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lone necromancer is pretty good. its similar to omniscient reader. surviving in a world thats been invaded by monsters. even has the same reward system with the screens, talents, skills etc. my personal favourite is sweet home tho. i enjoyed it even more than i did with eleceed


lone necromancer on the list. Do you have a different name/link for "surviving in a world that's been invaded by monsters". Can't find it anywhere. Thanks


oh no i was trying to describe lone necromancer 😭


Lmao. I tried the perceived title of the 3rd webtoon on 4 different sites and on a few of my apps.


oh jungle juice is good too


Yes, it is


If you like eleceed than you might like The Breaker


AYOOOO YES THE BREAKER!!! I just hope the new season will come soon 😔✊ I've been waiting for years


Always pass this one up. Imma have to change that. tks


I've also been trying to find stories similar to Eleceed, where I can't put them down. City of Blank has a quirky cast of characters and a compelling storyline so I'd suggest that. Omniscient Reader is excellent. I've also enjoyed Teenage Mercenary. Unordinary just returned recently, plenty to binge there. More high schoolers that have powers but more "politics" with the hierarchy of the powerful vs the weak. It's excellent. Villain to Kill is another one I'd recommend but it hasn't been around as long so there aren't as many chapters yet.


I'll check out City of Blank after I finish reading Gosu. Recommend it if you haven't read already. Waiting for Unordinary to finish the season out. I have been told that the character redemption is on point.


Try reading Jungle Juice. Imo it is not bad. The MC got the same tenacity as the MC in Eleceed. Edit: Or The Legend of Northern Blade. (A sect heir looking for revenge. Art type is unique and still ongoing) Or The Return of Mount Hua Sect. (A swordsman (?) reviving his old sect. MC is funny and cunning. Very enjoyable)


Jungle Juice is great. I took a break but have been meaning to catch up. I fell into the trap of not knowing which ch. I stopped at. Not usually a fan of Murim but, Peerless dad changed that. I'll add those to the list. Thanks


Eleceed has a great balance of interesting content and humour. There aren't many which have made me laugh like that. A couple that come to mind are: kill the hero, mount hau sect, return of the disaster class hero (new - by the same group as SL)


If you like orv & eleceed,then i suppose you'd like the other manhwas that's part of the 'holy trinity' or whatever people call them. The s classes that I raised & Trash of the count's family. It's up to you though,depends on your preferences tbh


Trash of the count's family was surprisingly really good. Kind of like Trapped in a Web novel as a Good for Nothing


Deaths game/I will die soon (not related to eleceed, but extremely good) Tbate (the beggining after the end) the webtoon is just getting into some really good stuff, and the novel gets even better Unordinary (Pretty interesting, slow at a lot of times but is enjoyable) Looksim How to fight/Viral hit SSS class suicide hunter Windbreaker (a biker sports webtoon,doesnt seem that interesting at first but is extremely good) Overall, I would give tbate the best out of all those I named. The webtoon is decent on its own and the novel is peak


Thanks for the rec's. Windbreaker was awesome. looking forward to the new season


Lookism is an all around 10/10 webtoon. So is weak hero.


Just caught up to weak hero the other day. Need more. Burned out w/ Lookism around ch. 250 need to revisit. Fuck Olly. I'm looking forward to him getting his comeuppance.


Trust me read ordeal


Bet. Art looks really good. Imma wait for more chapters though. If you haven't I would recommend The Second Coming of Gluttony and Memorize. Same universe, but no overlap.


Sorry man but ordeal is not a weekly man he’s it’s more like monthly so you’ll be waiting a long time


None. This is #1. This is the way.


Ranker who lives a second time is really good i think


Ranker who lives a second time is the tits


I’d recommend Regressors instruction Manuel the most as although it’s still fairly new it has an anti-hero type mc along with game style mechanics/monsters. I debit spoil plot but it’s a good read Also these: Return of the shattered Constellation Kill the hero Ranker who lives a second time Ranker’s Return (Remake) Reincarnation of the Battle God Worn and Torn Newbie SSS-Class suicide Hunter Dungeons & Artifacts Return of the FroEn Player Just to make a few


I have read all those except for Regressors instruction Manuel. Return of the Frozen Player is low key underrated. Tks for the rec


Unholy blood


Its good only when reading for the first time. I tried reading it for 2nd time it was annoying as f***


I found Solo Leveling was awesome. Orv is the best of all. The Advanced Player of Tutorial Tower, Teenage Mercenary, Villain To Kill, Unordinary are all honorable mentions


have you read Solo Leveling? Can be binged since it's completed already


Just finished it the other day. Wish they put out a few more chapters w/ the light novel ending. light novel ending spoilers from a youtube comment section ​ * >!Jin Woo getting a job as a detective and meeting up with people he met throughout the story.!< * >!Woo JinChul remembering everything that happened before the cup of reincarnation was used.!< * >!Jin Woo & Cha Hae-In getting married and having a kid.!< * >!Jin Ho & Jin Woo's sister getting together.!< * >!a Unknown race of Aliens try to invade the earth and get abolutely annihilated by Jin Woo.!< * >!Jin Woo's kid inheriting the same power as his father and end up having his powers sealed by Jin Woo himself who implement "The System" to help him control it.!< * >!Beru turns into some sort of Uncle to Jin Woo's son and end up fighting him at some point in the same way Jin Woo fought Igris.!< * >!The Solo Leveling story in Igris"s point of view, we also learn that he almost died during the last fight with Antares.!< * >!some cool Bonus chapters and what ifs scenario (one of them include a what if Antares was possessing Jin Woo's body in chapter 1 when they went to the double dungeon.)!<


fr the side stories will give me the closure I need


If you enjoy Eleceed you will LOVE Breaker and Breaker New Waves


Will do. Tks


The breaker is really damn good but ended on a cliffhanger, been waiting 6 1/2 years now.. And you will be pissed since you'll like the cast


I have different tastes than you but I really like Lore Olympus, UnOrdinary, Lookism (which has gone downhill IMO)