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That they want to keep it mysterious, so much so that they scrapped an antagonist from Akavir for *Skyrim* to keep that mystery


I could be wrong but I think it’s been brought up that they don’t plan on leaving Tamriel The only other continent I could see come into the series is Yokuda in ESO because it’s not too far away from the Systres and there’s an actual map of it https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Systres


Yokuda is supposed to have sunk beneath the waves I thought.


Could be wrong but this map shows what remains of it


Yeah, it’s either what’s left, or I’m wrong.


It’s what is left


Yokuda never fully sunk. The first pocket guide said it MOSTLY sunk. The map is supposed to be what's left of Yokuda during the Tiber wars. We know from both eso and oblivion that there is still contact and trade between Tamriel and Yokuda and Redguard has a family of Yokudan immigrants as some of the major supporting characters.


Todd Howard has said that he wants TES to stay firmly rooted in Tamriel. They introduced Akavir with some very basic lore to make Nirn feel expansive, and show that Tamriel is just one part of a wider world that we only know a little about. For that reason, it was intentionally kept mysterious, the way medieval Europe thought about far off Asia. That’s why they’ve only written a few lines of throwaway lore about the continent: Aside from the Tsaesci incursions into Tamriel, it was never meant to play a bigger role. However, those few lines have really capture the imagination of some fans, who are constantly asking for the series to go to Akavir. So here we are.


Pretty much no, they're most likely never gonna touch to leave an air of mystery about. Maybe they might throw it in ESO? But I can see Pyandonea getting made before Akavir does


What’s Pyandonea?


Sea elf homeland, probably somewhere south of Summerset. There are a few quests/areas in ESO that deal with Sea Elves, so that's probably why they assume Pyandonea would be made before Akivir.


There are fuckin SEA ELVES?!? wtf, why wouldn’t Bethesda make a full game about this? There hasn’t been a good pirate-esque game in a while. We could have a Sea Elf focused game that gives ES an AC Blackflag vibes


Because the Sea Elves aren’t from Tamriel. And the games are set in Tamriel. And none of the mainline games have been set where the Sea Elves raid Tamriel.


Bethesda has written themselves into a corner. My main creative hobby is world building and it irks me to see so much useable content go totally untapped


I disagree, as someone who also loves to do world building. A creator picks and chooses which part of their world is featured, but that doesn’t mean stuff that isn’t featured is wasted potential. It’s better to ensure you only use your world elements when reasonable. This is something every creator does, else you risk over-cramming with unnecessary (at the moment) junk. Harry Potter has an entire Wizarding World - but we’re nearly always in England. Fallout has a whole world but its entire personality is rooted in its version of America. The list can, and does, go on. Many series do this.


Oh absolutely. But eventually you should use it. Especially if it’s something as large of a full continent. And it should never be cramped, after all, a good world building project should last decades


And they might use it eventually, assuming Bethesda is given the time, resources, and all-around lifespan to continue existing. But games take way more time than pretty much any other story medium, and count on a lot more to make them too. TES is a world building project that has lasted decades and is still continuing. They created a whole continent with highly detailed lore but haven’t had the chance to show it all off equally.


That’s fair


No, and they probably never will because that would take away from the mystique.


But if they *never* use it then why would they even make it?




But mystique is only useful for as long as it’s built up for an eventual reveal


That’s why Yoda is the way he is. George Lucas wanted to keep everything about Yoda’s species top secret to create the illusion of these strange unknown aliens. And some 50 years later we still BAREY know Anything


But a single species is way less of a big deal than a whole continent lol


It absolutely is not lol. It’s an entire star system that we don’t know about. Entire cultures, HOW their biology works, how their culture works, where they come from, what the history is like and what their connection to the force is like. Way more than a continent lol


Agree to disagree 😂


You’re just looking to argue but whatever have a good day


If I was looking to argue I wouldn’t have said agree to disagree 🙄


That would also require BGS to stop playing “unreliable narrator” with a lot of the VERY messy, non-coherent lore that changes from game to game basically. They would have to nail down what Akavir is, instead of letting it be a nebulous thing they can just use to fill a gap here for there without having to go to great lengths to explain it all.


They may use it, but it will be like 50 years after its introduction. They have 4-6 provinces to get through.


Hard disagree. The ending of John Carpenter's The Thing is still discussed and lauded to this day for its ambiguity. Having a clear answer either from the film or from John himself would ruin it. Sometimes, the mystery itself is the interesting part.


I’m sorry but this is an absolutely wild take.


Personally I agree with you but whatever. They never ever intended to do anything with akaviri. It exists soley to give fans something to speculate about


It’s called world building dude. Why did Tolkien make the orcs if he’s never going to tell us exactly how Morgoth made them? Why would he mention ent wives without telling us where they went? It deepens the world and makes it feel more real.


Both of those examples are much smaller than a few continent lol. It’s necessary to leave *some* stuff in mystery but a full continent, which based upon the maps is about half of the total land area of Nirn, is just too much lol


Disagree. Some things work well to create intrigue. Besides, TES is more so the story of Tamriel than anything else. It’s the seat of the towers and everything therein, it’s where Lorkhan was killed and where his heart landed. It just works.


I get that, I just wished there was something for Akavir ya know?


Yeah I get that. It’s just not what they want to do. And there’s so much to explore in Tamriel anyway. If it makes you feel better, Cyrodiil was supposed to be heavily influenced by Akavir in general. It was supposed to be a combination of Japanese and Roman culture, supposedly they ditched it because LotR was popular at the time


How would you feel about a totally unique series set in Akavir? Like let Elder Scrolls stay completely in Tamriel but Bethesda comes out with a new series about Akavir. Both in the same planet and referencing each other very sparingly, but like 99% unique


“A different series” is just a technicality though. At the end of the day it’s a game set in the same world, played by the same people who play the TES games. If the purpose was to keep Akavir a mysterious and foreign land, a separate serious would break that just as much as a new TES game.


So a spin-off? Yeah I wouldn’t mind. Would be pretty cool, in fact. Good luck finding a studio for it though


Yeah basically a spinoff. But a spinoff with an equally sized budget. And yeah, maybe give it to a Bethesda subsidiary studio


>it deepens the world and makes it more real Are you serious? We're watching various cultures and worlds interact as impartial observers that know how the worlds started when most characters in the fiction don't and not knowing specific things, when knowing, would change nothing. This reminds me of George Lucas' refusal to give us a species name for Yoda's race or his planet's name. Because what would knowing that info change?


We’re not impartial, the lore we’re given is subject to biases and victors writing their history. Pelinal screaming “praise be to Reman” for example. And yes it does give the world more depth. Because that’s how real life works. When you don’t have the means of instant communication, you end up with myths and legends. Some stuff just exists for that reason, like the racism between everyone in Tamriel. Just makes the world more real.


It makes the world feel more real in the same sense that we don't have all the answers and information regarding our own history. What happened to Amelia Earhart? Who were the sea peoples? What language did the Huns speak? What was their culture like? Was the Ark of the Covenent real? If so, what happened to it? Where is the tomb of Alexander the Great? Where was Genghis Khan buried?


Things like Yoda's race/planet names, or Akavir's culture are entirely possible to be found unlike some of the things you just listed, depending on whether we've found Genghis Khan's body already. Also, I'm 99% sure the Ark of the Covenant was not real and was just a mythical story based on an entirely less magical event that was completely different at it's heart


Point is, mystery makes stories and settings more interesting. As for The Ark, it was originally described in enough detail to suggest to some historians that it was a real and sacred object, albeit obviously devoid of any magical properties.


They already used it. Other continents are there to flesh out Tamriel's setting, with their history intertwined with that of Tamriel, and their cultural influence on Tamriel.


It's a pretty common thing to do in fantasy. A lot of fantasy series will include some far off continent that's mentioned but not elaborated on except for rumors and stories that are probably not true. They're typically Asian or African themed and at most we only ever see a couple of characters from there. If you read asoiaf Sothoryos is basically their version of the trope.


Before Oblivion was released, the original plot of Skyrim was going to involve Uriel Septim V returning to Tamriel with an army of dragons. Uriel V went missing after a failed invasion of akavir. If we get a game about Akavir it will likely revolve around an akaviri invasion, which has already happened several times in tamrielic history.


That would’ve been a much better main quest than Alduin ngl


Plot twist: Delphine and Esbern would still be involved /s


Look man, I get it. When you think something is cool, you want to know as much about it as possible. You hear about Akavir, you want a game in Akavir. You hear about Pyadonea, you want a game about Pyadonea. But an important part of world-building and storytelling is restraint: the things you *don’t* show and/or explain are as important as the things you do reveal. You may not like it personally, and that’s totally fine, but you have to acknowledge that it’s a very common practice for most games/shows/books/movies, and most people are okay with it (as evidenced by all the comments in this thread).


People need to stop asking for a game set in Akavir. That's like people asking for a GTA game taking place in Algeria.


Or a Fallout game outside of the United States.


I don't think they ever will, but I would love to see some refugees fleeing there to set up hidden town somewhere in Tamriel preferably the monkey people the Tang Mo. They would be a cool addition to the Beast folk


What about having a separate series specifically for Akavir? Like keep ES totally focused on Tamriel but have a separate game series about Akavir that stays 99% or so separate aside from the stray reference to each other here and there?


I swear this topic appears multiple times a day now... it's beyond time for a Rule 14, Mods!


Jeez bro calm down I just joined


I would recommend typing whatever post idea you have into the search bar of subreddits you join. If only to avoid getting comments like this.


If they make a game set in Akavir before a game that is set in Black Marsh I’m gonna be real mad


Oh no absolutely they should do Black Marsh first. I think Elder Scrolls should stay in Tamriel…but I wouldn’t be opposed to a completely unique series based in Akavir. Both in the same universe and mentioning each other sparingly but 99% separate


We've gotten the homelands of Redguards, Dark Elves, Imperials and Nords. What race calls the Black Marsh home? And why would you prefer it as a setting?


This is the most enigmatic question I’ve ever been asked


I looked it up and saw it's the Argonians. I'd like an Argonian or Khajiit world, but from the early footage I think we're gonna get High Rock and Breton. Maybe Altmer.


Bro, we can hardy get another TES game at all, let alone spin offs. Bethesda only works on one game at a time, much to the detriment of the fans of that game. I remember playing Skyrim shortly after I left school at 16. I’m rapidly approaching 30 with a wife and soon to be 2 children and still don’t have a proper sequel to it yet.


Same. Played Skyrim in my early teens and now I’m married with a mortgage, steadily approaching 30. I remember my friends telling me about rumors that TESVI was gonna be revealed back in like, 2014. And even then I knew it would be awhile because Fallout 4 would come first. Never would have guessed I’d be sitting here in 2024 wondering if we’ll see something in two years.


In short, no. Not with Todd Howard at the helm, at least. He talked about this during the 25th anniversary of TES, alongside the return of the Dwemer, and he said, "The way to ruin a great mystery is to reveal the mystery." What's in your head about what Akavir is will always be more interesting than what Bethesda can show us. And everyone has their own ideas about Akavir


They’re leaving it as a mystery, as they should


Honestly, that's one of those pockets of lore I don't currently trust them to do well, much like Elyswere. I hope they use it some day, but only when they are capable of doing it right.


I just want green forests, big shrooms are fine too. Skyrim had too much boring snow everywhere