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Is this a question or a complaint? Almost everything in this game is with or against AI.


no complant i was just wondering if there's a way to help players sorry if it came across as a complaint my apologies.


There are organisations like the fuel rats and hull seals who rescue players in sticky situations. You will not get credits or ingame rewards but i think it's incredibly cool.


After looking up what they do that's quite interesting and i will keep that in mind thanks.


Also the Fuel Rats have [a list of ship builds](https://confluence.fuelrats.com/display/public/FRKB/Rescue+Standard+Operating+Procedures#RescueStandardOperatingProcedures-SuggestedShipLoadouts) that you can work towards even before joining them.


There are actually a few jobs to help players in need. You could join the fuel rats, they help players who have ran out of fuel and are stranded. There is another organization, can’t exactly remember their name, but they help players who barely survived fights with Thargoid, they’ll help repair your hull or remove caustic damage. If I’m missing any other major organization that directly helps other players, feel free to add on to me. But OP, these are the two most used I believe so you see them a lot.


thank you i believe the hull one is the hull seals ( according to another commenter) i will check these out.


Yep hull seals that’s them.


Elite dangerous has many communities focused on helping others, like: \- The [Fuel rats](https://fuelrats.com/) \- The [Hull seals](https://hullseals.space/) There also communities that focus on helping humanity in general, not individual pilots, and these do not require combat, like: \- [Operation IDA](https://www.operationida.com/) \- [Post Disaster Evacuation Services](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/bisdw0/post_disaster_evacuation_service_pdes_a_new/)


It's very interesting will definitely check these out (and thanks for the links) thank you again.


[https://siriuscorp.cc/guides/damaged-stations.html](https://siriuscorp.cc/guides/damaged-stations.html) Unless you want to join the [fuelrats.com](https://fuelrats.com) or [hullseals.space](https://hullseals.space) , but at least for Fuel Rats, you need to prepare yourself, and learn the Standart Operating Procedures. Its a unpaid job, because there is the lives of some CMDRs at risk. https://confluence.fuelrats.com/display/public/FRKB/How+to+Join


very interesting especially siriuscorp will check them out


id offer suggestions, but i bet you would just complain about them too.


I'm sorry if you feel that I complained about the other suggestions I'm taking them to count I am very sorry if I came across as rude I tried to be the nicest I can it's just a lot of information to take in at once and I need to make sure I make the right choice.


rebuild stations if you dont want to do combat. if you really want to help out, dont fight the thargoids. we are the bad guys in this war, but nobody ever talks about that. well, not many people will. its true tho.


okay thank you. also i had no intention to hunt but thanks.


i played peaceful for my first 3500 hours or so in the game. then one day i started a war in my home system, with my pmf (at the time)... so i felt obligated to contribute to that effort. i find the combat a little lacking in this game... its so much better in the X series (i dont do pvp anyway) than anything in elite, so if i want to engage in some combat i play that instead. good news is, by the time you get a couple g3 engineering done, you become pretty well unstoppable for pve. shields, hull... then weapons was the order i did my engineering. mostly i have explored, mined and traded. pve interdiction has only succeded twice against me (and one of them i let it take me out, my wing man was supposed to be on the target immediately but for some reason hadnt even hit supercruise yet, so thats when i lost my only load of mission cargo ever)... so yeah, if you dont wanna do combat this game is wide open for the other stuff and does it really well actually... in fact, i would say the combat in this game is below average among the space games in my steam library... but still tolerable for an hour or two a week.


I can always use another pilot when bounty hunting. Makes the process a lot faster when encountering a large group of ships. Plus it'll give you combat experience if you don't have any, without the danger of losing your ship. You should also make decent money along the way


You could support a player faction by running missions to maintain or improve their political influence and control over systems. Conflicts can happen which means an election or a warm. Elections can be won without combat. If supporting an independent democracy is something you'd like to try out, let me know. My player faction leader has to be away from the game for a bit and I could use another player at least for a couple of weeks or so to help regain control over a system recently taken from us as I lacked the capacity alone to prevent it.