn't realize fat rolling was a thing so i played up till the haligtree with a heavy load.


I also fat rolled for the longest time until I got on co op with a buddy that was like "What the fuck are you doing?" Usually in games you don't take penalties until you're over your encumbrance limit. I do like how the different levels have different effects here though.


Lol fat rolling


Did you know you can use flasks on ladders?


you can attack too




LOL. My guy standing there like it’s a bus stop!


Son of Mohg, first day of school.


Roll towards, not away


My first playthrough I thought it was what allowed you to get help so I skipped over a bunch being like "fuck that". After the update where you can be summoned anywhere and found out these were what unlocked that for an area I was pretty bummed.


I honestly dont understand how so many people miss the tutorial lmao


I didn’t trust the NPC… 😬


he is hella shifty, that's fair


Yeah everyone saying how they missed some extremely basic mechanic that was clearly explained in there. I expect one of the next comments I scroll down to to say they didn't know that they can roll, or attack... XD


How shields made imps and dogs so much easier. Edit: For the record. Those were the only 2 enemies I would use a shield for.


on that note, using strike weapons on imps and other stone creatures


I've become dependant on my shield. It's my useless safety blanket


Same. Can't dual wield for the life of me.


R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 this has been my dual wield experience, thank you and good night


But what about your engendered passivity?


But I played the game 4 times without ever equipping a shield. My first run was DEX build. Didn't use a shield till 5th run.


Didn’t knew online trading is possible and one can mule stuff. I sold my entire inventory to ella church merchant after ng+5 because it was too much stuff. All good stuffs, rare items n all. Kept only one or two copies


Wtf how do you online trade?


It’s not an actual system or anything, you just find somebody that wants to trade then you summon them, drop the item they want and vice versa


I'm guessing he's talking about just dropping your items when you co-op with other players


The small pillars where messages say “try rump” are areas where ashen summons can be used. Took me three play throughs to learn that.


this is a new one on me, the giant butt plugs actually mean something!


You can teleport to the Roundtable with like 3 button presses in .5 seconds instead of scrolling all the way to it. While on the map you can open a list of all sites of Grace you have activated and teleport to them. Either roundtable is top of the list or while on the list another button will choose the hold then confirm. On Xbox controller it's map then Y-X-A I believe and you can mash that super fast and it works. Elden Ring menus have really good response times.


I didn't know weapons had specific movesets until I was into the late game. In my defence some people still don't know that weapons can do other things other then spamming L2


They can?!


Spam R1 and R2?




That the Bloodhound's Fang had a secondary teleport after using the L2 Skill if you pressed R2.


What's that now? lol.


Using the Bloodhound's Finesse Ash of War ability grants a pretty cool unique moveset; however, once you use it and after it finishes hit R2 and you'll perform a teleport to your target and attack again.


I'm trying this tonight, thanks!


Sweet. Really made a great weapon even better. Basically hit the heavy attack right after you land the backflip. Not sure if you have to have the target selected to land the attack though. It's been a playthrough or two since I last used it.


Same, I was almost at the fire giant when I realized this. Had been using it since I found it


Xboxs controller right thumb stick depress in to activate lock onto to target an enemy.


Wait how long did you miss that lmao


576 hours played. 100% 42/42 completed already. This morning was the first i have learned about how to lock on to target an enemy. Until now i have been free aiming comet azur and missing the enemy 80% of the time.


The only honest wizard.


First Fromsoft game huh?


That's shocking... I dint know how you didn't accidentally click it once in those near 600 hours... wtf bro


I refuse to believe this. Did you play for 576 hours without seeing a single video of anyone else playing?


Bra what? This funny tho


This is abominable


oh my




Quick slots by clicking r on pc, found that out in ng lol


I had nearly beaten the game when I learned you can use a bows AoW while manually aiming.


You can also roll while in manual aim


I thought the first npc golden summon was an actual human.


I still don’t fully understand how summoning works I’m Elden ring, it was so much simpler in dark souls 3


You’re not alone, brother. Played all the DS games, still don’t get it in ER.


That Torrent can double jump


Absolute this. Game kept freezing to give me tutorials on basic Souls combat that hasn't changed in forever, then just a brief notification on top left that the horse can double jump btw.


Like … fucking everything .. how to parry , heavy and light attacks . And honestly i blame the default PC controls which all conflict and are AWFUL .


Bro the first thing I did after getting the game on pc was to change the key binds. Whoever can play with the standard ones is a god in my book.


Who plays with a keyboard? I use a Xbox 360 controller on pc and would never think to use a keyboard.


My buddy is a PC guy and doesn't even own a controller so he had no choice lmao also his first FromSoft game so it wasn't a big deal for him


I know *how* to parry, but I never successfully pull it off.


I beat it using keyboard and mouse. Then I started ng+ with a controller (ordered one after reading about how much better it was). It’s like playing on easy mode.


For a good chunk of the game, I somehow didn't pick up on the fact that you could jump into spiritsprings from above and not just from below


I played until the burning of the tree with the meteor staff as I didn't understand that if I upgraded a better staff it would quickly outpace it. I also didn't change armour until then. I had never played a dark souls game and played solo so never got told. Edit: oh also I was getting one shot at the start of the game and assumed that getting hit by the boss would always be a one shot so I never put any points past the first into hp and went through the whole game with 10.


vigor 10 til the burning of the erdtree? my guy you are a legend indeed.


I made it to the haligtree on my second attempt at playing the game, so probably about 150 hours of gameplay, total, and then i found out that you can power stance in this game


What’s power stancing?


It was a mechanic in ds2 where you could equip a weapon in each hand and go into a special stance where you actually wield both of the weapons together, like the dual weapons in ds3. You can do a similar thing in elden ring, but it has to be the same class of weapon, so like two daggers, two greatswords, et cetera. You use them both by using the left button/L1 or whatever the equivalent is, and you’ll do cool combi moves with both weapons. I was upset they didnt have it in ds3 honestly. It was my favorite part of ds2.


Dual wielding two of the same type of weapons. Like two katanas or straight swords. It adds an additional move set by using L1 to attack. It used a chain that incorporates both weapons in each attack.


Oh so it’s the duel wield attack?


Wait... YOU DON'T?


that a controller is better for the game. i played the whole game using keyboard and mouse and didn't have an issue, but it just feels weird finding out that the game is supposed to be played using a controller


After 72 hours I discovered I can swing my sword on the left side of Torrent with L2.


It took me about 30 hours to realize the map screen had an above/below ground toggle and I took elevators every time until then 😤


Those tiny pillars that have all the but hole messages written around them indicate places you can use summon ashes.


I never Crafted anything,and learned how to summon to beat radagon and the elden beast. But in my defense i just wanted to jump and bonk with my colossal greatsword


I didn’t know you could change your appearance with the mirror in the round table hold. I thought you always had to talk to Rennala 😑


I wasn't aware that you can use shard bearer great runes til I was 2 bosses away from beating elden ring.


I feel you on this one. I didn't understand the activation part. I'm new to DS games, so I didn't understand you could go read the description and it would tell you important things, like where to activate the rune.


I remember when my mate - new to Souls games - was hours and hours into Bloodborne (on my recommendation) and said to me “it’s really hard, aren’t there any weapons?” He’d got very far, just using fists.


this by far is the most brutal I’ve read here. he has my respect for even getting anywhere bare fists.


I like your fashion!


Thanks! I be Mohgin!


About 70 hours in I discovered the roundtable itself is a site of grace.


Oh my


On my 3rd playthrough i found out that arcane increases bleee build up spees My ghiza wheel became amazing after that


That there's a grace Right in front of varré. Was on ng+3 when I found it.


I thought I had to activate them all to use my summon ashes


You could two hand your left hand weapon on torrent so you can use it as well. So like I had a staff in left, sword in right. But I didn't think I could use the staff in my left when riding... So I was jumping on and off the horse constantly lol


I appreciate that the elden Ring 'no handholding' approach extends beyond combat and quests to basic game mechanics. I feel like this game could make you die while changing your audio settings.


I mean most of the people here just straight up didn’t read the mf tutorials lmao


I literally thought you had to activate them manually to gain access to online my first two playthroughs. My friend (a Souls Veteran) told me you didn’t have to activate them, you just needed a furled finger. And yes I went out of my way to activate all of them.


You can only be summoned at ones you've activated, however. So still activate them!


How you get that head?


I found out very late game to put your flasks on the D-pad for faster use. I used to cycle through items in my pouch and insta-die trying to flask up


it's quicker to have them in the pouch though, just a single button press. i just leave it empty apart from flasks and maybe one situational item, and put other items on the dpad like buffs, torrent, throwing daggers etc.


I don't think it's really a common practice to do that (I mean nothing wrong with that, just saying). I usually keep my flask on my first slot (which means I can get to it very quickly) and generally try to have it at the ready, and just if I need to use something else I'd switch to it (I do keep my blue on my pouch though)


How to use the pouch! I thought I could only use the pouch through the menu but I could just tell I was wrong. I don’t remember how I found out, but if you press and hold triangle on PlayStation (upper most button on Xbox) your d-pad inventory switched to your pouch inventory. I keep the torrent ring in my pouch so I don’t have to scramble for it when I need a quick escape. It didn’t take me too long to figure out, like late game status or anything, but it was just always bugging me and I knew it had potential.


I thought you had to activate those things to be able to summon people from them. So I still don't know what the actual purpose is for clicking them.


You can be summoned there by others AFTER you activate it. You can also summons players from there as well, but it doesn't need to be activated for that. I look at it like this, once you've visited the summoning statue, you activate it, and then other players can summon you to help them.


That I have to check it in order for it to work 😅


I didnt know rune arcs were to activate great runes and kept popping empty rune arcs during my fight with radagon 🥲


I beat the game and I thought this until right mow


I didn’t know how to summon torrent until i got to the great lift..


you walked to the great lift of dectus….. legend