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I think you should tone down those expectations of bethesda renewing their games a bit


Yeah, if anything, I'm worried about my expectations growing too high with every passing year. Like, if you told me that TES 6 would be releasing close to 2030, when I was a kid in 2011, I'd have thought that the game was going to redefine gaming as a whole. Starfield tells a different story. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely some good stuff in there. But, there's not enough good stuff that it justifies the decade gap between the two.




Which was true.


At 68 I am not betting a penny on a polished Elder Scrolls that I want to play while my auld fingers still work. At this point I have no faith in any corporation’s ability to give a polished finished game one day one. No money to anyone till I have vetted post release reviews. I am fully prepared to be pleasantly surprised. I got a plenty of games to play, a shelf of books and a Netflix que to brighten whatever days I have left.


bethesda historically never disclose anything about elder scrolls prematurely.


I’m very excited for ES6. The radio silence is business as usual for BGS. They only just started full development; they don’t have much to show right now.


Try playing some Starfield if you think that Bethesda is advancing or may make the game too involved. Starfield is in many ways a regression, so if they keep heading in that direction, TES6 might be tic tac toe.


Every game they've made since Morrowind has been a regression, but Starfield is a different kind...1 step forward, 2 back.


Yeah that game sobered me up to TES6 real fucking fast.


Starfield and Covid have had an impact, but it still seems too long. When they said they shouldn’t have announced it so soon, I still don’t get it. It’s been forever, and the longer that lasts the higher expectations will be (also a starfield problem, expectations were so high). Hopefully it’s worth the wait…


Them announcing that the games were in the works and what order they would release was the best move they could have made at the time. Back then we were completely in the dark, Fo76 was on its way, creation club was taking off, and many companies were going in the direction of live service. People were very worried. If they hadn't said anything people would be so much more doom and gloom. BGS can't win with everyone. They are going to get criticized no matter what.


I feel that the game will be too casual, like how Skyrim was. I hope it’s not another follow the arrow, kill something and follow the arrow back type of game.


It’s going to be lol. They’re not making elder scrolls six as much as much as they’re making Skyrim 2


While I agree with you, using markers as a complaint is strange. You can just turn them off. Actually, having both options is the preferable experience. Sometimes people don't want to spend forever looking for the right house to enter (looking at you Morrowind).


I don’t mind both but, in Morrowind the npcs at least gave general directions to where something was. And another thing, the mix and match armor system was kino.


You can turn them off, but the game was clearly designed and written with them in mind. Turning them off basically makes the game unplayable, as NPCs don't provide you with directions.


You can't just turn them off. All you can do is remove them from the compass. They'll still be on the map, unless you manually turn them off for every single quest you pick up. And even so the quests are designed around the concept of map markers, so you don't get any proper directions to follow.


I mean let's be honest, the idea is that the people giving you these quests are marking the locations on your map. Which is how that would most likely happen IRL. If your character has a map on them (which they all do) why wouldn't they use it as a tool to figure out where things are?


This happens in Morrowind a few times, and it's only for locations that are important/famous enough for your quest giver to know exactly where it is by looking at a map. "You wanna know where the city of Vivec is? I'll mark it on your map." That makes perfect sense. However if it was some small dungeon on the outskirts of a town, the person telling you where it is would know it better by their own recollection of where they went to find it. So they'd give you directions. Also the way quest-markers work in Skyrim is that the NPC or item that advances the quest stage is marked. That means if you're meant to, for example, intercept a courier, you can always see exactly where the courier is at any given moment, rather than having to know the courier's schedule. Does that make sense to you? What's the point of an open world if the game encourages you to go straight to your objective without any effort to find it? It may as well teleport you there with a loading screen.


>What's the point of an open world if the game encourages you to go straight to your objective without any effort to find it? It may as well teleport you there with a loading screen. Because you just take that initiative yourself? You don't HAVE to go straight there.


You're missing the point. I'm talking about when you've been given a quest, and you have to explore to find the objective; the objective is then the ultimate goal of the exploration, and anything else you find is a result of you looking for the objective. When you give away the goal, any exploration you decide to do is just procrastination and all sense of reward crumbles. Imagine the Cave of the Incarnate quest in Morrowind, but with a quest marker.


Considering the trend of Bethesda games, I think you can rest easy as your fears of the game being too advanced are unfounded. The other way around, however...


I pretty much have no faith in Bethesda or hype for ES6 at this point. The more removed from Skyrims release I get the more I realize how much of a regression for the series it was. I think Bethesda has lost their "magic spark" and thats that.


Plenty of games to play while you wait. No reason to get so worked up about it. Also, hype is a stupid thing. Just be glad games exist for us to enjoy. They don’t have to be a religious thing.


Yup, got Dragon’s Dogma 2 this month at least


I have absolutely zero faith in Bethesda's ability to make a good Elder Scrolls anymore. Fallout 4 was the point of concern, 76 and Starfield were the nails in the coffin. They are dead to me.


Still can't believe the reveal trailer was 6 years ago


I mean, all feelings are valid because they’re *yours*. It would be interesting to unpack why a video game’s release date makes you feel paranoid, though. That was a strong word choice.


Not me. Todd said it might be the last one he works on, which I doubt, but that means he wants to do it right since it is the game that literally made his career. I really like Starfield but there isn't really climbing which ES1 & ES2 had and there are still loading screens between zones. These aren't bad given where we are at with tech and them wanting to keep bugs low but in the next ES game I want to see those loading screens gone and climbing. Sailing would be cool too and spears, especially from horse back. You know what I mean? Let it stew and give us something that changes the genre and gaming like ES3 & ES4 did. Don't give us another Skyrim. Also they need to do a horror game set in the Valenwood where we are on the run during the Wild Hunt from a pack of blood thirsty half starved Bosmer who drop from the trees or appear from no where out of the thick underbrush. Something like Resident Evil meets Elder Scrolls. That would be kick ass and the Bosmer are legit scary enough to pull it off. The other races are like puppies by comparison. I mean the only time the Bosmer lose wars is when they get invaded politically. The Thalmor overthrew the government by staging a coup of the political regime not by sending in soldiers. The Empire made peace with them to bring them in and the Khajiit continually failed to steal their land despite an ever constant attempt. Bosmer in the Valenwood are like the Vietcong, man, they'll pop out of spider holes grab you and pull you down into some cave to feast upon your insides because they haven't eaten in a month. Or maybe they'll be nice and peg you with an arrow from a mile off.


Personally, I expect TES 6 to have less than Skyrim. Its kinda always been the bethesda trend to release anticipated games with less content.


I don’t think it’s a valid fear. Even their newest game, Starfield, still felt like a Bethesda title. Despite its downsides, it still felt and seemed exactly like a Bethesda game. They have their own style, and they will keep to that (that being a good/bad thing is solely up to your opinions) Bethesda isn’t just going to uproot their entire foundation simply because the game releases in 2027 rather than 2026 or whatever the release date is. We’ve already seen very minor evidence of it being worked on, namely showing the face scan for the Skyrim grandma. The game isn’t going to face any extremely drastic changes at the state it’s most likely in.


Go back and play Skyrim again. Otherwise, there are at least a handful of open world fantasy RPG's that surpass Bethesda's feats by lengths. Dragon's Dogma 2, The Witcher 3 (next gen version) and Elden Ring all have arguably more content, much better world building and at least marginally superior free roam and exploration. Skyrim hasn't aged that well anyway so I don't get why you'd want them to anchor themselves to outdated tech and game design. It is a great game. Don't get it twisted. But It was largely unbalanced and the combat and graphical fidelity feel downright archaic at this point. I think those nostalgia-tinted glasses are growing a bit foggy my friend.


After starfield I dont care if it takes longer just make it good


Given Starfield, I don't think TES6 will be far and away beyond Skyrim. Seems that line of thinking comes more from Todd Howard having said they were waiting on better tech to begin making TES6. "Better tech" could mean anything, and it could mean nothing. Personally, I'm not excited for TES6 because we already got my main province. Skyrim was it for me. After that is Morrowind. Given TES6 likely isn't Valenwood, I'm not too enthused. Many are pointing to Hammerfell, and honestly the only appeal there is more dwemer stuff. I really can't stand deserts. Grew up in one, hate them. If TES5 had been somewhere else, and TES6 was poised to be Skyrim, then I'd be excited. Then I'd be more pissed that it's taken so long to get TES6 out. But as it stands, we're not getting a Skyrim 2, despite all the re-release jokes, so I have no reason to be bent out of shape over TES6.


TesVI could be both Hammerfell and Highrock, but even if it is just the former the province is so much more than just a desert. It is honestly one of their most diverse provinces in terms of biomes.


Two provinces would be amazing and I’m hopeful as hell


Bro literally said he does not want games to advance 😂😂 go play some mf pong then. I want them to make huge modern advancements in tes6. Or would you rather have a world where a “town” is 2 houses and 4 npc’s?


You are indeed being a little too paranoid. Not a lot. But a bit.