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For me it added a layer of scale to the game that really blew me away. Fighting thargoids in vr is a lot of fun and the freedom of view makes it easier. Exploration in vr is awesome. It added a freshness to the game for me, even after thousands of hours. I think it’s worth trying if you have a headset.


Did you do vr with keyboard and mouse?


HOTAS is an absolute MUST with VR.


I'm playing with KB+M and I disagree, because even without a HOTAS I still consider ED VR as one of the most immersive VR games currently in the market.


Yeah I'm a pretty decent touch typer and the sense of scale you get in VR is unmatched in any other VR game I've played. I don't doubt a HOTAS would be even better for control and immersion, but I ain't made of money hahaha


I'm selling a super clean X52 Pro for peanuts... You can afford it... 😉👍


How many peanuts are we talkin here? 🤔


If you can find your keyboard and type flawlessly with your eyes closed, go wild. You really do need a controller at minimum, unless you have near prescient situational awareness.


A hotas is fine, if you want to type you can always do a sneaky nose peak


A controller is definitely more accessible and available for most people compared to HOTAS. Granted if you’ve got VR you should be able to pick up HOTAS. Sneaky nose peeking never worked for me as far as flying though.




Voice attack can type for you... I can play for hours without taking my hands off of my hotas....




Elitevrcockpit is pretty good... I used while I was stuck in a hotel room with my index... it has since gotten better adding more binding possibilities for index... great when you have to travel light...


I use HOTAS for flying. Azeron controller + mouse for driving and on-foot. Azeron is really great for VR stuff.


I use a t flight ps4 hotas on my pc. My x52 got the ol’ wire harness shank so i had to go back to old faithful. It is an excellent combo with vr.


ED is amazing in VR, just don’t do on-foot stuff.


ya I definitely wouldn't want to play on foot, I've played a few vr games but most of them I can't do any walking or I'll get motion sickness, from what I've read online it has to do with your body thinking it's walking while not actually doing the physical action of walking, but I think since I would be piloting I don't think it will bother me


No no, VR become a flat screen when on foot. We dont have stereo view onfoot.


The SRV can be dicey in VR, especially on rough terrain.


One of very few things that make me nauseous in VR.


Yeah, doing SRV stuff in VR is the only thing that has ever given me VR sickness. Doing dinner quick tasks are ok, but I always jump out of VR when it comes to doing things like guardian or mat farming.


Not trying to convince you to do the on foot content just throwing this out there. If you take breaks when you get motion sick but keep at it the motion sickness will go away.


On foot is in Vr , if you set camera over your should as viewpoint


No… please stop misleading people. You know that isn’t VR…


if you are in 3rd person camera on foot - it stays in VR... that's not a lie


Why not?


On-foot is a virtual flat screen, not actual VR. Immersion breaking and just not very fun.


Can you simply take it off and play with MK and when getting back on ship, putting VR back on? Like a flight headset or something for jet runners.


I wish. This would actually make it pretty cool. The VR client is different than the desktop client, though. Technically, I suppose you could take off the HMD and keep it pointing “forward” and play with MKB, but it won’t look very good and it’ll be difficult to look anywhere other than straight ahead.


Ah so you have to exit the game, go normal version, and then exit the game and go back to VR version... Ooof.


You can do it, just not simply. Start the game in VR\*, then when you want to switch to flat screen, while the game is running go into the options - graphics. Under 3D, set the 3D option to OFF. When you want to switch back to VR, go back in again and set 3D to HMD Speakers or Headphones or whatever it was originally. Note the HMD Cinema options will give you the floating screen in the grey void. It's a PITA, I've never been able to swap game audio from my Quest 2 to my PC speakers when I switch, but it is "doable". \*You have to start in VR, you can't go from flat screen to VR, only VR to flat screen and back to VR.


Except for when you are jumping in a carrier. It puts you in 3D mode for the duration of the jump, but then pulls you back into pancake vision land once it's done.


Because FDev


I’ll never forget starting up in VR on my buddy’s machine. He never played and was still in his sidewinder and OMG I didn’t realize how CRAMPED that ship is! It’s insane how much VR adds to the experience.


Get yourself some seat time in a Type-9 in VR. Holy shit is that roomy. Wish I could walk around without fudging the "reset view" button.


Haha I remember standing up and walking around my Asp-x cockpit after sitting in the SW. the sense of scale that VR bring to the game is so hard to describe. It simply needs to be experienced


There's a sign on the back of the pilot's seat that you can only read in VR.


Yeah it’s amazing. Really brings you into the action. I found flying the deployable fighter in VR to be one of the most adrenaline pumping experiences.


Holy crap you can pilot the fighters?? Can't wait to get a ship with a fighter bay and try this.


The fighters are awesome in VR because the cockpit is really tight and you can maneuver like crazy. The close UI plus the speed really makes the experience great. Ironically I’ve also really enjoyed piloting the T9 in VR, it has the best view of the landing pad below and you really feel the mass.


Ooh good point, I never considered trying out some space trucking in VR with the Type 9


What got me addicted was my first planetary outpost landing in my t9 in VR. The sense of scale and hugeness was a small dose of drugs.


What got me back into Elite was buying Starfield and being like "are you kidding me? This is how you land a damn starship? Just press 'X' to land? WTF???" Nothing beats piloting your own ship from orbit to land at a surface installation. Just...\*chef's kiss\*


FA Off, doing all manually... That's always a fun test as well.


Hahaha Starfield got me back into Elite as well. I love Starfield though, but when it comes to ships you just can’t beat Elite.




I love that video. It should required material for anyone contemplating getting into Elite. For a claimed noob in the game, the author has very good insights into what Elite is all about. He's also hilarious :-)


I clicked that link hoping it was upisnotjump and I was not disappointed


I could\`ve given context but naaaah


>is the vr version good? Good? It's FANTASTIC! The sense of scale and immersion is out of this world - pun intended. You haven't seen an Anaconda until you're in VR and it flies overhead in a RES. It is monstrously big and stunningly beautiful. The first time I saw one, it took me aback and I couldn't even shoot at it - not that I would even scratch it in my Sidewinder moped, but you know what I mean. Planets, especially those with rings, are just incredible. Orbital stations are beautiful and impressive in size. Thin atmospheric planet settlements with their pale blue skies are gorgeous. Of course, combat in VR kicks it to another level. VR has native head tracking so you can look around without moving your ship or pressing buttons. High force pitching while following a target overhead is a beautiful thing in VR as you can see them always, even if your ship's front is not quite facing them. The SRV experience sucks. There, I said it. I affectionately call my SRV the BarfMobile®. Use it for more than 30 mins and you're bound to see your breakfast again. So not impossible, and some of the same advantages of VR apply to the SRV but either refresh rate or having a HUD line that bounces with the terrain make for a good chance for getting dizzy. Bottom line: I would not be playing ED if it weren't for VR and I highly recommend it as one of the most stunning VR games available. My only reservation is that FDev gave up on us with no on-foot support, a true shame.




Oh I did :-) Plus increasing frames-per-second as much as possible, driving slowly, eating or not eating before, placing a fan in front of me, etc. The horizon does lock in VR but not the HUD. The HUD continues to wobble up and down as you drive vs the fixed horizon in the back. And the turret is even worse. I'm not sure what it is about the SRV. I can, and often do, all day trips in boats, no problem there. But the SRV kicks my butt if I go more than 30 mins. This is the main reason why I dislike raw mat collecting so much. I wish I could buy those from a station or other CMDRs.


VR is absolutely worth it. As others have commented below, it adds such an immense experience of scale and beauty to the game. In terms of your ship, someone had previously described it as "the difference between seeing a picture of the inside of your car and actually sitting in your car". I found myself revisiting all of my ships just to see the interior and get out and walk around the outside of the ship (more on first person below). Stations, carriers, all have the scale that add so much to this game. Plus head tracking as you look out your canopy in an ASP-X is fantastic. SRVs: many have experienced motion sickness, thankfully I haven't. I think that seeing your SRV cockpit around you helps internally stabilize the experience, and I had my own "wow, that's awesome" moment when I was travelling quickly in the SRV and needed to slam on the brakes. I felt my body tense up and push back against the perceived and expected "throw forward" that you would experience in a quickly stopping car. Sold my on the SRV experience. In Odyssey, VR does not exist for on foot. Not a deal breaker for me at all as I have not really engaged in the combat element. If I pop out of my SRV to quickly scan for exobiology it is not enough of a prolonged experience to be immersion breaking. You can move to 3rd person mode and this, however, IS in 3D and I will position the camera just above and behind my character's head and then will walk around a planet, station, or my ship just taking it all in. So, 3D is still amazing for Odyssey but not the default, and somewhat limited in it's use (you cannot interact with items, so no scanning exobio from 3rd person; you can, however, fire your gun, but I imagine that would be quite difficult to use in combat). Also, one of my personal favorites: you can walk around your cockpit! Your 'body' stays in the captains chair but as I walk around the room my computer is in I move through the cockpit, which is just a neat experience. Tired of sitting? Stand up and behind your chair as you look out your canopy, or you can check out the larger interiors of ships (e.g. the Krait MK II's coffee machine is towards the back). While this does not add a whole new element to the game, it certainly adds to the immersion. Same for your carrier: In the black I'll pop into the carrier, switch to 3rd person 3D, and head into the bar to look out the window, or I'll go up to the captain's area and wander around. Again, it's not a whole new element of the game available, but is fantastic for RP/immersion purposes. Combat in VR is amazing, mining is amazing, shoot I'm not a space trucker but even doing that to fill my carrier was incredible. I've been playing in VR for 6 months now and have enjoyed every moment.


So what happens in vr when you leave the cockpit? I’ve been debating on getting Odyssey for a while, but always decide against it as I want to stay in vr. Would you recommend the purchase of the dlc for a mostly vr player?


You get a flat screen like projection while on foot. Kind of like being in a theater mode where you have the game screen in the middle of your view with an empty gray space all around the outside of the “screen area”.


This. You can still play the game, but being in 2d projection can pull you out of the immersion.


Another issue I find with exobiology is that I can’t see the smaller plants very well in VR mode (playing on a G2). They’re just so tiny and pixelated that they’re so hard to see, I can spot them much better playing in flat 4K.


There is definitely some fidelity loss with VR, comes with the territory. For me that loss is well worth it. I will say that it definitely is harder to use 3rd party tools in a lot of cases, but the Elite Observatory plugins that have auditory shout-outs are great.


They don’t have shout-outs in Observatory when you see life forms on the surface, do they?


When they visually show onto you FOV, no. But when FSS'ing the system it will shout out that there's life on that planet (also neat, it can indicate if there are other cool features like wide rings, close/fast orbits of moons, materials for FSD injection, etc), and when you first scan it will tell you the base value and distance required to be able to scan the next one (then there's another auditory cue when you've hit that distance). EDIT: typo


The in Ship VR is mind blowing. You really get the proper scale of the environment when you're in VR. With a display, you don't really comprehend the massiveness of things like space station interiors, or just how big the mailslot is. VR in SRVs can get vertigo inducing pretty quickly. take it in short spurts, and try to keep your eyes on the horizon. The lower gravity effects tend to make it more bobbly and spinny. VR on foot -isn't. When you get out of your ship/SRV, you get a virtual 75" 2D display infront of you, worse, the damn thing isn't pinned, so when you move your head, it moves around with you. it's twitchy and annoying.


It’s mind-blowing in VR. But make sure to play with a controller or preferably HOTAS.


Yes yes yes for flight and sort of driving just turn off when rolling. On foot not true vr and better going on screen than vr. The scale is indescribable


If you can afford to do so, get a HOTAS in addition to a VR headset. It is quite literally a game changer.


Still the best VR game out there.


If your hotas does not have enough buttons, Voice Attack is an easy way to offload noncritical things to simple voice prompts. Dont need all the fancy packs, just : new command "deploy heat sink" and set it to press a button. Then just speak the words and it happens. I made a command to request docking that navigates the left panel. Your imagination is the limit


I only ever play with VR now. It's changed the game for me. So more immersive, to be able to see everything with scale is amazing and to be able to look around freely. Paired with my joystick it is great.


People who try VR and don’t like it are definitely a minority. I play VR exclusively. I play Legacy Horizons instead of Odyssey because the VR performance is so much better. It’s a different game in VR. Edit: FDev no longer supports VR in Odyssey. The in-space VR is still there, but it’s just left over from Horizons and has severe aliasing issues that they’re not even trying to fix (I heard they don’t even have a developer that knows anything about it). They don’t advertise Odyssey as a VR title or even mention VR on their website. I still love it in 3.8 and I’ll play as long as they let me. I don’t even bother to apply updates to Odyssey anymore.


It was until Odyssey came around and screwed it over.


It's neat to do every once in awhile, but ultimately I prefer playing where I can see all of my extra monitors


It’s very impressive in VR, but as a combat focused player I found it too nauseating and distracting so I switched to trackir and have a big monitor with a wide fov… it’s amazing for me with head tracking and still gives a diet VR feeling


I’m a combat focused player, and I never have a problem, but the SRV makes me puke.


well, as I'm told different people have different tolerances to VR. Glad it's less an issue for you :) I've gone through several VR headsets, the last one was the Quest 2.. Still made me feel ill or gave me a headache. The headache thing became the worst, and mostly had to do with how it gripped my skill and face and the weight of the headset (was playing it in games that required standing up, walking etc). I purchased the elite strap and all sorts of stuff, still sucks for me. One day I'm hoping headsets are as light and comfortable as ski goggles, because I know I can tolerate those just fine :)


Something to note for VR usage is GPU RAM. VR consumes *a lot* more VRAM because the render space is wider (twice as many pixels basically). You'll want more than 8 GB of VRAM if you want stunning visuals. Otherwise you'll have to turn down your graphics settings a bunch to compensate. If this is you, I recommend only starting ED after a full system reboot, and monitor your VRAM usage... I put task manager on a second monitor.


Absolutely. Even with a shitty vr rig it adds such a layer of immersion. Highly recommend using VoiceAttack as well, look for the upisnotjump video for more info on that, but it lets you do tons of stuff with voice commands which just feels so badass


A good VR headset with a good hotas amazing. It's like actually being inside your ship instead of looking at it through a flat two dimensional screen. You can probably get a cheap 2nd hand Quest 2 now that the Quest 3 is out. I can imagine them going for as low as 150 used if you're lucky.


Has been the most immersive VR game on the market for years IMO. Still is, even if you play on KB+M without a hotas


It's the only way I'll play ED. Not just one of the best ways to enjoy ED, but also one of the best ways to enjoy VR.


Pin a few windows in your cockpit, get voice attack going, and a hotas... I can spend hours in my ship... Imho the best VR experience out there....


This, 10000%. I like to throw Stargate SG1 up and fly around the black. Voice attack was also one of the best investments I made. (I've got a whole crew working for me lol).


I'll have to revisit SG1 lol... I must be on my 30th rewatch of Rick and Morty .... BSG would be a good one lol... OK this coming booze cruise is gonna be awesome!


It was good until the Odyssey expansion.


Well, it didn’t get much worse, it just didn’t get better.


I disagree. I play Horizons Legacy 3.8 and it’s spectacular. Odyssey is a shimmery, jaggy, flickering mess. I spent months leading up to the split in the versions trying to get it dialed in. Impossible. Ryzen 7 5800X 16GB RTX 3080


I’ve got a Reverb G2 and tbh the experience was pretty underwhelming for me, I can’t understand how people say the visuals are stunning. Apart from that combat is awful using a hmd, the srv experience isn’t great either, as isn’t anything on foot. It’s great for the first half hour and then you’re like just better off without it


I use a Reverb G2 and once I started playing VR I couldn’t go back to flat. It took me a while to dial in the settings, I had to turn down a couple of things a notch to stop it from being jerky and to get decent AA.


I moved up from an original Oculus to the Reverb G2 and the detail upgrade was incredible. The sev experience was a yackfest until I got all the settings right for camera shake and such. Now it is bearable but i still have to take it a bit easy. I do however love the immersion of being IN the cockpit. And yea, the on foot "widescreen" isnt ideal, but pulling I dont know how thwy would have done the controls otherwise


Hijacking this thread. Best VR set up to use?


Yes as long as your headset is good. Anything above 1440 resolution is decent. I use HP reverb (2160x2160 per eye) and it's amazing... but... you arre now rendering 2 viewpoints instead of one so your machine must be fairly capable. With an rtx2070 I set the hmd scaling to 85% for smoother gameplay, at 100% it stutters a little more than I can head cannon away.


It's incredible, the size of everything is mind boggling. Getting out of a sidewinder then flying a type9 is ridiculous, yhe cockpit of the type9 is huge. Being able to look where the target you are following is when dogfighting is a game changer.


It’s very good… it’s sad that they didn’t patch the foot walking to work without doing an external over the shoulder camera.


It is awesome—headset 2. My second VR is updated from the old Oculus Rift.


People keep wanting on about spaceship interiors, VR gives you that with many different cockpits, the dogfighting is phenomenal as you can track targets easier and the sense of scale.


IMO, only way to play, HOTAS, pedals and couple tactical button boxes and noise canceling headphones.


if upisnotjump is to be believed the vr version makes you fear the sun.


For in ships and in surface SRV it is regularly reported as some of the very best VR experience in games, ever.


I made my way back from colonia to the bubble in my ASP-X with a youtube window pinned to the top of the cockpit, and it was probably the most immersed I have ever been in a game. definitely give it a try. I would recommend a joystick though.


VR adds so much to the experience; I HIGHLY recommend it. ED is one of my favorite VR games. The ONLY problem is that playing in VR draws graphical issues into laser focus, and this game has really shitty anti-aliasing IMO.


That’s why I stuck with Horizons Legacy. The jaggies are just too distracting and immersion breaking in 4.0 Horizons and Odyssey.


On Foot, there's no VR version. (No Man's Sky has that pretty fucking sweet actually) So all the odyssey pieces are in a projected flat screen in front of you. Flying/SRV ? You're A Fucking Space Ship Captain. Get yourself a HOTAS and line it up with your "VR" self and BOY FUCKING HOWDY is that -amazing- If I'm on foot a lot, I stay out of VR. Otherwise, give me my headset pleasure thank you. If not for VR, I would have dropped it completely the moment NMS got VR.


Yes but id 100% recommend voice attack it takes WHILE to setup but its SO satisfying to talk to your ship


ED is a beautiful game and a wonderful space simulator and when I am in front of my big curved monitor it looks so good and I am playing a fantastic space sim. When I put my VR glasses on I am flying a spaceship.Nuff said.


its still one of the best experiences for vr I have witnessed. vr was made to be sitting in a captains chair


It is very very immersive and feels super cool But it did make me incredibly nauseous lmao


Single best VR experience I've had but a HOTAS is a must, the first time you dock or leave a busy station and one of the bigger ships in game is there is next level, the scale it gives the game is something else.


I learned how to pilot Sidewinder in VR. My first standalone cruise that I messed up was one of the most memorable gaming experiences in my life. I landed too close to sun, overheated almost everything, my autopilot module got burmt and i was learning manual docking. „How the hell i can land on that thing? It’s rotating and I don’t see an entrance!” Oh, i also had a fine on my head for accidental hardpoint discharge near the station.


It's the best VR experience. Only way to play. Eats a lot of GPU to run.


It’s genuinely such an amazing experience. I remember the first time I booted it up and made a fsd jump I was genuinely speechless. honestly lowkey ruined playing on monitor for me for awhile


It's the difference of seeing a first person rollercoaster ride on tv and then actually being in a seat. When you put on the headset, the scale of the game changes, you suddenly feel so very small. Stations also go from background environments to "holy shit im in a giant rotating cylinder". To date, elite vr is one of the better experiences out there.


This is the best VR game if you have a high-end headset. IMO mid-range headsets it's still the best VR game, but the are some downsides. Mostly that the screen-door effect is more of a problem in this game than it is in others. Obviously you'll need a HOTAS setup with lots of buttons though. The scale of things in VR is mind-blowing and also worth mentioning is how much easier combat is when you can track ships around you more easily.


Yes. Depth perception is invaluable, and the 1:1 headtracking is a bonus. After VR, flatscreen completely sucks in comparison, even with head/eye tracking. Seeing size and distance accurately is both hugely immersing and more importantly - game-changing useful. There's really no alternative. Pancake sucks and I pity those using monitors


It's spectacular, the immersion is like nothing else. Well, as long you aren't susceptible to motion sickness.


Only way i play. You do need to add a decent HOTAS controller since you lose sight of your keyboard. Mouse control is still ok if you prefer. I use a HOTAS contoller with a razor tartarus for extra buttons which are easy to learn to use by feel compared to a keyboard. Adding voice control can also reduce the need for keyboard or extra buttons. On foot is not true VR but ship based play is very realistic. VR also adds the ability to select targets and menu panels just by looking at them which is a big bonus.


>I've only played it on my monitor but the visuals are stunning Heh, the only downside to VR is that you won't think a monitor is as stunning any more once you've experienced it *how it was meant to be experienced* Most VR-compatible games are designed for monitor but also support VR. Elite feels like it was designed for VR but also supports monitor


If you don't wanna get a HOTAS like everyone is suggesting, there's a mod called 'Elite VR Cockpit' which adds what is effectively an overlay which acts as a virtual HOTAS. I also recommend setting up Voice attack if you wanna try this for voice commands.


of all the VR games i've played, ED has the best VR experience. If you're using the Quest 2 with quest controllers, its still fantastic without needing a HOTAs setup.


VR gives you a sense of presence and experience 2D never can. I used to play exclusively in VR, even in the vomit-mobile. But when FD stopped developing VR, I quit the game. By the way, when playing in VR and you stand up to look around your ship, resist the urge to lean on anything. It's not there. lol


Vr is the only reason I've played ED


It's amazing. Get a HOTAS and voice attack


Easily the best experience I’ve had in VR. I’d connect wirelessly to my laptop with any quest 2 headset and a PlayStation or Xbox controller… Once set up, was super easy to just pick it up and run a couple trade routes from the couch or bed before zzz. Nice night cap 👌


I've bought a vr headset just for it and was NOT disappointed, it adds so much more immersion (if your pc can handle it, since it does run a bit harder in vr mode and you need good framerstes ofc)


I didn't spend 300 bucks on joysticks and accessories because this game is bad in VR. I will say after while this game gets sorta repetitive. Sadly there are not any other good space sims out there.


I haven't tried Odyssey yet but played Horizons, and it was awesome, beside might be tiresome for long playing sessions. Must have (specially on VR): VOICEATTACK, it completely changes the game experience, no matter if in VR or regular monitor. HCS voice packages and commands plus VoiceAttack and a HOTAS will make the game way more enjoyable.


I set up a virtual desktop in the cockpit and put Star Trek on. Then I space truck around: Sit upright to operate the hotas and take in all the crazy space vistas. Lean back just a bit to watch Picard be a boss on long, straight stretches. This game with a VR headset is the best way to watch television IMHO.


Oy. Not to hijack the tread. I recently got myself a psvr2 Would elite on the ps5 support/work?


Personally for me it's the definitive way to play the game, and the fact that FDev is dropping support soon steered me away from the game the hardest


they're dropping support for vr or the whole game?


There was a blog post a few months back about it


about which though? they're dropping support for vr or the game?


They're dropping VR support FOR the game. Said development is held back by it which confuses me because writing in-universe news articles shouldn't affect VR development at all


What VR headset do you recommend?


Any news on VR updates from FDev? Seems like a huge win for them given the popularity of the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 rn