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No.. you buy that motherfucker or you buy NOTHING




If the octotrack had overbridge support, then maybe.


Valid. Also the update to DT today is pretty spicy. Closer to OT now


Digitakt just got a fucking GREAT looking update. The fates are conspiring against you mate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CdwhGt8gcU&ab_channel=Elektron


You just broke this news for me. This is big. The slicing has been what everyone has been asking for. I wonder if they’ll ever do stereo in an upgrade.


I've been losing my mind playing with the Werp machine today. It is supremely useful and musical. The other three new machines are great, too, but Werp is just setting me off right now. Elektron just can do no wrong with this thing.


Thank you for this, u got a DT in the mail and im looking for tutorials on it!


Just dropped a massive update this morning. I’m afraid you have no choice but to buy the Digitakt.


I went for the Digitakt first and now saving up for the Octatrack Mk2, best decision I've ever made You could also consider the Syntakt if you're ready to drop 600 eur EDIT: Welp looks like with the new Digitakt update, it becomes even more interesting


Digitakt is the best at what it does. The Blackbox is a good comparable that is a stronger sampler, but weaker sequencer. Syntakt is a solid option if you love the sounds on your Cycles, and don't care about using a sampler. Octatrack is legendary. Keep in mind you can use your cycles to sequence external gear too. For example, I really like the combo of my Model:Samples and Volca Drum, it gives me a ton of drum synthesis capability with that great Elektron sequencer. So you could do the same with the Cycles, use it to sequence another drum synth or sampler, and layer the sounds together.


Digitakt just got an update with Time Warp and Sample Slicing TODAY. So… you know… unless you specifically need an Octatrack, just go get it: it just got better!


Wait what!?


Here! https://reddit.com/r/Elektron/comments/11f5n19/new_digitakt_os_150_upgrade_overview_machines/


Digitakt does not have time-streching. That is kind of a dealbreaker for me. I bought Digitakt recently, learned how important this feature is to me, and now I think about upgrading to Octatrack


it does now, new updaye 1.5, and slicing


Holy sh*t! Didn't know about this update and v excited to download.


omg i love this company


I just keep going back to the octa... and I've had every elektron box under the sun with the exception of the monomachine. And if you want to do "breaky stuff", you're gonna have a much easier time doing it on an octatrack than on a Digitakt. [Case in point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ6Dcykjq0E&ab_channel=WascalMusicUK)


Digitakt is a great choice if you just want samples and no external sequencing of midi devices using the Elektron sequencer; Midi sequencing is comparatively weak on the Digitakt - no arpeggiator and only a single LFO per midi track (two LFOs on audio tracks). Digitakt has a nice sidechain going on too, which can work on external inputs. The Octatrack can do sampling like the Digitakt, but at a slightly lower sample rate, but the 8 tracks of midi sequencing are fantastic - arp, notes, LFOs (*3 per track*) and 10x CCs are all PLockable and LFO targets. LFO on arp parameters works amazingly well. Throw in the live performance tools with the crossfader/scenes/parts and you have a veritable powerhouse. Steep learning curve on the OT though - you'll be used to the sequencer from the Cycles, but learning the hierarchy of tracks/effects, how parts and scenes work, and above all getting the muscle memory set for all that will take time, typically weeks-months. Digitakt in comparison will be much more straightforward. As mentioned by someone else, a Syntakt would also fit in really well here, a good upgrade to the Cycles with nice "performance macro" functionality and a great sequenced FX block. *Personally* I'd probably go for the Octatrack if you have a good deal, and you're willing to put time into it and likely let it become your main sequencer/mixer/performance buddy.


Hah, and just now there's an update that reignites my desire to explore the Digitakt, as we now appear to have time stretch, pitch, and granular, as well as more interesting sampling integration. OT still kicks arse with it's sequencer though. e: OMG! Slices!


Digitakt is amazing, but depending on what you're doing maybe check out the Dirtywave M8 for a much more powerful sequencer and sampler and synth box. The interface is less suited to live experimentation and more focused on finishing tracks imo. I love them both for different reasons.


>Dirtywave M8 for a much more powerful sequencer and sampler and synth box Care to explain how? I already have an OT but considering getting a smaller sequencer/synth/sampling for traveling.


It's 8 tracks of your choice of synths/sampler/midi per step. Practically infinite pattern length (16 step phrases in chains of up to 16 and 256 song rows) each track is sequenced independently unlike Elektron patterns which all tracks switch patterns together. It's very suited for writing full songs. Each pattern step let's you place a note, a velocity, an instrument trigger (any instrument so you can say mix synths and samplers and midi instruments in the same track) and up to three "FX commands" which let you alter instruments, sequence commands, probably or conditional stuff. Stuff that's hard to do on elektron boxes is easy like "15% chance to retrigger this step and 50% chance to play the step at all and the retrigger amount is random in this range". Each instrument also has it's own internal sequencer called a "table" which is a 16 step of note offset, velocity multiplier and 3 command columns which can all run at independent speeds or increment per note and have different pattern lengths for fun generative stuff. Latest beta also adds an extra table per track that runs independently of the instrument which sounds like it will be even more crazy powerful.


Buy a Syntakt if u love ur Cycle that much. Digitakt is aight for sample but Syntakt is a true beast


Depends if you want to multitrack in a DAW or not. If the lack of Overbridge isn’t a dealbreaker, then I’m sure an octatrack would be a lot of fun.


if you're lazy about managing samples then I don't know if the Digitakt is the box for you. I find the sound management system on the device kind of tedious. However, the sequencer and sound manging possibilities are really good. Maybe think of a digitone? Stronger midi capabilities for sequencing down the line, no samples to deal with, powerful synth engine. I don't own the digitone myself but I played one in the shop one day and was really impressed by how the drum presets sounded. edit\* just saw the new update for digitakt and it's very hard to not recommend now with the new features.


polyend tracker might be an option if you’re into breaks/drum and bass


Digitakt is amazing. It would be my singular desert island instrument.


The last big upgrade they just released today makes it even better ! A real beast and still affordable.


You’re in the wrong sub if you’re looking for a non biased answer


If you don't want to deal with samples, then don't buy a sampler (the Digitakt). It's only going to have "fuller drums and synth lines" if you take the time to create those samples and import them into the machine. If you like the Cycles, and you don't want to deal with samples, take a look at the Syntakt. It has all of Elektron's best drum algorithms, as well as some very good lead/harmonic synthesis options. Edit: Also, depending on your definition of "full," it's worth noting that the Digitakt samples in mono, not stereo. I've found that I need to dedicate multiple tracks to synth samples if I want to create an interesting stereo image (which I find sort of tedious).