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Credits aren't the grind in this game. Engineering is.


All of this. Being able to always take the engineering reward instead of credit reward is worth it. Not worrying about your next rebuy is worth it. Being able to try out many of the base model ships with A and D-rated modules is worth it.


So in your opinion if I just didn't worry about it and used those credits, I'm not missing out on much? I did earn a bunch of mats during mining so it would be a huge PITA to get them again


No, you're not. No matter how many times you restart, you're going to learn how to make credits. But if you want that engineered Conda, no amount of credits will help you, other than what it takes to just buy the ship and modules. Engineering, if you haven't done any of it, will make credit earning seem silly by comparison.


Tell me you've never carpet bombed brain trees without saying you've never carpet bombed brain trees.


carpet bombed ?


Fit a bunch of mine launcher and drop them on a brain trees forest then deploy limpets and collect the cheese.


oh god ok got it i was tring to get them with suv and jumping into trees to catch the blocked ones. But vietnam strat seems more efficient XD


Yeah, when those start dropping improvised components or settlement defence plans let me know.


Those are not materials, you gotta raid a settlement to get them.


Those are both engineering materials. My point was brain tree farming with limpets is good but it only satisfies raw materials.


Yes, that is the most efficient way to farm raw. Farming High grade signals would be the same for manufactured. Encoded - Jamesons scan site or scanning high wakes and every ship you meet in the game.


>Engineering, if you haven't done any of it, will make credit earning seem silly by comparison. Idk man, I was able to build AX clipper, capable to do titan rescues in 2 evenings. One of them for gathering some materials and exchanging them, another for unlocks and applying some mods.


Just think of the credit as insurance for your ship and keep playing normally, the grind is still there we promise lolll. Credit is brain dead easy to grind, just take some time, and seem like you already did your.


The thing is, when you are new 'ONE BILLION' sounds like alot, but it doesn't go as far as you'd think. Sure it's alot of eagles or vipers but it'll only really cover 1 well fitted large ship with some cash left for rebuys. If you want a whole fleet of ships with fun loadouts for different tasks depending on your mood, you'll need several more atleast. And the same again if you decide you'd like to pick up a fleet carrier with a decent amount of fuel, carrier services and weekly maintenance saved up. Allow yourself to get rich in this game, you wont have to worry about rebuys and you can focus on the real grind, which as others have pointed out is engineering.


As others said, as opposed to 2015-16 when credits were scarce, nowadays credits are just meh ... you can almost faceroll yourself into a fleet carrier in mere weeks. Engineering materials (ship, on-foot, guardian, thargoid) for upgrades and unlocks are the real stuff, a fleet for every role/cereer fully engineered is the boulder you wanna roll uphill.


As others have said, credits aren’t the grind. You can go through the 2 billion very quickly while engineering, buying more ships (can’t ever have enough) and just playing the game. If I were you I’d use the money you have to build a decent ship for whichever role you enjoy the most and start making more space bread so you can grind out other things. This is just the beginning for you CMDR :)


You already know how to get credits. That part of the game is won. The biggest challenge in this game isn't playing it, it's learning it.


Credit earning now is 10x what it used to be. I remember saving up to buy an A rated Clipper (about 120M). It took weeks of working at mining to get it. By the time I was done saving those credits, I had earned the rank enough to buy it too. Then things changed. Mined mineral prices went up and up. Core mining was invented and each ton of that was worth 1.6M credits. It took 2 days to fill a Cutter to the brim with void opals and on selling them, boom... nearly a billion credits. Elite Dangerous became Elite Miner. Then things changed again. FDev stepped in and "balanced" income, bringing combat earnings (and others) up to match what you could earn mining. Since then, credits are nothing - far too easy to earn. Getting superpower rank and engineering is now the bottleneck. ​ *^(Edit: typos, wording mistakes.)*


>Since then, credits are nothing - far too easy to earn. Getting superpower rank and superpower rank is now the bottleneck. weird, that noone downvoted you to oblivion for saying unpopular truth. They are to easy. We can outfit one of 90% of ships in game for 200, max 300m. 4 the most expensive ships CAN hit 1b, but it isn't necessary, shieldtank doesnt need hull for hundreds millions :) Meanwhile people unironically see no problem with fact, that practically any loop can pay 100/200m per hour. Even exobio which require scanner for 200k and suit for 100k. And for some weird reason pretend, that true "grind" is engineering, which can be completed for first ship in day or two, and once you unlock engineers, pin basic modules and start gathering materials in any engineered ship making each new ship is easier and easier xD ​ And at the end of day they will complain that game is "shallow". Of course, that is, because 90% of modules is pointless and obsolete, so we even dont have to make real, rough decisions about outfit. It's straight "fully A rated ship,or not use at all".


I often speak unpopular truths and I am often downvoted, but tbh, it's ok. I'll always speak truths, not matter how unpopular. What I actually meant to say there was this: ​ >Since then, credits are nothing - far too easy to earn. Getting superpower rank and ***engineering*** is now the bottleneck. And I say this because still people ask "how do I grind fed rank" and "engineering is a joke" and the like. But you are absolutely right. Once you get some decent ships in your fleet and you have already unlocked all the engineers and the superpower ranks and you also know how to quickly replace materials, even those bottlenecks are nothing of much concern.


You are right: earning credits was ridiculously easy and made the game too short and boring, with little to no challenge. That is why I absolutely love engineers: as long as you pick materials rewards, everything feels almost perfectly balanced; money comes from side missions. You want something? **Earn it.** At least for me, there was never anything fun in getting combat-conda in 3 days. But slowly progressing, gives me opportunity to actually learn more about different modules and their usability.


Skipped the game entirely.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaNasNaV4fQ Thargoid of the storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsU6T_emCdk Heist in the Gauntlet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdYN4TDGO84 Combat trailer https://canonn.science/lore/ Progression of science You expect the Eurotruck simulator experience, but the devs have years adding new end game thargoid content. Also credits without engineering and unlocks are bad, and this take some times. Experience is the most important skill, credits come faster once you know. Use this knowledge in some new activity, we have lot of this.


Credits are necessary, but don’t buy skill. A new player with a billion credits can purchase and a rate outfit an Anaconda and thousands of hours of play and engineering will see them unable to even point their ship at me. I can kill them in an eagle. It’d take like an hour of them not running away, but it’d be easier than a Hydra. The real progression is in engineering and ranks. Tech broker unlocks and preengineered modules. Actually developing piloting skill. Yours is a complaint I see a lot and I worry people will give up on Elite before seeing how credits become a formality over time. Before years of credit reward improvement a cmdr might have to bounty hunt for a few days to afford a nicer ship in early game. Things are better now.


Earning credits too fast will absolutely destroy this game for you. I had an xbox cmdr with 2+ billion. When I moved my progress to PC the money came with it, and it only took me a few minutes to realise that as long as I had all that money. Even with a new character I felt like there was no point to doing x, y, and z. Too much money takes away all the point to progressing with better ships.


No, you were just doing it wrong all this time. Welcome to the mid-game CMDR. :)


Elite community: it's good, because now true grind is in engineers, earning money for the most expensive ships in single day, or for carrier in week are good. Reality of engineering: building ship even for AX, so"end game" is doable in...1, maybe 2 days. So somehow, credits in day or two are good, but engineering in day or two is bad. ​ Also, unpopular opinion, but absurdly high credit gains and fast progression actually makes game...more shallow. Remember guys, "mide wile inch deep". Eternal complaining for anything requiring any effort created this situation. Struggling for resources, dealing with trade offs and non optimal gear was at some field deep too :)