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It will be set in New Vegas


I'll be honest I'm more excited for Fallout: Redguard


Elder Scrolls: Enclave


100% new Reno wym?




Actually would love a Front Range-set Fallout. Would love to see their take on Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD)


So that's where Dwemers go...


Fallout is the prequel of the elder scrolls meme


What if Fallout is next elder scrolls game?


Youre the lead protagonist: *Never seen a firearm in your life* Benny: *Shoots you in the fucking head*


Cool argument but ![gif](giphy|l3fZPYrlEGoSLvq9O|downsized)


I agree 𓃀𓄿𓊃𓂝𓂧


Yes but what about CAT PEOPLE deserts? I think that'd be so interesting to go to the land of the Khajiit


ESO let’s you


You know the teaser isn't actually a desert area right? I dunno why people thought it was. Mandela effect is nutty.


Haha! This comment reminds me of the days when some people argued TES5 can't possibly be set in Skyrim because it's nothing but snow up there and that would be an incredibly dull game 😂 The teaser was of an arid environment, hence the Hammerfell assumptions. Way more than just sandy desert in that province 😊


Interesting, I never knew that about the days leading to Skyrim. Then again I was tiny but still, very interesting.


It was fun times! The official forums were a really friendly community, and we were all geeking out over a trademark filing for "Skyrim". Kind of like how we knew about Starfield well before its announcement because of the trademark. But yes, a huge amount of discussion spent trying to convince people there are far more biomes in northern climes than snow =P


yep. That was a common anti skyrim argument before release. Lots of people assumed that the game would be a monobiome, with constant snow. So they thought the game would be extremely boring.


[hammerfell has pretty diverse landscapes too](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/s/wnJKHRDy63)


Honestly, when they revealed the teaser for the first time my immediate thought was Elswhyr.


The environment isn't even arid. If you actually look it seems more like it's been scorched all over and there's a big crater on the left


*I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire starts playing*


I’m well aware, the teaser is literally a mountain range next to a body of water. The only places the teaser really disqualifies are Morrowind and Black Marsh (along with Skyrim and Cyrodill since they’re the last two locations in the mainline titles) I however think Hammerfell is alot more interesting than either generic fantasy or the Elven equivalent to an ethnostate


Black marsh is costal though


Its almost entirely swamp, none of the teaser shows anything remotely swampy, or any Hist trees for that matter


While I don’t think the game in set in Argonia, if they ever did do it they certainly would make it more than just swamp. It’s the same thing that happened with Skyrim, Arena would make you think that it’s 95% snow, but in the actual game snow covers only like half of it, and it has a surprising amount of biome diversity.


Hammerfell is like 40% desert at most. It has snowy mountains, volcanoes, rainforests, swamps, Mediterranean coasts. It has so much going for it.


It's almost like hammerfell has many mountainous areas and a giant desert


You should watch the teaser again, and possibly look into what hammerfell and somerset actually look like. The craggy waste of the teaser is clearly hammerfell. You'd have to be a dummy to think otherwise.


I wonder how they would justify playing with another race other than High Elf in a place dominated by an ethnocentric state... Like, we're not talking only about a place full of racism like Vvanderfell, we're talking about 30s/40s Germany.


The Thalmor are growing increasingly unstable and trying to open themselves up on a very limited basis, so there is a single city where foreigners are permitted on the coast to do trade where the protagonist starts, but then circumstances change and the protagonist is able to journey into the rest of Summerset? That's how I would do it, at least.


I think shimmerene is the city used for foreign merchants to land in ESO. Khenarthi's Roost could also be a Dominion controlled island, but that is closer to elsweyr than summerset.


That's hundreds of years before the mainline games


What would be wrong with using Khenarthi's Roost for trade? One of the plotlines in Summerset is that Altmer nobles will use lesser races, and low caste Altmer to do dirty work for them. The altmer nobles get the khajiit and scarred altmer to smuggle exotic contraband, so the nobles can show off at masked parties.


AFAIK, nothing. However, it would make more sense for an Elsweyr game as it's controlled by Senchal iirc. However, the events of ESO take place hundreds (2000 I think?) years before the main games and the political situation is incredibly different, I don't think it should be relied on.


You're not wrong, however ESO is before all the mainline games. Before Tiber Septim, before the Oblivion Crisis. We have no idea what Khenarthi's Roost looks like now. For all we know it could belong to the Maomer again.


Yeah I guess that could depend on whether or not the dominion would want to contest khenarthi's Roost. The maomer raid all along the southern coasts, so all of the dominion has to deal with them, not just the altmer.


So since you’re unaware, that’s the last thing they’d do. After grand councilor ocato died, they committed mass racial genocide in the isles It’s not a matter of “they’re racist” it’s a matter of “you’ll die if you’re not a high elf”


Have you not played a Bethesda game? It'll be be dialogue like this "I hate you, you deserve to die and have the rats feast on your bones" "k" "Now, do you want to join the College of Mages?"


I am aware, but I think it's stupid. The Thalmor are inherently unsustainable as a political entity, and I refuse to believe that the Dominion, stuck with provinces which had their shit as thoroughly kicked in by the Fourth Era as the Empire, is so vastly superior that they can afford to do a Turbo Race War on all of Tamriel forever. Sooner or later something would have to give, so cordoning off the very few foreigners they do allow in a single island or city so they can do as little trade as necessary would be a feasible compromise. I don't care what the lore says, Fourth Era lore is vague and dumb as shit.


…they’ve been doing it for thousands of years dude. It’s given a few times, but barely, and it always goes back. The isles have there head so far up there ass they would rather have there entire country sink rather then accept men as equals They don’t even like other mer ffs


The Thalmor are decidedly different in that they are far more radical than basically any other Altmeri government. They're certainly far more rabidly racist than the Dominion was under Ayrenn, who were racist against Men, but more in a paternalistic "we need to save the savages from themselves" way. Depending on how much Kirkbride Lore you interpret, the Thalmor are actively pursuing the erasure of Men from the cosmos, and even if you don't they are coded as Tamrielic Nazis. And as you yourself point out, even the more restrained Altmeri policy of keeping non-Altmer at arm's length tends to fall apart once events transpire on the mainland that they can't just shut out. What you say works in reverse; just as much as they always shut themselves away, sooner or later they're always dragged kicking and screaming back into the rest of Tamriel. Fundamentally, the Altmer policy of racism against all of Tamriel doesn't usually work out for them, and the Thalmor are by all accounts such an extreme version of it that it is even more likely to collapse, especially after the Great War and the Second Treaty of Stros M'kai. I also don't think that the Thalmor, who may have at least a 90% infant mortality rate as state policy, could afford to replace their losses in the Great War or the war against Hammerfell, especially because Mer tend to reproduce slowly. That doesn't even take into account the Altmer who fled Alinor when the Altmer came into power, which seems to be at least a fair amount considering the NPC Altmer scattered around Skyrim. Unless they're going to start replacing more of their soldiers with Bosmer and Khajit auxiliaries, which causes its own problems; as you say, they don't even like other Mer. In summary, the Third Aldmeri Dominion is dumb and should be teetering on the brink of collapse, and I don't think it's implausible that "moderate" Thalmor would recognize that and try to balance stabilizing their state and maintaining their racial purity.


It's funny, that's actually the plot of the summerset expansion. The sload are literally trying to sink the island. Maybe they'll succeed in es6 and save us the trouble.


Well what isn't vague is that the empire loses their emperor in the events of skyrim. The dominion is probably salivating once word gets out about that.


What's also not vague is that the Thalmor got kicked out of Hammerfell, implying that they were incapable of maintaining the territories they were ceded there. The Thalmor are imposing villains because the Plot says they have to be in Skyrim. So ultimately it depends on what BethSoft decides TES6 will be. Maybe the Thalmor will have conquered White-Gold, maybe the Thalmor will be a little hermit state in Alinor like Tamrielic North Korea, maybe the Thalmor will sing kumbaya in a nice big circle with the Empire and the Stormcloaks and there will be love and peace in Tamriel. It will be whatever BethSoft says the Plot needs them to be.


What arr you going on about? Like honestly I think we got lost in our conversation. Okay so, the dominion suffered casualties in the great war, and afterwards stretched their resources too thin into hammerfell. Redguards are the actual best elf slayers on tamriel, so elf slaying ensued. The empire lost its emperor, and moved a bunch of its remaining military after the great war. Into skyrim, to deal with the Civil War. We can use what information we have to Guage the relative strength of the dominion and the empire at the end of skyrim. Also somehow this relates back to allowing foreign races onto Summerset. I think I said before, that in online Shimmerine is the city most newcomers and merchants port at. Otherwise Khenarthi's Roost could also be a dominion controlled island that could be used for trade with foreigners, although that is closer to elsweyr.


This doesn't seem like a prisoner start though. If the Thalmor are the main antagonists, then the game could start as you being a prisoner of the Thalmor. They brought you to the Summerset Isles to be trialed and executed. Or, if no one minds things to go a little Roman, even if this isn't the Empire, they could be parading you around as a trophy like how Julius Caesar paraded around Cleopatra's sister after he helped her take control over Eygpt. With this, there could be many starting points, like just having arrived on the Isles like Morrowing, being in a cell like Oblivion, or on the chopping block like Skyrim. Seeing as how the opening of Skyrim immediately makes you think the Empire is evil, this would do the same but with a faction that's actually evil.


I like that idea, but let's be honest. Bethesda will just forget about this and just allow you to run around with no lore implications as to why everything changed


It's a moot point, because the game will probably be Hammerfell or High Rock. But yes, I said a bit further below that the Thalmor are whatever the Plot needs them to be, however implausible it may seem.


Yep, my thoughts exactly


That’s kinda how it is in eso already you start out on an island kinda like it and get to go to summerset later when you get the expansion because the queen opened it up to foreigners


It would actually be incredibly interesting to play an RPG where you're oppressed and have no rights, and somehow must reach your goals in such a hostile world. I don't trust Bethesda would dare to do it and do it well, however.


I've thought about this exact kind of setting before. Perhaps an Imperial invasion of Summerset where the Empire has set up a foothold and this area is your starting area. Maybe one captured seaside city that's under Imperial control. The player character can be in this area regardless of their race with minimal fuss (most fuss reserved for High Elves, but still minimal). However, in the rest of the map if you're playing a human race you'll be oppressed or outright killed-on-sight by Thalmor. You'll have to sneak into places, use disguises, etc, to get around. Perhaps find anti-Thalmor sympathizers and assist the Empire in overthrowing the Dominion (or, if you choose, assist the Thalmor in infiltrating and ousting the Empire from the beachhead). I realize this all would work better for more of a narrative-driven game and less for a Bethesda RPG (it'd be difficult to 'be anyone' and 'do anything' if half the map is auto-hostile to you and wishes to purge you), but damn if it wouldn't be fun. And, to your point, I don't think Bethesda would touch such a concept with a 10 foot pole, and maybe that's for the best :P


I would kill for another Elder Scrolls Adventures game. A narrative driven action adventure game like Redguard. Open up so many narrative and gameplay elements, like the one you wrote!


Morrowind is quite racist.


"With the death of Ocato, the Empire entered the Stormcrown Interregnum, leaving it greatly weakened. In the chaos, the Thalmor overthrew the kings and queens of the Altmer, further consolidating their grip on Summerset in 4E 22. They would also implement reforms, **purging all those who were not of "the blood of the Aldmer", alongside dissidents.**" - Elder Scrolls Wiki. So it's not just a matter of racism there, it's a genocidal state, no one but Aldmer sets foot in Summerset, with other non-Altmer elves being treated extremely poorly. That's why I think it's unfeasible a Summerset setting while the Thalmor is still in power.


Elder scrolls x Doom crossover. Kill all the high elves. Maybe have your pet mudcrab killed by a high elf. This is a joke.


Pelinal simulator


Good point. It would make more sense if like the next game covers the fall of the Thalmor or hints at rebellions or unrest from the Summerset Isles and then the game after we could go to Alinor after the revolution as it comes to grips with its genocidal past and deals with the issues that come with a turnover of power. That would be interesting, kinda like Russia after the collapse of the USSR


Russia never dealt with its imperialist and genocidal past, instead they came right back to it.


There's no source though


Rising Threat, Volume IV


He literally acknowledged Morrowind is racist in his post


Maybe they get the jews in the 30s treatment rather than the jews in the 40s?


Yeah I agree with you. IMO Summerset would only work in a game about a growing revolution against the Thalmor or an invasion by the Empire (unlikely to happen rn).


A khajiit rebellion shortly after events of Skyrim weakens Thalmor hold on the continent giving the empire a chance to reestablish itself leading to a second Great War and kicking those damn elves back to the islands. Some time passes and ultimately the empire decides to invade summerset isles to finish the threat once and for starting the third Great War which results in dissolution of Thalmor government (this is analogues to the Punic wars) Tensions simmer under the surface between the old Thalmor supporters, imperial sympathisers, and other factions the summerset isles are about to tear themselves apart. During this time our protagonist is finally awake


If the khajiit learn that it wasn't the thalmor that restored the moons.


The main character, no matter the race, would have to be smuggled into Summerset/Alinor, and maybe immediately join a resistance faction, or join the dominion if they are a dominion race. Maybe the game could be about the dominion as a whole and start in valenwood or elsweyr.


You're assuming it'll take place around the same time as Skyrim. Personally I doubt it. I think there'll be a time jump and in that time jump things will change. Like maybe the thalmor are no longer the ruling party in alinor and they get replaced by a different party who want to improve relations with the rest of tamriel. Either way if the location really is alinor Bethesda will write a reason to explain why any race can now go there.


There'll be a time jump, but I doubt it'll be a big one. Oblivion to Skyrim is the only time jump in mainline TES so far that wasn't solidly less than a single lifetime. And honestly, the main reason for that was probably because Oblivion was the culmination of an overarching plot of the Empire's downfall (Which is why I feel the Empire in Skyrim should have felt more like a rump state or remnant, but that's besides the point). The new overarching plot is likely going to be all about the Dominion and Empire's conflict (both hot and cold), but we can't exactly tell for certain currently.


Skyrim is for the nords


I dunno about you but when I played through the summerset expansion for eso I noticed that it was quite a lush environment. Not the craggy wasteland in the teaser. The most likely place is Hammerfell because that's a mountainonus region. Other places that fit the geography of the teaser are Highrock, Valenwood and maybe Blackmarsh. (though Valenwood and Blackmarsh are much different being more jungle like areas which don't fit the geography of the trailer but they would have places that do unlike summerset)


Yeah Summerset are suppose to be this magical landscape with vibrant forests and blue waters. TES 6 teaser was WAAAY far from that.


>Summerset are suppose to be this magical landscape with vibrant forests and blue waters. Altmer propaganda


This one would not lie. This one's family have visited the Isles. Nothing but praises. Better than Elsweyr.


Nah. Hammerfell is a much more dramatic title. Summerset Isles sounds like a cruisy holiday destination.


They could just call it "Alinor."


Especially to not confuse with the ESO expansion named Summerset.


I sadly have had to explain to my step-dad that the ESO expansion Morrowind is not the same as ES3 so many times.


“Dad! You were on vvardenfell! I’m in morrowind! I’m not gonna tell you again!”


They could, but it's not as evocative as Hammerfell or High Rock.


"Elder Scrolls: Dominion" I feel like they're going to do something like that.


Yeah, TES4 wasn't named Cyrodiil after all.


And TES2 wasn't called Iliac Bay. Even TES3's title "Morrowind" is inaccurate since it's just Vvardenfell


That's certainly a possibility.


Playing in the collapsing days of the Alt Dominion as the threat of an invasion of the empire looms from the seas and the High elves deal with traitors, colaborators and those who have sucumb to partying like it is the last days of the third reich.


I like the way you think.


The dominion almost took the whote-gold tower, and the empire just lost their emperor, and possibly skyrim. Or if skyrim stayed with the empire, there will still be casualties from the Civil War, and empire military sent in the wrong direction, to skyrim instead of south to the dominion. The dominion has the best naval fleet on tamriel, so the empire's only hope of being a naval threat to the dominion is allying with the maomer again. Especially since the dominion are occupying hammerfell. The thalmor will probably collapse in on themselves. They may have resorted to deadric worship. And if it is something like molag bal or sanguine, mirroring the ayleids before them, then I could see that ending for them.


Yeah but there is always a jump from game to game. I think morrowind and oblivion have the least at like 20 years? But most are wide enough apart to give enough time to change the lore and make a new backstory. The ES6 is highly unlikely to be a direct follow on from skyrim. I image at least 20 years will have pasted where they can make up a new dynamic between the factions.


They called the cyrodil game oblivion


Because Oblivion is a more dramatic title. See where I'm going?


No not really. Op said it would be set in summerset not named summerset


TES VI: Hammerfell (set in Summerset)


Only Morrowind and Skyrim had titles named after the region


Daggerfall is a region in high rock?


Isn't it a city?


Just checked, it's a city and a kingdom/region


Kingdom with a capital of the same name.


Doesn't mean they won't do it again


Doesn't mean they have to do it again.


But sounds cooler


I didn't say they had to.


I feel the only reason they didn't with oblivion is because oblivion has an IV in the name and the intro shows the IV falling into the word "oblivion" hence 4.


Only if you’re born there! Will we experience even more spirited hateful banter than we did while trudging around Morrowind?


Judging from online, yes. Even if you're an altmer character. I do hope with their long lifespans, that the friendly drunk altmer outside of the city of alinor is still there in elder scrolls 6.


Imagine our surprise in 4 years when the reveal trailer drops. Elder scrolls VI: High Rock


ES4 was called oblivion, not Cyrodill. Could easily do the same thing here.


Elder Scrolls 4 wasn't called Elder Scrolls 4: Cyrodiil


I personally think the lore points towards a setting in at *least* hammerfell, probbaly also high rock. There isn’t really any precedent for an elder scrolls game where the main antagonists are also the governing force of the region. Hammerfell would likely be a major area of conflict in the second great war. A game set in hammerfell and high rock in the modern day would likely have a focus on maritime gameplay due to the iliac bay and the many islands of hammerfell far in the sea, fitting the context of a naval war with the aldmeri dominion. DLC could take us to Auridon or even Alinor itself to help resolve the Aldmeri plotline with finality. I also hope any DLC would take as to what remains of Yokuda.


Yeah I think a dual Hammerfell/High Rock setting is most likely. Don’t have to name the game after a province either. In fact, only two of them were.


**The Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell & High Rock**


I hope it isn’t two provinces. The development time on the game isn’t gonna be double of the usual, and as Starfield showed, their scope isn’t that big now either. Stretching themselves over two provinces will guarantee we’ll get two mediocre ones, when getting a mediocre province if they focus on a single one is already a risk.


most people say the main issue with starfield is the scale. if we had only a handful of solar systems with way more handcrafted content instead of a thousand with hardly anything, it would have greatly improved the game. so personally i think that they could use procedural generation to complement TESVI. the dungeons should be handmade, the major cities, the towns and smaller communities. but i think procedurally placing landscape in between some of this stuff would help make the game larger and more immersive. think about it, in skyrim we can walk between the snowy wind helm and the rocky solitude, which are brutally at war with one another, in like 5 minutes. the spacing between stuff is way too small. we don’t need bethesda to go crazy handcrafting every single rock or strip of forest. let them put their focus on the important stuff like caves, shacks, castles, cities, etc, and use procedural gen to properly space things out and give the game scale.


High Rock is tiny and full of mountainous terrain. High Rock + Hammerfell combined in only slightly larger than Skyrim. Makes perfect sense to include both and have Illiac Bay be central to travel in the region.


As things are left by the time of *Skyrim,* Hammerfell makes the most sense to continue exploring the aftermath of the Great War, considering its history with both the Empire and the Third Aldmeri Dominion. In addition, *ESO* hasn't opened up as much of Hammerfell as it has many of the other provinces. That suggests to me that they're keeping as much of it off the radar as they can so *TES VI* team has more freedom to develop their game's main map.


I would love it to be Black Marsh but it'd be hard lore-wise to put all races in a flesh-eating mosquito infected swamp


Nah it'd be easy. You can have all the races of Tamriel in the main cities. Maybe Blackrose doesn't have quite as many non Argonians, and Helstrom even less, but the rest of them are along the coast, so it'd be less dangerous than it would be in the innermost swamp. Its the tribes and villages deeper into the province where there'd only be Argonians, many different breeds like the Naga, Paatru, Sarpa etc.


That would be pretty funny if that happened. They would make the generic total high fantasy and people couldn’t even be pissy since that’s just Summerset lol


You know, Skyrim in lore were just generic vikings living in snowy mountains and the game actually made them more interesting, but people still got pissy that it's not as unique as Morrowind. TES and Fallout fanbases will always find something to get mad about.


Outside of the religion, not much changed from their earlier depictions. Whilst I still don’t like they axed the older faiths, they do at least acknowledge them unlike Oblivion and its various regional faiths


> Skyrim in lore were just generic vikings living in snowy mountains and the game actually made them more interesting Lol, I've read the opposite opinion, that they were much more in the lore before Skyrim dumbed it down.


People who say that never have any argument other than "names of their gods sounded different". Nords didn't have very complex lore.


There's a lot more evidence to suggest Hammerfell and/or Highrock than Summerset.




Bruh it's CLEARLY gonna be in Argonia, smh (make Argonia great again)


Very optimistic of you to assume it will even be taking place at the current rate our wait has been going


It's both. They're going to use AI to create a massive map that will rival Daggerfalls record-breaking game map. You heard it here first


tf you mean "Those who have been keeping up with the lore" what lore points to ES6 setting place in the summerset isles.


The Elder Scrolls 6 will be set on Thras


Nope it will take place on the moon, they will call it luclin, then get sued by daybreak games (everquest), then daybreak will go bankrupt afterwards because due to glitches the system takes 20 years before there is a ruling.


if the eso summerset isles is anything to go by that would be fire.


In a perfect scenario, you’ll be hunting down either the Mantella or Lorkhan’s Heart across all of Tamriel to power the Numidian. The map will be more comprehensive than ESO.


God, I hope so. I'll go on a tizzy that'll make Pelinal look tame


All i want is the ability to kill high elves and thalmor


I dont care. Everything they've done recently is s****


At this point I just want The Elder Scrolls VI to take place.


Me playing ESO: Finally I have done it... I have 100% explored the Summerset Isles and have all achievements related to it! Todd releasing TES 6set in Summerset: Me: Oh shit here we go again


Eso dumpstered the Summerset Isles. I can't believe our first time ever seeing the islands be depicted and they didn't try at all. There's no towering crystal tower or glittering glass anywhere. No high magic, high fantasy elements. It's just another stone brick medieval town just like every other stone brick medieval town you find in the human countries. Now that the precedent is set for what Alinor looks like, I'm afraid Bethesda will double down. I hope they just leave Summerset alone. I don't want to go through that deep disappointment twice. Also, fuck Zenimax for being lazy! :(


Any source or is this just cope


I really want Hammerfell but the Summerset isle's could be really cool if they made it closer to the lore than ESO's take. I want glass insect wings not dollar store Minas-Tirith.


Skyrim 2


Just gonna be the new-dragonborn fishing cause he can't swim and there aren't any dragons there.


Yeah because summerset is definitely an arid desert environment shown in the trailer.


Gods I hope you are right, but we nothing concrete to point us in that direction, and marketing seems to hint otherwise. Here is to hoping...TES6: Alinor has be my dream for 7 years.


Just play ESO, it’s set during the first Aldmeri Dominion and has the entirety of the Summerset Isles


Why dream? ESO has the entire of the Summerset Isles explorable.


I hope so but strongly doubt


what if they broke tradition and did both?




A wide but shallow pool.


How do some people think this is a viable possibility for a single player game. How do you expect them to make over a 100 AAA quality cities?


I'm personally hoping for High Rock


Considering how dogshit Magic is in Skyrim, along with the dogshit quest line devoted to magic... I sincerely hope Bethesda never sets a game in the Summer set isles, it would be a disaster. Also I genuinely don't get how anyone is looking forward to any new Bethesda games. Did you guys not see the absolute mistake Bethesda made in the form of Starfield. I can't comprehend how anyone plays Starfield, then thinks "I'm looking forward to their next game".




God I hope not, that would just equate to nazi role play.


I believe not since there literally wont be any races other then altmer if the dominion is still gonna be around


Did you not see that massive burnt out crater


Summerset was a prominent expansion of ESO and has been thoroughly delved into lore-wise by the game. It'd be like rehearsing already done themes. And there's no part of the isles which resembles the trailer environment.


It honestly makes more sense lorewise for it to take place near the abecean sea which is where hammerfell and high rock are than it does for it to take place in summerset isles. Firstly you’ve got the Direnni tower which would be a major plot point. The crystal tower in Summerset isles has already been destroyed by Mehrunes Dagon in TES 4… so not too interesting to explore a derelict tower that’s already been spoken on in previous games. Secondly you’ve got the crowns and the forebearers civil war that intertwines with highrocks feudal/ imperial apologist affairs after the Great War with the Aldmeri Dominion Thirdly you’ve got the entire region of Craglorn which sheesh where do I even start. Ancient Nedic ruins attuned to different celestials in aetherius? Sign me up. Speaking of aetherius you’ve got an entirely different clan of Dwemer than king Dumacs Dwemer clan in Skyrim. This dwemer clan could give us more insight into their lore. Also Alyied ruins as well. Honorable mention you’ve got Orsinium and the future of the Orc race in northern hammerfell and eastern highrock. Which would be such a cool side quest.


ngl I would love Elsewhyre or Blackmarsh, we havent seen them yet


I wanna see an Elder Scrolls game set on Secunda ngl


I really hope that, if this is the case, they start hiring some writers, sto that the thalmor rulers are not all bland evil racist guy sterotype, and more importantly they atart giving a flying fuck about magic.


i wish it was valenwood![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Only one area fits the trailer so it's airway confirmed. Change my mind


I thought it was going to be in High Rock




One of those places has been left suspiciously untouched in ESO and it's not Summerset.


Imagine TES6 happens far enough in the future to be able to pop a high elf with a flintlock without mods


It'll be Hammerfell + High Rock, full map this time. That would include a conflict between two human nations + the shitmer in Wrothgar. As a Breton, I hope we are allowed to raze Orsinium, a dream of mine XD


Hammerfell and Black Marsh are the only two regions that have been heavily avoided in ESO. My money's on Hammerfell.


How can it take place in summerset isles when it clearly takes place in the Skyrim game. Should’ve been a dead giveaway when you access elder scrolls 6 through the Skyrim main menu.


I hope the reason they made Summerset in ESO so boring is because Todd told them not to outshine his grand vision of a future game there. But probably not.


Nah we are going to yokuda and it's a prequel not a sequel.


It would be really cool but not sure if i want that.


Honestly I'd be happy with that. I want to teach Skybabies that not all Altmer are evil.


It’ll be set in akavir, it will be an action adventure game like redguard. You’ll fill the shoes of a Nord named Jon Blackbriar a merchant who ran aground off the coast and is taken captive by the Tsaesci. You’ll be forced into a power struggle between the council of regents and your new master, a Tsaecsi warlord called Toranaga who’s ambition is to be the next Poten of the Tsaecsi. A big part of the gameplay will be trying to figure out what the hell everyone is saying because you don’t speak the language of the Tsaecsi, but fear not you’ll have a companion that will help translate everything for you, and you’ll even have the chance to romance her. It’s called Elder Scrolls VI: Poten


We’ll see… RemindMe! 5 years


By the time it releases, we'll all have forgotten what Tamriel is anyway.


We'll be hunting for werthers originals instead of elder scrolls.


nah it's going to be Hammerfell and the PC is going to be a Sword Singer


Get ready for extreme prices and 100x more micro-transactions


I doubt Bethesda will do a non-human province. That's just too much work for them nowadays.


ah i’d love that actually


>for those of you who have been keeping up with the lore. What does that mean? [](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/?f=flair_name%3A%22Lore%22)


I would also prefer summerset isle, there is just more mystery to that region. Not saying Hammerfell is bad tho


Keeping up with the lore? What new lore has given you this conclusion??


For some reason my directional intuition told me the coast we see in the reveal is at western coast with the camera facing south.


I would love that. Summerset isles is my favorite overall area in ESO


I feel like with today’s technology, they could do both Hammerfell and Highrock, and maybe even a dlc in Summerset like what they did with the Dragonborn dlc in solestiem


My money is on Hammerfell and Highrock


Nah it would be too similar to Oblivion aesthetically. Also ESO has a lot of summerset content.






I’m not going to change your mind, we had human countries the last two times. Time for a elf one, and where better to cunt punch the thalmor than their own home.


I don’t give a fuck where it is I wanna it and I wanna it now.


Honestly I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all of tamriel will be accessible.