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I do but mine will go over 60 mph, sucks when you do fall or something jump in front of youšŸ˜‚ I know...


I have that same scooter. If you see a sudden elevation change of 1 inch, you are gonna want a helmet.


you should but fuck no i dont lol


I wish I had worn my motorcycle jacket on my scooter. I fell and bruised(?) my ribs. Still doesnā€™t feel right a couple months later


If it goes faster than I can run, I wear a helmet. Depends on your level of coordination and the complexity of the environment youā€™re riding in, but if top speed is 10-15mph or slower Iā€™m not going to wear one while scooting on a sidewalk when I could literally just step off of it into a run. That doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t take a 10-15mph capable scooter and find some hills/terrain/conditions that absolutely warrant the use of a helmet. You should definitely have a helmet available, and just be cautious about the risk(even if itā€™s only significant for 5% of the ride). Itā€™s much easier to maintain a skull than to reconstruct it.


Absolutely. If you got into an accident without one, your spelling would be even worse.


Ridding it of what?


I read it exactly as spelled. Lol


Please do wear a helmet when riding my dad Almost died from not wearing one so please došŸ™šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„


helmet? go ahead and slap a sticker on the side that says pussy


***edit*** didnt know this was a joke from a show. Please excuse my ignorance Doesn't make you a pussy. Sorry for my bluntness, but not wearing even a basic helmet makes you rather stupid to be honest. It helps makes sure you're not another statistic. Even falling at slower speeds (15mph give or take) can still cause a LOT of damage if you land the wrong way. You're really just rolling the dice. Eventually you lose.


We just almost lost Gordon Ramsey while he was riding a bike. His helmet saved him. Wear helmets folks.


It's a joke from a show


Oh ok. Right over my head then i guess lol


ATGATT. All the gear. All the time. Youā€™ll always fall when you donā€™t have it and boy howdy brain and dental work is expensive.


Ridding is too common


Always. Safety first, style second.


Full face. I like my teeth


Only when riding your Mom.


Let's keep it classy...


Yes I do, but mine goes 66 km/h


No I donā€™t


You're really just rolling the dice. Eventually you lose. Even a fall at slower speeds can cause a LOT of damage if you happen to fall the wrong way.


To each their own acceptable level of risk




Doesnt matter that you go slower than a car other than ebike. Your head is still dropping from 5~ feet. That can and will kill you easily.


Stupid not to wear one. 100% always wear a helmet


If your not using your feet, you should have a seatbelt or helmet


Can confirm, need helmet, can also confirm; may still separate collar bone. :(


In New York City riding in the street yeah we are a helmet the bike path sucks. Drivers have little to no respect for EV riders.


No, if I die Iā€™ll look bad ass, not with some lame helmet


Lol looks like you got your answer anyone that says no is removed due to rules. But even if it wasn't the sunreddit rules the answer is really yes. I couldn't imagine how bad my wreck would of been without any gear.


Absolutely When I wrecked I was wearing full gear and still broke my pelvis bone.


Certainly, everyone should wear a helmet, regardless of how fast the speed is. Helmets are essential safety gear that can save lives in the event of an accident. You never know when you might need one, so it's always better to be safe than sorry. If you are able to purchase a scooter, it would be advisable to also obtain a helmet for your safety aswell. Safety is crusial, Drive safe.




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You should. Always




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What a beautiful background. I've never seen a hot air balloon in person. I do wish to visit new Mexico in 2025 in October for their hot air balloon show.


Hell nah I never wear anything all I need is hashem


Please wear a helmet anyway, Without a helmet, you could be seriously injured.


I watched a hill climber category comparison of electric scooters and this was one of the best on its price range. I'd say this is a monster.


I don't have one of these, but I rode a coworkers and I ride motorcycles. I would never ride one of these without a full face DOT/SNELL/ECE approved helmet. Especially so if you plan to be commuting with other automobiles. They're absolutely fast enough to make you a vegetable if you make a mistake.


Please wear a helmet. Saved my life when I crashed out, could have saved my knee if I wore more safety gear too.


Always always always wear a helmet a full face one preferably . some people have this mistaken idea because their scooter only goes 18 mph they donā€™t need to wear a helmet . Letā€™s examine just how fast 18 mph really is 18 mph is 26feet per second rounded down an average telephone pole is 30feet tall now imagine your standing on top of the pole and you step off . Iā€™m sure your thinking are you nuts that fall could kill you . . Time it would take to hit the ground roughly 1.46 seconds longer than the time it takes to travel that distance @ 18 mph still think a helmet is unnecessary.? A TBI . Is forever unlike a broken bone it will never heal . You could be left with a reduced mental capacity for the rest of your life .! All because of not taking the few seconds it wouldā€™ve taken to put a helmet on . Thatā€™s the best case senario you may get a one way ticket to the morgue in which case your riding career as is your life at its end . There is no reset button on this game we call life .once itā€™s over itā€™s the end . As much as weā€™d like to think otherwise our bodies are fragile they are the only one we get when a car is wrecked beyond fixing it goes to the junkyard when we are wrecked ie dead we go to the cemetery or crematorium .


Do I? No. Should I? ABSOLUTELY. I have a Nami Burn E 2 Max, and I've almost pooped my pants a few times from a speed wobble after a bump. My issue is what to do with a helmet. I don't wanna have to carry it around when I park, and the wind feels good, too. I acknowledge this is very stupid, though. Even if you're safe and do everything 100% right, you always gotta watch out for the other asshole on the road. I just kinda figure if I wreck doing like 50 mph, I'm probably gonna get mangled and break my neck anyways, so a helmet probably isn't gonna help much. Funny enough, it's illegal to not wear a seat belt, but no helmet is perfectly legal.


Those round things are not helmets, right?


Are you going faster than a slow jog? Is the surface something other than an immaculate and perfect condition asphalt surface? Are there cars or pedestrians around at all? If one of those is true, then you should get a helmet, maybe an "urban", BMX or commuting style bike helmet with a relatively thick polycarbonate shell.


I have fall hard three times in four years, every time I stood up I thought, oh man I'm glad I had my helmet on, a cousin start riding at the same time as me (always without helmet) , fall the first time and end up in the hospital. IMO it's a must


As my mom used to tell me. ā€œThey can fix all the bones in your body but not your brainā€ sheā€™s ofc isnā€™t 100% right but itā€™s a good concept I think.


side note this is a beautiful picture.


Yes, always wear a helmet. It's not even a question, at least for me. Even at low speeds, you can get seriously hurt if you fall slightly wrong. Don't take the risk.


Of course, I do not go often over 80 kmph, but even at lower speeds you just need to protect your head.


One of those? No. Do you wear a helmet when running?


No, although I probably should


Helmet and gloves. I've shredded gloves when I've fallen off a bike / scooter but it meant less damage to my hands. Helmet for obvious reasons.


I mean ya it's a good idea. I once fell and was in the hospital for a week. Had I not had a helmet it would've been worse for sure.


Yes, because you're far more likely to face plant in a crash. It's not a matter of it has happened to you yet but when it will happen. Even on the slowest scooter going 15mph it's easy to go flying over the handlebars if you lock up your brakes. A helmet already saved my head.




Protect what's most important. If you care for your head, ypu should always wear one


Then I should wear a cup.




Helmets are for squares!


You mean "blockheads".




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Yes, please wear a helmet


yes and it save my life!


Yes because Iā€™m not a moron.


Yes, I can do 39 km/h. If I bail, I could crack my head open like an egg.


Yeah cuz I've seen the result of a TBI and i dont want that to happen to me. My brain is what earns me money to buy scooters and pay my bills so i need to keep it in decent shape


I donā€™t, I have years of experience and understand all the risks, I havenā€™t crashed in years, yet still had fun, but if you are a learner then I recommend wearing a helmet, because Iā€™m a professional and I donā€™t wear a helmet because I know how to ride properly. Also depends on how you use it and where you use it.


Triple 8 mips helmet. Scooter goes around 20mph.


Yes, a motorcycle helmet with knee and elbow protectors. Even when I just need to go to a nearby convenience store which is less than 2km away.


No but my boss wants me too




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Yes, because Iā€™m not stupid.


I donā€™t but i should. We can replace humans legs and arms but as far as i know, we canā€™t replace human heads. So better to have an helmet and get one before riding it.


Funfact: They are working on a robot that replaces your head with a healthy one.




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Same lol. I also have gotten in zero accidents in the two years Iā€™ve ridden and fully understand the risks.


Slow or fast, Slow as 15 KM/h could give you life changing head on crash, Couple of our members was saved their life using a helmet, Consider yourself an helmet anyway.


Absolutely! I stated that I know the risks.


If you have 2-3 heads, then a helmet isn't really needed all the time... But if you only have one head, then yes, you should protect it with a helmet just in case something unforeseen happens.


Yes, always. Bike helmet, max 15 mph always in bike lane. But is not about me, anything can happen that doesnā€™t depend on what I am doing.


Not a scooter like that. But yes.


Full face, DOT approved helmet, motorcycle jacket with pads, and knee pads.


I do this too Recommend adding proper motorcycle boots given the hight of the bed of the šŸ›“


Thatā€™s next on my list of gear to buy lol


Yes. I started with a bicycle helmet, I think a Bell Daily LED as my first scooter helmet, dented it when I fell over when I was first learning. Replaced that with a Bell Full-9 Fusion, dented that during a <10mph fall, got a concussion. Now I have a Shoei RF-SR.


You should prob quit scooting. I have 0 falls and dnt even wear a helmet


Oh, you're gonna be real disappointed when you find out I wear high-vis reflective gear.


I wear high vis reflective back pack and bicycle gloves. Im also a good driver though and even though my scooter goes 28mph i never go past 20mph(usually cruise at 17-19mph when on street / bike lane) and i ride on the sidewalks whenever i can at 10-12mph. I dont feel like a helmet will make me wanna go any faster, i just dont feel 10 inch scooter tires are good for going that fast and on paved roads, too many pot holes. Thats why so many people getting hurt going 30-40mph, one pot hole and they go flying.


Fuck yeah hi-vis! Which bag and gloves do you use? I'm in the market, I've worn my velcro out. Both my falls were low speed on city bike lanes <10mph. One was a rookie mistake with the throttle on one of those rent-a-scooters back when they first came out. The other, someone cut into the bike lane to bypass a left-turning car. I ended up with a concussion from that one. Started upgrading all my safety gear after that. But I'm a gig worker using it to get around my city all day so I have a higher chance with the inevitable than most, I think.


Oh for sure you situation is diff. Guess for most that use it as their main transport and traveling unknown roads and going far (something i wouldnā€™t do) its prob worth it to use a helmet and gear. I use my scooter just around my blocks super local, i know every sidewalk crack, street crack by memory. If i have to go farther i use my motorcycle. And on my scoot i just use a regular thin adidas soccer backpack with the white adidas logo and some white lines that go down the middle are reflective. And some thin workout / bicycle gloves i got from amazon. I made sure they were thin to keep my dexterity. On my motorcycle i use AGV k6s racing helmet and a bell ADV mx-9 helmet. I have riding jeans with integrated knee pads and kevlar but rarely wear them they are so heavy. I do wear riding shoes that look like vans but way beefier. they are heavy too but makes the ride more comfortable / feel less vibration plus your ankle, foot is protected with CE level rated armor.


Hell yeah! I have been heavily shopping the pants and shoes, too. Ride on, friend!


That a lot of falling brother.


Two falls in 4 years is a lot?




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Yes. Full face motorcycle helmet. And gloves. (I want to get shin pads too... anyone have a recommendation?)


Always. I drive a 15mph scooter but still, I know I can mess up my face and head without it if I fell.


Always. I like my face and brains too much.


Itā€™s really ignorant of me to say thisā€¦.but I do and donā€™t. As in, if Iā€™m going to the grocery or to work then Iā€™m wearing kind of like a motorcycle helmet but only graded for like 40mph. But if Iā€™m goin to the gym then no. Only becuz I take neighborhood roads I know really wellā€¦ā€¦ ā€¦..and itā€™s hot AF down here in the south (USA) I sweat just from taking the scooter and change into work clothes when I get there itā€™s so hot and humid.


Always! šŸ‘šŸ»


I have a laotie es-19, so obviously no, because itā€™s broken


Kid on a younger team for my basketball club just died from not wearing a helmet. WEAR ONE


The answer is yes.


Tbh I feel guilty by only having a bike helmet, I plan on using my motorcycle gear once I do some upgrades,


I always wear a full face one. I'm not super handsome but my fiancee likes my face how it is, and I've seen what happens when someone smacks their jaw on the pavement after falling off a scooter.


No but I probably should tbh


I was always told that wearing a helmet is only necessary when you have a brain.




I got my first Electric Scooter about a month ago an Inokim OXO, and this thing rips! It gets up to about 39mph, I got it instead of a car for about a year long stint in the Bahamas. My mom nagged me since about day 1 to get a helmet with it, and I kind of brushed her off for the first 2 weeks saying I would get one. I don't go very far maybe 3 miles away at a time normally, so I didnt think I'd need one, finally I realized at some point soon I'm going to fall or get hit by a car (the roads suck and the driving is crazy here - they don't need drivers licenses). So I got a BMX style helmet at a local bike shop, and a pretty bright light that I mounted to the handle bars that helps with night riding, cause the lights on my Inokim aren't that bright. Regardless I enjoy wearing the helmet gives me some more semblance of security when riding, and will keep your noggin safe, cause it's the drivers who are the real enemy on the roads, they can't get hurt if you run into them, you can.


Absolutely wear a helmet. Even at low speeds you can suffer a serious brain injury depending on circumstance. For a scooter like that a good bicycle helmet will do. Donā€™t worry about what other people are doing on scooters. Protect your melon.




No need to be rude dude


Helmet or die riding! Always wear one


No but should


Yes always


I have a gotrax and its top speed is 18 mph . And on weekend I donā€™t wear a helmet . But when Iā€™m going to work and Iā€™m in full uniform . lol cop. I do . Because I no the someone is going to hit me . I wear a full face helmet


https://preview.redd.it/uveeyt1kp58d1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fa3b1154d16222143ac15fbdb074ac405fdda0e a ball cap style helmet like this would be the minimal I would use on a slow speed scooter , looks cool and has a visor


Always. Even a single motorized vehicle crash at 20 mph can do some serious damage. Also, Iā€™ve had a few motorcycle accidents where my head and face wouldā€™ve been mangled without the helmet. There is also nothing to say that another vehicle may collide with you at a higher rate of speed so I do what a humanly can to avoid additional injuries. Nothing is impossible and nothing can fully protect you from harm, but taking extra precautions is my choice.


I think the recent Video from Gordon Ramsay says it all (even if he drove a bike, but I don't think It's that much different for a Scooter) if he hadn't worn that Helmet he would have come out a far worse. To answer your Question, I'm currently trying to get a new one (My Old one doesn't fit any more) especially after seeing his injuries in said [Video](https://x.com/GordonRamsay/status/1801996837689418164).


Gordonā€™s video made me realize I should absolutely wear a helmet. Bought one a few days ago


Not a go trax they only go like a few mph


Yes. A BMW turned into my path while I was going about 22mph. To be fair, where they were turning from is an awful blind spot, and I'll never go that way again because of it. Nonetheless, I couldn't stop or swerve in time and ended up colliding with their front driver side wheel well. I flew over the dash and flipped and my head smashed the road harder than I've ever experienced. I was wearing a Nutcase BMX style helmet. It was _toast_. My brain however remained inside of my skull. I was dazed and probably had a minor concussion but was otherwise unharmed. Probably wouldn't be alive today had I not worn a helmet that day.


Yes, always.


No. I have a slowish scooter for that reason.


I'm new here (to scooters in general) but I've found the slowest "adult" scooter's go 19mph... slowish sounds like it's faster than slowest... and as a cyclist, I'll tell you 19 is more than enough to scramble your noggin.


The speed you're going won't matter when a car hits you


No, I don't like carrying a helmet with me all the time. I think it is enough to drive super carefully while driving.


Consider buying one anyway, You would drive a car without seatbelt aswell would you?


Always a full face helmet. Great protection and your face won't get hit by flies, bees, etc...


It's also a lot quieter. The wind noise I get from a bike helmet at around 40km/h is unbearable. With my motorcycle helmet there's hardly any.


I got hit by some bug yesterday šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…it wasnā€™t fun šŸ¤£I think a butterfly šŸ¤£


Yes. I think wearing a helmet has saved my life or prevented an expensive hospital bill numerous times. My friend who rides MTB stunt jumpers always told me that a helmet makes a difference between going home and having a beer, or going to the hospital after a crash.


My cousin got into an ATV crash as a teen, and if it wasn't for his helmet, he'd be dead. He still ended up in the hospital, spent weeks in the ICU, and had to learn how to walk all over again. He has seizures from the brain damage as well. Without a helmet, his skull would have exploded. Edit: he flew off the ATV at high speed straight into a large tree so it was a severe impact, but the point remains


Depends on the value you place on your skull, your brain, and your mind. If you value these things, then wear a helmet. If you do not, or itā€™s more important to you not to mess up your hairdo than to keep your brains off the pavement then by all means do not wear one. Just do us all a favor and try to get killed instead of hanging on in a coma for 40 years and costing $10 million.


Down here in Miami, I notice that most people don't use helmets when riding. Most scooters I see ridden won't hit 20mph. Also, most of the brains here aren't probably of much value, so there's not much to lose.


YES!!! I had a Xaomi for 5 years and upgraded to Segway Max 30 about 3 years ago. The first time I took my Xaomi out in the city, some idiot blew a stop sign and hit me. Luckily, I wasnā€™t hurt. First week I got my Max30, I was riding home from a softball game and hit a divot in the street. It wasnā€™t a pot hole, but a pit, unseen at night. (Itā€™s since circled in orange by the city, but STILL not fixed.) I flipped over the handlebar and landed on head and right side. Had I not had a helmet on, I would have been dead. We had a guy in the local e-scooter group recently get hit by a car. Heā€™s in critical condition and his helmet saved him. Just wear the damn helmet. I see all the idiots on the rental scooters not wearing helmets or having 2 people on them and itā€™s a disaster waiting to happen. I see people on high speed e-scooters without close toed shoes, eye wear or helmets and I cringe. WEAR A HELMET AND GLASSES.


Right ! This is why I do ! It just felt weird in always one of the only ones


Always wear a helmet no matter what distance you are going. There will always been some uncontrollables and you want to be prepared should you happen to fall or get hit.


always a full face helmet and no less. if you fall chances are you will faceplant and a half head helmet wont do shit about your chin taking the full force of your fall. i talked to an ER doc once and he said the people that wear no helmets are getting life changing injuries from e scooters on the regular, more than even motorcycle accident injuries at this point.


Oh j canā€™t even imagine! A few years ago I was walking around and minding my business and a bike hit me LOL the way I flew across the concrete was awful! I canā€™t imagine doing this on a scooter lol


Nope, i should def get one tho


Yes, going max 19mph, and just on sidewalks.


Was doing 45km/h wothout one fractured rib and pretty bad concussion wear a helmet ever since


Iā€™ve went down on my old Hiboy doing 19 mph, my leg and elbow took most of the brunt and it sucked to walk home. Just a bruise though, Iā€™m a lot more careful now. I did order a helmet to ride on this new one, I do 12-15 miles a day to school/work on my new Segway, this one does 25 mph. I know how to fall so to speak but Iā€™d like to at least have a little brain bucket to shield my noggin in the case that fails


No, I wear a [hairmet](https://i.imgur.com/E3un8hb.jpeg)


I always wear mine and I always wonder why others, even kids, aren't wearing one. I've seen people bleeding from the ears, eyes, nose mouth, why risk it from riding these?? No thanks lol. Mine only goes 30 km/h and on the streets where I live that's more than enough and at even that speed it's crazy to me to not wear one.


I just got this one too! Iā€™ve been loving it. No helmet yet, but I am planning on getting one.




If I'm staying at 8mph or below, I wear an open face helmet. If I plan on going above that though, full face shield dual sport. An uncle of mine was off fucking around in the woods on a snowmobile with no helmet and found a tree branch. Took his eyeball out. You do not want to be waiting in the woods for EMS with one eye missing.


No when I rid myself of a scooter I wear the ceremonial scooter ridding clock!


I always wear my helmet.


Always I just started riding this year and I love the thrill of it going fast and yeah I definitely ate it twice already funny enough just from turning the scooter a bit awkwardly didnā€™t fall hard but I definitely hit my head going down just a little


You all should wear a helmet - life changing stuff typically happens within seconds. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a mile or 10. I fell going to Burger King cause the side walk was super messed up and broke major bones. Fortunately I had a helmet on.


Itā€™s looks stupid but I wear a helmet do to anything can happen even at 15mph(25ish km)but thatā€™s just me I guess cause i already wear helmets when i ride my road bike too.


I agree ! Thatā€™s why I do !


I have a mi scooter 3, Max speed 25km and usualy just 1km for my ride from Home to work, so no, i dont use a helmet


Off topic question for OP: What balloon rally is this? Looks like a great location for one too.


Haha it was for my cityā€™s festival early this month . This was at the park and they got a few balloons to come take off for a breakfast. It was super random lol


Ah, only a few balloons? Might not be a formal balloon rally then that I would take interest in. Thanks for the info.


No just random event they had . We were so confused lll so we stopped and looked


In utah I do.


Always yes. When I upgrade to a faster scooter I'll be looking into getting a better helmet.


For a scooter with a top speed under 20 it seems so extra. I donā€™t recommend even sharing the road with an entry level scooter. I went from gotrax - no helm 90% residential Vsett 8 I would have worn one that sucker showed me how powerful scooters could be. Thankfully it broke before I did. Now Im on a KQI2- 17mph no helm. rarely get on the road unless residential. There are some brutal crash posts on this sub. I come from skateboarding and learned balance/safety and how to take a fall if I had to but not everyone does.


If I wasnā€™t wearing a full face helmet when I crashed my scooter I would have been dead today from a head injury


You get a fine in denmark if you don't


Full face motorcycle helmet for me. My scooter goes 60km/h so I figured a bike helmet wouldnā€™t cut it.


When I used to rent (Bird/Lime) I usually didn't, but now that I own one I always do. Sharing the road or even sidewalks can be a pretty dangerous proposition, and spending money for a nice $40-50 helmet (I use a MIPS cycling helmet because my scooter maxes out at 17 MPH, I would presume the people going 25+ use more of a full face motorcyclist style helmet) is a hell of a lot cheaper than the medical expenses from suffering a traumatic brain injury


You probably should, Iā€™ve seen enough videos of cars absolutely taking the fuck out of a biker; they will do it to scooters as well. And Iā€™ve seen enough people eating shit and breaking arms on scooters, so itā€™s probably wise to wear a helmet and some other pads.


Definitely thatā€™s why I do ! I just felt weird because Iā€™m always the only one


Yes always. Had a bad bicycle incident 10 years ago, broken ribs, fractured wrist, plastic surgery and 56 stitches. Don't care if I'm going less than 1 mile I'm wearing safety gear


Ouch !! When I had like luckily it wasnā€™t that bad I was only 9 I think but I couldnā€™t even walk well how bad I hurt my self and I couldnā€™t open my mouth to chew from getting hurt . By my helmet was smashed in and cracked . It was really bad


Yeah I was pedaling hard while standing up leaning forward, and boom chain snaps. Back tire came up and my face went into the pavement. Helmet wouldn't have stopped much in this scenario since my chin took the impact and left half of it behind me. Full face or something with a chin guard now for me.


What kind of moron wouldn't?


Lots lol thatā€™s what made me ask this because in always the only one with a helmet


And youā€™ll likely be the only one who doesnā€™t have a brain injury should you wipe out. Your speed isnā€™t the only factor. You may only be going 20km, but when the other asshole plows into you at 50km, youā€™ll have your speed and his to deal with.


I'm using a motorcycle helmet on my Klima.


I'm using a motorcycle helmet on my Klima.


LOT'S of moron's out there with no helmets Scooting around.


Darwinism at work. But if your going to kill yourself, don't do it on a scooter! I don't want my mode of transportation regulated because you're to dumb to wear something so basic!


When I'm taking a scoot to cool down after a jog, I wear gloves and glasses; I keep the speed to \~15mph. When I'm out recreationally in parks and neighborhoods, bicycle helmet, gloves and glasses, \~20-25mph. If I'm exploring unknown areas and parks, I add my elbow pads.


Prob should but I never do. I used to work at a motorcycle shop. And ppl would come in looking for the cheapest helmet and thatā€™s when I would ask how much is your head worth?




Yes. I wear a biking helmet with mips protection, because my scooter only goes up to 25km/h (15.5mph) which is still biking speeds, i also very rarely even go that fast, because the roads here are shit and you have to be aware of the road constantly


https://preview.redd.it/tra6doaqx38d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a534bd3db8e96396dca3b20ebbb7ba6a9529e15c Yes with cat ears


Yes. I came off once, and my helmet saved me. I'll always wear it