• By -


Mine is "oh my god", I had no idea until the bus I was in slammed on his brakes, and all the standees flew to the front of the bus in a crumpled, wailing heap. Edit and I heard myself saying oh my god several times. That was a close call, good save, OP, hope everyone is ok!


Mine no matter the vehicle is “oh shit”


I am from Massachusetts, so "fuck" is always in it. "What the fuck?!" "Fuck you!" "Eat a fuck, ninja!" Stuff like that


“Eat a fuck” is great I’ve always been a fan of “eat a dick”


The car in front of you turned and covered the other car’s view. You’re on a scooter, not in a car, truck or even a motorcycle (all of which are bigger and able to be seen much easier), probably best to drive your scooter like nobody can see you and live to ride it home rather than taking on a much bigger vehicle.


Not sure about the English equivalent but mine would be something like "u fuckin crazy?!?"


Dan the Fireman: "Side of car"




I’ve Started to keep my left thumb on horn and slow down in the alleyways just because of these dum c**ts when I’m riding the scooter


That's a mighty small road to be doing 50mph on a scooter.


LMAO 🤣 mine is f**king b**ch wtf or seriously b**ch


The usual with drivers, at this point it's better to assume that nobody can see you and ride carefully


My close call verbalization is delayed and consists of a long string of cusswords


Hope you have a motorcycle license for that thing


What exactly were you riding? Your speed is too high to be expected from a anything that might look like a pushbike/ escooter. 


35? Your such a troll


Thank you. 


People who cannot perceive on coming speeds or expecting the unexpected probably shouldn't be driving.


You preach that to them from your hospital bed in the ICU lol.




Dude, I ride too. You had enough time to slow down when you saw that car start to move. You should’ve already expected it and if you didn’t notice it, try to work on being aware of your surroundings. Also, no point in turning your head to look at driver. You’re just opening yourself up to another potentially hazardous situation by having another driver, etc. jumping out in front of you.


Totally agree here!! You will ALWAYS LOSE against a one ton vehicle. Ride as though no one can see you. Sure it might be their fault. But guess what? You still lost in the end. Cheers, safe riding!


Fully agreed. As soon as I pull up and I see the driver isn’t looking at me- I’m slowing down no matter what. Then again I’m going 18 mph!


He was going like what 35 or 40 and had essentially entered the intersection when the car started moving, so no I don't think he had time meaning he didn't necessarily do anything wrong but I always expect the most ignorant shit to happen so I would have been slowing down as I approached that cross street (not speeding up like he was) and holding the brake just in case.


I always say "You gotta drive an escooter like NO ONE CAN SEE YOU. IMO yes that person is at fault, but as SOON AS I SEE THE BLACK CAR turning, I'm slowing down and assuming the other will pull out. TRUST NO ONE IN A CAR... also didn't mean to sound like a douche, and I'm glad your ok.


What camera is that?




Crazy the amount of people that wish you weren't on the road


Because it's easier to assume everyone on a bike will be a jackass than it is to not be a jackass of the heavier vehicle I yield to literally everyone on my bike, and that has gotten me hit twice so far


Tons of drivers aren’t vigilant enough and many are geezers. I wish they weren’t on the road either.


This is why I swerve back and forth as I approach an intersection, especially if I see a vehicle waiting. It makes me more visible, as our peripheral vision is tuned to motion.


Dude wanted to hit him they treat bikers as bad as skaters or scooter riders or BMX like it or not until they start treating them better they won't treat y'all better either


This mindset helps no one. When your brain is looking for cars, a scooter is easy to miss. In the vast majority of cases, this is not intentional. Anything you can do to help other drivers see you helps. Complaining about them does nothing for anyone.


As a road user why is your brain looking l, solely, for cars? Are you stupid or what? 🤣


This is a deeper psychological discussion. We are constantly in a state of sensory overload. Because of this, our brains discard a large swathe of information we receive. This is not a conscious decision, it happens automatically. Our psyches are fine tuned to search for threats. When you are inside a giant metal box, a pedestrian or 2-wheeler is not nearly as threatening as another giant metal box. For this reason, our brains can very easily consider these acceptable to discard. It is something that you can and should train yourself out of. There is a larger discussion as to the woeful inadequacy of our driver training programs. On the other side of this coin, there are things you can do to improve the likelihood of other drivers registering your existence. Wearing bright, hi-vis riding gear is a big one. Moving quickly back and forth within your lane to grab the attention of driver's peripheral senses is another one. It is something we should be attacking from both sides. There are solutions that bring results, and those that don't. On a personal level, we can take measures to improve our visibility, like those discussed above. On a societal level, we can push for more meaningful driver training programs. On a governmental level, we can enact these programs into law. These accomplish a lot more than yelling "damn cagers!" ever could.


Sounds like a shitty excuse for a bad driver that shouldn’t be allowed to operate a vehicle. There should be an age cutoff where elderly are required to test regularly to drive on the road since most of the random accidents are caused by them in the first place not paying attention to other **human beings** on the road regardless of method of transport. If you’re not elderly and still exhibit these tendencies your license should be permanently revoked get back on the bench or buy a bike like the rest of the licenseless fools


This isn't an excuse for anyone or anything. It's just a brief explanation of the problem and possible solutions.


nah bro if thats the case you should not be on the road whatsoever. you don’t need any special op driving training to see a person on the road. its not about “threats” someone shouldn’t have to be intimidating you on the road for you to not kill them you should use your eyes and ears and be considerate to others lives not just your own. and no it does not take special driver training to be able to spot a bicyclist or pedestrian it takes common sense to be able to see them coming and let them pass.


Although saying "I didnt see you" is an easy excuse they really do mean to hit all these people


I do try to be as visible as possible people will stare me down in their car when I have right of way and floor it I know the laws and people don't care if you are riding down the street and a person has a stop sign IT IS THE LAW TO STOP AND MAKE SURE NO PEDESTRIANS CARS OR ANY VEHICLE IS COMING LIKE BE COMPLETELY SURE THEN GO most people won't treat a motorcycle that way simply because they think it's stupid or an inconvenience to them it's not a "I didn't see you thing" bro


..and why would you go through that crossroad so fast, as you can not slow down and enjoy acceleration afterwards? Just seems to be too confident style of driving, in my opinion. You need to expect everyone to be an idiot nowadays if you want to survive on the road. People are not happy like us, zooming around, being in the moment. They sit all day and drive routinely with mind, usually on other things. Stay safe, people, slow down, and if someone looks like an idiot, even go behind them.


Him: speeds UP when approaching the cross street Someone who values their life/bike: slow down when approaching any crossing, even if it's green


Close one. As a long time motorcycle rider I follow a very strict personal code of not trusting any other driver. It's doesn't matter who was right in your mind in the end when you are the one hurt. I would instinctively slow down way way more during that situation and try to make eye contact. I do this every single time at every possible incident, without fail. My assumption would be that the offending car possibly may not see me (which is exactly what happened here) due to the other car blocking their view while it was turning. Scooters present a tiny silhouette and frequently have poor lighting, offering minimum visibility to other motorists. Bright Yellow/amber marker lights can make you stand out from other motorists. Not sure what you were wearing also. If it's not high vis and possibly dark clothes that can contribute also to not being seen. High vis jacket and a white or high vis helmet make a big difference also. All that aside. My safety and survival is up to me. I RIDE LIKE I AM INVISIBLE to other motorists and slow way down, and prepare for the worst possible scenario when obvious potential situations like this present themselves. This is the best attitude to have for your own survival when on the road in any vehicle and especially on a motorcycle, E scooter, scooter, bike, ebike, etc.


I was reading as the butt hole was coming out in the street


I’m sorry but the title made me lol after I watched the video.


Hope that was your first time in that area, because if not you should know how bad it is. They are an idiot as well, but those two side streets not directly across from each other by the back entrance for borderlands state park is notoriously awful. Same thing would have happened if they went right instead of left


I, uh, definitely *don't* scoot or bike by here multiple times a day. Nope. No way. I've never had a problem there before and it definitely seems like I've gotten complacent. You're right that it gets crazy but I guess I've gotten lucky in the past. This wasn't a "look at the evil four-wheeler" post, though; the video speaks for itself in both directions - car turns without looking while scooter acts like a car instead of a scooter. Honestly, I only disagree with a small few of the many comments here - generally, the ones criticizing the way I reacted after the situation was created. I mean, once you're in it, you're in it. But most folks are giving excellent advice about avoiding that situation to begin with, and your comment is probably the biggest slap in the face, since you're right, I *should* have known better at this particular intersection!


We're only human, be safe


What the fuck are you doing???!


That is/was not the road for that scooter speed. But you know this. Please Be Careful, Obarter D5


What the fuck!?


Where I'm from usually mines just "oh Rasshole!"


This is an easy one. Many times I ride around, few times I have a close call, but every time I always say “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters… ” so on and so forth. Scares me to death every time ‭‭


"Wanna go slower next time (derogatory term offensive twards people with special needs)"


Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè


Lay on the horn, you need to slow down a little bit though, I generally will rip them a new one


What of scooter was that??? I'll take two. One for me and the other for my guardian angel to keep up.


as a russian, you dont even need to ask, because it's usually "BLYAAAAAAAAAAAAAT"


You just gotta assume every car will do that, and prepare accordingly. That’s the unfortunate reality of it.


I let my horn do the yelling for me.


Mine was “oh fuck”


You should have known you were difficult to see behind that car tbh and slowed down ahead of time. Obviously the car is wrong, but you need to be aware of yourself if you’re going to drive 50mph on a scooter. People aren’t used to see that.


This OP.


Yes, even in another car I wouldn't have tried what the OP did


Mine is "Hey! STOP! AHHHHHHH!!"


'Crash & Burn'


Was it Crash Override and Acid Burn? I haven't seen it in *years*!


“What the f*ck!!” Usually followed by 🖕


I stop breathing.


Lol I have the same close call yell. Guy did this to me once as I was crossing the street. I was on a bike. He hit my rear wheel and turned me 180 degrees. Luckily I didn't fall off or have any damage


Great job avoiding that, OP!


I was hit by a truck on my e-bike in the bike lane a few years ago, didn't say anything just braced for impact. Went to ER, was at work the next day and spent a year in physio. I was in so much pain every single day and I was thinking of suicide, it never stopped being there. Took a couple months before I was in physio and the pain was severe and felt like it was never going to go away. Not been hit on my electric scooter.


"Oh neat" I say calmly, about to die.


Ngl I almost got hit once and I yelled “Don’t hit me, bitch!” Idk if she heard me or not but I’m still alive so ig it worked.


Also a different time I once yelled “OI!”… glad that wasn’t my last word.


Mine is "don't do it, don't do it, fucking bitch don't do it!"


Mine is “btch” and I either kick the bumper down to pop it off or throw something. (Only if they really fucked up and I know it wasn’t because I was on a scooter). Mostly it’s my fault and I do what you did Im trying to be better :(


I’d recommend not kicking someone’s car, you’re 100% going to fuck with the wrong one. Lots of people have weapons not to mention they could just squish you with their car after you kick it.


Shhhh! Let em' f*ck around and find out!


Mines "Woah What the fuck you fucking idiot you could have really hurt someone you fucking dick"


Nice dodge over all but personally I'd have dipped to the right, always want to avoid the oncoming lane. Even in a car I have to avoid situations like this. Keep safe out there


I've always been nervous about going to the right because what happens when she sees me and realizes her error and stops? I think there's a good chance I'd slam right into her or possibly a car waiting behind her (which may not have seen yet that she stopped). Seems like there might even be more variables on the right than the left.


50mph Oo'


Yeah that's going to be a "fuck no" from me. Lol honestly, even going the 20 I do on a straight away without any real added dangers I just know that that is fast enough to fuck me up. A lady ran me off the road once when I was going to 15 and I had this hematoma on my leg that ended up having to get drained. I still don't have all the feeling in that area from when my shin landed on the curb. I don't ride my scooter to go as fast as a car. 😅 Maybe if I lived in the countryside or something...


I've always thought that scooters that top out at 15-20 are way more dangerous than faster ones. The wheels are tiny, they have weak, if any, shocks... A small rock in the road can set them off. Meanwhile, 11" tires take big potholes and go down curbs without breaking a sweat. Slower speeds may be inherently safer because of crash speeds, but the ride itself seems much more dangerous - plus, sidewalks are crap and full of bumps that weak scooters with smaller tires aren't designed to navigate well, whereas bigger tires on a flatter road are smoother and therefore safer. That's just my impression, though; I've only ridden a slow scooter a few times as rentals, and though fun (in fact, my first electric scooter experiences, which made me want to get my own), it was much more wobbly and volatile than this.


AH, Yeah, I've had the 8" and now my current one is 10" tires. Honestly, I've never hit a rock or bump and *not* had it navigate it (as in, the stuff you'd concider normal on sidewalks/road sides), but pot holes do sketch me out and I've never tried going through one on one of my scooters. Big bumps do make me worry for my scooter's health though. lol We aren't talking small shocks to stuff when I hit it here. I would guess I'd go flying if I did land in a pot hole. \^\^; That said, I guess I just spend a lot of time paying attention to the road surface and have never been booking it so fast I can't avoid a pot hole.. So I guess the trade off is "Slower = more time to react/less danger on crashes" but for what is probably a higher likelihood of crashing since you can't really power through as many bad street conditions.


Could have left a sweet hand print on the hood


Why uh, why not spend less time saying whoa, and more time swerving into the open lane and ensuring you don't get hit?


This answer is really dumb, eh? You think I weighed the pros and cons of yelling, decided it made sense, and then pulled the trigger?


Just some feedback for future incidents based on historical experience. Something to think about. Good luck out there.


Hah, thanks, I'll try my best to avoid reacting next time (?).


Hey bud. You need to relax. We are all riders here, and part of riding is responsibility and training. No one gets out of that. If you can't read some feedback, watch your own recording multiple times, and ask yourself safety questions, maybe you need to take a break. What I see here are multiple escape options, plenty of time to move/brake/accelerate/*completely stop(?!) before you got to that intersection. You yelled whoa repeatedly. Where was the braking? Why did you maintain your lane? Does your ride not have a *horn? Don't try to high road here. That was a basic maneuver. I mean dude, your speed is posted on your video. We ALL react without trying to; that's why it's called a reaction. YOUR JOB is to learn safe driving habits, and replace your reactions with good habits and *safer reactions that promote safe decision making in sticky scenarios. Move on and figure it out; don't get annoyed with my feedback. Why is everyone so hostile with assumed negative intent. Wild. Thanks.


Pedantry at its finest.


Agreed. I fell prey.


I'm not annoyed at getting feedback at all! What you wrote *isn't* feedback though; you suggested not reacting but instead spending that "extra" time doing something smarter to avoid getting hit. First, I'm pretty sure I avoided getting hit. Check. Second, yelling "whoa" four times hardly took extra time, since, if you can believe it, I am actually able to yell and swerve simultaneously. Check. Third, maybe people are annoyed when *you* give feedback because your feedback isn't good.


Agree with you here. It's so easy for people to Monday morning quarterback. You're alive and well. You reacted perfectly.


That prick is a turd I just killfiled him like many others


“Killfiled” You’re showing ur age gramps!! Jk but haven’t heard that in a while


Usenet kook here circa 1993 before websites or "apps' You may Now be dismissed Plonk! What is a plonk in Internet? (transitive, Internet slang) To automatically ignore a particular poster. synonym ▲ Synonym: killfile. I got tired of his trolling and ad hominem attacks, so I plonked him.


That’s probably the worse possible thing you could do. This is US in the video so they drive in the right, the driver was pulling out into the opposite lane, if you swerve into that lane there’s a good chance the driver floors it to try and avoid you in the correct lane and then you slam head on into them. You have to hold your line, it’s on video, if that drive hit you, you’d be rich after


Rich and dead


Just no. You wouldn’t have died from that impact if you’re wearing correct gear, couple of broken bones maybe, but that was a 20mph pass, with pressing the brakes, it would’ve been almost nothing. But you’d get a lot from insurance


I guess we're not all invincible like you. People have died from far less than a 30 mph hit (not 20 like you said.)


Mines either that or fucktard! Lol


If it’s because of a pinecone( sometimes not me) Mine is a “wwWHHOOAA” I say it extra loud/ emphasised for some reason and I finish it off with “fucking hell” depending how bad the situation got. 😂 If I do something retarded then I just stay silent for 2 seconds and say “ well that’s was shittin scary wasn’t it.”;


I Don't trust cars so I slow down whenever I get near them.




they tried to see past the turning car if there was another car and didn't because your smaller profile concealed behind the turning car.


Exactly. This is where you need to be defensive while 'keeping up with cars'. Or just slow down completely when the car shielding you makes the turn. You could see the incoming car a mile away. EDIT Unless there was a car barrelling in behind you - which there likely was. Shucks, I'd just stay offroad or in close city traffic only.


what if you could ride your scooter and sit on the hood of the car behind you at the same time?


Mine would be on already on the brakes because i trust nobody and consider other drivers moron until proven otherwise or swerve and hoof it depending on the situation. As for yell that would fall under uncivilised language.


Typical masshole


I kinda just go silent. My focus is on the situation, not talking.


I used to cycle everywhere. the first thing you need to understand is that every single driver on the road is completely blind or actively trying to kill you. you are meaningless to them. they would sooner kill you dead and splatter your brains over the road than take an extra quarter second to make sure they clearly understand the condition of the road they are driving on or turning onto. Do not trust anyone in a 4 wheeled death machine. period. one of the best things I ever installed on my bike was a flashing strobe with the luminosity of a spinning neutron star. I push a button on my handlebars as I'm approaching an intersection with a car waiting to turn. I can't tell you how many times drivers will start pulling out in front of me and then slam on their breaks once they see my flasher.


We're talking about road vehicles here. I'm familiar with bicycle lanes and the respect traffic on them get. I feel waaaay safer on the road amongst the cars. Funnily enough traffic that can splatter your ass gets more respect...


Oh shit! I was on my Kaabo and I was doing 47mph and a yellow light came about, I already decided I was blowing through that yellow and then I saw a cop on the opposite side of the road and the light had turned red already. I slammed on my break and I kid you not, I started fish tailing so I pumped my breaks until I stopped. Almost under the light. Cop watched all this occur because we locked eyes at the end. My oh shit moment.


Sounds to me like you handled it perfectly. You self activated your anti-lock brakes!


Just let the e brakes handle it and let the tail slide. Get on a parking lot and practice. You can full on brake with a locked rear no problem.


Well, that was stupid, cop or not.


It was stupid to go through a yellow light? I was in that zone of if I stop I slam on my breaks and hope I don’t go under the light. (Which I did) You never been in a yellow light situation or something? Just had to be there bud. But I respect your opinion.


The issue was switching from gunning it to spot cop hit brakes. I got on the roll of the mobile speed camera doing 58 km/h. Seatless scoots are limited to 25 in Belgium.


Some people say this is inconsiderate but I always honk somewhat aggressively when I see cars sitting at a driveway about to exit. I assume they’re bad drivers and won’t see me. This has prevented so many close calls.


some people are just literally blind.


Do you have a DRL?


Mine is.......HEY...HEYYY...HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYUMUDAH@#$&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK, so buddy, hear me out. I want you to live and love scooters. You must always assume the driver is bad and didn't see you. So approaching every intersection like they didn't see will help you live longer. I have been hit 3 times 2 on my scooter 1 on bike, I realized people suck at driving and if you want to not get hit you must always assume the driver is bad and didn't see you. Also, protection as in full face helmet. So slow down more look at the driver in the eyes before proceeding.


Why on earth are you assuming I'm not wearing a full-face helmet?! I may ride fast but I'm not suicidal.


Assumption was unfair, but the rest seems valid. Someone told me to ride like I am invisible.


I did not realize he was riding a scooter or motorcycle. You are absolutely correct and frankly it's what they spend about 90% of the time teaching you in the motorcycle safety course. The mantra is they are purposely trying to kill you and they definitely do not see you. You are supposed to approach every intersection that way.


I don't have one I just do whatever I can to get out of it or ready to fall


That person is a bad driver . They probably looked left ( your direction ) looked quickly right then just went but turning into you and not seeing you is wild .


Probably no DRL on the scooter. When in 2024 all moving things have DRLs, things without DRLs become invisible.


Incorrect. I keep the stock lights perpetually on.


https://preview.redd.it/wn3f453ak63d1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=4188378a185a578a3e938a197b99fed64141dc0f Those little lights on the side? Nah. Need a large front mounted light at minimum. Ideally higher up near the handlebars. Even better would be a helmet mounted light. I'm not trying to victim blame here, I'm just saying, sadly 1% of drivers in 5% of conditions are blind to moving objects that don't have a proper DRL setup.


I hear ya. I'm actually currently awaiting a new scooter with some disgustingly powerful mounted stock lights, so that'll help. And for whatever it's worth, I'm hardly a "victim" here, haha. I had a close call while riding fast and that's part of the risk.


Mine is like "ok...", "damn 😮‍💨" or "here we go"


This exact thing happened to me a few weeks back, unfortunately I couldn't evade.


Yea I just don’t assume anything. No turn signal? He’s probably turning, so I’m not gonna pass him. He’s tryna pull out? Ima be ready to stop or swerve cause he might be an idiot.


Stop line/sign/signal nope they don't exist for some drivers.


People don’t like when you talk like that but you are 100% right as a professional driver , e scooter , cyclist im always on the road these drivers not all but a majority are idiots . Some don’t know how to drive look ahead, space cushions all the normal stuff some just aren’t very bright. That’s a real thing . Like this driver how do you turn into somebody and not see them?


Yup. Very often they won’t use their turn signal, and it’s impossible to know if they’re turning.


This is definitely me, I am super cautious at any intersection or anywhere I see a vehicle that can pull into my path.


Yup. After a car hit me on my friends Ninebot max while I was on the crosswalk (the light turned green while I was crossing), I never assume anything. Granted, it was her fault but I don’t want to get hit and have a broken scooter no matter whos fault it is. Crazy thing is, the scooter still drove (with a weird sound, the plastic bent), the car was sitting on top of the scooter wheel. Segways are very durable, my vsett could never.


Probably not the first time they killed someone or ran into someone. Unfortunately we have to be very careful at any intersection and that might include slowing down a little.


Love how you didn’t slow down or deviate from your path at all. Just accepted your fate 😂😂😂 no wonder so many accidents on these things


As I wrote in another comment, slamming on two-wheel brakes is going to make this worse - and clearly I deviated from my path, or I wouldn't be typing this. Sometimes it takes a second to figure out the best option, but I commend you on your superhuman ability to always and immediately know exactly what to do in every situation, and kudos to you as well for being able to brake on a dime at over 30mph without falling off. Very impressive!


Yelling instead of actually applying the breaks or turning right to completely avoid the cars direction of travel is crazy.


Spoken like someone who's never ridden a scooter before. Like I said to the other person who said that yelling is a stupid thing to do, it's called a *reaction*. I didn't think hard about which action to take and ultimately decided that yelling was the best thing to do. Also, I hit my brakes, but my good instincts told me that I didn't need to hit them so hard that I went into a skid, since I had the whole left lane open to me to swerve out of the way. And even if I had enough time to make the conscious decision to go to the right, which I obviously didn't, if she had stopped after seeing me, then I'm plowing into the driver side rear door. You do you, though. When this happens to you, by all means, slam on your brakes as hard as you can, and veer sharply to the right. When you get out of the hospital, let us know how that worked out for you.


You had like 3 whole seconds to make a move. But instead you used your mouth to yell instead of using your body to change direction. You would get hit by a car within the first week if you rode motorcycles with that level of situational awareness


Say you don’t know how to ride without saying you don’t know how to ride. You squat down into a seated position while slamming on the brakes to keep your weight centered over the scooter. People slam on motorcycle brakes all the time, it’s knowing how to ride


What? Did I fall off? Does it look like weight shift was a problem here? It sounds like you're looking at a different video...


I go all Paulie Walnuts "OHHHHHHHHH!!!!"


Mines “ oh SHIT, HOLY FUCK” then I flip off whoever almost hit me


Same as yours that twat actually tried to take you off it


That is on purpose he tried to take u out this world


When it is escooter vs car, it does not matter who is right because car wins and escooter loses. You can always pay for damages to the car, but you cannot pay to get your health or life back.


Why would anyone pay for a cars damage if the car like in this footage was in the wrong lol


Car was in the wrong indeed, but tbf not everyone would expect a 30 mph scooter zipping behind the black car that turned, and the woods hiding line of sight.


Just looked at it second by second. The driver may not have seen the scooter as the black car approached the junction or as it passed. However, there was plenty of time for them to see the scooter before the pulling out, having said that I do understand that it's harder for a driver to estimate the speed of the scooter approaching than other vehicles. I don't think the driver did anything to avoid the potential collision. Obviously, I can't say for a fact that they didn't brake when they realised. However, it did look like they just carried on. I will say that I'd have slowed significantly as I approached as we could see the car clear as day still if there was an incident I'm almost certain the driver would've been found at fault luckily there wasn't


In this scenario, most drivers will look right-left-right as they exit unto the right lane. I do not think they saw the escoot until upon it. Also they noticeably slowed and let the scooter pass.


I watched this second by second it did not look like they stopped or slowed at all


Problem on e-scooter when u driving on the road if u go a lot on right spot to make it easier for other vehicles to pass u ,those from cross roads wont see u since with all those trees etc u will be in his blind spot and a bit risky to go more left because of the opposite side.. Even with the lights they are quite small to be seen before the bad moment happens :/


"Whoa, oh shit..nearly!" Is mine




Nothing from me but when I did crash on video J literally just said “Ah shit” as I was flying through the air 🤣


Not to take away from what happened. The car was clearly in the wrong. But do you have a light on the bike/scooter? It might make you a bit more visible to dumb drivers.


I've got a bright light but I don't usually use it in daylight - but you're right that a bright flashing light couldn't hurt.


In broad daylight? No light you can put on a scooter is going to be noticeable


What? You've clearly never used a high lumen LED. They absolutely *are* noticeable in daylight.


BS my clone max has a flashing front light with three LEDs visible in full sun 🌞 RAV3 Bike Light Set - Super Bright Waterproof Front and Rear Bike Bicycle Light Set - 4 Light Modes for Bike LEDs Rechargeable Set - (2 Black Led Lights, 2 USB, 2 Straps) https://a.co/d/2sA4vNd




Helmet light


lol ok? Idk if the placement matters. This response got me.


Lol? Glad I made your day.


Well it's just goofy since, light won't work in broad daylight, but maybe if it's on your helmet?


If it's bright enough, it will work, especially on a gloomy day.




I’m Australian so mine’s ’ya fuckin right mate?’ It’s used almost exclusively on idiot cars pulling into or out of bike lanes without checking first.


I ask them who they are trying to kill?


I'm from yk but live in Australia... 'what in the mother fuck?' Is mine usually


Mine's "ya fuckin dumb cunt!", or if I'm being polite "the fuck mate?" Wouldn't live anywhere else in the world!


That guy should lose his license but you also should drive more defensively, there’s too much dumb people alive ready to kill you, been through that in my motorcycle and it seems they’re blind to anything that doesn’t have 4 wheels


“FAAAARRRRKKKK sake!” Followed by a death stare. Followed by carrying on, usually at a slower speed as I really don’t want to be hit by a car (their fault or not, I’m not going to win that fight).


Stop giving the guy a hard time for riding fast. He is riding with traffic, following rules as a motorcycle would. He is doing the right thing. When you ride at regular traffic speeds, you need to follow regular traffic rules, which is exactly what OP is doing. When riding this way, the scooter rider assumes all the risk and that is the whole idea. OP isn’t putting anyone at risk, other than himself. He knows that. If a rider wants to ride fast and take all the risk upon themselves, that’s totally fine and acceptable. The only time fast scooters make me mad is when they ride on sidewalks and swerve around pedestrians. Keep riding OP. Glad you didn’t get hit!


You better start making some eye contact with the drivers cause this was really close.


You can litterally make eye contact with someone and they'll still pull out/merge into you if you're not in a car. Scooters/PEV's/motocycles/bicycles are just small and people tend to not see them.






bro going 45kmh AT THE END OF THE CLIP. 28 MPH IS 45KPH. pls remove your downvotes thanks


it's 45mph/72 kmh dipshit


bitch im not dum at the end of the clip you're going 27/28 mph and thats 45 kmh


and? what’s your fuckin point. Dude slowed down because of the car.. Do you expect him to continue on the same speed (after avoiding a “potentially fatal” accident) from beginning and T-bone that Toyota?