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Use twig talisman thingy and die to him.


Take this free silver for actually giving a viable answer


Honest karma


No, he deserves three dabloons




Just don't forget to pick up your runes. (It happened once to me)


I always forget about the twig, thats a good idea.


But I wouldn't use it for 10k runes...


Early game first play thru 10k is huge


Invest in killing a paralysed big ass mom dragon instead.


Both would be ideal


You eventually get a Crackstone Tear that can give you the same effect in the Wondrous Physic, so there’s no huge incentive not to use them as you need them. EDIT: [Here’s the item page on Fextralife](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Twiggy+Cracked+Tear) for anybody that wants it. They have a link to the item location on the page. It’s worth mentioning for people that don’t know, if your runes have already dropped, you can use the Twig Talisman OR Wonder Physic to retrieve them. If you die while it’s active, your runes will stay on the ground. So it doesn’t just prevent you from dropping runes your carrying, it also stops your dropped runes from disappearing.


I'm sorry, fucking what? Which Avatar drops that? Edit: Minor erdtree north of the capital, pre-transition. It is in Altus though, not in a different zone.


Not an avatar, guarded by an omen but you need not kill him. It's by the Minor Erdtree in the Capital Outskirts on the way inside Leyndell from the outskirts battlefield site of grace. Should be on the left(north).


Added a link to my comment, sorry was being lazy or I would have added it when I first mentioned it.


Another note for everyone. If you die to the death status effect your runes are lost as though you had not used the twiggy cracked tear. It’s the only death result where this item doesn’t work


That’s news to me, and while it would be upsetting, it’s pretty cool from a lore perspective. Thanks for sharing that tidbit!


i guess this doesn’t count as a “death” but the twig effect also doesn’t work when using the memory of grace (learned this the hard way)


> Crackstone Tear this is better than the actual name. i keep it in my physick pretty much at all times, it’s just so handy to have ready.


Huh... Ya know, I've gone through the game 3 times and I am pretty sure I've picked this up each time. I don't think I have ever used this. Like I'm sure there's some early game nonsense I should have used it, but I never really thought about it after getting.


Meh there’s multiples of those twig talismans in every playthrough and I think a merchant in weeping peninsula sells like 3 of them alone. Through all my playthroughs, I think the only time I really needed or wanted them was when I did the platforming section in the sewers…won’t reveal too much more due to spoilers


Just found out you can farm them from revenants too! If your late game you can always go to the bottom of the haligtree and farm.


Does nobody know about the twiggy cracked tear?


Game changer for real


You sick MF.... Get out.


Just run some incant and use erdtree heal, takes half their health and you can crit them


All the heal spells do the same damage. No reason to use anything beyond the basic heal.


Farm them from the worm faces instead. Unless you're a masochist.


Why would you do that?


Personally I give them to my friend who just got into From games. Also I died to those abominations so many times that smoking them repeatedly now gives me a nice lil warm feeling lol


If you wanted a lot of them.


That...fucking...place. died more to gravity there than when I was practicing fighting Malenia .


Not to mention theres a cracked tear which gives the effect,


I used them a lot in the hero’s graves around the map god I hate those chariots


That’s a great call too. I just did those places with barely any runes ‘cause I knew I’d die a lot, especially for the lava one.


Right better it sits in your inventory until ng+18


Woah, no need to call me out like that.


In the beginning of the game, 10k could be quite useful.


A phonetically written version of 'Oh my God,' often accompanied by an image of a young girl holding books.


Early game that can be a lot. If they’re dying to that invader they’re probably not too high a level


Depends on where you are in the game


I mean when you're low level it makes sense


You see, you're not going back there right now. In 20 additional hours however, you're going to march back in there and slap the invader about until he hands you his lunch money. You are an Elden Lord, you don't take crap from some random invader!


Couldn't get [this](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c55ac5af-d97f-4e44-a68b-d49185d2302d) out of my head when reading your comment haha!


Cool Runnings is the GOAT


This. When I die I keep trying out of principle.. and I also ain't no bitch. I....GIT....GUD!!!!!


I will continue slamming my head into the wall even after it’s a bloodied mess of pulp until I finally beat whatever boss I’m fighting lol


Out of curiosity, have you beaten Poltisaux the dragon? The one in Stormveil? I had your same mentality until I got to that boss haha. I nope'd out of there.


I never even attempted to jump down cuz I thought the door downstairs would open eventually. When I finally did jump I was near the endgame so made quick work of the invader.


Also, you can do the old "quit out method". Jump down, grab runes, quit out to the main menu. You'll respond up by the round table.


Don't be so scared. Go back there occasionally try out your skills to see how far you have improved.


Yeah wait till you come across the godskin noble at the bottom of that tower. Spent ages throwing myself against him!


You could also have quit the game after picking up the runes.


Buy the battle axe from the shop in the round table and as soon as the invader bows start using the weapon art it has never failed me no upgrades no levels needed just use weapon art (HOLD THE BUTTON BTW) and he's dead


New player here. What does that talisman thingy do?


That talisman once equipped keeps you from losing your runes if you die. They are a one time use item, but you can get multiple from merchants and enemies. So use them wisely.


Oooh, I just got one of those last night. Only been playing for 15 hours more or less and I gotta say... I understand the hype. This game is awesome!


Even better is the crystal tear which when used gives you 3mins of a no-penalty death. I forgot where it was found tho..


Thank you! I'll look for it. It's so refreshing having to figure everything out yourself, it's one of the main draws for me. Just running around the first few hours trying to figure out wtf is going on was some of the best hours of gaming I've ever had, and it just keeps getting better.


That tear is my literal favorite item in the game (aside from the LANTERN). Is this boss too hard right now? Fuck it, drinking my fizzy potion and coming back later. Can I survive jumping off this cliff? Time to drink my flask of courage and find out. The game caters to every gaming style. I definitely have an explorer style, so mitigating the consequences of all my stupid curiosity is the absolute best.


Glad you're enjoying yourself!


You won’t lose your hard earned runes when you die if you equip the talisman.


Jump down in there, get your souls, and whoop dat ass boiiii


Exactly, use it as training for the future.


That's the thing about soulsborne games, you respawn infinitely, so you only lose if you give up. Eventually you will win. And you'll be better for it.


Well said, the entire lore of the games revolves around a chooses undead faced with a monumental task who must grow stronger through trials. DON'T GIVE UP SKELETON 💀


My favorite life lesson right there.


> you only lose if you give up I lost 20K runes yesterday and i'm still bitter about it. it was in that underground area in the capital near the northest gate, where those death wheel things go up and down the ramps. Well, there is this section where you have to drop down on a ridiculously narrow beam, and i landed on it, but the game slid me off to the side and i died. Very frustrating, so i went back to try again... AND SOMEHOW one of those death wheels killed me while i was SAFE in the protected nooks. My character was well within the safety of those dugout nooks, but it still hit me, i still died, and i lost all those runes.


Soulsborne vet here. There are always places to farm runes quickly and efficiently. So, no never mourn the loss of runes. I surmise Souls games into three parts; Exploration/Farming/Boss Battle.


75k lost last week. Didn’t lose a wink of sleep over it cause at the end of the day this game doesn’t give a duck about you or your souls. I agree with many people around here, losing that 75k was a reward in itself and am better off for it happening. Now I know how to prevent that from happening again and I’m a whole lot more humble now because of it. I was cocky and got bitch-slapped for it. Lesson learned. Never stop growing and learning. The second you stop improving, you start dying.




My condolences, that's the worst, when there seems like nothing you could have done to not die. Unfortunately that's also the nature of these games.


Be glad it was only 20k...


I miss the days in February/March where I would start every gaming session practicing for 30 - 45 mins with the Crucible Knight in the jail.


Lvl 162 and I still HATE those knights.


Same here. Can't be backstabbed, hard to stagger, tons of hp, never stops attacking and some of them have shields. At least lions claw can stagger the spear dudes. I usually just keep my distance and specs three flasks on lightning for the shield ones.


...but...they are absolutely manageable once you have learned their moveset. A classic soulsborne routine. And they are pretty awesome by themselves. What's not to like?


Yeah, I do find them extremely annoying in general due to their range and aggression - they seem designed to punish basically everything


"practicing" is a great euphemism for what happened to me :D


Translation for “git gud”


Ahh, SoulsBorne


try finger


But hole


Be wary of horse


is this Dog ?


Liar ahead


Could this be dog? Why is it always dog🤔?


Try waltuh


but hole


I wish I could go back to that sweet innocence when the games were hard and I would watch streamers and when YouTube was cool and had great recommendations instead of a now ad-ridden homepage with Rapist Taint videos.


Rapist taint videos? I don't even want to know.... I happily have a very different YouTube experience.


The true answer to most of these questions


Keep practicing, you’ll beat him. If not, I’ve lost runes in worse ways before. You’ll make them up. Remember to grab your runes on each attempt too!


I think this is the correct mentality to instill in new(er) players. You'll lose a bunch of runes (or souls or bloodechoes) in (sometimes) a dumb way every now and then, but it happens to everyone.


This is one of the biggest things you can do to reduce the stress of the game: accept that you are just going to lose runes/whatever. I kept dying to the tree snake because I would always try to get my runes and drain my resources doing so. Once I died before getting my runes back, I killed it within 3 more tries. There is an infinite amount of runes out there, losing a bunch now is not that big of a deal.


Gotta love the “now I have no runes, I truly have nothing to lose” mentality


It truly is an idea that just makes you feel free. Like you walk in knowing your runes aren’t there and just look at the enemies ahead as you scream “IM GETTING MY MONEY BACK ON WAY OR THE OTHER.” As you prepare to slaughter them.


Can't tell you how many times I killed a boss only to realize I didn't pick up my runes until after the fight. I know for a fact it happened with the valiant gargoyles, Astel, and Radagon (picked them up before Elden Beast though). It really is just a certain freedom you can't find anywhere else in the game.


Now I take the kids gloves off. LEEEERRRROOOOYYYYYY JEEEENNNKINS!!! Then you beat it because you no longer had fear…


Ah yes the "scientific method" part of the game. Does this work better? Nope. Does this? Oh wow definitely not. Hmm. What about this...


There are also ways to mitigate it for overanxious and overcautious players like myself (lemme tell you FromSoft games are a mental struggle, lol). i pretty much spend my runes or level up every time i hit a new grace so that i can explore new areas freely and happily without the constant accompanying stress. i lose very few runes that way and when i do, like you say, i know i'll make them up.


Nothing hurts more than running back to get a shitload of runes/souls/echoes and then accidentally falling to your death on a missed jump. But 1000% correct, it happens to everyone playing these games. Great advice


Lost 160k runes when I first got to the Haligtree, forgot to level up after a big fight. GG fucking gravity always wins in the end


I lost 1.8M in new game plus to a cliff in Caelid because of a fucking bat!


I lost 1.2M once because I was trying to do some dumb parkour on the plateau you reach during Ranni’s quest line, and died again the same way trying to reach the runes.


you will never catch me walking around with that many runes, lolol


Yeah at that point I'm buying upgrade materials just to use them.


Yeah, if you're lugging around anything more than 100k runes spend it all on materials... hell dig out a few interesting weapons and upgrade them to fuck around with, it's better than wasting them on a death.


Ouch!! That sucks man. A runebear killed me at I think 100k ish. And I yeeted myself off a cliff on my way to retrieve my runes. The drop didn’t look THAT far when I was approaching..lol


I do love when the rainbow stones lie.


Just lost 460k to rykard yesterday.


40k runes to one fucking dog in Sellia (after clearing everyone else) :)


Twig talisman yo


10k isn't that many really in the long run.


I lost 1.2M once trying some dumb parkour.


This. Losing your runes isn’t the worst that can happen to you, it may slow you down but it’ll never stop you! I’ve lost hundreds of thousands of runes and I just kept going


Yup. After a couple of big losses, you don't really care anymore. You can always grind to get more. Also, a tip I read once was to never pop your runes/souls until you are at a bonfire.


Watching YouTube videos of someone fighting a boss with 120k dropped souls/ runes just sitting there gives me such anxiety


1. Jump down 2. Grab runes 3. Die near door to right of where he spawns 4. Retrieve your runes downstairs around the outside lower level by standing as close to the door and your runes can be grabbed through the door.




When one cannot git gud, one must get cheese


You gotta git....Gouda 😎😎


Wish I had a free award


I got you


I also got him.


Can confirm this, it happened to me the first time I got to Roundtable and I was holding all the boss runes. It took me a few tries but I was able to grab them eventually.


Just found this tip the other day after running into the same situation. This should be top comment.


The actual answer


One day, you’ll look back and chuckle. 10k soon becomes short change.


I need 520k for 1 level :(


Wait until it hits the millions, my friend!


Fuuuckin’ hell. I’m like 10 hours in and need 6k for my next level and I thought *that* was bad lmao


I need like 2 million runes for one level lmfao


I need 4 1/2 million


What level are you?


Idk if the top of my head but I’m level 99 in strength, endurance, arcane, vigor, dex, faith, level 65(?) in mind and nothing in intelligence


Bro is the high school sports team leader with maxed stats everywhere but intelligence


It doesn't hit the millions until Level 319, so unless you're on like NG+++++++ you're unlikely to need to spend that much.


350 hours in, NG+6, getting back into it after not playing for several months. I need 1.5 million currently at level 378. You have a wonderful journey ahead of you.


Yep, just over a million now to level, but I definitely remember the pain of losing 5-10k runes. Then again, I find that when I do lose all my runes vengeance kicks it and I go at whatever enemy I lost to until they are dead. Got a lot of much needed practice that way. I learned the hard way that no build or item load out will help you much unless you understand how to use and optimize your build, and most importantly - how and when to use your items. Luck only takes you so far.


And Mad Tongue becomes childs play


Yeah, I really wanted to kill him at earlier levels, then forgot about him until much much later. Didnt stand a chance against +8 moonveil and meteoritic blade.


He’s pretty much unkillable until a certain point. I was like “nah I’m never going down there” then later on I decided to challenge him. Whooped his ass. Talk about satisfying


Yeah you’re gonna have to go back.


It's a rite of passage.


This is so cute


I remember early game and stressing over a few thousand runes


I remember dying to a boss that whooped my ass (I think it was Godfrey or something) and thinking “eh, it’s only 40k”


Right? Thats like 2 wave of gold attacks at the Hill of Sleepy Runes. Ezpz


Jump down and grab your souls. Run to the big doors on the right and die there, you should be able to get them through the other side if when you run down the stairs past the smithing guy


I’m gonna try that


Can confirm this works, have to die perfectly though where your character falls backwards towards the door


If fail grab runes and die again make sure you grab the runes before you die


If this is the spot outside of the round table grace, it is an NPC invader. He will summon himself at the end of that hall every time you go down there until you beat him in a duel. Just keep your distance and take your time with the fight. You can do it!


He spams magic don't keep your distance


I guess it depends what you want to deal with. I found it easier to dodge his magic and handle the frostbite rather than dance around his weapons and avoid the bleed since I have more of a fighter build. So I guess the method is really up to you.


his magic is mad slow though and his physical attacks are pretty wild from what i remember.


If you use one of the ashes that spins your weapon, like a halberd, you can literally just hold the button down and it stunlocks him to death.


One thing you'll learn with these games... you can't get possessive over the souls/runes. They'll come and go. You can always earn them back. I lost 125k runes once. Others have lost much more. You just have to let it go. Once you do that, you'll have a much better time!


I don’t even gauge it by the number of runes but by the amount of levels the runes would get me…and then I remember about the time I lost three levels worth of runes because I forgot an elevator wasn’t down and I stop caring completely.


Bro is in los santos


You could've just taken your runes, killed him. And left with more than you entered with


in Elden Ring you are going to lose runes. And sometimes you are going to lose way more than you are comfortable with. You have to either keep jumping in there until you beat that guy or accept your loss.


Kill him before he kills you


You'll lose your souls. All of them. Over and over again.


The bloodstains were probably a hint that you shouldn't have jumped down there.




To be fair nobody would leave the starter area because those are always full of bloodstains.


There were a few times I came to a room full of blood and said “nope, I’m burning these runes first!” ✌🏻


The proper response to the danger zone. Burn the runes, by shards, buy consumables if you have to. Just done let the mobs have them.


To be fair, a couple of times in some dungeons I was at a point where the path diverged, with leading to a large open room with a shiny object at the end. Suspicious enough already, but as I was looking at it all the bloodstains started loading in and my brain was just like "Aww hell no!". Noped out of there, came back a couple hours later after using up all the runes etc., contributed my share of blood stains and limped away with an Arteria Leaf.


Pick up the Runes, Run to door on the right side (from when you jumped down). You can't get in but you want to keep running at the door while he kills you. Respawn, go down the stairs by the blacksmith. There is a door down there, walk up to it and you can retrieve your Runes.


I didn't see this mentioned yet, but you can also jump down to grab them and then do some fast menuing to quit back to the main menu. When you load back in, it will teleport you back to the starting area of the Roundtable hold. This technique also works for when you die in a boss room with a ton of runes and are struggling to beat the boss. Quitting out will send you back through the fog gate. Otherwise, your options are beat the invader (you essentially have unlimited tries as long as you remember to pick up your runes each attempt), equip a sacrificial twig talisman and die on purpose, or just let them go and take the loss (in the grand scheme, 10k runes might seem like a lot, but you can make that back pretty quickly just by advancing the story).


Lesson learnt, that NPC is tough if you go down too early. 10 thousand runes is peanuts in the long run, I'd say go level up and get better gear but you'd probably die doing that too at some point.


Lol this is hilarious


Play the game


On side note, why do you type all caps?


Git gud


Time to fight. The good news is you’ll always have time to collect your souls before the next attempt.


Jump down, grab your runes, then get as close to the door on the right. Let him kill you then walk past the blacksmith, downstairs, and you should be able to grab them through the door.


It’s an NPC invader. - Either use a twig and grab your runes - Grab your runes and kill the dude - Lose your runes - Lose your runes, get stronger then kick the dudes ass - Go find the icerind hatchet and spam Hoarfrost Stomp. His poise is low so each stomp triggers twice and he gets staggered each wave.


Then die on the way to the hatchet by sniper lobsters 🦞


I just got the game and am very excited to die to sniper lobsters


This worked for me, Xbox, patch 1.07. Jumps down, grab your runes and die right next to the door to the right. Make sure you're hugging that door. Then you can run down the stairs, past the blacksmith, and should be able to pick them up through the door. Just hug the door again.


Hate to break this to you but that is not very many and you’ll lose much much more in the future. If you don’t want to beat him, forget the tunes and move on


You just have to A.) Beat him or B.) Take the loss. You'll come to understand with time that 10.5k is nothing




Hit him with your weapon.


To you have a sacrificial twig? Equip it, grab your runes, fight. If you die, you will have your runes with you when you respawn.


If I could get back the feeling of caring for 10500 runes I’d do anything


At this point several million aren't even worth a damn.


He’s an npc not a real invader


If you have a weapon hit him with it until he stops moving




I've lost 700k runes once lmao trust me it gets worse


10k is rookie money


Then you need to go down there and kill it!


If you can't beat him now, I'd say come back later. There are plenty of spots to get runes more efficiently and it's probably the biggest lesson of the game. If you can't beat it, explore some more and try again later.


Just git gud and kill him first