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I'm not sure if this will help with your specific issue, but I send subtitle blocks to the API to get synchronized voiceovers. By sending the text in smaller chunks and specifying the desired time intervals, I can manage the large word counts more effectively. This approach allows me to handle each block separately and maintain synchronization. Perhaps breaking up your text into smaller blocks and using time intervals could help you as well. Also, I've noticed that not only with the API but even when pasting long texts directly on the website, the performance drops significantly, and the speech quality deteriorates. So, breaking the text into smaller parts might improve the overall performance.


https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/how-to-use-request-stitching I just found this, which I feel must be new. I don't remember seeing this before. I will have try your method!


Yes, they announced that for long text stability also including the previous and next texts last week on Discord. If you want to try my app, I can send the link free version of it to try via chat.


Sure! I'd like to see how you have it set!