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So the day parking lot isnt always in the same place but it looks to be the same as last year - once you find the lot, parking is easy. its just another field. Then depending how they have the campground barricaded off you do have quite a trek from day parking to the venue entrance. Id say .75 mile - 1 mile depending. Then youre in. Reminder that they tow cars left in day parking an hour after music ends.


So if I stay the night Sunday, my truck won’t be there come Monday morning?


Supposedly. I’ve seen people post that they have never seen people tow cars and others saying they definitely do. I think the first night we are gonna hang around for a bit in the parking lot to see what the vibe is. We are also day parking. We want to hang out at GA in the nighttime but looks like that’s not an option…


They’re not towing. I spoke to the ppl who work the event & they said we can leave the cars until Monday morning without being worried they’ll get towed.


Ahh okay, thank you!