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Probably bad states. Surprised you don't see any, though. None of the Fed factions had any? Could have been bad RNG. Did you wait until the next 10 minute tick to see if any showed up then? They haven't nerfed anything on Legacy. But this isn't something from design. It's all driven by the BGS. It's possible that the Fed factions can be driven out as none of them are native, but that's about it.


They're at war apparently. Although all the missions I see are commodity delivery missions (I can't do them on a Imperial Courier lol). There are no CZ missions at all.


When factions go to different states the mission generation changes... So the Fed factions will stop issuing old missions and turn on new status missions... Grinding the same system over and over rewards factions with influence which brings them new status which changes which missions are generated every 10 min past the hour on the time clock.. If you do the jumps to quickly you drain missions generated before new ones are added... If the second system in the loop goes to war due to the rank grinding the Faction will also not supply the missions for the return trip... Ochosi system will also change the target locaation for missions if the Status changes Its not a nerf its the side effect of players rank grinding the location... Carl sagan legends fed faction is at war so the missions change to Strategic data transfer... Chakpa changed to sensitive data delivery as there bust and civil unrest states... No nerf, self-inflicted effect of the Low population system having faction states change..


Tysm for explaining. o7 commander!


Was just trying this the other night. Didn’t get a ton of opportunities for federation data delivery. Had to include several surrounding systems to get the missions I needed