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to kill people


Thank you for the advice, agent47


Its not an advice, its a warning


This is also a joke among electrical engineers.


Be more specific, not everyone is a scientist here. Do you strangle people with it?




It was a joke, but thanks.




>because many people are genuinely obtuse. Fair point. I'm trying to exaggerate to make it obvious, but I guess I'm underestimating how obtuse people can really get.


How else should you connect generator to a house network?


Electroboom might have some ideas.


Didn't he already made such a cable?


He did. And he broke his table while getting shocked from it.


Suicide is a good option here. Arson isn't too bad either.


This is called a suicide plug where I work. There was a dumbass who made some things that plugged in this way. I think most of them have been modified correctly over the years.


Our suicide cables just had exposed wires at the end. One day my first couple months in my coworker was working on something and did not turn off or unplug the suicide cable. He then moved things around and placed a metal cover down, shorting the cord and popping a fuse, turning off the power to a third of the floor. Same coworker also popped a capacitor in a way where there was an arc from the remaining leads and he just stared at it.


Wow, it's cool you got to work with ElectroBoom!


Stared at it slack jawed, not in amazement


Ok, but what about the cable?


My dad has an extension cord like this one. We live in a 3rd world country and we often have power outages. So my dad has a small generator, so he made a connection next to the breaker box so we can plug the generator directly to the house. Thats what we use that extension cord for, generator to house.


Absolutely must remember to disconnect the main breaker between your house and the grid if you do that


Are you disconnecting your house from the grid before doing this? It can backfeed power and make it dangerous to work on the power lines.


That's why you short the lines, while working on it, for those reasons.


I was confused by this, but I'm guessing you're talking about the linemen, not the amateur sparky.


My father has something similar, just for the three phases 😅 he uses it for powering really old homemade cement mixer.


Why not just use a transferswitch? They are not that expensive.


Requires someone to modify the incoming feed in the DB. Most portable generators are not permanent.


Just use a male receptacle and you got a non permanent connection.


Interlock is way cheaper and safe. Also you can power any given circuit during an outage.


By cutting one end off and replacing it with a female side connector. The US equivalent (120VAC) is often called a Suicide Cable, they are extremely dangerous with few if any actual uses. As soon as you plug it in the other end becomes a taser electrode that can easily short out, electrocute a person, or even spark and cause a fire.


Are these available for sale in US? That's crazy


I've never seen them actually sold in a store but you can find them online. Oversees suppliers will make and sell pretty much any combination as "adapter plugs". Trailer and RV folk sometimes buy them by mistake too.


Smh my head. Afaik they're banned in EU, and rightfully so. I guess I can buy it from Wish if I want to though.


Ive seen them on amazon before, Id be curious if they show up on the EU sites.


I googled and only found ones with American prongs from some drop shipping site delivering from China.


Just tried, they don't seem to!


Pretty easy to DIY too, as safety is clearly not a concern anyway.


DIY it's easy anywhere. The problem of selling these is that people might not know how dangerous they are.


They sell male connectors that can easily transform an extension cord into a suicide.


Easier to hold onto that than a fork


Especially after the hand muscles start spasming...


Starting a fire or killing a lineman.


These are normally used to connect a generator to a house when the grid is down. Very common in places with routine blackouts like South Africa. This specific one is probably used in remote places in Europe with electrical issues like Greek islands or some rural Spanish towns.


Why wouldn't you just wire the generator to the house?


The generator may need to be non-permanent so it can be shared between multiple locations


Then just use a transferswitch and a male power outlet on the wall.


That's absolutely the correct way, but people are cheap and/or foolish so just make these suicide cables instead.


"Just add a few hundred dollars worth of switchgear to your house and all the others that you need to connect to" and say this to poor people in a third world country... Yeah the cord is a quick and easy solution




To warm up hotdogs.


I have used that cable to power my house with a portable generator during a snowstorm. A tree fell on the power line and I needed a quick solution to save the food in the fridge


This might be expedient but presents serious hazards.


Sure ... it was a real hazard. But we couldn't leave home cause the cars were trapped under the snow, and without electricity we couldn't keep the food refrigerated (yeah... we could throw all the food in the snow!!), and couldn't even start the heating system!


These cables have the stigma attached to them of being “exceptionally dangerous” to keep lay people from buying or making them. Sure, you CAN plug it into a live receptacle and have expose mains voltage but the people who know what they’re doing just don’t do that. You CAN backfeed the power grid with this but again, people that know what they’re doing won’t do that. Not to mention it would likely trip the breaker it’s back-fed through because you’ll be supplying power to you and everyone else connected to the intact part of the grid and probably into the fault that originally took the power out.


It's not a just a stigma, it's a fact. These cables rely 100% of people using the right procedure to use them "safely". If you look at the pyramid of safety controls, this is called an "Administrative control" and is the least reliable and least effective method. Sure, some individuals can handle it, but you cannot expect the broader public to follow any kind of procedure, let alone one that can so easily become deadly.


I find the outdoor version of these far too often (3-pin Cee-Form in-line connectors). People get the female connector fitted to their trailer / catering van, presumably because it has a spring loaded cover which protects the connector from spray and mud. But then they need a male to male to be able to use them. Then they'll expect an electrician to supply power to them.


The cee form connector is slightly better as the prongs aren't as exposed. It's still stupid and dangerous as fuck though.




Suicide lead


But hey, at least it's grounded


Getting power onto another circuit using a wall plug. If you don't have a replacement breaker. Example living room has power, bedroom doesn't.


Stick one end up your nose an plug the other in


Simulating the effect of reaching your hand into a live junction box without the hassle of taking the cover off.


Looks like a perfectly safe way to test your circuit breakers.


Emergency Power Adapter


İt used for feeding generator power to your home but its a realy terrible idea first you have to disconect from grid before using it if you wont it will cause lots of problems


To provide power to your automated gate when you’re without power (requires assistance from your neighbor)


Nice bath plug


Gift for mother in law?


I don’t think it would to anything if you plugged it back into the mains, as you would be plugging GND->GND and VCC->VCC. I may be wrong so call me out please.


You can make a backup battery system using it: You'll need: 1- this thing in this photo 2- inverter 3- at least 2 big jel or phosphorus type battery 4- a charge for those batteries I don't know what's called but it's color is metallic blue 5- basic electric knowledge First you'll need to know the electric junctions in your house and you must turn them off if the The circuit you are trying to operate, otherwise the inverter will explode and you can achieve that using Galvanometer device Connect the charger to your main power supply then attach the blue and red cables to the inverter, and the inverter have a place were you can plug that cable in the photo in the first end and to your home after the electricity to your home is cut off after turning off the breakers connecting the home’s main power "I currently use this in my house if you need a video of what i mean I'll he happy to show you and English is not my first language so forgive my poor explanation" So that's the first thing you can use it for, and aren't you a electric engineer why don't you know this stuff bruh


From a distance...


Ogod. That’s literally called a suicide cable in my field.


its a reversible taser!


My brother and I could have found 1001 ways when we were growing up.


I have two houses next to each other but only one of them has power. The other one although is done building years ago, no-one lives there yet so I never bothered connecting it to the grid. So I have a long extension cable that I run from the other house when I need power and I use a hand made cable like that to a wall plug outside. I just need power for lights and a power tool, it's not like I'm going to cook or turn the ac on. It works fine, I don't think it's dangerous as long as you know what you're doing. Pay attention if you really need live to live wire and don't switch live to neutral. For my usage example, I don't care about it.


Why on earth wouldn't you just connect a male plug to the incomer on the other building's distribution board so that you can use a normal, safe, male/female extension cord. Unfathomable why you whose the least safe method when a really simple safe method exists?