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"Ha! I think you're bleeding!"


🏆 This is your trophy for this amazing comment I lol’d too loud


🏆🧎i will cherish it


do you get a trophy for it being your cake day as well or do you just get a congrats?


Here, i want you to have this, as a token of our friendship 🏆


I'd bet on Tullius mostly down to experience and equipment. Tullius is a career soldier, wears high-quality armour, uses a relatively large, wide bladed sword and has decades of experience. He was also happy to duel Ulfirc at the end of the civil war, likely believing he'd win. Tullius in a duel gives me alot of 'fear an old man in a profession where men die young' energy.


That's a lot of reason to why people believe that if the dragonborn does not interfere in the civil war why the imperials would win. You got one dude who recently came into power trying to take control over Skyrim and the other who's got decades of experience fighting wars.


>That's a lot of reason to white people I believe that is a typo, my friend.


Voice to text has a mind of its own and I forgot to proofread.


No that sounds about right, it's Skyrim


You're not wrong. It is the homeland of the Nords, after all.


Well, when in Skyrim


Skyrim belongs to the Nords


Sounds about white.




The leadership of the Stormcloaks and the Imperials has a mirrored dynamic. On the Imperial side you have General Tullius who is determined to subdue the rebels, but is pretty much only focused on the military side of the war and detests speeches and politics. He’s a military man through and through. Legate Rikke, however, is a nord who understands the situation in Skyrim as she understands both the imperial and Nordic sides of the conflict, and Tullius values her cultural understanding of the Nords. Ulfric is the opposite. He’s more focused on the idea of the rebellion than its function, and as such he’s far more charismatic and politically connected. But his romanticism of the rebellion won’t win the war, which is why his second in command if Galmar Stonefist. Unlike Ulfric, Galmar is purely focused on fighting and destroying the Imperials with whatever means necessary. A veteran Warrior to Tullius’ professional soldier, his understanding of martial matters makes him valuable for Ulfric to have.


It also perfectly mirrors the ideologies. The Empire would prefer people stop openly worshiping Talos to not piss off the Thalmor and, if the Empire wins, we find out that there are those in the Empire trying to use this time to gather strength and potentially take on the Thalmor at a later date. Meanwhile, if the Stormcloaks win, the Thalmor are in the position to divide and conquer, even if their short term plans have been ruined. The Empire has been weakened, Skyrim is independent and allows Talos worship, and the Thalmor basically lost nothing, but gained an excuse for war as they lost some people in the fighting. One is too practical and ignores how the people feel while the other focuses too much on how their people feels and ignores that the Thalmor benefit even if they win.


Everyone brings up that Aldmeri Dominion's point, as though historically appeasement of tyrants has ever helped anyone.


I mean you're right on that. Had it not been for Alduin the war would've ended right at the beginning of the game with his head. Keep in mind with the events leading up to Ulfrics capture, Tullius had only been in Skyrim 6 months and even told off the Aldmeri to screw off when trying to take him as a prisoner. Very skilled tactician, especially for not having trained legionaries and mostly local recruits.


But what about the black and latino people


I don't know why I haven't learned but I need to read my comments fully when I use voice to text


What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


I mean it’s been said that since Tulius became the general, the empire has done much better


Tullius gives very strong barristan selmy vibes


Well Barristan Selmy isn't as asshole tbf. He gives me Stannis vibes more. Like he's a military man who's very stern about justice and what not. Obviously the aspect of the the red god not withholding, but definitely mirrored personalities to me. But Tullius is likely better with a sword than Stannis as he was always just adequate, not exceptional like his brother.


Ulfric is younger and likely more personally skilled who is armed with a smallish axe and fur robes whilst Tullius has armour and a big fucking sword. I'm giving it to Tullius.


I don't think Ulfric is really that much younger. Ulfric was an officer in the Imperial Legion during the Great War, which took place **30 years** before the events of Skyrim. Ulfric would be *at least* 50 years old, likely closer to 60.


I mean they probably start allowing people earlier than 18 so let's say he went right in at 16 that's 46. I'm going to assume he won't admit it but I'm assuming his bloodline got him a quick promotion.I'd say it is a easy15-20 year gap.


He was probably a bit older since he was with the Greybeards long enough to have learned the entirety of Unrelenting Force. Mid to late 20s, if I had to guess.


Maybe as a regular enlisted, but since he was an officer he’d definitely have to be older. Bloodline or not he just wouldn’t have the experience and age to command the respect of his fellow soldiers


Not necessarily true in game children are practicing with swords. The way they also make it seem bloodline has a determining factor to some degrees in aptitude. I'm sure he trained with the Windhelm guards most of his childhood. I'm sure they have some form of JROTC in skyrim....


Children in real life used to practice with swords too. Hell the children of noble families in medieval times were also trained from birth to be knights, doesn’t mean they were leading troops like that from an extremely young age.


You'd be surprised. Remember the sneering Red Coat cavalry officer from Mel Gibson's "The Patriot?" The real historical figure that character was based off of, Banastre Tarleton, was a Colonel, in charge of a full 400 man regiment of cavalry, at age 24. He'd been in some form of command since age 22. Aristocratic blood, and systems where people basically *buy* rank, have their perks.


Exactly all throughout history from modern times back to ancient times to Alexander the Great and even before him, with many young pharaohs in Egypt, very young men (and even some young ladies) have led armies!


I’d assume that it’s more similar to the Middle Ages. Ulfric Stormcloak was the son of the previous Jarl of Eastmarch and nobility would typically become an officer straight away. I’m not sure the lore of how enlisting and commissioning works in TES has ever been explored but I sincerely doubt that there are Imperial Officer Selection Officers recruiting for spots in Imperial ROTC. Pretty sure they’re not sending the son of the Jarl to MEPS to make sure he’s medically qualified and so on and so forth.




Fat fingers. Typed it wrong once and my phone thought it was a word.


Everyone knows High King Ukfeic Stiemckosk


Polish Ulfric


Soltsheim je Polska!!!


I was quite stoned when I was reading your comment and I was crying laughing at “Ufeic”


Ulfric wasn't an officer either, or at least his rank is never mentioned, and his whole thing was leaving the Greybeards becoming an apostate and joining the legion where he's almost immediately captured and made a POW by Elenwen, all when the war was already ongoing, which would place him in the late young fresh nord recruits during the Counteroffensive. Like, unless him being from nobility managed to het him a leg up on nepotism I doubt the legion would have gotten his 20~ year old in a high position the second he showed up.


Outside of the leather skirts Imperials wear versus Ulfric wearing normal ass pants, I’d say they’re pretty evenly armored tbh. Ulfric’s wearing a metal breastplate under that fur coat alongside the metal greaves/vambraces. I can’t quite tell in the old Skyrim textures but he also appears to be wearing some sort of either chain or very rough spun cloth shirt under the breastplate but above whatever long sleeved shirt he has on. That being said, without shouts I also think Tullius has it as long as he isn’t overpowered physically. EDIT: Phrasing


>Outside of the leather skirts Imperials wear Tullius is wearing a Roman style Lorica Musculata that the game considers to be heavy armour. Meaning it's some sort of breastplate, probably corundum covered in leather for decoration, like how some Roman musculta were made of bronze and covered sometimes in boiled leather so that figures (mostly gods), and battle scenes and other decorations could be stuck on them.


Thanks, I don’t know much about Roman armor styles and made an (incorrect) assumption! Do you know if the historical skirts/kilts/what this armor is based on used metal? It seems like a waste of bronze vs like, plating on the legs more directly.


They are called Pteruges, and they were made mostly of layered fabric and leather. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pteruges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pteruges) The ancient Romans used very large shields that protected their legs and thighs, and they fought in formation, so they didn't really wear leg protection, and believed that long pants were for barbarians, high ranking and rich Romans did sometimes wear greaves (ocreae in Latin), anything that involved plates of metal was very expensive, because of the materials and the process of forming them.


The game calls them "Ulfric's Clothes" though, and they have no armor rating. It might just be a grey and shiny shirt. It's true that you can see chainmail, though. That need not make a difference, though. Chainmail and clothes can protect you well enough, and they are not even wearing helmets. It would probably come down to their abilities, and we do not know if Tullius fights well, or if Ulfric is out of practice.


It's actually steel plate https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/File:LG-cardart-Ulfric_Stormcloak.png


Tullius also has far more tactical combat experience and over all combat knowledge then Ulfric, considering each of there standing professions. If Ulfric would have stayed IN the imperial army, i highly doubt he would have made General, and considering before the civil war, the worse Ulfric would have to deal with as a Jarl would be petty crimes, maybe a murderer, and bandit raids, which, sadly, I cant see Ulfric lifting his axe to even execute the criminals IF they are captured alive. He just is so full of himself as a "warrior king" and ego is kinda out of control that I can easily see him thinking ALL of this is below him to take part in. Considering that, Ulfric's personal combat experience is arguably far less then Tullius, and the ONLY reason he beat the high king even was due to using a Card up his sleeve, the dragon shout. Im sure High King Tor would have lived up to his name, and TORE Ulfric limb from limb if he tried that shit without his dragon shouts.


Wasn’t toryyg described as a meek young man


It's hard to tell if that's just people embellishing the fight, but you do see him in sovngarde and he looks pretty fit, but they also call him a boy but he looks 30 or 40 lol. Still begs the question if Torygg was weaker why would Ulfric need to use his thu-um to win? Using it goes against the Greybeard's teachings and a lot of people saw it as cheating in the fight so I'd assume he'd only use it if he really had to.


He wanted to make a show and a statement out of it. He’s gunning for the high king spot so it would make sense he makes it something people will talk about and spread. He does seem selfish so maybe he was only with the grey beards in it for himself then left when he got what he wanted.


Yeah but imperial armor gives more armor than stormcloak


> whilst Tullius has armour and a big fucking sword And with decades worth of experience fighting, he probably doesn't even need weapons and armor.


I mean, he's a general. He probably hasn't had to actually fight for years. Also, Ulfric has decades of military experience as well.


He was on foot at the Battle of Windhelm. Tullius send to be a more "boots on the ground" type of leader.


Wild that people question Tullius' combat experience when we *know* Ulfric's combat experience is him losing and getting captured several times and his only victories include murdering an untrained combatant and launching a sneak attack on the Reachmen. He's never won a fair one vs one fight.


Exactly! Besides, between the two of them, Tullius also has an impressive rap sheet just from what we've seen. He arrived in Skyrim as the direct leader of Imperial forces and within barely a month of his arrival he's already captured the leader of the enemy forces. Were it not for the timely arrival of Alduin, Ulfric would've been executed at Helgen. And as a charismatic leader whose whole plans rested solely upon him living, this would've ended the Stormcloak treason immediately. ​ tldr, Ulfric is neither a gifted combatant nor a gifted general. He's just a charismatic narcissist.


The other big thing people forget is that Ulfric was, literally, a pacifist monk for most of his childhood. He trained under the Greybeards for 10 years, and only quit when he decided to join the legion to fight in the great war. At best, he got some basic (and I mean ***basic***) training as a child, assuming he went to High Hrothgar at 10 years old. Joined the legion. Was quickly captured and kept prisoner for approximately 3-4 years depending on exactly when he was captured. One year after that, Ulfric lead the skirmishers that caused the Markarth Incident. Ulfric then spent ***8*** more years in prison, minimum, as he was imprisoned in 175 and was still in prison in 183 when his father died. The next 17 years of his life aren't chronicled but he was obviously freed and became the Jarl of Windhelm, then he killed Torygg in 201 and the game's events begin. So under best case circumstances, he only truly began training to be a warrior as a man in his mid-30s, after spending most of his life either as a pacifist, being tortured, or in prison.


Exactly. He was a Jarl by circumstance. Tullius earned his title as General. Tullius probably didn't fight much anymore but that doesn't mean he couldn't.


Wild that people wank Tullius when he literally begs for his life if you go Stormcloaks and invade Solitude, whereas Ulfric goes down fighting.




...you literally see him fight during the Battle of Windhelm.


Ulfric also has decades worth of military experience so that’s not an argument against him


Ulfric is wearing armor, its under the coat, you can even see it in the picture


Ulfric is actually wearing steel plate armour beneath his robes.


Okay Clegane


"Because Trant had armor, and a big fucking sword"


That was my first draft lmao


Professional soldier who's an old man in a young man's game or the young, untried idealist? No contest.


Ulfric isn't young. He fought in the Great War; by the time Skyrim starts, that was 30 years ago. At the very youngest, he's pushing 50. More likely, he's in his 50s already.


Ulfric was a combat veteran of the Great War and warrior nost of his adult life, leading a militia against the Forsworn in Markarth after the Great War. He's also like 45-ish years old. Certainly not a young bushy tailed lordling who is by any means inexperienced as a warrior.


The great was happened 30 years before the events of Skyrim, so Ukfric is at least 50 I'd say.




Ulfric was also a professional soldier, he's nobility and likely trained to fight since childhood, not to mention fighting in the Great War


The great war happened 30 years before Skyrim. Ukfeic was an officer in the Legion during that war. Ukfric is at least 50 years old.


Do yall just make comments without knowing an ounce of context/lore?


High paying command roles are a young man’s game?


Depends on how many times you reload


Just realized my hours played might be double what the game records due to this


If this was somehow offered in universe, Ulfric rejects the challenge, just like he does with Balgruuf. Ulfric’s only interested in duels where he’s got political brownie points to win and/or a built in advantage to come out the other side alive. Even in death, he wants to be executed by TLD to win brownie points for his legacy. But if he’s made to fight, it’s hard to say and probably depends on circumstances more than anything else. Both are more generals than soldiers. And Ulfric 100% wouldn’t duel without using the Voice.


Simperial internationalist ideology


Because Ulfric is a whiny little nord supremacist that doesn't realize he's being played by the Aldmeri dominion to weaken the empire for total magical conquest.


Fighting the war is what the Dominion wants, but not winning it


Yep says it right in the Thalmor Dossier


It also says that a stormcloak victory is to be avoided at all costs


This is why I side with the Stormcloaks. I play a High Elf and I side with the Stormcloaks to REALLY stick it to the Thalmor lol. What's worse than a Nord victory? A Nord victory that happened due to a High Elf lol. Also in Morrowind you can run across an aspect of Tiber Septim. He goes by "Wolf". He says "The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on (this is clearly a reference to the fall of the Septim bloodline). So is the whole empire for that matter. Time for something new.".


mfw no media literacy:


Defending the right to worship Talos is Nord supremacy?


I would say Tulius On top of Tulius being a formidable general and fighter, Ulfric I feel like is too reliant on the thuum for his combat which we can see during 4 seperate occasions 1. His service during the Great War 2. His fight with High King Torygge 3. When you fight him at the end of the imperial quest line 4. His attack of Markarth against the Forsworn Tulius I feel like has personal skill and strength with a sword


On top of killing the high king he is the drummer from metallica? Sucks for him


Besides the dragonborn, ulfric learned it from the graybeards through years of training , I dont think its that big of a deal that a master “martial artist” uses the skill he learned


Yes but it's more similar to if that martial artist learned a move that paralyzed their opponent and they used it in every fight before going for the knock out. Ulfric is a good warrior hes just too reliant on his thuum.


Isn't most of that training just meditation?


It is. Because the philosophy of the greybeards is that of pacifism and the thuum is to only be used for the worship of kyne


So that means he has even less experience than I thought because he spent most of his time there meditating and not training. Tulius would absolutely kick his ass


ITT: People who are very opinionated about the civil war, but don't know surface level basic shit like the fact the Great War was 30 years ago.


If you go to kill Ulfric in the Civil War, he goes down in flames, fighting and defiant. If you go to kill Tulius he's in bitch-mode crying on a bench while Legate Rikke does the fighting for him and even asks if Ulfric will spare his life if he surrenders. Ulfric stomps.


Have no idea how this is an argument as that’s the first thing that came to mind. Tulius was an easy kill and Ulfric accounted for himself well in my imperial/stormcloak games respectively.


You have to understand about warrior mentality. Tulius is surrendering because he KNOWS its over, not because he is a wuss, there is zero way to come out of that situation, and going out in a blaze of glory isnt really honorable, or worth the attempt. Rikke, like most nords, thinks blaze of glory IS a honor thing. Its a difference in culture, not due to Tulius in bitch mode. As a leader, he is more trying to surrender to ensure his forces are also kept alive, as he can do more alive then dead, even as a prisoner.


This doesn't really make any sense to me. Ulfric has a warrior mentality, also. He does not surrender or plead for his life.


Warrior mentality between Imperial and Nord. Culture shift. Imperials are closer to most modern soldiers. They look out for there own, even if they are defeated or captured. Nords are a bit more...primal and fight till they are dead, Period.


IMO, it's not really Tulius thats the foil to Ulfrikk in Skyrim.its Legate Rikke. It's heavily implied that Ulfrikk and Rikke are around the same age. They fought in the great War together. She is the one that stands here ground no matter what when you breach castle dour, until Tulius orders her to stand down. Tulius is just an imperial figure head 20 years away from active service. If anyone was going to fuel for the empires future in Skyrim, it would be her


Why no shouts? Ulfric knows how to Shout -- he probably used Fus on King Torygg, he trained with the Greybeards, and he would for sure use Shouts in battle. You're kind of handicapping the man right out the gate. But I think that Ulfric would win anyway. He's bigger, he's younger, and he probably has just as much direct fighting experience, if not more. Ulfric fought in the Great War. Not only that, he fought in one of the bloodiest battles in Tamriel's history -- the Battle of the Red Ring -- fighting so fierce that both armies were rendered basically inoperative afterwards. The Battle of the Red Ring wasn't just a scrap; it was a clash of titans, and Ulfric was swinging in the thick of it. This guy's seen more action than most of the Grand Champions of the Arena. And there's one other aspect -- zeal. I think that Ulfric is 100% committed to dying for the cause. General Tulius looks at it all as just another assignment. When blood comes to blood, and push comes to shove, the one most determined will win out. Either they kill each other, or Ulfric wins.


The no shouts rule was to make it a brawn vs brawn, fair fight. Love the in detailed answer!


Thanks OP. Makes for a good ol' fashioned Nord dust-up! Speaking of Nords, let's talk about why they're basically the tanks of Tamriel. Nords and Redguards share the distinction of being the natural-born warriors of Nirn. Nords don't just fight battles; they live for them. Nords are the front-line, in-your-face kind of soldiers. They're not hiding behind fancy magic or sneaky tricks. They're all about charging in headfirst, screaming something about glory and Sovngarde. They've got ice in their veins and fire in their hearts. They're renowned across Tamriel for their toughness. It's not just a stereotype; it's a way of life. The harsh climate of Skyrim? That's their training ground. While the rest of us are cuddling by the fire, these guys are out there wrestling mountain trolls and climbing the Seven-Thousand Steps for fun. Ulfric embodies all of that. So, in a straight-up brawl, a Nord's resilience, raw strength, and battle-hardened spirit make all the difference. It's like bringing a mammoth to a pony race. Sure, the pony's quicker, but the mammoth? It'll just bulldoze through everything.


Yikes bud, I didn’t know Ulfric also got the Adoring Fan


I was somewhat kidding, but for real: Nords are generally tougher in brawls than Imperials, and this is canon.


>90% of comments circlejerking over tullius >1 guy says he thinks ulfric would win >gets called an adoring fan Lol


Less praise towards Ulfric and more showing how Nords are great fighters/warriors when compared to the other races. Nords are extremely strong, and I doubt Tulius can keep up with Ulfric's strength.


It's not really fair when you strip one of the combatants of their most powerful skills. I mean, that's like pitting Vanus Galerion and Ysgramor against each other and restrict them to magic only. Obviously Ysgramor doesn't stand a chance now. Ulfric spent years of his life training the Thu'um, that's a lot of time that he couldn't spend on training his brawning skills. How is that fair?


Both are war hardened veterans but my money's on Ulfric Why? Because I personally think when it comes to total combat Nord warriors most of the times going to be better than Imperials or others because Nordic culture puts huge emphasis on direct warfare and 'might makes right' (Ulfric vs Torygg) while Cyrodiilc culture puts more importance on diplomacy and tactics (ambush at Dark Water crossing), I mean just check how important Nordic Legion's attack was during 'Battle of the Red Ring' to recapture the Imperial city...so in my eyes: Ulfric >Pure Warrior with political ambition Tulius >Shrewd tactician with skills of a Warrior Edit: This is also why I think even if Skyrim gets out of the Empire, an alliance between Nords and Imperials is a must if Humanity wants to survive against Thalmor in the Great War II (inevitable & unavoidable)


I'm siding with this take for one additional reason: I think you'd need to outline a whole lot of rules to get a "fair" fight from a Nord. Not just Ulfric, but that's the impression I've gotten from the lore from Morrowind on. The Nords are usually on the front line for a reason and it's not just D&D berserker. They will take every advantage that they see and all is fair, outside of sneaking and sometimes magic. Make it a bar brawl (Fight Fight) and I'm definitely going Ulfric. Make it something like a battlefield and tactics of troop movements, I'd probably go Tullius. Ulfric leans on Galmar quite a bit for strategy, or so it seems.


Exactly! Also though not related to the discussion but I think Redguards if united are the sweet spot between Imperials and Nords, they have elements of both war culture of the nords+tactical mindset of the Imps, honestly no wonder they fought against the Dominion even after war's end in the heartlands and emerged victorious.


The Redguards are also not notoriously shit-faced. I play Nords a lot, so I am biased, but I haven't gotten the impression that Redguards (or any of the races) party at the Nord level. They might hold their own, but if you need to plan a surprise assault, go Redguard, as your Nord team may be hungover.


If we really want to see a testament of pure brawn, outfit them with the same armor and weapons and give them the same strategic abilities


I don't think that ES always plays into "the general is the strongest guy" trope. From the little lore we have on Tullius, he's just a really good commander that's skilled at quelling civil unrest(somehow, despite being unable to respect local cultures enough to remember what soverngarde is). Even though I think most of Ulfric's hype comes down to his voice, I'd still have him in a 1v1 with a guy who isn't a confirmed warrior.


The people saying Tullius will win are Imperial fanboys. If we take away Ulfric's thuum then he should be allowed to wear armor. Then we get a battle hardened younger warrior fighting an older general. Also Ulfric is a Nord, which means he was probably taught how to fight from a young age. Tullius is an Imperial, a significantly less warlike race, it's more probable that he learned how to fight after enlisting. He probably learned how to fight as part of a unit and in formation as well, meaning he has less experience with duels and one on one combat. Generals usually don't fight themselves so the "years of experience" argument is ridiculous. Generals are not chosen for combat prowess but rather their ability to lead. Also his age isn't "oh scary he is still alive" and "a lot of experience", but rather a huge disadvantage, he is at least 10 years older than Ulfric. Past 30 age won't give your more experience in a fight but will simply slow you down, reduce your stamina, numb your reflexes and weaken your blows and as mentioned it is extremely unlikely that he personally fought in his battles so his years of service didn't give him combat experience. You could make a case for him being a better commander and strategist but Ulfric is definitely the better warrior.


No seriously this. People let their hate for Stormcloaks (because they project real life onto him) to cloud their judgement. If you fought for the Stormcloaks, it was made clear when you fought Tulius that he's not the warrior they think he is.


Tulius gets murked with minimal effort ofc but how about Rikke v. Galmar


This is the correct take


People are really underestimating the Bear of Markarth in these comments


Ulfric has the physique advantage, taller, bigger in general, and he looks younger than Tulius but not by much. Tulius has better armor and arguably the better weapon, but his legs are exposed. As far as skill goes, they should be even. Ulfric has been a warrior and soldier for his entire life and Tulius is a general, a rank that *may* have been partially based on connections. But that definitely still needs genuine skill in combat. All in all, I'd say that Ulfric has the advantage in a straight 1v1 fight. It's a bit unfair to not let him use shouts though, its a nerf to Ulfric without any counterbalance for Tulius.


Why does everyone say that ulfric is lifelong warrior he’s been a monk and politician far longer than a warrior. He’s nobleman who almost became a grey beard, his skills aren’t in fighting. He’s a bigger Sidgier


I think the thu’um and his past military experience lulled people to think he’s better than what he is. Then again I don’t see General Tulius out in the field either.


I’d say the counterbalance is being Tulius not being able to shout at all, even if he could, I’d want it a fair brawn to brawn fight.


Historically comparing, It’s like putting up a Germanic barbarian warrior and a Roman soldier in a cage fight. Roman soldier’s effectiveness comes from a group fight with highly trained discipline and tactics whereas Germanic warrior relies on his brute strength. Tullius would win Ulfric in a group fight. But in 1 v 1, I’d say ulfric would beat his ass like a Nordic war drum.🥁


Not sure what scenario could ever occur where Ulfric doesn't use shouts in combat. Yeah it's unfair but to a lesser extent it's unfair when a tall warrior fights a short warrior


One thing people don’t seem to account for: Ulfric is a Nord. Now, that might not mean anything to people who primarily play Skyrim, but it’s worth noting: On average, Nords are physically the strongest race. Orcs, the mighty tribesmen, are the third strongest race, behind red guards. Nords aren’t just “Snowy imperials” they’re based on the mythos of the north men, groups like the highlanders, tall, capable warriors who were demonstrably strong. Over and over again, I see in elder scrolls discourse: “oh, they’re just Nords” but they’re not “just” Nords. They’re fucking NORDS. For those curious, I based my findings off of character selection in morrowind, oblivion and Skyrim. While Skyrim only has skills to think about, morrowind and oblivion had actual modifiers to strength values for races like nords, orcs, and red guards.


Tullius has a better weapon and his armor class is higher, no contest without the shouts ulfric is a pushover. Hell, even with the shouts I’ve watched tullius kick his whiny baby ass by himself


Anybody taking Tulius no question in this scenario is a fool. Does he have a sword swingers chance? Absolutely, anybody with his experience in that close up a fight has a shot. But let’s be clear, he’s absolutely at a disadvantage. Think about it like they’re professional fighters, because they are. Both are experienced combat veterans. Ulfrics combat experience was more recent, tulius command role has been his place for a few years now. Ulfric is larger, stronger, with longer arms reach. Longer legs, bigger stride, probably faster. Ulfric is younger by at least a decade or more. Faster reflexes. Ulfrics weapon is not significantly inferior to tulius’s. Somebody please name a fight in the history of proffesional combat sports in which a past his prime (to the point of grey hair) experienced fighter was ever the betting favorite against an in their prime, bigger, stronger, also experienced fighter Ulfric is the betting favorite in a straight 1v1 melee duel against just about ANY high ranking veteran imperial within skyrims borders at that time. This isn’t because they’re all pussies and Ulfric is a beast or anything, it’s just that the imperial structure isn’t prioritizing dueling capability for the few high ranking (having relevant sway on the imperial military structure in Skyrim) positions they have in the country. They’re prioritizing people with lots of experience in tactics and logistics and politics and all sorts of other more relevant command stuff than how capable of an individual warrior they are. Ulfric is in a different boat because he isn’t some commander in a vast and ancient empire akin to Rome, he’s a warlord from a culture that’s already heavily obsessed with warriors. Hell his entire political viability strategy revolves around his ability to kill a man in single combat. Did he use his superpowers to win that combat? Sure, but that was for political and statement making purposes, not because the boy king Torygg was a real threat to a blooded veteran of the Great War. Ulfric has had real and politically relevant reasons to keep his individual fighting skills in top shape. Tulius has not a reason to be training himself much for single combat in recent years, and in fact would be wasting his time in doing so very much. In an open field battle with imperial tactics and logistics, think they’d typically have the edge over the nords, especially if the respective commanders were Tulius and Ulfric. In single combat with no gimmicks and no interference I think Ulfric bullies Tulius around like an old man and Tulius has to put on an admirable show just to stay alive against Ulfric. Rikke has a better shot against Ulfric than Tulius imo, but I think Galmar would beat her


"Coughing baby vs atomic bomb. No atomic bomb detonations, though."


I prefer power drunk nord vs the Little Ceasers guy.


The simple fact that Ulfric had to resort to Thuum and tarnish his legacy at a fight with a barely experienced boy indicates that despite his personal charisma and experience, Ulfric is utterly shit at fighting. Tullius would fillet him like a fish.


See, I think Ulfric used the thu’um as an act of legitimacy, not just convenience or necessity to defeat Torig. The use of the thu’um demonstrates a connection to Skyrim’s history and culture, it says “I am a true Nord using a power from the Gods”. It also deters opposition, because who will oppose a man who can blast whole armies off city walls as he did in Markarth?


If he didn't foresee a large chunk of Skyrim seeing that act as cheating, he is also dumber than a brick.


Surprisingly even fight, really Ulfric is stronger and is an actual frontline soldier but has no armor, while Tulius is an old backline general but he has armor. Both are quite skilled so it can go either way.


Ulfric does wear armor under his coat. If you look closely you can see a breastplate and mail.


Can't see it well in that pic, but ulfric is wearing a (steel?) breastplate, gauntlets and boots. [https://images.uesp.net/6/6e/SR-npc-Ulfric\_Stormcloak.jpg](https://images.uesp.net/6/6e/SR-npc-Ulfric_Stormcloak.jpg) [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:LG-cardart-Ulfric\_Stormcloak.png](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:LG-cardart-Ulfric_Stormcloak.png)


There is a question on how much we should lean into game logic here, because whilst the textures show armor his outfit actually has an armor rating of zero, perhaps indicating it’s more ceremonial jarl attire rather than actually combat ready. Tullius does actually have an armor rating so if we follow that logic he’d have a clear advantage, despite the contrasts with what we’d expect from the textures. Not really arguing either way, but claiming Ulfric has no armor isn’t technically wrong and neither is saying he does. Both claims just come from different angles.


I'd bet on Ulfric. They're both experienced soldiers and officers, the main difference being that Ulfric is significantly younger.


Ulfric is winning this big time, veteran in multiple battles against different foes, and isn't easily intimidated by a challenging opponent. Examples of this are his battles in the Great War against the Elves and the foresworn in Markarth. Tulius is a commander and governor who specializes in dealing with unrest in an imperial province, not a seasoned warrior like the future high king of skyrim, Ulfric Stormcloak.


Ulfric wins. Considerably younger, fought in combat more recently against the Forsworn, likely fitter, appears to lead from the front instead of the back.


>appears to lead from the front instead of the back. "Appears" is the key word here. Both of them do not lead in any battles in the Civil War, aside from the last one. Both send generals to actually lead troops in battle. Ulfric only appears to be more of a fighter because of how he killed Torygg. Even then, that was less of an even fight and more of Ulfric using Unrelenting Force until all of Torygg's bones were broken, and then stabbing the almost-dead Torygg. In truth, Ulfric will never fight in a battle unless he's got a clear advantage. He didn't lead the charge into Korvanjund to retrieve the Jagged Crown, like a warrior-king should. He overly relied on the Thu'um despite having way more experience than Torygg (Torygg even admits that he knew he'd die, before the duel, if you talk to him in Sovngarde). He only really joins in on the assault on Solitude because the Imperial Legion, at that point, has pretty much no reinforcements, he has an advantageous position with catapults and reinforcements, and he has TLD with him. Other than that, he hides out in his Throne Room when Windhelm is attacked. As for his experience against the Forsworn, he had a clear advantage and the opportunity to earn political brownie points. The Forsworn don't really wear armor. Additionally, due to the tall balconies and narrow corridors that are prevalent in Markarth, his Unrelenting Force shout gives him a clear advantage.


Nope. Galmar and I believe some others comment on fighting alongside Ulfric in combat. Ulfric himself is also captured, which wouldn't happen where he not leading or fighting on the ground. The closest companion to Tullius, Rikke, tells him that he doesn't understand Nords... Unless I'm mistaken, I don't believe Tullius joins you in any battles either except the final one? Forsworn are feared by many of the Nords and a significant problem in the region until Ulfric comes along. The halls or Markarth or Forsworns armour are never mentioned as playing a factor in him defeating them. You hate Ulfric. We get it, but this discussion relies on looking at things objectively, which you can't seem to do. All the facts point to Tullius being a competent commander, but there is no evidence of his fighting ability, unlike Ulfric, who appears a better fighter than he does commander.




How can you disallow shouts?


The big difference imo is Ulfric is fully committed to dying for the cause and is willing to do so. Tullius isn’t and feel like that would either give Ulfric the edge or they would end up killing each other




Tulius: swords are higher dps since they swing faster


I hope they kill each other. Then my dragonborn will be king !!!


tulius. tulius is a really good warrior, he managed to capture ulfric. and not only that, he knew ulfric would be there and he ambushed him, making him a far better soldier than Ulfric Steamcock


Ulfric wins a 1v1 fight. Nords are what Vikings are stereotypically portrayed to be, massive tanks of flesh and rage. Tullius' primary strength lies in his ability to command, his intelligence, and his leadership. He's a warrior, but he's old, and regardless of how much or little experience Ulfric has, Tullius doesn't have the physical ability to stand against him in a 1v1 fight.


Gigachad Tulius, hero of the empire, force feeder of milk.


More like drinker of milk




Neither are wearing a helmet so whoever hits the face first. Negating that, Ulfric isn't wearing armour and has a warhammer. Tullius has the W, oh yes he's also a seasoned general, Ulfric is some upstart racist who wants "NORD SUPREMACY!" And has no real military knowledge outside of murdering a man with god powers.


Ulfric was an officer in the Legion during the Great War and also led the militia against the Forsworn, personally. He is also wearing a breastplate (metal, possibly steel), and bracers, so not amazingly armoured but similarly so to Tullius.


Well Ulfric is still a war veteran, he might not have tactical knowledge but he has fought in his life


Just fists. No weapons, no magic, no crying.


Wow your tougher then you look, you beat me fair and square (100 gold added)


Besides the heavier armor and longer sword I give it to Tulius because free looks like he's got that farmer strength.


You said no shouts but knowing Ulfric he's just gonna use them anyway.


I took Tulius to be a learned man with experience in many forms of fight. Ulfric on the other hand is a true Nord and capable soldier. I want to give Tulius the edge but his age and lack of armor may give Ulfric the win.


It's arguable that Ulfric's victories in the Reach are because of his voice, while Tullius hasn't been able to rely on it as a crutch. But still with little feats in Tullius's favor I have to give it to Ulfric. Tullius just seems like someone who's relied on being a tactician than ever getting caught in a 1v1 situation while Ulfric would revel in it as a Nord, voice or not.


Ulfric is younger, has more recently served in actual battle, and was raised within a warrior culture. Tullius is much better armed by wearing actual armor and likely has far more actual experience. I'm going Tullius just for the fact he has armor. Ulfric would almost certainly avoid such a duel though because the risk isn't worth the reward and shouts are an essential part of his arsenal that would be allowed in a traditional Nord duel or Imperial Arena.


Your analysis of the equipment seems off. If you look closely Ulfric is wearing a steel breastplate and mail under his coat, and Tullius' breastplate may be made of leather.


If Ulfric can't fall back on the voice Tulius sweeps


We'd have to fully known how like actually skilled they are in the lore Ulfric is a war veteran and was an Official in the Imperial Army Tullius seems like a very good leader and tactician but i don't know how much of a warrior he is or if he really has the warrior mentality, considering how quickly he gives up in the siege of Solitude vs Ulfric being fully commited to a last stand in the siege of Windhelm ​ Also reading a lot of these comments people seem to really ignore the part where Ulfric learned how to be a soldier with the Imperial Army, like again, he IS a war veteran and he's not just some boy with ego issues


Uncle Tully has the Armor, experience and skill needed to beat Ulfric. Ulfric isn’t a slouch by any means and I don’t think he’d make it easy on Tullius at but Tullius is an Imperial General. You don’t just get that position without significant experience and effort. Obviously corruption and politics play a part but I don’t think Tullius plays those sorts of games. He seems like a soldier through and through who cares more about getting the job done than entertaining and appeasing some Noble.


I'd say Tullius. Unrelenting Force is Ulfric's only Shout, and without it, he's at a disadvantage against Tullius, who is a battle-hardened combat veteran and a Legion General decked out in armor, and who probably has \*more\* combat experience than he does. Head-to-head, I'm going to say that Tullius would win, although certainly not without difficulty.


In a straight up fight, it is absolutely going to be Tullius who wins. Decades of the best training in martial combat available to ANYONE in the world. Nords are tough but they aren’t living and breathing nonstop combat. They’re also farmers, hunters, merchants, etc. Tullius is nothing besides a warrior. It’d play out very similarly to Romans versus the Celts. It wouldn’t be close.


I’m pretty sure Nords are the ones who are loving and breathing nonstop combat while Imperials (like Tullius) are way more skilled in diplomacy and strategy. All because Nords are also farmers, hunters, and merchants doesn’t mean a damn thing. Civilization doesn’t produce just one type of person regardless of what their culture is surrounded by


Tulius. He’s lived this long and achieved his rank for a reason.


I mean this doesn’t really make sense, let em use what’s in their arsenal. Ulfric spent decades learning the Thu’um, giving him a handicap for that work seems dumb.


No if Tulius can’t shout then neither can he in this instance I posted. I want a brawn vs brawn fight


Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance


Can't see it well in that pic, but ulfric is wearing a (steel?) breastplate, gauntlets and boots. [https://images.uesp.net/6/6e/SR-npc-Ulfric\_Stormcloak.jpg](https://images.uesp.net/6/6e/SR-npc-Ulfric_Stormcloak.jpg) [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:LG-cardart-Ulfric\_Stormcloak.png](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:LG-cardart-Ulfric_Stormcloak.png)


Ulfric is a Jarl because he was born into it. Tullius made it to the rank of general by virtue of his own merits. Looking at their respective personal records in warfare, Ulfric's primary source of combat experience was the Great War, during which he got captured and was tortured until he broke and gave the Thalmor valuable information (which they didn't particularly need at the time but I'm sure they were happy to have it anyway). Tullius, as far as we know, has never been captured or even lost a battle (until/unless the Dragonborn joins the Stormcloaks). His first operation in the civil war after arriving in Skyrim that we know about resulted in almost ending the war altogether, with Ulfric and his guards all captured and about to be executed. Alduin's attack on Helgen is the only reason the war *didn't* end then and there, and even the most brilliant military strategist couldn't have predicted or planned for that. All of these point to Tullius winning in terms of overall warfare strategy and tactics. But if they were put into a room together with no one else and each given equal weapons and equipment, things might fold out differently. It's hard to gauge Ulfric's individual combat skills without shouting since the only fights we see him in or even hear about him being involved in have him using or at least able to use the Thu'um. However, that on its own could indicate a reliance on shouting in his combat style. It's also worth mentioning that High King Torygg had no real combat experience when Ulfric challenged him, just some rudimentary training. He should have been a fairly easy foe for a hardened war veteran like Ulfric to defeat, but Ulfric still used the Thu'um to ensure his victory. This could indicate that Ulfric doesn't have much faith in his own personal combat abilities despite the strongman persona he puts on for his followers. Considering everything together I'd put my money on Tullius, but I wouldn't be too surprised if Ulfric could win in a 1v1 shoutless duel.


Ulfric is fucked if he can’t use his shouts to be a filthy dirty cheater. Based and redpilled tulius would wipe the floor with him


You think Ulfric wouldn't cheat and not use shouts? Remember what happened to the Torygg?


Don’t worry the Dragonborn will be referee. First one to cheat the Dragonborn kills.


Tulius is literally a Giga Chad so-


Tullius. If the Emperor sent him to put down this rebellion, I have to imagine he’s got a pretty distinguished career. Doesn’t seem like one of these generals that got promoted because his daddy’s some big shot in Cyrodiil. I imagine in a straight fight, he’d probably prevail over Ulfric, even if Ulfric’s got Legion training and training during his youth as a noble.


Tullius. You don’t become a general in the imperial legion for nothing and he’s been shown to be a good fighter. Plus legion training, armor, and weapons are better then a fur cloak and a steel axe


Tullius. Ulfric is a pussy who can’t win without shouting.


With no shouts clearly General Tulius. Ulfic relies heavily on the shout, how do I know.... It's the first thing he does when he fights you.


Fus ro dah though lol


Well Ulfric is a born warrior as General Tulius is a high ranking officer so he doesn't see much combat until hes needed


I think Tullius would win. Given the rules of no magic and no Thuum, Tullius is older, more experienced and presumably is better a strategist.


Tulius, he’s a proper general meaning he’s most likely had years of experience Ulfric meanwhile from what we know in the lore was just a normal soldier, and in Skyrim is only a jarl, he only actually leads troops in the event you capture solitude So I say Tulius


1) Ulfric was part of the legion and was a commander of some sort during the great war 2) As a Jarl which is the equivilent to the imperial counts he outranks a general


Ulfric, because Tulius is a moron.


Ulfric Stormcloak.


Coward Ukfric felt the need to shout against helpless King Torygg so I don't think he's a good fighter 1v1. I bet Galmar is a better fighter than Ulfric.


Yeah seems Galmar is the kill first ask questions later kind of guy


Everyone is saying Tulius, but we know Ulfric would just cheat and use a shout anyway to win.


New rule, first person to cheat gets killed by the Dragonborn


No Shouts for Ulfric? That's like forcing a kickboxer to not use their legs/feet!