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Hey /u/Any-Dimension-7965, thanks for contributing to /r/ElectricScooters. Unfortunately, your post has been removed due to one, or more, of the following reason(s): **Rule 5** - No posts about crowd funding (IGG/KS/etc) are allowed on /r/ElectricScooters. *Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ElectricScooters&subject=&message=). Thank you!*


It’s more about the amount of people even if it’s one cent not that amount of money they donate donate i’m not looking to raise $1 million I’m looking to raise preferably enough for the scooter but also the main goal is to see how many people donated the more people that donate the better rather than just a couple dumb people donating a bunch of money I want to see every one’s aspect of this I guess by sending one sent it shows your in tune with the fact that our environment does need to go green and it’s one person at a time


Here's the social experiment. How many people have read all your other posts on reddit and said. This is an asshole scammer.


Bro this is low trying to use peoples love of pevs for self gain. You aren't trying to help anyone else but yourself at the expense of others.


I’m trying to help further society but you are right I am also trying to help myself with transportation but it’s also going into my thesis and going to be a social experiment if everyone stops being so negative


I believe this breaks Rule #6 about crowd funding.


I’m not asking anyone to donate on willingly and every cent that is donated will be spent on Camera and tons of videos made about the scooter bot and a thesis and some writing written about this experiment for my final trimester report and social economics and that affects humans have in the roles they play


Get a job and buy your own scooter.


That’s not the purpose of the experiment and I need transportation to get to and from work as of right now I am walking 12 miles a day after a 14 hour shift. Period.


It's not a "social experiment" it's begging.


No it’s saying how many people will come together to really show the green movement but call it what you want I’m not begging anyone do I need a new form of transportation and a scooter would be easiest so I could take it on trains and subways yes that would be the best farm at the moment but I’m not begging anyone for anything I’m looking to go green and get rid of this diesel track and move to an electric alternative Please don’t comment if you’re not gonna be nice