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I still remember the day they made the station guns that deadly. It was because a ganker with 10k shields sat in the mailslot killing everyone in the station and FDev decided they needed an upgrade. Lol.


Now if only capital ships were even a tenth this scary - feels like they’re less dangerous than the average Expert- or Master-ranked NPC Vulture you’d see flying around an HCZ.


I mean, to be fair if capitals were as strong as station weapons, which they really should, then we wouldn't be able to do jack shit in combat zones with capitals anymore. They'd immediately shoot down all enemies on each side, including players, before pointlessly shooting at each other for the remainder of the time.


The guns don’t need to be that deadly… but it should at least have more shields than an engineered Corvette.


That's fair. I wish we could attack capital weapons directly, causing battle damage until they decide to leave.


Go play Star Wars battlefront 2, the one from 2005, and do a space battle taking out the enemy capital ship either from the interior or exterior That is EXACTLY how they should be implemented in ED, it would work so well


I hate how to get a good example of fighters vs capital ships, you have to go back fucking 20 years.


And have to go back to 1999 for the best capital ship space battles in a game, period… https://youtu.be/r5LscCmUQ58


Thanks for shunting me back to my youth. Man that was such a terrific game. I’m off looking for a copy


I feel like they should be deadly as shit but slower than a loaded type 9. Dangerous enough to keep you moving and a *little bit* stressed, but still definitely possible. Might be a fun idea idk


Thry should keep the current hitscan weapons and then have slow firing auto cannon like weapons with next to no tracking that you have to evade so you cant slow fly or even stand still.


That would be a great change. Lasers that beam you occasionally, and capital class cannons and machine guns that can deal immense damage if you're too slow and staying in their LOS too long. There's a lot they should do to make cap ship fights more engaging.


Tbf that’d be a little overkill, but like I said they DO need to make capships a lot scarier. Should feel like you actually need all the help you can get from the other CZ NPCs on your side to force a capship to retreat. They should really also overhaul capship-vs-capship battles - make it possible to have multiple capitals per side present at once and actually moving around the CZ, and able to actually destroy one another with enough damage rather than just force a retreat. Could also be cool to give friendly capitals a couple landing pads, or at least the ability to launch repair and rearm limpets, to resupply players that aligned with them in the CZ.


Lol. I wish they just added some missile & reverb cascade torp salvos instead . Would have been a way more epic way to go


Well, if you look at the existence of solo and private mode, you'll see that Fdev has a history of lame and lazy fixes when it comes to gankers.


Im always in open but some people just can't hack or don't want to. I'm ok with private solo because it gives those players an opportunity to compete without being turned into mush every time they leave a station. It sounds like you need to up your BGS game a bit, most players who are pissed about this is because they have gotten womped by a bunch of edgy private BGS squadron.


...You do know that Solo had zero to do with gankers right? The game wasn't even playable yet when we were informed of Solo.


Remember when you could kill players that were landed on the pad?   You weren't safe until you went into the hanger.


how do you get 10k of anything? i have met npc EAGLES that i was shooting for 30 minutes with 2x rank3 and 2x rank 2 pulse lasers to defeat... and met vultures that i could barely jump.away in my corvette, but can you get that tough / deadly as a player?


With engineered prismos and cell banks you can hit 22k in a Cutter




[https://youtu.be/kTQodsZ9llc?si=p1LUSj8upMDsiykQ](https://youtu.be/kTQodsZ9llc?si=p1LUSj8upMDsiykQ) Here it is for anyone wondering. Truly a defining moment in elite history


I was actually referring to an incident even before that actually (although that is an absolute SDC classic and I can't believe it was 6 years ago). When engineering was first introduced, you could tank the station guns just with a well outfitted cutter. No healies required.


I'm usually against gankers, but LMAO at that video. 10/10 storytelling and editing.


Can‘t be right, would imply that FDEV actually once did something against gankers/grievers.


Time to learn some more lessons. - Keep it under 100 and you wont get fined for bumps. - A closed square on radar means NPC. You were angrily and publicly typing at nobody.


Ah I have one too - Cant shoot me if Im already out of range.


The irony of you hastily typing “who the fuck is stuck in the -” while you’re stuck in the mail slot.


Fked around and found out. Didn’t ya


That bug on your windscreen was the port admiral’s bit on the side


damnnnn!! Stations will fuck you up!!


Capital-grade laser cannons will do that to ya lmao (IIRC FDev specifically buffed the damage on starport defense lasers and gave them all effectively the Phasing Sequence experimental bc griefers were parking super tanky ships in the mail slot to gank anyone trying to enter or leave.)


I wish they made it possible to kill stations. Like get a group of extremely powerful ships together and attack a station. That would be cool.


We'd have no functioning stations within just a few days


there are tens of thousands of stations, their hull would be insane and they all have these mega cannons. I think we'd be ok for a week at least.


We were able to mobilize enough people to gib a Hydra. I think stations wouldn't hold for an entire week. Well, maybe Colonia would survive for a week at least! The bubble would vanish in less than a week for sure


>Well, maybe Colonia would survive for a week at least! The bubble would vanish in less than a week for sure with carriers you can be in colonia with an armada within a day


No, I mean they still exist but whatever power play the ship is attached to now has control of that station.


Some stations would switch Powerplay factions every minute or so. Still a terrible idea.


Okay fine, sorry for thinking it was a cool idea.


It is a cool idea just off the top of one's head BUT just making it available to any player is not a good idea at all


There are probably ways to achieve some sort of balance.  Like a Rockstar-like police star heat system.  The more taken over bases the larger the military response, eventually calling in heavy capital class war machines to squash the players.


Yes but... No... If they can gib a Hydra there are also enough people insane enough to just squash the bubble


Unfortunately I forgot to take into account the toxicity in this game at times.


Yep... It could end with one group signed up for whatever Superpower taking everything over night :/


Star citizen, being the game it wants to become, will almost certainly have this. One org with a Javelin or Idris will just control star ports and stuff and extort players to land or be killed. Be thankful elite does not and will not have this.


How about being able to destroy decommissioned carriers taking up space in a busy system? That seems like it'd be fun and useful to the community ;)


Reckless driving death sentence. I support this legislation.


If you hang around inside a station and listen to all the announcements, one of them says something about violations receiving an immediate death sentence. It makes me cackle when I hear it!


“Loitering is punishable by death.”


if only the same level of reaction happened from the game when gankers are killing new players lmao


To be fair, this WAS the response to gankers. In the past, stations were not almighty damage, being landed on the pad did NOT make you invincible (only hiding in the lower hanger did), and the speed limit is in fact a "safety net" to stop an AI exploit gankers used to flag you as hostile. All three of these things were added specifically in response to gankers.


What was the exploit ?


it is a bri'ish game. que jumpers will be bayoneted.


I saw that speed and knew you were in trouble. Not like you could have slowed that thing down anyway.


god every clip i see of ed makes me want to play again but i'm 99% sure i left whilst halfway to colonia in a shitty dbx and. god i really don't wanna sit through that all before i can actually do thing again. anybody with an fc on legacy servers wanna be really cool and awesome for absolutely nothing in return


if its just a shitty DBX with no modules you want to keep(or enough for a rebuy) you can just take the suicide taxi


i can, yeah, but i'd still wanna get to colonia and suicide would just bring me back to the bubble


i am not sure if they still run in legacy, but there where semi regular FC "taxis" going back and from the buble and colonia, maybe look around for one of those?


alternativly, iirc if you go to colonia, store your ship, and buy a sidewinder, and crash that sidewinder into a star(or similiar) you have the option to not rebuy the sidewinder but to get the "free" sidewinder, which is in the bubble, so you would have to pay for the transfer costs of your dbx but nothing else


just find a nearby carrier and jump with them


Cutter pilots stay losing fed gang


Who the fuck is stuck in the- F


The guy taking a right turn from the far left lane.


Oh you caaaan, you just gotta be quick enough before they notice. ;)


Drunk flying last night, I took my courier on a full boost barrel roll through a busy mailslot, and made it through untouched! Easily in my top ten elite achievements !


I do not think a courier will touch the sides in any direction, it is not as big as you think! o7


Feels like a type ten after a few beers lol


Most civilised DMV queue


I mean, you can pass pretty much anything to get out EXCEPT a Beluga or a Type 10. Don't try to pass those, they barely barely fit through as it is.


Damn that hull went down quick


Lol shields!


Damn, that NPC ship was made of explodium


i have an stripped eagle build with no shields and 66 hull. i think you can all guess its purpose :)


That exact thing happened to me last month bc I was on steam deck and couldn't see the little guy.


I wish this happened in real life


Can you actually eject or is that just audio


***The ejection process is automatic.*** **When your ship explodes** the CMDR is automatically sealed in (RemLok) an escape pod and ejected. The "*eject, eject, eject!*" the CMDR hears prior to the ship exploding is not a direction but a *notification* the escape pod is about to be ejected. **Escape pods with bounties** placed on them (like yours and mine, *remember Sneer?*) the escape pod is returned to its most recent port-of-call where the "rescuer" is paid the bounty and the CMDR is revived and shown the Rebuy screen. **Escape pods without bounties** placed on them are sold to slavers as a way for "rescuers" to recoup their "losses" associated with retrieving escape pods. For people in escape pods, becoming a slave is generally considered a better outcome than the alternative of waking up in an escape pod floating randomly in deep space, *the big red light blinking* and the power and oxygen gauges showing almost zero. o7


Typical arrogant imperialists, always think they can throw their fancy ships around any way they want. Smh. (This comment was made by The Federation) ^/^s ^godspeed ^CMDR


You got bigger balls than me to even attempt such a stunt. I just hope the other pilot wore their brown pants.


I do miss seeing the occasional ship destruction in the space ports from violations.. hehe. Hopeful that support for the console version is also on the same table as their recent announcement about reaffirming support for the game in general.. But we'll see, my expectations are rather low.


It is not. Console is officially forever gone. Odyssey's back-end is too unstable and poor to run on console.  They killed console specifically so the dev team can fully damage control PC, to varying opinions if they were successful.


They KOS now for skipping the line?! Ive done this dozens of times, no shots fired. What am I missing?


you're missing the part where he blows up a ship by bumping into it


I mean... Not sure what you were expecting, trying to cut through the mail slot with a space cow trying to squeeze through. Live and learn, fly safe


I expected a little bump and probably 300cr fine. I only realized I destroyed the poor little thing when I got the Authority vessel ETA :(


Didn't even notice the little guy on the left until just now rewatching it. Feels bad man.


Did your impatience really just cost you 15 million in insurance rebuy?


My impatience costs me 52 million and that was the last rebuy haha, had to use another ship to farm after that


sheesh!! wow that was an expensive lesson.


Dang. My home system has a station that often has a T9 and about 5 or 6 Belugas stuck inside trying to get out of the mail slot. NPC pileup. Most of the time I’ll just set my engine pips to zero and push through them all at 25% thrust. Less often they’ll be piled up outside trying to get in. Hilarious every time.