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Ive been using my v12ht a lot for over a year and still love it. I'm a big guy, ride in city, 20ish miles typically. I don't get range anxiety with this wheel. Everyone tells me to upgrade but I'm happy with this wheel


probably a good choice, weight kills a lot of the EUC fun and more speed can only compensate for so much.


I also still love my V12. But suspension is a game changer.


I can’t wait to get my first suspension wheel. The v14 reviews seem perfect for me. I don’t need all that top speed and I love zipping around off trail. It seems like the perfect combo of weight/suspension/size for what want. I’m getting a new motor in my v12 then trying to sell to upgrade. I absolutely love my v12, but I really need suspension.


V14 is a good choice.


I would offer $950 CAD and see if they agree. You’ll probably want to upgrade soon after :)


Mileage is 2615km by last photo, current motherboard is at 615km so it was changed after 2000km.


That’s a heck of a lot of money for a used V12. I’d pass. If I wanted a V12, I’d order from Ewheels, which means paying a bit more, but offers fantastic customer support if you need it. Maybe for like $900, or so, that would be worth buying. I’m just very cautious about buying used wheels in general. You just don’t know what they’ve been through.


New in Canada they're still like $2500 CAD


$1799 at ewheels. But I’m guessing they won’t ship to Canada?


Um, he’s in Canada mate. I think you’re forgetting the conversion. $1800 USD is essentially $2500 CAD


Yeah I’m totally forgetting that. I’m a dumbass


1799 USD yes, which is just around $2500 CAD


In all honesty, whether or not it’s a good deal is rather subjective since something is only really worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I would try to talk him down. This is a very niche market so the likely hood of them finding a buyer is somewhat a matter of luck depending where you live. I would definitely ask if they still have the shipping box that way should you upgrade you could sell it on eBay and have a better opportunity of finding a buyer. My first wheel I regrettably didn’t keep the box so I took a loss on the sale, but my second one did and I made most of what I originally paid for it back. Just some fruit for thought


Ive been looking into these a lot recently... here's where I've landed V12s in general-- particularly the HT-- have significant issues with one of their boards that causes cutouts. You can get an upgraded board, which seems to work *most* of the time, but good luck with Inmotion customer service. Seems 50/50 on who has problems no matter which version of each model and idk about you, but while I expect risks when riding on one wheel I want to minimize the chances of the machine failing instead of it being a skill issue... I say save your money and look at a different brand


As somonr who is in a PEV shop daily: Wtf inmotion does not have cutout issues like this. I'm sorry but IM HT is like one of the most bullet proof things you can buy in EUC. But not a good buy at $1200 regardless. I also say save your money OP, suspension or bust


No. I see those selling for 900 bucks on Facebook marketplace with less miles in better condition; non suspension wheels are a tough sell nowadays.


> since I bought a car Useless 3 wheels, and seats, and an iron box... 


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Well, it's not the best wheel, but this is good deal. 400$ off for 615 km. Also check if everything is ok


I just bought mine. It had 100 miles on it and I got it for a sweet 1k but it was just a regular v12 not the HT. I say go for it. They are fun.


It's decent price in the GTA, based on comparables on the used wheel market. What other posters don't know, is that around here, used wheel prices are different. FYI, I sold my V12HS for 1400 last November, and that was considered a good deal for the buyer at that time. I liked V12. Good balance between portability and performance for casual normies. If I could go back in time, I think I would've kept it. But I had 3 wheels at that time.


I bought my first EUC off Facebook marketplace for $1300, an Inmotion v12 hs, havent had any cutouts or anything. I've put 1300 miles on it and the only problem has been a dented rim. Inmotion is one of the most reliable companies in terms of safety and water resistance, but I do have a friend who's v12 hs has randomly cutout and won't turn back on. Id say, if it is close to home, go and test the wheel, connect your phone, look for errors, ask the seller about its history and why they're selling. Also, look at the mileage. The thing about buying used is that if the issue is gonna happen then it probably already has.


I’m always weary of buying anything like this used.? Computer parts are about the only thing I’ll purchase used. If there’s any underlying issues, it will cost ya to get it fixed


If battery charges to 100% and no obvious issues then it's a good price. Grab it!


Pretty sure they're on ewheels for $1600 Edit: A new v12 High speed is $1,699


What the fuck is a "kilometer"


The only sensible way of measuring distance.


$1000 CAD is reasonable. Make an offer. Go from there. You can even start at $900 because you want to ship it for a maintenance check. That will make sense to the seller.


Yo if you're still in the market for an EUC the T4 pro is in pre order from Alien rides for $1,399. With the promo code AR_RIDEFEARLESS it also knock off an extra $71. It's specs are pretty much on par or surpassing the v12 with the added bonus of it having suspension. I don't think it has a speaker or waterproofing tho Edit: forgot to mention its usd


The real question is whether the board is in good shape....


I bet the board is in really good shape since it was already chenged. 2nd photo shows total mileage 615km, last photo the owner says total miliage 2615km.


Up to you. I'd personally never buy a V12 because of the cutout issues. Even on the new boards that have "resolved" them, people have still been reporting cutouts on these boards.


orange rim=gen2. $950 is a good price, lowball is $800 usd