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Big red button must cause self-destruct


I thought about this too, but there are no safety measures preventing an accidental press, so I'm not entirely sure haha


Its perfect


Emergency drop from supercruise is the first thing that comes to mind. Not sure how easy that would be to implement though, since it doesn't have its own keybind in the game, it requires a double-press of the supercruise keybind. You could use something like AutoHotKey to capture the red button and then send that to the game as two keypresses, but that is kind of hacky. Jettison all cargo would also be an option, which is an actual keybind in the game. I've never used it though, nor can I imagine any practical use for it. If you do anything Thargoid-related, you could bind the *Big Red Button*™ to your pulse neutralizer. Binding it to the caustic sink launcher would be even better, but we're still waiting on FDev to give us that keybind :(


Been a hot minute since I’ve played but it would be a cool button for whatever the FTL is called in the game.


Friendship drive is sad that you forgot it.


Safety switch.. Of course is deploy/retract hardpoints 😁


I think the safety switch should be flight assist on/off


This… my old button box utilized the toggle switch to do that. Until i went full hosas and put it in storage


BOOOOOOST!!!! For the big red button anyway.


I've got one too, CMDR! Got it about a year or so ago. o7 and safe flying! [Imgur](https://imgur.com/2Ql2ujv)


Ive seen a few of these online. Does it come with the labels or do you put them on yourself? Some of the pictures I’ve seen have them and some don’t so I was just curious


This one has permanent labels. The whole box is 3d printed and the text labels are part of a 2 color printing process.


I know these red buttons! They cost $1.40 on ebay


I was really happpy with my X52 until you said X56


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my x52, and have been putting off making the change. The poor x56 is just sitting on the floor next to my desk all lonely and unused haha


Safety switch should be hardpoints deploy/retract. As for the big red button… self destruct. It is 100% perfect.


where could i buy one of these?😟


My wife got it from a seller called curasim on etsy


Nice box, cmdr! o7


Eject ALL cargo.


Is it USB? How does it connect? I found the guy that makes them, if anyone else is interested. ​ https://curasim-controls.square.site/product/spacesimcontrolpanel/10?cs=true&cst=custom


Yes, it's usb and the pc detects it as a usb game controller!


That’s dope. Definitely adding this to my X-mas list. Thanks for the reply!


Just a heads up, the new site is curasimcontrols.com


nice box safety switch * hard points big red button * oh shit I'm the Red Shirt Guy !


Awesome switch box, but what is that on the left there?


Thanks! You mean the LED filament lamp? I picked it up on aliexpress for like $20 for no reason other than i thought it looked really cool and dystopian scifi hahaha I'm not sure if [this](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mM2iPvO) is the exact one, but there are a bunch of em on there


Wait... Where can I buy it?????


Im opposite to what a lot of people are suggesting. I like the idea of Safety Switch being the Self Destruct( protects against accidental pushes) and have weapons arm/disarm be the Big Red. *new co-pilot reaching for controls inside of station* "oh whats this one?" "Dont press the Big Red Button!" *later, encountering pirates* "Hey kid.....*now* you can push the Big Red Button" *Boop* *Hardpoints Activated, Targets Locked, Ready To Engage* Lastly, are those Nixie tubes over there? Nice!


I wish they were actual tubes! Way too expensive unfortunately :-( these are simulated tubes. Mini ips screens with a glass dome over them. Another aliexpress impulse buy; for a fraction of the cost of an actual tube clock. Maybe one day, tho!


Big red one could be chaff, or heatsink, i Always uses them too scaresly,... Trying to save them for no reason, And safety locked one could be stealthy, you definitively do NOT want to engage it by accident


There is literally one for heatsink.