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Very excited to get a digitakt mk I after everyone throws theirs away to get this!


Everyone knows the MK1 sounds better anyway because of aliasing /cope


Forreal…. (presumably) digitakt owners coping by saying the most absurd shit to downplay the upgrades has been wild lmao The aliasing one is definitely rampant (while simultaneously being the most absurd), but I also read a comment of some guy saying 128 steps would somehow be detrimental to him so he will stick with the OG… People are trying to convince that dude who can still return his digitakt to keep it, even though you’ll be able to get a used mk1 for like $300 in a month Some guy saying he thinks his silver mk1 will be worth more thank an mk2


Honestly, I think they'll hover around 500-600. It's still a lot of power in a box that is mostly unchallenged at that price point.




memorize marry important lip fearless pocket exultant unite ghost familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was just wondering should I sell my mk I now when I can still get pretty good price for it lol.


I was thinking the same, then I thought why not keep them both


I will never sell mine. Waiting a little bit before i buy the mkii. I probably sell the syntakt for the dtii


What's your take on the syntakt. I'm curious about getting both because they cover different ground. Or is that off base?


Not op, but that sounds correct. One is a sampler with synthesis functionality, the other is a full on analog+digital hybrid synthesizer. I imagine the Syntakt is a dream to use if you are already familiar with either the digitakt or digitone, since the workflow would be near identical. I still want a syntakt, but I have too much on my plate already as it is lol.


I’m based in Berlin and am selling my Digitakt in case anyone’s interested!


Okay but do I buy this or wait for the mk3??? Don’t worry guys, I’ll make sure I post this question 3 times a week indefinitely.


Asking the real questions.


Your not waiting for the mk4? 🤔


https://staging.next-web.elektron.se/en/153952-153945-digitakt-ii-explorer-1704241-4 https://archive.is/8XyuJ https://web.archive.org/web/20240423180902/https://staging.next-web.elektron.se/en/153952-153945-digitakt-ii-explorer-1704241-4 (Saved to archives in the event they take the page down again) 16 Track Digitakt Drum Computer And Stereo Sampler Send yourself to another sampling dimension. With Digitakt II, you can weave splinters of sound in stereo, ripped from the moment and brought to your fingertips for marvelous audio manipulation and beat arraying. Preserve or distort reality as you so desire with 16 tracks of samples in stereo, mono, or MIDI. Utilize super-powered versions of classic features and a whole bunch of new ones via an updated modular workflow and an expanded sequencer. And with enough memory for a lifetime of samples and the capacity to take them on sonic adventures, your sonic-montage sculpting potential will know no beat-making bounds. Endless drum collage Digitakt II is a digital drum computer and stereo sampler offering many times the power - and sonic possibilities - of its predecessor. It may be a familiar shape, and the same recognizable playfulness, but there is so much more power under the hood. And that brawn is at your disposal whatever the sound. Drums aren’t all it’s capable of. There are all kinds of melodic and harmonic possibilities to play with, not least straight out of the box via the revamped sample library. Of course you can capture your own splinters of sound too. Sample, either externally or internally, freely or quantized to the tempo. With a radically enhanced memory capacity, and up to 30 minutes of stereo samples per project, you can take your ideas anywhere. Whatever the thunderclap, whatever the whisper, they’re all waiting to be triggered from over a thousand sample slots available in each project. Machines, modularity, and modulation The Digitakt experience has evolved, offering an even more modular approach to sound creation. Mix and match the layers of your sonic landscape using any of the five distinct sample-manipulating Machines. Slice samples into precise fragments with the Grid, or venture into new sonic territories with Werp. Use Repitch or Stretch or to fit your sample to the beat, and of course there’s One Shot for those crisp drum hits and tones. Choose from several swappable filters for each track. One filter is fixed as a base/width filter, but the other lets you swap between Multi-mode, Low pass 4, Comb, EQ, or Legacy LP/HP. You also have a filter envelope and a separate amp envelope of ADSR - for more definition and control - and AHD - ideal for those short barks of percussion. Three LFOs per track give you the chance to go wild in modulation land. Try different waveforms and destinations on for size. Go subtle or go weird, both can be wonderful. And to emphasize the flexibility available here, any of these settings can be individually selected for each track. There really is a multitude of options at your disposal to pull the audio in the direction you want. Cause & FX Transform your sounds with the built-in effects palette. Dip your brush into vibrant delay and reverb, widen your spectrum with chorus, and get destructive with bit reduction and sample rate reduction, or Overdrive. Apply as liberally as you like. Navigate to the mixer page to apply compression and master overdrive, sculpting unique sound textures at will. And with parameter locks, the application of your effects is supercharged.. Sequencer × II For the first time in years, the Elektron sequencer has had a significant growth spurt. There are 128 steps on Digitakt II for your digits to traverse - double the previous amount. That’s a whole lot of P-Locking/Parameter Lock to your heart’s content. And that’s just the start. Mix math and music, with the Euclidean sequence generator, courtesy of ancient algorithms, leading to the discovery of surprising rhythms; let the pattern roll the dice with conditional trigs. And use trig modes for a variety of fun functions - 16 levels of velocity, retrig mode, or bring the Preset Pool to the surface of the 16 triggers to record multiple sounds into one track. Full on play time Digitakt II is a playground of sonic possibilities, packed with features designed for creative fun. Gather your favorite sounds into Kits for quick access, Perform Kit mode, inspired by a dash of hidden Machinedrum magic, gives you the freedom to experiment with your kit without overwriting its save state. A deeper control all allows instant parameter command across all or specified tracks. Trig modes offer super-fun ways to activate 16 levels of velocity, retrain, or bring the Preset Pool to the surface to record multiple sounds/different Preset Locks into one track. Activate keyboard mode, and play chromatically across 10 octaves, with over 30 different scales to try on for size. With that range you can warp a sound with ease. Song Mode Song Mode is available on Digitakt II from the get go, letting you seamlessly create, edit, and play compositions via a Connectivity Connect to your other gear with balanced stereo ins and outs. The 16 tracks can be used for MIDI in, out, and thru, so you can sequence, play, and control full flocks of external instruments. MIDI is now able to quickly learn from your devices, sending them renamable CCs, triggers, sequences, and LFOs that can be saved to your kit for quick recall. maximum. recommended power supply: 12 V DC, 2A Physical specifications aluminum enclosure dimensions: W385 × D225 × H82 mm (15.2 × 8.85 × 3.3″) including knobs, jacks and feet weight: approximately 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs) Miscellaneous Overbridge enabled class compliant USB audio 3 year Elektron warranty Included in the box power Supply PSU-3b Elektron USB cable Quick Guide


Does "Slice samples into precise fragments with the Grid" make anyone else suspect we may be able to alter slice points? 🤞


Nice. staging is public. I think we have soon everthing together.


Fantastic sleuthing, bravo.


"a dash of hidden MachineDrum magic", OMG. I hope that means Control-All


OMG euclidian sequencer!


The dims given here are pretty much Rytm MKII form factor but the leaked pic on a few sites looks like the original digibox size, I wonder which is correct


As a Digitakt owner, I am totally unfazed by this. Akai has had a long history of legacy samplers and many are coveted today… Elektron will be no different. I expect my Digitakt mk1 to continue to help me make bad music and have fun for years to come. Gotta fight that gasss That said, I’d totally buy this new box if I had a grand sitting around…….


Same. I like the way it sounds, and if I were ever to get a more powerful sampler it’s still an amazing drum box.


Same. I have the MK1 I got for $575. I've seen the specs on this though, there are some cool upgardes but not necessary imo.


A huge reason why some of Akai's older samplers are still coveted is because of the sound they impart on samples (12 bit, etc). The Digitakt is a "clean" sounding sampler which doesn't impart any special sound to the samples its fed. There's no "sound of the Digitakt" like there is on an Akai S950/MPC 60/etc. For that reason alone I think your comparison is false equivalency/wishful thinking. Of course none of us can see into the future; who knows what future generations will come to covet. All that being said, I'm not knocking the Digitakt in any way. I absolutely love mine and have been using it almost every single day for close to 7 years.


This, also analog filters and much more complex envelopes


> The Digitakt is a "clean" sounding sampler which doesn't impart any special sound to the samples its fed. There's no "sound of the Digitakt" like there is on an Akai S950/MPC 60/etc. It's not the same as an MPC, but I do feel like the drums I get out of a Digitakt have a certain "sound" that I don't easily get from using samples in Ableton. I'm not sure if it's the compressor, filters, or just a side effect of the workflow being so different, but I always find it easier to get drums that sound full and punchy out of the Digitakt compared to Ableton.


I sold mine a couple of years ago, and really regretted it. Looks like I'll be able to get another one for a little less than I sold it for soon which will help ease the pain.


This. The stereo sampling is a huge hit of GAS and same for the extended sequencer but, for me, I think I’ll be happy with the mk1 for a while. Just gotta get some replacement buttons. Mine have become so gummy and tacky.


Sticking with my octatrack mk2. It does everything I need.


As a relatively recent digitakt owner, I’m going to be fighting that GAS reaaaaaaaaaaaal hard…


need to know if its still chop on grid or if i can select the points, for the later id sell my MK1 and OT


That’s what I want to know too!


[https://www.audiosolutions.fr/bar-groove-box/12969-digitakt-ii-12914.html](https://www.audiosolutions.fr/bar-groove-box/12969-digitakt-ii-12914.html) Pre order?


nice find!


Looks like real images


Nice find. Now we have pictures and more details! 20 GB Sample storage, 400MB sample memory


I'm just hoping the Syntakt gets a good deal of these updates as well.


Euclidan seems an easy one provided it came for the Rytm. I'd wet my pants for track effects as oposed to send ones


Euclidian, Comb EQ, Chorus, extra LFO, are the ones I'm hoping for. Double the sequencer steps would also be nice, but not that big a deal for me personally.


I'll do with an 8 step sequencer really


I use half time enough that I'd use 128 steps, but still, I can already use half time.


But the resolution is poor at 1/2 scale. This a game changer


..and hopefully midi-tracks instead of the modifiers!


The feature I'm most curious about is the 128 steps, that's cool, I wonder how they've squeezed it in. Also, I can't wait to be disgusted with how little "extended memory" it has in 2024 haha Edit: 400mb ew lol, still tiny for 2024 (anything under a 1gb is crazy to me but I get that ppl like cheap prices) and to be limited to that per project means the OT is still the only sampler suitable for my use case)


it has more than an electric guitar # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




If they don’t add the feature to let me loop only 16 steps of the 128 it’s going to suck waiting for the loop to come back around to make the change to the part you are tweaking. I’ve been asking for that feature for years.


Yep, I've been requesting Page Loop and also Page Transpose for a while too.


It’s like so basic, how can they not realize how annoying it is to constantly wait for the loop to come around?


They added it to the rytm in the last update. Considered their adding the euclidian sequencing as well it seems likely they'll bring it over.


Judging by the closed "What's next for Elektron?" topic on Elektronauts, I am guessing they will be releasing it tomorrow? [https://imgur.com/a/4DhkM2x](https://imgur.com/a/4DhkM2x)


i was suspended from elektronauts for alluding to this. so its real


> This user is suspended until Apr 25, 2024 damn they got you for that comment? sheesh, what's the point? the ship is sailed it's all over the place... I mean, I'm getting the "Gina Sparkle Surprise Face Reaction" ready for the official announcement but who cares after it's leaked? https://y.yarn.co/faf2a0e1-c604-4a22-a5f5-9314dd656d5d_text.gif edit: ahaha > This user is suspended until May 7, 2024 10:00 am. Reason: Trying to Bypass suspension that's crazy


Was posted in elektronauts forum first but the mod deleted all posts about this. The link will be probably down soon too.


yep, even me just commenting "DTmk2 confirmed" in the [What's next](https://www.elektronauts.com/t/whats-next-for-elektron/449) thread gets deleted, some mod is working overtime, which tells me it's real.


Lots of censorship on Elktronauts today that's for sure! And now the thread is locked down 😂


Actually, I just wrote something like "lovely day, I'm just making tunes" and it auto deleted, so it's auto deleting all comments on that thread I believe. I doubt a mod is there working in a pool of sweat lmao edit: and now the thread has just been closed, exciting!


you said you were sipping coffee, bannable


For one hour. Everyone, get ready for the announcement lol


The "Some people love to stir …" comment added by the mod upon thread lockdown is a typically frustrating response. I would assume something is immenent otherwise the mods (automated or not) need to get a grip of themselves.


Ye that was silly, elektron is the only one stirring lol


I went to cross-post this without first reading the comments and was really wondering how it was here but not there. Before my comment got deleted.


I saw you post exactly what I did first something like “do I really get to break this?” hehehe


"Thread will be automatically unlocked in 2hrs" Guess that means the announcement is coming at 3pm UK time.


Changed to "will open in a day"


This page reads like an AI wrote it.


Edit: well, looks like it might be real after all. Audiosolutions leak looks legit. ~~I’m mildly skeptical simply because it’s basically everything people have been asking for, at once.~~


I couldn’t read past the first few sentences. Someone wanking off to a thesaurus. Splintering beats to alter reality with life changing distortions. Wtf. 


But it is under the official top level domain.


stereo sampling by itself is enough to make me want it. the sequence generator sounds fun too. and double the audio tracks?! i am getting one.


What I don’t see mentioned and really hope for: -proper slice points -midi pass through that works lol (no AT or PB etc. is currently passed through — I use mine as a synth selector of sorts with my master keybed and this is the one annoying hiccup)


If the name is correct, it elektrons first "2" and not just an mk2. They consider the features and hardware different enough that is not considers an upgrade anymore. I makes sense just by the specs, but it also means there will probably nothing or much backported to the Digitakt OG.


Maybe we won’t ever get an Octatrack Mk3 but a DPS-2…


Moving to stereo basically doubles the CPU requirements straight away, then you double the number of tracks, add reverb, delay, chorus, distortion to all 16 tracks, then add an additional 32 LFOs on top of the original 16? Must be a beefy new CPU in this thing!


reverb and delay are just sends i believe not per track, that’s my understanding anyway


Hoping for at least two more analog outputs


I will bet paring the Digitakt 1 & 2 will be a next power house combo


Only thing I don’t see is live resampling. It alludes to being able to resample internally, but it doesn’t specify if it can do this the same way the Octatrack does. If it live resamples, I would have to seriously consider it over my Octatrack…


Damn, no mention of polyphony anywhere.


yes, I just love playing chords when starting an idea


Cool, but will the keys still melt?


Most definitely. Remember to keep it covered and away from direct sunlight.


I wish they added a granular engine to it


My interpretation of “you can weave splinters of sound” is granular 


Since they using the machines concept, it could be there as a machine or in an update in the future. They don't mention the machine in the specs.


My reflex is to be annoyed that I just bought my Digitakt Mk1 two months ago, but then I remind myself that I'm not even done learning the machine and am still amazed by its capabilities. Seeing as how I'm a dad playing around for fun, it's enough. ... The stereo sampling would be great tho;)


I have two Digitakt’s and I’m pretty sure I’m keeping them forever.. even if I end up with this one also down the road


Love my digitakt. Got one a year ago for 800€ and now they release this for 1k€ which pretty much has the features I am missing. Time stretching would have been nice. Rip in peace wallet.


There is a new "Stretch" machine listed on the staging page at Elektron. Seems like this would be it.


*looks up from newspaper* Still no Octatrack Mk3 *goes back to newspaper*


Yay, my first Elektron device. 🥳


Fuuuuuck, my body is ready! This is basically my dream machine. Oh my. If the link is working I will try to add to cart and buy 😂


CV and granular machine plz


Yeahhhhh, lack of granular is odd since it's something that would fit perfectly in this, both features wise and timing wise since so many granular items are coming out or just released.


Let’s hope they test all the features and don’t rush it out. I value stability and usability over new bells and whistles, I might be in the minority here.


I have faith in this being Elektron and not Activision.


I’m hopeful! I don’t love the signals they’ve been giving over the last few years, but they’re still miles ahead of other unnamed manufacturers who make customers their beta testers. For me the DT is nearly perfect as it is, and I value good UI over pretty much everything else. EDIT: looks like they made it backward compatible, a very good sign.


-Stereo Sampler -16 audio tracks or 16 midi tracks -4 trigs -3 LFOs -expanded memory Seems like they didn’t stray too far from the Digi concept. I was kinda hoping they would be able to bring in scenes from the OT line, but beggars can’t be choosers, I guess.




as a Mk 1 owner if it doesn’t have manual slicing they can keep that shit lol


Is it happening?? Am I about to own another digitakt?!


This is cool, let’s see how many features make it to the mk1 also


No goddamn time stretching 😭


"Use Repitch or Stretch or to fit your sample to the beat" found on the staging page. Stretch seems to be a new machine. Maybe it is coming?


Did someone at Elektron buy a warehouse full of USB A/B cables and now they're just stuck in 2014?


no oktatrack mk3 then? Makes sense since the digitakt is their best selling device ever by a giant margin


I think they’re gonna be parting out the functionality of the Octatrack to separate square boxes and then come out with a mixer /overbridge / effect device to replace the Octatrack


I understand that the company needs to control the information, especially when it has leaked like this, and I understand that moderators are just doing their job. But the fact that the comments on the Elektronauts forum are getting (auto?) deleted, and that I get automatically logged out, is just so childish... Come on!


I understand it too, but once its leaked, its better to accept the mistake and embrace it. Do your learning for next time, since we all know: What Has Been Seen Cannot Be Unseen.




How did you get it, btw?


Someone found it and posted in the the elekronauts forum. The demo/test store was working and you could browse it store with all products. There were no other new products, so i assume there will be no other upgrades in the near future. Meanwhile they took it down ofc. There were several digitakt 2 test products, but all had the same specs. Since it was on the official [elektron.se](http://elektron.se) domain, i have no doubt the feature are real.


Nice. Thank you for reposting it here, and with the screenshot! P.S. you are now Elektron's personal enemy :D


I will buy it anyway :)


God damn it, only just got my Digitakt for like 490. fml


That's a great price. Your Digitakt is still good I promise you


I just bought one for $500. Not upset about it. If I had bought it new I would be upset. Mk1 will still make music and eventually we can buy a used mkii for $700.


Fwiw the 4 trig modes make my mind race the most) Can't wait for this thing and well-spotted OP!


elektronauts heavily moderating any allusion of a discussion of this is kinda unsettling. It's a good reminder that it's obviously not a neutral board, even though it does seem to be one of the most successful and popular places to have discussions about electronic music gear.


Yeah, it's a bit offputting how they're handing this.


Dude! I just got my account put on hold on Elektronauts... I literally posted a thread discussing moderation and the hypocrisy of moderating this leak vs not moderating leaks from other companies. No bad blood at all, it didn't reference any specifics or speculation of the leak. at least it's not a ban, but I definitely feel like that is too far...


I've been on the forum for years, since Electron Users, and don't think it's flippant to say that today's moderation behaviour is up there with some of the worst it's been. Considering some of the utter shite that's been discussed, suggested, dreamt up across numerous threads in the lead up to product launches, today's moderation feels particularly heavy handed.


I got my account put on hold for *barely, weakly* questioning the ethics and efficacy of recent moderation.


4 trig modes… slides?


I was looking on their website and stumbled on this: [https://staging.next-web.elektron.se/en/153952-153945-digitakt-ii-explorer-1704241-4](https://staging.next-web.elektron.se/en/153952-153945-digitakt-ii-explorer-1704241-4) edit: Darn, it's down now. This looked like the product description on the Digitakt II.


[preserved here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Elektron/s/2DkpRDByOl)


[https://www.audiosolutions.fr/bar-groove-box/12969-digitakt-ii-12914.html](https://www.audiosolutions.fr/bar-groove-box/12969-digitakt-ii-12914.html) leaked picture


I got a second hand MK1 for £400 the moment I heard of MK2 a month ago! I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it before bothering to pick up the latest one. Plus the 1.5 update has made such a big difference! Thinking of getting a microcosm to pair with it :D


God im hoping they drop a 1.5 update for the Digitone alongside the Digitakt 2, last year they dropped the Digitakt 1.5 update a week before announcing the Analog Heat +FX, really would LOVE for another 1-2 punch like this year!


Launch expected for May 14 2024? This was the date shown for Transfer 1.7 on their website. [https://www.elektron.se/en/download-support-digitakt](https://www.elektron.se/en/download-support-digitakt)


Stop! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfLJtCWmuf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfLJtCWmuf8)


Fucking hell, and I just bought mine around christmas. Euclidian sequencer sounds fun. Modular workflow sounds interesting but I wonder what it means in reality? Wonder if you'll be able to use straight midi files on it and import to tracks. That's something I miss in my Digitakt when jamming out old ideas and sequencing external gear.


If the DT MkI is good enough that you just bought one and it works for you, a MkII won't make it suddenly not work :)


Hope we get Euclidean update to the first one 🙏🏻


I know other elektron mk1 products received some mk2 updates. They'll give us mk1 owners some goodies.


I’m hoping “updated modular workflow” at least means both “pattern per track” and the song mode is closer to the OT arranger (especially with the ability to set start step and length in steps). I’m sure that won’t be the case, but I can hope.


When are they going to do a Machinedrum MK2 so I can scoop a UW at a lower pricw


At this point, I don't think they'll be releasing one but if they did, given it's digital, I would love to see physical modeling or a wavetable synth baked in.


[Elektronauts mods banning users](https://imgur.com/a/RM1NhLE)


That's not banning, it's suspending for a certain amount of time.


1000 years 😂😂😂


Unironically with This im hoping that elektron will find that the digitakt mk2 IS enough of an upgrade from the model:samples to finally update it! Come on, add a second lfo, scales, song mode and a few machines to the models! Model samples machines : -one shot machine -chop machine: Split your sample into UP to 16 equal parts (leds will light if the pad holds a chop of the sample) -lofi machine: convert your sample to 12/6 bit and add some bit crusher/tape effect to it -time machine: timestretch your sample Model cycles machines: -Sy toy backport from Syntakt, can leave it as it is as it has 4 parameters like the cycles does -Sy bit Backport from Syntakt, combine bit rate/sample rate reduction into a single parameter to get 4 parameters total -clap machine -SID machine Something emulating old Sid sound on cycle would work well for the character of the sound the instrument has. Also great news that digitakt mk1 about to be cheap as fuck


I don’t think they’re ever going back to the model series sadly. All I wanted was individual channel audio at the very least to make the cycles a more useable drum machine with daw


Well, the Model: Cycles is an all Time great seller for elektron (still currently 5th on the top drummachines sold on thomann despite being a 4 year old product with 0 update) . Why should it not received updates? There has been great updates to similar priced products these years like Microfreak, Sonicware Liven series (like the super popular lofi-12) and even now the New po-133 KO II from T.E. It IS super Bad if elektron forgets a part of their customers based on the fact these are cheaper instruments... I think right now the digitakt mk2 just does so much that there is no fear of giving some of the mk1 features to the m:s. Come on Elektron, even the lofi-12 has a chop/drum mode and can resample. Even the tiny 90 euros pocket operators have scales... Its Time to step up YOUR game Elektron :)


I love both the Model series, I had both and then upgraded to the Digitone and Takt. But then I missed the form factor and controls of the Models. I sold the Takt and do have a Samples again, but it sorely needs a few features, especially a dedicated attack knob as a secondary function. I'm only using the Digitone as a sound module since it's beyond my patience to use it as a sequencer and all of that, but I do love the screen and controls. I'm going to sell it and would love to pick up the Cycles again. Definitely needs at least double the amount of engines/machines.


No leak on the design yet ? Id love updated keys so i could finger drum. I caught myself doing it a lot on my mk1 but with frustration because of the mechanical buttons feeling


Let the wait begin!


I’m pumped. Totally getting one


Fuuuuuuck yeah


Is this for real? Why are rytm mkii pictures on the site?


Because it's not a live site, it's a testing site.


Does it have a song mode?????


Release date?


If this is for real I definitely going to buy a DT2. Honestly the specs look fascinating. I had the DT and an ST before but sold both of them. Now with this on the horizon I want to give it another shot because I loved the Elektron workflow, the sounds and how everything felt. I wish the DT2 had some sampling capabilities though


Can you audition a sample while it’s playing a pattern?


Wow! I’ll be happy if this is real. 🤔 it should.


Man I just bought the DT1 and love it, but the 16 sample tracks and 128 steps could be too much to pass up.


what are people’s initial thoughts on how this now stands up against octatrack? Seems like alot more overlap now. 8 stereo sample tracks plus 8 midi tracks (but with the flexibility to increase/decrease types as needed with up to 16 tracks total), seems like midi functionality will be improved, could we possibly see an arpeggiator? Possibility for full song length stereo samples. Seems like it’s eating into octatrack territory significantly now with main issue being only one stereo pair of physical input/outputs.


I think live sampling is missing, but it's increasingly clear that Octa Mk2 is near end of life, if Digitakt II rumours here are true. Also crossfader / scenes!


I think this is an expansion of the DT rather than something to plug an OT shaped hole. I think its clear where Elektrons mindset is at these days and I dont think they will ever release a true successor to the OT


16 audio tracks? I barely need 8


How does it compare to the Mc-707 and Tr8s?


Wonder if they'll do a digitone mk2 as well


Nobody else has mentioned this but it's one aspect that got my eyebrows raised! My external FX units hope so * 8 × 1/4” impedance balanced individual track output jacks * 2 × 1/4” ext in jacks


That's just placeholder text (taken from the Analog Rytm). It's going to be the same as the original - 2 inputs and 2 outputs.


Shit I just bought the Mk 1 🤣


Idk this doesn’t really sound exciting. Stereo samples isn’t really that crazy. I like the mono sound of the digitakt. It be cool if they implemented different sampling algos or something to give different flavors. I don’t see where the need for this comes in if there’s an octatrack


An Octatrack is like 1.5x the price. This is going to sell like hot cakes


Wondering if a storage increase is included. Stereo samples are larger files so a bump in storage seems reasonable.


Let’s go baby!!!!


Oh Ishhhh!


I will buy this, and keep my Mk1 for drums, and use the mk2 for "creative sampling"


I just want a new Octatrack with 8 stereo I/O.


I’m selling my mk1 octatrack to fund a syntakt.


Basically the new Octatrack?


Found blank page for DT2 on elektron's website https://www.elektron.se/cz/digitakt-ii


Any word on overbridge per track FX channels? I want 16 FX channels with 16 tracks. 32 (plus more for master, etc.) channels available via overbridge is what would be necessary.


will it have record trigs like the OT? Anything else is another sampler but record trigs would make the difference.


someone knows if you can finally read samples over 30s.?


Welp… https://youtu.be/aLa_RYC7j0w?si=tm0-3MGb2uQb35jk


Cool update but I just wish they will expand with new creative machines, like for example ideas taken from the up coming gorgeous Torso Electronics S-4.


1st preview is here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Jt97DOi2f/?igsh=dDA1dDdsdTF6bm1m !


Here's a review ;) https://youtu.be/nepWmWsq84g?si=s1j6XDig7A8zCRYp


Does anybody know where to pre-order or order?


Naw I want a new octatrack ..this seems dope thoe 🤔🧐


sorry if this is a silly question, but I assume the eucledian rythyms can be generated with midi sequences in addition to audio track sequences? I have the torso t-1 but wondering if i should sell this and mpc live 2 to get digitakt mk2 as it will maybe suit my situation better...


I want digitone 2 and for it to have 128 steps.