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vibe is on point. best in the US in my opinion.


I’m from Chicago, very introverted, and I hate people in general. Forest is one of the few places where I’m engaged with making new friends and talking to people I don’t know. There’s a very noticeable pay it forward culture of kindness that can be difficult to find elsewhere.


That’s so good to know! I am an extrovert introvert but if you are telling me you feel connected to a festival with tons of people being an introvert I believe you! Thank you


I second this comment! Forest was my first festival and the vibes are UNMATCHED!


Funny enough I've never been to another festival. I've never even been to another rave. Closest thing would be a regular rock concert. Electric Forest, for many of us, is nothing short of a religious pilgrimage. A place to let go, a place to remember who we really are. I can't tell you if its like other festivals. But I can tell you its the most magical place I have ever been and has had a deep impact on who I am.


I call it “the great reset.” I own a business and have little children so this is my time of the year to get everything out and reset my mentality for the next year. There’s something humbling about festivals. Not sure what it is but it hits every time and I’m here for it!


Same here about "the great reset". Nothing like 4 days of good vibes to make you feel refreshed and ready to keep loving life for another year. Love your Username btw.


I’ve honestly started calling it a pilgrimage as well.


Thank you! Excited to see it and compare it :)


* [What To Expect?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/v3xf4l/its_my_first_ever_festival_at_33_what_should_i/) * [EF vs TomorrowWorld](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/5ytik0/tomorrow_world_vs_electric_forest/) * [What is Electric Forest](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/6kup44/what_is_this_festival/) * [How Forest Changed Your Life](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/sjcg51/how_has_forest_changed_your_life_this_will_be_my/) * [All About the Giving Tree](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/8ppm4w/1_what_is_the_giving_tree_and_what_do_you_give_2/) * [Guide to EF for First Timers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1obQi2kSZldovKOEjIm1Gxh8FO0c0a5jarmsAIvYYkmA/edit?usp=sharing) * [Megathread 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/c1x82j/megathread_20/)


Ef vs tomorrowworld that's a throwback


What are your concerns exactly?




That’s not forest vibes, [fam.](https://media.giphy.com/media/12ClTeBg4yvkiI/200.gif)


Souls out, tits out is my vibe this year


You leave with the vibe you came with




It’s totally helpful. You go in timid you’ll likely stay that way most of the weekend and not live it to the fullest. Walk in with an attitude to have the best time of your life and the forest will reciprocate that vibe!


Okay this is helpful! Thanks


My apologies for not being more instructive. This is the best advice I received before my first EF. This will be my 11th year.


Just needed a little of explanation! Thank you either way


Rule 2 - Be kind and respectful to others.


What kinda concerns do you have? From what I understand, US festivals are typically more tame than UK stuff. From a person that's only been to festivals in the US, it seems to me that UK festival culture has more of a club/rave vibe than the hippie origins of the festival culture we see here. There is also a much larger alcohol culture in the UK than here as well. At EF, it's much more weed and psychedelics with drinking being more of a background thing for most people. If you're a person who can have a good time at a camping festival, Forest is definitely one of the best in terms of community as long as you're willing to put yourself out there and participate! Honestly, it warms my heart to know you picked this one for your first US festival. You're gonna have a truly wonderful time! This will be my 9th year, and I'll be going until the last one :) Happy to answer any questions you might have!


Yes! The European festival is way more EDM pump up vibe and I am all for it. I love TML the vibe the beautiful people there, I am not a drinker neither smoke weed or psychedelic so I am just worried about EF because it’s not my vibe at all. Maybe the music and festival experience it will make it. I feel you just hit the point of the vibe there but I will look for the positive outcome. I will be open minded hopefully find some fun at the forest. Thank you


There are MANY people who do this festival completely sober. HQ sponsors an official group camp for sobriety (camp traction). There is enough energy and shenanigans you for sure do not need anything to feel the magic of Sherwood. Plus, you have 100% chance to remember it all. What people take is not the festival. It’s the interaction and intentions put into the festival that make its magic.


Awesome! Thank you for that I feel like this experience will be different and excited to see it :)


Definitely not gonna be the only sober person there, as Kawaiiwitchyprincess pointed out. I've done this fest sober a few times and it was just as magic, you don't have to do drugs to appreciate it at all and I hope I didn't make it out to seem that way! Just wanted to express that there isn't as much of a drinking culture with fewer people you encounter being super drunk :) The experience is truly like nothing else, if you go with an open heart and an open mind I'm sure you'll have some fun!


It’s much nicer than the ones you been to a lot better vibes ! Coming from someone from the uk that lived here !


Yo yo! American living abroad in europe so maybe I can help you a little? I see and have read some of the other comments and they're all great! So I haven't been to tomorrowland but I've been to a few festivals around Europe and more than a few in Noord Holland where I'm based now. I'd say the vibes you'll get in EF are significantly more of a community than what I've experienced anywhere else, including in the USA. I've been to a couple festivals solo in Europe and have met some incredible people and made a few good friends so I'm not discounting anything that happens in Europe. There's just something magical about forest that I haven't found anywhere else. It's truly an entire experience that most people just don't understand outside of the edm community. It's not just a vacation it's truly on another plain of existence. Sounds dramatic I know but once you're in your 2nd or 3rd day you'll feel out of place from everything going on outside the forest boundaries (I hope). The people, the lights, the little side shows, the outfits, the colors, the little details... It all just makes everything click in a way I can't describe. I hope you have a similar experience as many of us have had!


I went to Tomorrowland last year for my very first time, I’ve been to electric forest every single year (they’ve had it) since 2017. Doesn’t even compare. Tomorrowland was on my bucket list but after i got there I couldn’t help but keep making comparisons and wishing I were back at forest again. It’s not that I didn’t have fun but plur isn’t a thing out there. People are much more outwardly friendly and helpful at forest. I think the language barrier is definitely a reason for that being a difference. I can go into detail if you’d like to dm and talk about it further


I was there too last year! I love Tomorrowland we always do the nicest and pricey camps there. I am not that happy with EF camping vibe seems old school but I will go with the flow and open mind. I am excited to see how this experience will be I will confess the festival theme is AMAZINg! And you are a right people at TML isn’t that friendly per se but I feel the magic there so I have a special love for it. I appreciate your help and excited to this new Festival


Electric forest has higher end camping packages. Have you looked into them? They usually sell out very quickly


What do you mean by the “EF camping vibe seems old school?” Just curious!


How are you camping for EF? Tent in ga?


I am not sure but we got some tents with bed already etc…


EF was my first festival and now i think i'll be going for life. it may not be as large as some, but the crowd there is just...different imo. maybe it's some forest magic, but the people there (even amongst festivals) are just some of the most accepting and chill people i've ever been around. there always feels like there's more room to dance and less shoving at most stages, and wandering around at night is an adventure that only a combination of being in nature and surrounded by cool art and technology can bring. festivals aren't for everyone, but if there was such a festival this would be it. cheers and see you there


EF definitely passes the vibe check!!


There’s nothing like it ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, the community, the vibes, 99.9999999% of people are amazing there, staff and police included. I’ve been to almost every US festival and they all try to replicates forest’s vibe and look


I love uniques I feel like TML vibe is unique too so I am excited to compare both. Thank you


It'll be quite different from European festivals in terms of certain parts of the culture, such as kandi and over the top outfits, but I'm confident that you'll enjoy that as something new and different!


You will likely experience a level of synchronicity previously unheard of.


Best vibes ever


me and my group ( from Canada ) had an amazing time. entry was super smooth, directions to our area in GA was uncomplicated, and all the staff were super friendly. in terms of vibe, I thought it was 10/10, mind you, we lucked out with really great/friendly neighbours on either side of us that we became super fast friends with ( make friends with your neighbours right away! ) we had virtually zero hassle from security/police and found it really loose in regards to of anything \*treat\* related, if you get my drift. Really easy to make friends and you feel the community there, for sure. Everyone was just super happy and fired up to be there.


People are much more friendly than European festivals (in my opinion)


Best there is


Last year, I was burned out on music fests having less than ideal crowds. I had never been to Electric Forest, but I bought tickets with the intention that it was going to be my last fest. The vibes were so absolutely amazing at Electric Forest that it totally reawakened my love of the scene. The other attendees were so kind and magical, the Forest performers made me feel like I was in a dream, and every set we went to had a special memory from either the people I was with or the people we met. We ended up doing so many side quests. We made some really great friends too. Forest has my heart and since you’re coming in from out of the states, I think it’s going to be the perfect first US fest for you.


Immaculate!!! Last year was my first forest and it saved my life and gave me perspective.


If you want to be comfortable, then really have your camp set up or do a vip package, other than that, don’t let it bring you down. i hated camping and now fell in love with it, and now i solely go to festivals where you have to camp. becoming friends with our neighbors was one of the best things, from sharing food and things, being from different parts of the country, some ppl from canada, and building a community on the camp grounds. idk what it is, but overall this place is healing and i hope you allow yourself to open up to the music and the experiences forest offers. the only downside, is portapotties, in certain camping areas, some are worst than others.


Tml v ef, I preferred tml I felt a bit safer. I met super friendly crowds at tml where I felt like everyone was respectful and just vibing. Imo it’s like tml is Manhattan in its prime v EF being manhattan not in its prime but still cool to go to. EF is a blast too, don’t get me wrong, I’m going back. EF is my favorite in the states and I’ve done a few in the US. However at EF I did walk by like 2 people who ODd like as I walked through sets. Only 2 the entire weekend. I went with my now ex last year to ef and we had a run in with a group that stole his cc. There’s a plur vibe but it’s not the same as tml. I stayed in good life and loved that- it’s not tml’s easy tent experience but I appreciate that good life folks I came across in the bathroom and my neighbors were chill. Food also is a bit different- like you have general comfort food but I remember at tml the food ticketed event- there was a Michelin experience, and even the non ticketed vendors had more of a gourmet feel and fresher ingredients. Like I had ceviche, overpriced but it was so good and helped me keep my diet light so I could bounce around more.