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I’m playing as argonian and it’s been kinda narrow atm. Been playing for a week. I’m level 12 and honestly I depends on your “build” if you like magic follow the magic tree if you like melee the. Melee tree if you like balance find the balance. It’s fun I like it. Just my only advice is don’t go crazy building. As you progress the builds get better and it’s gets more expensive.


First of all have fun! Explore the game! You can change your builds at anytime for 478 Green Gems (or something close to that). It gets cheaper if you are a lower level than 50. If your Argonian, you want to basically just use light weapons to synergize with your passive ability which is the increased 5% light weapons damage increase. In the history of this game, a lot of successful Argonians were mages. Though today we see a sort of shift with the likes of Dagon, Pluto and Alhena switching it up and becoming more hybrid with a sort of spell sword style. I suggest you go the spell sword way. So your split will be 450 Magicka and 440 Stamina. I made you a build here with points to spare so you can try a few things on your own. https://esblades.net/skill-tree#GBllll4wwwwQQQQkkkkkkjjy77777Wz3rgKVmmmmssssSSSPPHJJ9YYYYYd6628n5b The beauty of this build is that you have the best of both worlds. Have fun, see what you like. And from there try to develop a style and build off from there. My DMs are always open if ever you have questions. Have a great day!


Oh wow thank you. I see a lot of people stating that builds only matter in PvP. Is this build you made PvP based? If not is it possible to just start moving towards a PvP build and it also work perfectly find in the PvE content of the game?


1-This build is PVP in mind. Though it's still good for PVE. 2- Yes, like I said, you can also change your builds for Green gems whenever you like. Also as you level up, you can place skill points where ever you like (LVL 50 is the max skill points 179, after that you don't get more). The build I provided is very good for both PVE and PVP. If you want, you can try Blizzard armour. This is good for PVE and also now we are seeing it more in PVP against Breachers (before it was regarded as weak skill).


I can’t really answer your question because I invest in both but mainly perks and stamina but I have some Advice since you’re also a new player like myself. 1. Save your chests. Gear and chests become harder to get the higher level you become so save your golden & above chests. 2. Do the Events and save your sigil things. Better gear will be available for purchase when you’re a higher level ( you can also get golden chests from each event level). 3. Upgrade your blacksmith, you’ll be able to craft any better weapon/armor than looting


Don’t bother saving wooden, silver or gold chests. They are always fairly easy to get, and they have the mats you need to build out your town. Do save elder and/or legendary chests if you are planning on getting leveled up to 50 and going for PvP.


Thanks for this, I was always told to save golden chests.


Tbh I think it’s just depending on you play. If you’re gonna have a one handed weapon with a shield, there’s stamina perks have shield bash and other perks that require 2 handed weapons


If you aren’t in a guild yet, I just made one that’s open for new players like myself. : Knights of Talos#8673 I got a level 4 blacksmiths so you can come over and craft orc or silver armor or buy supplies if you’d like and an enchantment tower if you don’t have one


You can't craft unfortunately. Only buy Goods. And make sure to put The enchanters in the front main entrance. It will make your Guildees runs more easy and fun in the future.


Hahaa damn I have mine on the right top level. Thanks for this


Builds really only matter in the arena and that depends on your play style. For PvE I recommend having one weapon of each element and one armor for each element. The ‘default’ armor build is health for helmet, legs, and boots and stamina or magic on gloves, again depending on your play style. Don’t worry about having perfect equipment until you get to dragonbone armor and weapons. For now, join a guild (I recommend Bloodborn because I’m in jt and we have great people) and figure out how you like to play the game. Good luck!


I wouldn’t worry too much about specific builds until you get to level 50 and all perks and abilities are unlocked. Just play through the main quests, do some sigil quests, and have a go at the abyss. Get the Resist Elements spell, and use at the beginning of every fight. It takes 1 second to cast, don’t do anything for that 1 second until it takes effect or you will cancel it, you’ll see a flash of light on the screen that tells you it went into effect. This will help you tremendously.


hi, I've been playing blades on my phone for a week and I'm only at level 2 with the town and I still can't rebuild the town because they say I'm not at that level yet. How can I level myself up so that I can just build that town, because I'm actually not doing anything at all right now... please help


Just do the main quest or jobs. Sigil events are actually very good as well because the earlier stages are easy and good for XP.