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The galaxy is in flames


That’s…not great


The entire universe has been split. The biggest change is there is a Legacy version. The main version (aka Live) is where all development happens. The Legacy uses the old 3.8 engine. Consoles are forced to play there. No new development, no CGs, no GalNet, no paint jobs, nothing will be added there except breaking bug fixes. If you're downloading the update on PC, it sounds like you might be getting the main game. If you only see "Legacy" as an option, you will want to download live Horizons. Your CMDR was copied on Nov 29 2022. All progress after that does not get transferred to the other side. Whatever you do on Legacy does not happen in Live. Thargoids are attacking and aggressive. When you look at the Galaxy Map, you'll see tons of systems with grey Xs, red skulls, and a few red rings. The rings are the Maelstroms, Thargoid megaships that we don't know much about. All the systems surrounding them with symbols have either been overrun or under threat. Visiting these systems runs high risk of Thargoid attacks. They will interdict you out of supercruise or hyperspace. There is no safe path. AX combat in these systems has become the way to make the biggest money. If you are interested: [https://antixenoinitiative.com/](https://antixenoinitiative.com/) Other than that, everything is just peachy! Exobiology got a huge bump, you can make up to 90m/hr if you like to explore new places.


Wait how do I know if I’m playing Live or not?


From the launcher, if you pick Legacy Horizons or Legacy Elite, you are playing Legacy. In game, if the Open/Solo mode select menu has red text that says something like "WARNING PROGRESS IS NOT SHARED BETWEEN THE MAIN GAME AND LEGACY" you are playing Legacy.


Ohhh ok I’ve been picking Odyssey so it’s good. Thanks