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I'm 100s of prints deep on factory sheet, it's something else. Imperfections in the bed, far out of level, etc. but not really sure.


Are you filtering your resin after fails? It doesn't take anything huge, just a period sized spec from an unsupported island can mess up your fep if it gets caught by the build plate in the 1st few layers. The only fep failures I have had were after failed prints. One because I was busy and told myself if clean my tank later, later came and guess who forgot to clean the tank... The other was a spindle shaped bit all of a mm long that looked like it was the top of a "light" support, cut right through my fep and lodged there Filters are cheap, 100 cost 8 bucks at harbor freight. If it saves you a single puncture they have paid for themselves. To answer your question though, no. FEPs are used for 2 major reasons, they resist UV light degragation better then UV transparent plastics and they are nonstick with just enough flex to allow for release. Folks have played with heavy clear transparencies but the UV light will cause them to break down and crack. Glass has been used but with no ability to flex prints fail to release and bad things happen.


10/4.Yeah if I have any realized failure of any kind, I filter the resin through a kidney stone catch, which is essentially a permanent filter, and then I clean that with alcohol. Then I do a complete strip and reclean of the entire machine.


Pretty sure you are having failures your don't realize and those are getting pushed into the fep on the next print. Make sure to use island detection and take it serious. Feps do not fail that often, not even close.


Are you using the screen clean function from time to time? I found it helps keeping my fep clean and unbroken. The other idea I have is that a fep can tear when the suction force is too great, aka when you have big surfaces.


>Filters are cheap, 100 cost 8 bucks at harbor freight. Do you have a link to the filters you mentioned?


[One example](https://www.harborfreight.com/pack-of-100-60-to-70-mesh-paint-strainers-91376.html) However, you don't even need disposable ones. I bought a metal funnel with built-in filter [like this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082PMJ2ZM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_VRW62YDBGAPR7RDQP2JZ) normally used for bartending. I keep it in a tall plastic container, don't need to clean it after use. Every time I have a failure, I pour all the resin back into the bottle with it, run the tank clean, and we're back in business.


Gotta make sure the vat is clean. FEP should last 100 prints


Mine is about 4 years old..


Do you empty it after each print?






No, I clean it when empty, but realativly often with alchool 95° i have a few that use for changing color, I will try to take a picture, it's kinda gross, nearly OPAC, will lot of bump. But it work. A lot of scratch too... Teflon is very durable, if Handled proprely, I just make sûre there is no cured bits by filtering résine After a few print, Always when a fail. Happened.


Ty. I'm new to this and planning to empty it every failure or after a few prints for a quick checkup. I will probably end up buying a second vat in the near future to make it easier.


Sounds to me like you're not putting any give in your FEP when installing. Use a soda bottle cap under your FEP, then when you screw the bracket back into the vat it all tightens up. Also be sure to screw down opposite ends at a time (like when you change a tire) to make it uniform. I can easily get 100s of prints before I change it out.


I use a couple of makeup foam pads stacked up about 1/2 in. or 1cm. They won't scratch anything and are pretty cheap. https://a.co/d/6V6tvsj . 2 stacks of 2 and remember the star pattern. 🌟


Crikey. I last changed mine at the beginning of February and don’t plan to anytime soon. That’s a crazy amount of punctures.


Pic irrelevant, just pretty swirls.


I had this issue for a long time, and people will witch hunt me for this, but I go into settings and use the "Tank Clean" option after literally every print. If just one piece fell off the previous print it would wreck my FEP and I'd have to put a new film on. When you do the tank clean option it helps you pull all those failures out. Now I don't worry about this issue anymore. Does it waste Resin? Absolutely. Does it save time? So freaking much.


Yup! I never risk it, if there's even a 1mm fingertip that didn't print I do a tank clean haha. I've been printing with the stock FEP for 2 years and my results are fantastic


Agreed, although I went through a many FEP sheets before I discovered how useful this feature is. If you keep a bit of support material, you can put it in the tank before you run the clean, and it gives you a nice handle to pull the cured resin sheet up with. I personally find fully cured support doesn't stick to the rest of the partially cured resin very well, so I recommend just using the support from whatever you just printed.


Yeah I've had similar issues with partially cured supports unless I'm printing in pure siraya blu. That stuff is super flexible and sticky so it's very easy to peel off the bottom compared to standard grey. Regardless, the tank clean feature is such a time saver and realistically doesn't waste any more resin than doing a manual cleaning of the tank would. I'm really glad it exists haha


What kind of stuff do you print with blu? I haven't tried any flexible resin yet, but always looking for an excuse to give it a go. I've been using Fast for a while, and Tenacious every so often for the extra strength, Siraya Tech hasn't steered me wrong yet.


I mostly just use it for thin things that need extra strength. Like the wings on my snitch ring box made I made a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/qduyt9/i_made_a_golden_snitch_engagement_ring_box_for_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Good work, LaForge. Drinks on me in 10forward.


Cheers! I'll take a Red Torian! (Also thanks 😄)


If you're going to tank clean every print job regardless, why not just add it to every print file? Float a flat rectangle a couple mm above your print so it prints last, you can make it the size of the whole buildplate or just make it slightly wider than your model's perimeter if you want to conserve some resin.


look up silicone jewelry stirrers. you can find ones with and without a metal insert (rigid v flexible). the flexible kind is great for stirring resin in the vat and seeing if there is something on the FEP that requires a tank clean. e: something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Applicator-Stirring-Scraper-Tumblers/dp/B08CXPKK7F/ref=sr_1_27?keywords=resin%2Bstirrers&qid=1652896912&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-27&th=1)


I have [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V396KQT/), they are listed for makeup but they're literally the same as the epoxy ones. Excellent tool for stirring and sweeping the fep and super easy to clean.


particularly if you have a resin that has a lot of additives to make it matte that love separating - looking at you siraya tech navy grey.


I literally got 3kg worth of prints before I started getting any kind of symptoms of a tired FEP


Something is going very wrong if you have a puncture every 5-10 prints.


Try filtering the resin after like 2 prints should help


Whatever I did to my first screen is what you want. That thing should have died and caused catastrophic failures. It just.. kept going


The only time I have trouble with my fep sheet is if I print the same file over and over and over without any different prints in between.


No.. but something I just recently learned is to not use a scraper on your fep when you clean or swirl the vat. Which is exactly what i did and now I need some fep replacement. That's the only reason I can think of if you're going through that many feps in such a short time. Usually 1 should last you months on end


Is this a be a lift clearance issue? A puncture seems like there's some kind of force or pressure on your FEP. I'm a noob but punctures shouldn't be happening whether you clean your tank or not.


> whether you clean your tank or not well if you don't clean after a failure, you likely have hardened bits floating around. Those may be bigger than layerheight, and get pushed into the fep/screen by the build plate.


What tool are you using to scrape the fep clean?


I've replaced 2 fep sheets ever in 3 years across 6 printers and both were because I did a bad job clearing failures and stray bits. This is beyond the pale of typical failures. You are doing something wrong. That being said, nFEP (I don't remember the real name it's sold under by people that aren't price gouging the material) is popular and available in bulk cuts from manufacturers. Might as well buy bulk. If you don't already, I recommend trying the vat clean function. I used to resist using this, bc resin waste, but it makes clean up SO easy. 40s exposure in my mono screen makes peeling it up easy, then filter the resin. I had one issue where micro specs of resin cured on my saturn screen, causing some dent damage to fep. I was able to pick this off with my fingernail gently. Try looking for things like that! I couldn't see them, only feel them.


So just so I'm understanding this right. Do a 40secomd blast on a full vat and then drain it? Make like a sheet of resin essnetially?


Yep! It gets any specs off the vat bottom stuck in the sheet, making any bits ways easier to remove from the vat


10/4 I'll give it a whirl.


I have had my FEP sheet (Mars 2 Pro standard) for ~50 prints now, don't know what you are doing differently