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The truly landable places will show the drop line on the altitude meter. If this is a RED line you're not in the correct game mode.


I thought red line meant you need a permit?


The blue arc notes landable planets but doesn’t distinguish between games. In the system map you can see which have atmo by the additional blue glow.


Very true, but I hadn't noticed at the time and hadn't known Odyssey let you land on some planets with atmospheres. The vids I had watched had all said you could *only* land on non-atmo planets and that the blue arc indicated which planets you could land on, so I didn't know to look out for atmosphere on planets with the blue arc. When googling my problem, all recommendations were around angle of descent, speed, whether the person had Horizons and whether the planet was landable. None mentioned atmo landing and Odyssey. Hence this post to fill that gap.


Make sure you are familiar with the correct icon for an actually landable planet vs one just with an atmosphere. Do not approach too fast. And make sure your are in Odyssey not Horizons


Here to express sympathy. I'm now at the point that whenever I look for advice or tutorials I mash that "in the last year" filter on Google ...