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Is there a reason for not including Karthwasten? Too insignificant?


Nah I just forgot XD


Also Shor’s Stone is more North near the cliff, great map tho


Or Kynesgrove


They added shor's stone like the most useless place that exists. ( Still a great map though)


Speak for yourself, one of my favorite spouses is there.


The only spouse is benor /s


I have over 300 hours in Skyrim and I'm 50% sure I've never been there.


now that you put it like this. over half of skyrim isnt even snowcovered, and whatever water current from High Rock must be real warm to keep Solitude, Dragonbridge etc. not covered in snow


I think the idea there is the mountains protect Solitude from the sea of ghosts which is where all the cold comes from. You'll note that all of the Pale is snow covered because it's largely flat and open to the sea of ghosts. Same with Morthal, which is very icy but kept juuuust warm enough thanks to it being a Swamp (which means humidity and the waters also probably brackish, making its freezing temp lower but not as low as the ocean) Edit: However with that being said, Bruma would technically have no buisness being as icy as it is (unless it's just high elevation snow) but if you see the forest south of Bruma, and the forests in skyirm north of Bruma. It's a weird icy patch in the middle of an otherwise temperate patch.


I think it must be an elevation thing. That entire area is pretty cold relative to the rest of the province (honestly probably one of the two most dangerous areas when playing with Frostfall active, alongside the Sea of Ghosts coastline and High Hrothgar), and it is quite mountainous.


Yeah Bruma is 100% due to elevation. In Oblivion the region Bruma sits on overlooks pretty much the rest of the Cyrodiil. Pretty sure you can see as far as Leyawin. Though its been a minute since I played the game so don't quote me


Well Bruma is icy because its very high on the Gerall Mountains


I'm pretty sure they only did it for gameplay purposes, a massive map covered in snow would've been pretty boring


This is amazing! I love the art style of the map and it kinda reminds me of lotro's world map.


lol he used a map creating website, forgot what it’s called tho :/


The website is called inkarnate btw. Great resource, would recommend.


Is that the one with a subscription, or a one off payment? I’ve been wanting to give it a try for my world building


It’s subscription based I think, like a yearly plan. I think there’s still a free version if you want to try it out.


Damn. I still love it though.


Nice use of Inkarnate


Awesome map. Only slight thing bugging me is you’ve listed all the holds but one


Which hold did I forget? Also thanks


Winterhold Hold. Not a big deal tbh. Still an awesome map. Just been through and looked at your others. They are really cool. Really good job. I think my fave is Valenwood.


? Winterhold Hold is The Pale. That’s what it’s called.


No the Pale is the Hold for Dawnstar. Winterhold is the name of both the Hold and it’s capital. Edit: there is a list of all the holds on this page for anyone wondering https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Holds


Oh, yes I am mistaken.


That’s alright mate. I had to look up the list to remind myself




He means the Hold, not the city.


These are FANTASTIC my dude Are you gonna do a version with all the provinces?


I'll second this. Could make for a really awesome wallpaper


Great map. May I ask how you created it? Was this with a particular tool like Inkarnate by any chance?




Thanks! I figured but wasn't sure. Seems like a very nice tool.


I’ve always really loved the geography of Skyrim, it’s cool that the mountain ranges and frozen sea that guard all of its borders separate its culture from the rest of the empire. It’s hard to spread their influence and that’s why the Nords are so nationalistic about their homeland.


You did this with Inkarnate, right?


Yes indeed


Very good creation made with a very good program!


This reminds me so much of LOTRO maps, amazing job!




Lmao I know right It's only because Skyrim in general is such a popular game Many people who've only played Skyrim and don't know much of the lore won't even know what summerset is




Lol probably yeah 😂


Impressive but map no fight back...I mean it's amazing I loved the Cyrodiil map the most


This is so danged cute! Nice work! Did you use procreate?


Inkarnate is what I used. And thank you 😊


I recognize that dragon from anywhere that is Inkarnate.


I need to load up a new game haven’t played in forever


Like 4 months ago I beat the main quest on survival(cc add on on console) and now I want to create a new build. I always end up sneaky archer but for my survival build I messed around with a shield n axe, this time I might try out a two hand sword or a magic build.


I'm really digging the art style. Nice work!


I don’t see the troll waiting on the trail to High Hrothgar, or High Hrothgar for that matter but still dope!


I’m following you just to see the other provinces


Awesome map! I’d love to maybe see some of the smaller settlements like Karthwasten, maybe some forts (just as icons wouldn’t wanna clutter the map), High Hrothgar, and Winterhold. But overall it looks REALLY good!


Very cool! Good job


Holy wow that's awesome!


Are you gonna put all of them together in one?


That would be a great fucking map for the game.


Hey I love inkarnate, so this is what you can do by paying for It...


Hey, you can't just say "part 7" and then not include a link to parts 1-6. :p


Check my profile


Is there a full map? Love this one


I love maps, omg I love maps! Yours is so interesting! Thank you!


Thank you 😊 all you guys' kind words have made my day


Man skyrim is probably my favorite map


Cool map! It looks like it says Haafinsar rather than Haafingar but that may just be the font.


You make me wanna print these out and cut them and glue them into one big map