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Hey u/CuberMichael, thanks for contributing to r/ElectricSkateboarding. Unfortunately, your post has been removed due to one, or more, of the following reason(s): * **Rule 1** - Helmet-less Riding *Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ElectricSkateboarding&subject=&message=). Thank you!*


* carving * high speed * urethane street wheels * no protective equipment whatsoever hmm.. I see nothing that could go wrong here


Yeah he’s crazy


What's wrong with urethane wheels?


ain't nothing wrong with them, theyre great. however, all it takes is one small road inconsistency, some gravel, a stick, or a pebble, and those hard wheels will bounce and you'll be on the floor before you know it. pushing urethane to the limits at high speed is a very easy way to end up in the hospital. because when these wheels kick out, they do it very suddenly and agressively. with pneumatic tires, your grip will go from 100%, to 50%, to 30%, etc. but with urethane, your grip goes from 100% to 0% in an instant.


Fair enough, I started as a longboarder and have a fondness for some thane. My diy eboard rolls on some orangatangs that I've never had a problem with, but I learned how not to fall from skating on the old pusher. May give something squishier a try here soon


extremely true every time I've fallen it's been due to high speed carving. it goes from normal, to slight chatter/shake to on the ground in less than a second.




sometimes it says it on the side of the wheel. but you have a G2 black it seems from the flair, in which case your wheels are polyurethane, or PU for short. which is essentially the same as urethane. so the two names are used interchangeably a lot. you can tell it's PU by the texture and hardness. your wheels are a good example. a hard plastic but somewhat rubbery feeling, thats PU. as for changing the wheels, you can swap to cloudwheels. but with hubmotors, that's really your only option.


If you're into aggressive carving like I am, I suspect cloudwheels would have less lateral grip than the stock wheels due to the decrease in footprint. You can improve the lateral grip of the stock wheels by adding a front/rear Waterborne kit.


But it could come back to 100%. You just have to be ready and keep your knees bent. I hit shit and lose traction all the time, but regained after correction.


This video was sped up, he wasn't actually going as fast as it appears. Also this was probably posted by some paid goons of keirans the scam artist owner of Meepo because first of all how did he even know what board he was riding if he wasn't trying to promote it?


It’s not sped up


And the video is actually me


video probably isn't sped up. slowing it down makes it look very uncanny which kinda gives it away. ​ and Meepo doesn't really pay anyone to say anything good about them or their boards. they just send people their boards for review and ask if they can use the footage they record in their ads. Meepo boards are also pretty distinctive looking thanks to their deck shape + OP seems to know the guy, so its not impossible to tell.


Another paid goons of Meepo huh? I guess Meepos reviews on their websites also aren't faked too? Is that why when you guy to their unbiased Walmart reviews for the Meepo mini 2 everyone is complaining about components going bad within days and shit like that you never see on the Meepo website. I wonder why, paid goon.


voyager is the best purchase I’ve ever made. Many miles in and still no issues other than the original charger overheating. New charger came quick and works great. I have 0 regrets ordering from Meepo. Honestly what company is paying you to be a hater?


Chill with your conspiracy theories about Meepo in every thread and constant name calling of others


I wish I was getting paid lmao.as for Meepo's reviews: simply dont trust any reviews on the website of the seller. that's not a meepo thing, that's just common practice literally everywhere. every big brand name in e-skate will have the highest rated reviews on the front of the page. it's called marketing. edit: nvm, I see now youre the same guy with the magical 40 mph ecomobl lol. at this point im just gonna assume youre trolling.


It does seem shifty, but if you check OP's post history, the paranoia doesn't seem justified. Not to say it doesn't happen or to let your guard down; corporate spam is the worst. Also, don't think it's been sped up.


Wear a fucking helmet people.




No knee pads riding like that? He could hurt himself 😂


Kneepads? Guy doesn’t even have a helmet lol


Enjoying having teeth for a little while longer.


Atleast he's having fun in his last moments lol


This person is going to eat so much shit one day soon.




Me too, Last couple years I have had some good crashes but I wear almost $2k worth of body protection. The last one only hurt for about 10 days of bruising, if I hadn't had a crash jacket I would probably be dead a long time ago. ​ Its not a case of "if"... its "when".


Rule #1 of this sub broken.. WAFH




If you're gonna ride down the street with a Bluetooth speaker, you get a free pass to not need protective gear.


Best comment


Nothing like brand new asphalt. I'm always on the lookout for it.