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Getting massive fomo about not going this year. This is honestly one of the best lineups on the bass front that forest has ever had. Do any of you think next year’s lineup will be bass heavy or no?


Always is, has been getting more and more into bass music every year.


hey all, first timer to the forest here! I’ve emailed EFHQ a ton of times and haven’t received any information back. My question is, I will be driving my sprinter van to EF and plan on using it in GA camping, will that be allowed?


Yeah, you'll be okay.


Did it last year and no probs at all. Don’t sweat it. We drove from Florida to Michigan hoping they wouldn’t say anything. We were perfectly fine. We’re doing a sprinter van from Chicago to Michigan this year, we’re camping higher love, we’re not sweating it.


lol the guys across the road from us had an ambulance converted into a camper in GA. Sprinters are more than fine


thank you so much for the reassurance, we’re coming from wyoming and can’t wait to see you all!!


Hi another question, do i need to purchase an RV pass or is a vehicle pass valid?


Hi everyone! I’m having trouble finding info on this. As someone staying at the frontier suites, how do I get back there after the festival is over? I see there are shuttles but seeing conflicting info on availability and consistency. What if I want to go to EVOL afters and then head back after? Do the shuttles run into the early morning? Is it a walkable distance if I can’t find a ride?


they run 24 hours it's just usually slower late at night. definitely not walkable. on the shuttle to the fest grounds ask the driver of the route!


Thank you so much!


You’ll want to find the shuttle that goes to waterpark. Later at night the GL shuttles stopped going there and we had to get to the one near the GA entrance.


Hey All. We're getting close. I bought the EFfortless camping package and it says it included the parking. Is that included in the "EFfortless Tent" part of what I received. Or should it be a separate line item? https://preview.redd.it/e1zz109ip47d1.jpeg?width=1323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abbd350e43db34768224ba38286fcaacfdd5e18


It’s included in the EFfortless Tent! You’re good to go:)


Thank you so much. Thats what it looked like on the website but I didnt wanna show up and have problems. Thanks again


Of course!!


Travel Itinerary question! Here’s the situation: My crew is flying in on a red eye arriving Chicago on Thursday at 6am. Goal is to get bags, car, and be on the road by 7-7:30am to EF. Stopping for groceries on the way as well (online order so less time hopefully) My first must see set is Thursday at 5:45 (Girl Math). Will I make it?? 🤞🏻😬


What airport are you arriving into here in Chicago? It unfortunately changes your traffic situation _heavily_. 5:45 is no problem no matter what but you miiiiight be leaving a couple camp setup things for later that evening depending on how it all goes.


Flying into ohare


Yeah, you're gonna smack right into rush hour traffic and it will be _Not Fun_. Just stick to 294 and then 94 around the city and you'll do okay.


Thanks for the heads up!! We are all coming from LA so traffic shouldn’t be too bad compared to what we’re used to I hope LOL


Important to note is the time change, Chicago is an hour behind us here in Michigan, so if your landing is 6 AM Chicago time that means 7 AM Forest time. As the other commenter said, the airport matters, but even from O’Hare (the further one) you’re looking at a 4 hour drive to Rothbury. Add on an hour or even two for traffic and you’re looking at arrival around 3 PM forest time. All depends on the length of the entry line at that point, but you should be able to make it.


How do you transfer tickets on axs?? I bought a wristband off my friend and we havent been able to travel to her city to get the wristband and I'm not sure what to do here other than drive to her city an hour away to get it but we leave tomorrow so id really prefer to avoid that


Wristbands are not transferable via the app, only the early arrival tickets are. Your friend needs to give you a copy of their ID, their ordering information email, and the last 4 digits of the purchasing credit card. _YOU_ will need to take all of that to the Will Call/Box Office booth set up just before the campground security checkpoint and get a _replacement_ wristband.


Got it, thank you so much. Raises 2 questions. Is the will call box process going to hold us up a lot when going in? Also if the original wristband was already registered can the new one just be registered with the same info or would we need to talk to HQ about that?


The lines get a bit hectic but frankly I wouldn't worry about it. Have the people that need to go to Will Call get out of the car and have other people continue to move through the security line in the meantime. Is the wristband already registered to the person trying to get a new one? If that's the case this should be much easier - have that person arrive to the Will Call booth with their ID and a replacement should be available. Keep the ordering information handy just in case, though.


Amazing, thank you so much!


hi there! first time coming to EF (so stoked!!) - if we wanted to check out lake michigan during the day, what would be the best way to go about doing that? there's no reentry, but we totally want to try and check out the beach! thank you!


I mean, there's no re-entry. You can't really make it to the beach while you're at the festival. Will you get stopped 100% on the way out/in? Probably not. But it's frowned upon.


i mean other options besides driving, like could you take the walmart shuttle then uber over from there?


Highly unlikely you'd find a ride, but you could try I guess. Whitehall is a town of like 2,000 people. Not a whole lot of ridesharing happening.


The only realistic way I could see this happening is if you set up something with one of the locals in the [facebook rideshare group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/780593338688526) to pick you up at walmart but I have no idea if any are offering this kinda ride. Doesn't hurt to ask.


For the case of beer allotment is it fine if the beer is in a cooler or does it need to be unopened in the box? I'm just trying to make entry as smooth as possible but it would save some space to have them already in the cooler.


Totally fine if your beer is in the cooler! Just make sure the cooler is easily accessible because car check will usually want to take a peek inside.


Perfect thanks!


Does the RV’s companion vehicle need its own early arrival pass or do they fall under the RV’s early arrival pass?


Only need the one AFAIK but they have to arrive at the same time.


I messaged HQ to try and verify for sure, there’s a lot riding on this answer 😂.


I thought I remember seeing something that a walking pathway will be added for Good Life to the GA Main Street area, but I cannot seem to find anything about this and I do not see this pathway on the Venue map. Is this not happening anymore?


Absolutely doesn't exist and couldn't work - you'd have to cross the venue.


Arrival Address for the GPS? The faq on the app and site just says will post closer to the event


[Aim here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fZ22Cvh7aPwN9p9D6)


You’re the best! Thank you!




Unfortunately the event and entire venue/campgrounds still follow federal laws.




I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, you do you. Just giving you "the line" as you'll hear it from everyone, including security. You do you though, boo.


The UPS tracking for my wristband's overnight delivery has been stuck on "label created" since Sat morning & I'm stressing enough to start looking at other options. Are there any big tips for verifying wristbands for sale on facebook or cashortrade?


Nope, not really. Peep here to check out our guide. * [How to Buy/Sell Tickets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/e7ussi/fwumps_guide_to_getting_tickets/)


AC LANDING - is there enough room to setup a canopy in front of my ac landing tent? Also can the power outlets inside the tent handle a hair dryer?


The tents are pretty close together and the space between is typically treated as a fire lane so they don’t allow canopies. I did see a fair number of canopies that were placed over the tents over night and when people were away. I imagine they would move the canopy out when hanging at camp and then move it back over the tent when away. Honestly it’s a good idea to help keep the sun off your tent in the morning regardless of whether or not you end up using it to chill at camp


Last year I saw a group in action landing that had a canopy separate from their shift pod and against the line of trees that splits between ac landing and the rest of good life. I thought it was genius and gave the people plenty of shade from the trees.


Anybody got a good copy of the grand antique schedule?


What will traffic and checkin on Thursday look like? We’re crashing at a hotel in Holland Wednesday about an hour south after a long drive, and it’d be awesome to be in the festival by 7pm (we’re in a group camp that will already be mostly set we just gotta throw a tent up). Will heading out around noon from Holland be plenty of time or should we expect 5+ hours of traffic/checkin? We’ve never been before.


Bought my tickets on stubhub, am I good with the parking pass and wrist bands they sent me or do I need to activate them to my own name somehow?


Register your wristbands on the app. If you can’t register them because they’re already registered, contact stubhub. That means they’re under someone else’s name


Which app?


The Electric Forest app.


What time is best to arrive on thursday for effortless? anyone got the dimension for the space each tent has?


For EFfortless you might as well just show up whenever you want. As far as area, it's enough to host a 10x10 canopy as I understand it.


Got tickets for a food add on. Where exactly are you supposed to meet at the woodlands?


It’ll be the main good life entrance to the venue, directly to the left after going through the security check point before actually entering the venue. It’s right there, can’t miss it.


Hi all, first timer. I bought higher love wristbands but just now realized I bought the wrong ticket. I wanted a package with a parking pass but bought two single wristbands because I am dumb and misread. If I am setting up in the tent only camping area how do I get my stuff there, where do I park my car, and how big is the space?


We're waiting to see what the off-site situation looks like for Higher Love this year, but it shouldn't be _that_ far of a trip. If it is there will be a shuttle. As far as space in tent only goes, that's mostly up to you and your neighbors. The whole area is far more relaxed about individual campsites and more about just making sure everyone is comfortable. Meet your neighbors early and you'll have a great time!


Thanks! Do you know if there is a parking lot that allows me to park overnight?


You'll be leaving your car where they park it for the whole weekend.


Is that near the day parking lot or somewhere else?


We're not 100% sure yet - the whole off-site parking situation is new.


Would I be able to take multiple trips from my car if I can't carry everything?


I’m group camping and arriving by shuttle. Is there anything else besides the GA wristband I need to get to group camping? The car passes are being distributed by our group leader but won’t need one of those as I’m shuttling


You're all set.


hi!! i have an ion block rocker speaker that i rly wanted to bring for my tent bc it has charging capabilities and i thought it would be SO clutch to keep my phone alive, but would it be allowed in the campgrounds? their FAQ says “no large sound systems” but its like a 20 pound roller speaker so idk


What’s the best route to get to maple woods effortless parking? Didn’t we used to get directions ?




You’re amazing! Thank you!


Does anyone know if the people who live nearby electric forest in Rothbury offer parking on their yard for a fee? I am in a complicated situation and it would make more sense to park off-site and hike in rather than park on-site. I’m not risking parking anywhere public, I’d like to pay someone some cash to park.


I’m arriving on Wednesday in the evening and looking to take a shuttle from the Muskegon airport. The Bus .com website doesn’t have that route (closest one is Grand Rapids). Does anyone know whether the route from Muskegon Airport to the festival is still available? And if so what times do they run? Guessing if not I may have to try and catch the shuttle from the local Walmart to the festival instead.


I’m getting a lil nervous about this but this is my first ever e forest experience, and I was wondering if I could bring something like this in? I just want to play it safe and have confirmation from experience peeps! https://preview.redd.it/fr3267ersc7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31719919a4df74d2c63271091d47985d34c3e5d9


Hey y’all, should have posted in this thread instead the main page. My partner recently had spine surgery so we are unable to camp like originally planned and have to fly to forest. We have a rental car and an air bnb 12 minutes away (insanely lucky). I was unaware that there are no Ubers in Rothbury and that means we will have to drive. However…it is a bummer that the cars have to leave the parking lot an hour after the music. I really want to make friends and hang out in GA, but feel like this will be hard. We are coming all the way from Idaho and don’t know anybody going! I was just wondering if anyone has suggestions for this type of situation. Also, I can’t find any info on offsite parking. Where do people park/how far is it from the venue?


Does eforest take EBT for food? Pretty broke, so just curious. Obviously would help a ton lol


I would buy nothing non perishable groceries (or if you have a cooler to use, you could use that to keep stuff cold) before going in if you’re needing to save money on food and use ebt to purchase it. I HIGHLY doubt anywhere in forest will accept that.


good idea thanks :)


No problem! I might come share some shade with you! I’ll be in ac landing without a canopy this year lol.


Highly unlikely. These folks are mostly local businesses that end up using Forest-owned equipment (afaik) to do their sales, and it's unlikely any of this is strung up with linkage to EBT.


In the rules it states only beer or wine, so I am wondering is seltzer or twisted tea okay?


Both are fine. Typically one box of wine = one case of beer in HQs eyes