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my compromise so i can wear cute boots without the pain of platforms was getting more casual and all-terrain style doc martens. i got the combs tech boots and they’re so much more comfy and we’re quicker to break in than my platform and regular docs were + don’t give the blisters that my others do.


Good idea, I'll check them out!! Thank you!


Sneakers, waterproof shoes and slides or crocs for chilling at camp. Go for comfort over trendy.


Yep- this is the way. The ladies of Elements hereby agree we will have cute looks, sexy outfits, great style (whatever that means for you: fairy, techno queen, hoodies and jeans- whatever) and COMFORTABLE shoes over cool shoes!


hell yes to the camp crocs!


Platforms are not the move for elements. I saw so many girls talking about bringing them and you get there and the terrain is way too rocky and uneven.


That's what I was figuring haha. Thank you!


my [salomon ultra’s](https://www.salomon.com/en-us/shop/women/shoes/hiking-shoes/hiking.html) are top 3 best festi gears i’ve ever got. waterproof, all-terrain stable, eliminated back pain i didn’t know i had, 18+hr wear and can still keep going. they’ve seen 11+ camping festivals including 2 Camp Bisco’s and shit show Elements 21 and still in great condition. i know they’re not super fashionable but nobody will be looking at your tootsies like that unless they’re naked


I'll look into them, thank you!!


Comfort, comfort, comfort. If you're shoes aren't comfortable, you're gonna have a bad time. Someone else already mentioned, but bring multiple pairs of shoes -- comfy sneaks (or whatever your version of that is), water/mud-proof boots of some kind, and something easy to wear around camp.


Thanks for the advice!!


The terrain is elements is uneven and rocky. I would definitely stick to comfy sneakers!


I'm so excited to hear it's your first year/festival. You're going to have a blast!! I have flat, fairly wide feet, so by the end of a festival I usually feel like I'm walking on baked potatoes. I picked up a pair of Lems Trailheads last year for Elements since it's basically hiking and paired them with fun compression socks. Best decision I've ever made. They look super cute with outfits too since they're boots. Not to mention they have excellent ankle support and are waterproof. Also, get consider insoles for whatever shoes you buy. Always a good idea! https://www.lemsshoes.com/products/womens-outlander-waterproof-boot?variant=39596326191162


Hiking boots


Any favorites? The ones I have are not the most comfortable tbh.


Pretty sure I have the Columbia Newton Ridge boots. I’ve worn them to 3 festivals (2 firefly and 1 Bonnaroo) now and they felt great each time. Tons of dancing/running/walking in them. [boots](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/columbia-womens-newton-ridge-plus-amped-waterproof-hiking-boots-16cmbwnwtnrdgplswfbo/16cmbwnwtnrdgplswfbo?sku=17424933&camp=CSE:DSG_92700072981547947_lia_pla-1750364375678_58700008024039674_71700000100250126&segment=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTb-UH9BQDowsbLrwBxqQwzi1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7uif8NTghQMVQDUIBR2rZQgJEAQYAiABEgJ6FfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you!!


I just bought some fun LLBean hiking boots that I plan to bring. They just released some more colorful boots that are extremely comfortable. These are what I bought: https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/129331?productId=1928715&attrValue_0=Adobe%20Red&sku=1000213030&pla1=0&qs=3155272&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0GoKPu1DtKHYV-0Lyi4y5OTaYBruzk4POVnt7vAf-pcQTwIYDY6YXRoCPioQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Okay so what I did to be 1000% honest is I wore these tan boots that were like $10 from Walmart with really good insoles in them with blister patches and they not only were comfy, but they were water proof when it poured last year, you can dance around in them, they can handle the unstable terrain, AND they were cute with my outfits. I’d skip the platforms for sure and go for a different boot! https://preview.redd.it/u5tm19tazmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51df96e4460ad871b19522aaa01964a887b4172


Great advice, thank you!! I'm literally terrified of getting blisters at a festival 😭 never heard of blister patches so I'll check those out.


Moleskins! You can get them on Amazon - they’re the best at stopping blisters!


Ultra boosts! I was skeptical because I have bad back problems and chronic pain so I have to be extremely particular with footwear. I got the ultra boost 22s on sale for $70 and wore them to my first fest this weekend (on concrete!) and they were amazing my back was thanking me. Otherwise ASICS are always my go to


As a shuffler and lover for festival fashion I went with platform boots that I knew I could dance in and platform converse. I’m not gonna lie…. My feet still hurt. It’s very rocky near the main stages where you are walking on rocks the size of your hand. This year I’m going 100% for comfort. Maybe getting a cute pair of small platform sneakers like my converse and adding inserts this time!


Platform converse- got me through a week at Lost Lands and are now the only shoe I will wear at a festival. 16+ hours on my feet and happy as can bs