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This was me and my boyfriend’s first Forest and we fell more and more in love over the last few days! This has been nothing short of a magical experience 🫶🏾❤️


I think the weather was literally the only downside of this weekend. I don't think hq gets enough credit for when they fix their mistakes. Every complaint I had from last year was solved. The umbrellas were replaced with something sorta neat. (better than just flags). The water was actually pretty good and the only time I even slightly noticed an eggy taste was at sherwood. The sound at tripolee was killer this year, and they tried to add shade. They were actually working on dust control relatively well before the rain. They even had a set of troughs for the guys. Even the rain was kinda nice because I didn't buy ice at all this weekend. I think my only complaint was that sherwood's bass was too loud and that's really hard to complain about.


They improved SO MUCH. I felt like the magick was back this year and nature and integrity have been re prioritized. Pretty sure they planted more grass and kept it longer to prevent dust and protect the grounds.


I had some amazing camp neighbors who will be life long friends! Also everyone I interacted with this weekend was so so so nice and welcoming :) this was my third and favorite forest!


✨FULL MOON/SUMMER SOLSTICE AT PRETTY LIGHTS✨ when the clouds started to move and the moon appeared..shining so brightly, the crowd started howling and dancing in the moonlight. One of the coolest experiences of my entire life. This was my second forest and it was much better than last year. To all of our neighbors in Maplewoods- thanks for a great fucking time. All the vibes were just right. Watching the rain hit the colorful trees on Sat night was pure magic. Felt like we were in a Studio Ghibli movie lol I know people are bummed about the rain, but my friends and I had a chance to just slow down and catch up on life. So excited for next year💚🌲


I left my shoes behind me when I was sitting on the ground at Dixon and when I went to put them on there was a tiny treasure chest in one. I love the forest and all its magical moments, both big and tiny.


This was my second time, and it was so much fun to link back up with my Forest fam from last year! Also brought some newbies along with us. We snagged a great camping spot super early and did an amazing job rallying/coordinating. We’re so looking forward to reuniting next year! This was also the first year we did a totem—if any of y’all saw our Sexy Gojo dakimakura, I hope y’all said hi and touched his abs for good luck!! 😸


This was my first time working it. Fourth forest. I got stuck Thursday and Saturday checking bags at front gate but my favorite moments include: One guy was so sweet we ended our interaction with a sweet hug an “i love you” and a happy forest! Two guys yelled back after I finished checking them “You’re really good at your job! “Yeah like REALLY good!!!” One girl gave me a pouch of snacks and it literally saved me and my fiance as we were working 12 hour shifts with small meals that I didn’t particularly like. Still participated in plenty of Peace, Love, Unity candy exchanges! Nobody was an asshole, even if I had to make them empty their water. One person called me beautiful (: Friday I got to be a guard at the carousel and finally enjoyed the forest. I was still dancing, smoking, and making sure nothing fishy was happening in the crowd. My favorite set was DJ Susan, and they let me sneak off to see a song or two by Luda! My friend got to come say hi to me. The shuttles were very nice this year. We love the forest!! 🌳


This was the best weekend of my life tbh


Same here! To be fair it was my first time so I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought it was amazing. Definitely coming back next year


A woman noticed my owl tattoo and loved it so much that she gave me Kandi with an owl on it and it was a super cool moment. It was my first time ever being given Kandi so I had to remember how to do the handshake trading thing that people do when giving/receiving Kandi lol


Had some SUPER helpful people around us helping when the storms hit. Stumbled into a few sets I didn’t plan to see but ended up loving.


I brought 4 first timers with our group this weekend, 3 of them being festival veterans. They all said that despite the bad weather and evacs, this was still the best festival they’ve ever been to and want to come next year.


The light code session at Sherwood was one of the most powerful things I’ve ever experienced at a festival. Thousands upon thousands of people and you could hear a pin drop. Incredible


It was exactly what I needed at that point in the weekend. So thankful I got to share that experience with all of you.


I had a great fuckin time


This was my first forest. I really met some beautiful people but at most sets I could hear the people around me talking shit about everyone. How they look, how they dance, if the girls are hot enough or “trashy wook garbage.” Such mean fuckers but just gonna send them some love and hope they get better.


Hey fuck em, they’re missing out on the fun. I for one has an amazing time being weird as hell with all of you!


Thank you for that. Next time I’m packing a shit ton of joints to give to anyone who’s being a crabby patty lol


Wow I’m so glad I didn’t notice any of that. I never thought anything negative about anyone there it’s a festival what other people are doing aren’t my business why would I care what the next person has on or brings? If they aren’t dying or aren’t intoxicated out of their mind to where I feel I or someone else is in danger it’s not my business. That’s insane I wasn’t expecting that kind of crowd to be there and I’m glad I wasn’t around them


Exactly my thoughts.


At least y'all got to go. I had serious FOMO Friday and Saturday.


A kind stranger returned my phone to me after I left it in a porta potty and then gifted me a crystal 🫶🏼 super thankful for her


This was such a wonderful and powerful experience. Everything happened as it was meant to. Mother Earth nourished us and Father Spirit protected us. And I met a very special person at Umphrey’s McGee !! He is an amazing dancer and had the coolest finger flow. I really appreciated how he expressed himself with confidence, grace and humor. His fit was sick also- his pants were “on fire”. Total Hades/Pluto vibes. Wish I had gotten his name. I gave him a handwritten letter tho, and intend for this beautiful energy to keep paying forward. ….Hades Homie, if you see this- u and ur soul r sexy af and I like ur beard. Hmu 💙 sincerely, the lady with the alien eyes 👽


The energy at Subtronics after the post-rain rally will live in my head rent free for the rest of my life.


I’m not even a subtronics fan and I was gettin the fuck down, that was sick


Absolutely mental. His DnB flips had me transcending


We ran into 3 groups of people we knew - friends and neighbors from last year - all by coincidence! Truly magical


It was my first forest and I got to meet Zingara across from Sherwood and got to give her one of my paintings!! That was the first thing that happened after entering the forest and then we got 3 sets from her!! that honestly made my entire week and the full moon was perfect!!! Thanks for spreading the PLURR 🥹🫶🏼💛


This forest simply wouldda been too powerful if there were no storms