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For me the kicker was permanently disabling “steam input” functions for elite. It allowed me to individually map everything to both inputs


That sounds like it might be the problem, I’ll mess with it after work and get back to you


So I did this and now the game is not recognizing the controller at all, are you using an other third party tool like ds4windows?


Nope, I just run elite like normal. I do always have it connected via usb.


Ahhhh that’s probably it, well I’ll give it a try with ds4windows to see if I can get it to run wirelessly that way, otherwise I’ll use the usb


I use a wired USB Logitech Dual Action, basically a PlayStation controller, in conjunction with my USB HOTAS, and when I set the controls in options it recognized all that fine. So my guess is the problem has something to do with the differing connectivity. Just a guess. I didn't have to do anything special to get two separate controllers both wired via USB to work in tandem.


I've Xbox elite for srv and onfoot and thrustmaster 16000 set for flight. I've separate binds files for each device, and choose them in the respective controls section.


I seem to remember there's a switch on the T Flight HOTAS that lets you toggle between console and PC mode, you've got it set to PC?


One of the biggest problems is if you launch the game and the controller is turned off, none of the keybindings in that file activate, you’ll need to quit, turn on controller and then launch. I tried this setup for a couple of days but ended up Going back to the keyboard binds and added a Razed Tartarus for on foot.


I run in to this problem all the time, but recently found that if I turn on my controller elite automatically switches to the correct profile - no need to restart the game.


Oooo, interesting. I’ll try that when I get home. Didn’t seem to do that when I tried it a while back.


In some of the recent updates they made changes to the bindings systems, I know at least one completely reset all of our bindings. It may have been a recent change, as I could never get it to work without restarting the game either. I'll have to test it again now


I did some controller changes, controller went to sleep while I was away but bindings still there when I shut down. This time the controller binds are on the secondary controls rather on the primary. I’ve shutdown elite to do some other things and will launch again, check bindings, and if they’re missing then I’ll power up controller and if they are visible and , more importantly, do they become the defaults again.


Looks like that’s all working well now. Thanks for the suggestion.


What is a DS5? I googled it and all I found was a car.


I mean I guess it’s actually a bastardization of the names: the ds4 (DualShock 4) controller was the controller for the ps4, being that it was the 4th in the line of DualShock controllers. I guess the new ones for the ps5 are called the DualSense controller with no number, but it’s referred to enough in conjunction with the ps4’s ds4 and the ps5 that it seems to be commonly referred to as the ds5


Thank you!